• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Luna vs Wattson part 2

Luna was at the Pokémon center siting by a table just staring at it, after her loss against Wattson she ran to the Pokémon center crying. When Nurse Joy saw that she was crying she asked what happened, Luna told her how he battle went. When Nurse Joy heard she told Luna that everyone makes mistakes but Luna did not believe her, now she just sat there.

When James arrived at the Pokémon center he saw Luna siting by a table, he walked over to her and sat down in a chair at the table.

“You ok?” He asked her, she just shook her head. “Look you just a mistake that’s all, you're not going to give up again are you?”

Luna shrugged. “I’m thinking about it I just don’t understand what happened with Scyther he would not listen to me.”

“Scyther did not listened to you because he did not trust you.”

Luna looked at him with a confused face. “What did you mean that he doesn’t trust me? Every Pokémon I have caught so far have listened to me so why didn’t Scyther?”

“Don’t you remember? You’re Scyther was a leader and now he takes orders from others, you must earn his trust. The other Pokémon you caught actually liked you and no I can’t tell you how you are going to get him to trust you, that’s something you have to find out yourself.”

Luna thought about what he said, in Equestria she had never that problem because she is a princess but her is different, here she not a princess here she is a normal person and she was determined to earn Scyther to trust her.

“Do you want to train before you challenge Wattson again?” James aksed her, Luna just nodded. “That’s good, just wait here I just have to do something.” With that James walked over to telephones while Luna sat thought about how she was going to get Scyther to listen to her.

“Luna, your Pokémon are fully healed.” Said Nursed over the speakers.

That got Luna back to reality, she got up went over to front desk to pick up her Pokémon. After that was done she waited for James to come back from whatever he was doing, she did not have to wait long. They went outside the city to train.
They found a place outside the city so Luna could train for her rematch with Wattson but fist she had to deal with Scyther, she let Scyther out of his Poké ball. When was out he was not happy that’s for sure.

James wondered how she was going to handle it, was she going to talk or yell to Scyther? Talk was that most likely action. Luna walked over to Scyther and did something he or James never saw coming, she slapped Scyther in the face, both of them was shocked special Scyther.

“I help you and this is the thanks I got, you made me lost my gym battle. When other probably had just walked and left you there wounded I help you, I thought that you at least listened to me but no.” She then pointed to the woods. “If you don’t want to listen to me then leave, I have no use for you.”

With that said she turned around and walked away from Scyther, James followed her while Scyther just stood there to trying to understand what just happened.

“You just slap Scyther in the face, what were you thinking?”

“You told me to get him to trust me.”

“By slapping a Pokémon in the face? I think you’re the first person in history to slap a Pokémon.”

“I could not think of anything else, can we just get back to the training? I’m going to use Bagon instead of Scyther in battle, happy?”

James sighed. “Yes I’m very happy.” He said with sarcasm in his voice. They stopped in an opening and James took out two Poké balls. “Come out Arcanine and Roserade.” Out came two brand new Pokémon that looked like a large dog and waking flower, Luna took out her Pokédex.

Arcanine the Legendary Pokémon and evolved form of Growlithe. Arcnine is known for its high speed. It is said to be capable of running over 6,200 miles in a single day and night. The fire that blaze wildly within this Pokémon’s body is its source of power.

She then pointed at the flower.

Roserade the Bouquet Pokémon and evolved form of Roselia. With the movements of a dancer, it strikes with whips that are densely lined with poison thorns.

“How are these two help me in my battle with Wattson?” She asked him.

“Just let out Poochyena and Eevee.” Luna did as he said. “These two are going to teach Poochyena and Eevee new moves.”

But before James got to that part they heard a sound behind Luna, she turned around and there stood Scyther and he wanted answers. Luna walked over to him, they looked into each other’s eyes. James could feel the tension between them.

“Look Scyther I’m sorry I slapped you but you would not listen to me and that med me upset, I thought you would be happy that I help you but if I had known that you would be unhappy I would let you alone but that’s not who I am, you were hurt and I wanted to help you.”

Then happened something James and Luna never expected Scyther actually began to cry, he then gave Luna a hug. She did not know quite what to do but eventually she returned the hug, James just stood there while trying to figure out what just happened.

“Will you help me now?” She asked Scyther.

“Scyther syt.” He nodded.

With that they broke the hug and walked back to James who just stared at them.

“What?” Luna asked him.

James just shook his head. “Well, that just happened. Back to the training.” Luna just rolled her eyes.

“Let’s me show you two moves that Poochyena and Eevee can learn.” He looked at Arcanine and then he pointed at a rock. “Arcanine, use fire fang on that rock.” Arcanine took running speed towards the rock and then his mouth was on fire, he hit the rock and the rock was on fire then it cracked a little. “Now Roserade use shadow ball on the rock.” A purple ball appeared between the two flowers and Roserade send the ball towards the rock shattering it.

Luna just stared at the shattered rock she could not believe what power James’s Pokémon had and it scared her.

“Ready to train?” James asked her, Luna could only nod.

The next three days James and Luna trained so he could challenge Wattson for an another battle, luckily for Luna that Scyther already knew enough move so he did not need to learn any new ones.

Again they stood outside Mauville gym so Luna could earn her third bag.

“Ready?” James asked her.

“As ready as I can be.”

With that said the walked into the gym, inside the could see Wattson and Wade talking, they stop when The saw James and Luna.

“Good to see you both, are you ready for our rematch Luna?”

“Yes I am and this time I will win.”

That made Wattson laugh. “That’s the spirit.”

Luna and Wattson took their places on each side of side the battle field while Wade stood in the middle, James sat on the stand with the rest of Luna’s Pokémon.

“This gym battle between the gym leader Wattson and the challenger Luna will now begin, each trainer will use three Pokémon but only the challenger can switch Pokémon. The battle is over when all three Pokémon is unable to battle, if you both are ready.” Both nodded. “Then begin.

Wattson was up first. “Come out Voltorb.”

“Your first up Scyther.”

“The challenger has the first move.” Said Wattson.

“Use quick attack Scyther.” Scyther flew as fast he could towards Voltorb.

“Doge it Voltorb.” But it was too late Voltorb was hit. “Use electro ball.” A ball of electricity form in front of Voltorb and it was send towards Scyther.

“Doge it by using double team.” All of the sudden there were many Scyther on the battle field and electro ball missed.

“Use discharge to hit them all.” Electricity came out of Voltorb and he hit all the Scyther on the track including the real Scyther.

“You ok Scyther?” He nodded. “Good, now use fury cutter.” Scyther’s scythes stared to glow and he took a swing at Voltorb and it was a hit. “Keep using fury cutter.” Scyther kept hitting Voltorb.

“Don’t give up Voltorb, use rollout.” Voltorb stared too spin very fast.

“Use double team again.” Again there were many Scyther on battle field and Voltorb missed. “Hit him with an another fury cutter.” Scyther hit Voltorb and he was out.

“Voltorb is unable to battle, Scyther is the winner.” Wade announced.

Scyther put his arms up in the air. “Scyther.”

Luna smiled at what she saw. “Nice work Scyther.”

Wattson called back Voltorb. “You did a good job Voltorb now take a good rest.” He took out an another Poké ball. “Your turn Magnemite.”

Out came a Pokémon Luna was ready for, she held out Scyther’s Poké ball. “Scyther return.” He went back to his Poké ball. “You’re up Poocyhena.” Out came Poocyhena ready for battle.

“Use thunder shock Magnemite.” Magnemite send electricity towards Poocyhena.

“Doge it Poocyhena and use fire fang.” Poocyhena evaded Magnemite thunder shock and his mouth was on fire, he bite hard on Magnemite and it took a lot of damage.

“Are you ok Magnemite?” Wattson asked, then happened something that Wattson was afraid of Magnemite was surrounded in fire. “Stay strong Magnemite and use tackle.” Magnemite managed to hit Poocyhena.

“Use sand attack Poocyhena.” Poocyhena kicked up sand in in Magnemite eye and blinded him then fire fang effect took kick inn and hurt Magnemite even more. “Use fire fang again.” Poocyhena mouth was on fire again and he bite Magnemite so hard that it pasted out.

“Magnemite is unable to battle, Poocyhena is the winner.” Wade announced.

“Way to go Poocyhena.” Poocyhena howled.

Wattson called back Magnemite.” You did an amazing job Magnemite now take a good rest.” He took out his last Poké ball. Let’s do it Electrike, use quick attack.” Once he came out he ran as fast he could towards Poocyhena and tackle him, Poochyena fell backwards.

“Get up Poocyhena and use fire fang.” Poocyhena’s mouth was on fire again.

“Not this time, use protect.” A green shield appeared around Electrike and Poocyhena pounced right off it. “Now use thunder fang.” Electricity form in Electrike mouth, he then bite Poocyhena so hard that he pasted out.

“Poocyhena is unable to battle, Electrike is the winner.” Wade announced.

Luna called back Poocyhena back to his Poké ball. “You did a good job now take a good rest.”

Before Luna could take out Eevee’s Poké ball something happened on the battle field Electrike stared to glow and then he stared to grow, then a new Pokémon stood there.


‘This is bad.’ Luna thought. ‘But I’m not about to give up.’ She took out Eevee’s ball. “Your turn Eevee.” Eevee came out ready. “Use dig.” Eevee dug a hole in ground.

“I don’t think so, use thunderbolt into the hole Manetric.” Manetric sent bolt of electricity into the hole that sent Eevee flying.

“Quick Eevee use shadow ball.” Somehow Eevee managed to send of a shadow ball towards Manetric and it hit bullseye. “Use dig again.” Eevee dug hole again.

“Don’t you learn, use thunderbolt in the hole again Manetric.”

“Not this time, do it Eevee.” Before Manetric could do anything Eevee came out from the ground beneath him and send him flying, Manetric land hard on the ground. “Use shadow ball.” Eevee send away a shadow ball.

“Destroy it with thunder fang.” Electricity form in Manetric mouth and destroy Eevee’s shadow ball creating an explosion.

Luna was shocked by what just happened she came over it fast. “Use tackle Eevee.” Eevee hit Manetric sending him back then came something Luna did not wish for, electricity formed around Eevee and he could not move. “No, Eevee.”

“Let’s finish this Manetric, use thunderbolt.” Eevee was hit by Manetric thunderbolt an it did a lot of damage, he pasted out.

“Eevee is unable to battle, Manetric is the winner.” Wade announced.

On the stand James noticed something about Eevee, it looked like some electricity came from its body. ‘What’s that?’ He thought.

Luna called back Eevee. “You did a good job take a good rest.” Luna stared at Manetric. ‘Theres now way I’m losing now.’ She thought. “Let’s do this Scyther.” Out came Luna last Pokémon. “are you ready Scyther?” Scyther good ready but he was a little tired from his battle with Voltorb. “Use fury cutter.” Scyther scythes started to glow as flew towards Manetric.

“Doge the attack Manetric.” Scyther tried to hit Manetric but he missed.

“Keep using fury cutter.” Scyther kept trying to hit but Manetric keep dogging the attack, Luna noticed that Scyther was starting to get tired. ‘This is bad, if this keeps up I’m going to lose. But what can I do?’ She thought about her options and then it dawned on her. ‘I got it.’ “Use agility Scyther.” All of sudden Sycther vanished.

“Keep a look out Manetric, Scyther can come from anywhere.” Manetric looked around the field to see if he could spot Scyther.

“Use fury cutter.” Before Manetric could react Sccyther appeared in front of him managed hit Manetric in the face with one of his scythes then he disappeared again. “Keep using fury cutter and agility.” Scyther kept using a combination of agility and fury cutter and Manetric received a lot of damage.

“Quickly Manetric and use discharge.” Manetric send away bolts of electricity across of the battle field and managed to hit Scyther, he cried out in pain as he landed on the ground.

“Are you okay Scyther?” Scyther managed to get up but he was in pain then he stared to glow. “What’s happening?" Luna asked no one in particular.

“Luna, that’s Scyther ability swarm. When Scyther’s life is low swarm power up bug type moves.” James told her from the stand.

Luna could not help but smile. “Alright let’s rap this up Scyther, use fury cutter at full power.” Scyther’s scythes stared to glow as he dashed towards Manetric.

“Use thunderbolt to intercept.” Manetric tried to use thunderbolt on Scyther but he had taken to0 much damage by fury cutter that he missed, before he could doge the attack Scyther was in front of and hit him so hard that he flew a crossed the battle field and into the wall behind wattson. He was out.

“Manetric is unable to battle, Scyther is the winner. That means the challenger Luna is victorious.” Wade announced.

Luna ran over to Sctrher and gave him a hug. “We won Scyther, thank you.” Scyther just smiled, James and Luna’s walked over to them.

Wattson walked over to Luna while he laughed. “It’s good to see the young ones so lively.” He reached into his pocket and too out the gym badge. “Here you are Luna, here’s is your Dynamo badge a prof that you have beaten me.”

Luna took the badge. “Thank you Wattson.” She looked at her badge with pride.

Later that night Luna was sitting in a booth looking at here badge’s. ‘Three down five left.’ She was interrupted by James how sat down beside her.

“I’m proud of you.”

“You are? Why?” Luna asked with curiosity in her voice.

“After you lost your first battle you did not give up, you solved your problem with Scyther and won even you had the disadvantage and did not let Sunset words get you.”

When Luna heard the she hung her head. “Actually, what she said hurt me more than I liked.”

“Don’t let was she said get to you, you have your way at battling she has hers.” He stood up. “I suggest that get to bed early we have a long day ahead of us.”

“I’m going to stay up a little longer if that’s okay with you.”

“Sure, just don’t stay up too long.” With that I left her alone.

Luna looked at her badges with bride. ‘I can’t wait to get to the Pokémon league.’

Author's Note:

There you have it, Luna's third badge. Next chapter, Luna captures some new Pokémon, witch one?

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