• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Slateport Beach Tournament Tag Battle

Author's Note:

I would like write that I'm sorry that it took so long it was a long chapter.
I would like to thank Noca Arc and Alicornjedi that I could borrow their OC and I think I'm the first to have a tag Battle in a Pokémon story, I hope that you all understand what i wrote. anyway I hope you all enjoy this new chapter.
I tried to find a picture of Conway put something went wrong and it would not load, sorry.
Yes it's on hiatus because I want to focus on my others stories, I don't know when the next Chapter is coming.

James sat on a chair in a room inside the stadium he has looked after Luna since she fainted, she’s been unconscious all night. Then he heard Luna moving in bed.

“My head.” She sat up and rubbed her head then she discovered that she was in a bed, she looked around and noticed that she was in a room then she saw James.

“Oh good, your awake.”

“Yeah, I had the worst nightmare I’ve had in a very long while. I dreamed that my sister was here.” She started to laugh. “But that’s impossible.” She noticed that James was not laughing. “Why are you not laughing?”

He rubbed his neck. “Well….” She stared to panic so James sat down on the bed to try to calm her down. “Luna, try to relax.”

“Relax?” She grabbed him by the jacket and pulled him closer so they were face to face. “How can I relax when I’m on the same team as my sister? I went to the human world to get away from her and guess what, she is here.”

James tried to push her away but right now she was very strong, he managed it eventually. He got up from the bed so she could not grab him again.

“Listen, that Celestia you saw yesterday was not your sister. She is from New Bark Town in Johto.”

She was not convinced. “Your lying, she is my sister.”

“NO SHE NOT, YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN AND LET ME EXPLAIN.” Luna was shocked that James yelled at her. “I thought after almost 2 weeks that you would at least trust me.” He pointed at the door. “That Celestia out there IS NOT YOUR SISTER, when Professor Brown saw her he called officer Jenny in New Bark Town and she confirmed it. Hell, the professor asked if she even heard about Equestria and guess what she said NO. And here’s another thing, if she’s your big sister then she would be older then you and she not.” And with that he stormed out the door.

Luna just sat there and stared at the door, she tried to think back to last night at the opening ceremony when she this ‘Celestia’ and he was right, she was much younger than her sister. She hung her head in shame. ‘Way to go Luna, the first stallion or man you fall in love with in over 1000 years and you ruining it.’ She got up from the bed and walk out of the room.

When she came to the main hall she saw trainers who was talking to each other. ‘They must discuss strategy with each other,’ she thought to herself. She then notices ‘Celestia’ and Professor Birch sitting at a table by the window talking, she swallowed a large lump in her throat and started to walk over to them.

‘Celestia’ was the first to notice her, she got up. “There you are I was so worried when you fainted yesterday.” Then she did something that took Luna of guard, she huge her and that made very uncomfortable.

“Yeah, I guess the pressure got to me.” It was a lied but it was the best she come up with, ‘Celestia’ was not convinced. “But I’m find now so you can let go of me, I want air.”

“Sorry.” ‘Celestia’ let go of her.

“Don’t worry.” Then Luna’s stomach to make noises. “I guess am hungry.”

Then Birch suggest something. “Why don’t we let Luna eat breakfast and afterwards you can show each other’s Pokémon, in tag battle it is important to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and I want to see kind of Pokémon you caught Luna.”

‘Celestia’ clapped her hands together. “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

‘She is not like my sister, that’s for sure.’ Luna thought.

After breakfast they a place outside the stadium so Luna and ‘Celestia’ could show each other’s Pokémon, Luna was up first. “Come out everyone.” She threw all her Pokéball’s up in the air so her Pokémon came out.

Once they were out Birch began to study them while ‘Celestia’ checked her Pokédex, all her Pokémon stood there while he inspected them well all except Riolu, he hid behind one of Luna’s leg. Birch noticed that.

“What’s wrong with Riolu?” He asked Luna.

“He is afraid of other people to make a long story short, me and James saved him from a trainer that treated him bad.”

“That just awful.” ‘Celestia’ said with anger in her voice.

Then he noticed Grovyle. “This can’t be little Treecko?”

Luna just smile. “Yes it is, he evolved during my match against Brawly.”

Birch was happy. “You have capture many fine Pokémon Luna, good work.” He then looked at ‘Celestia.’ “What kind of Pokémon do you have ‘Celestia?’”

She took out five Pokéball’s and threw them up in air and out came five Pokémon Luna had not seen before, she took out her Pokédex and scanned the first one that looked like a blue crocodile.

Totodile The Big Jaw Pokémon. Despite the smallness of its body, Totodile’s jaws are very powerful. While the Pokémon may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury.

A Pokémon that stood on its tail.

Sentret the Scout Pokémon. When Sentret sleeps, it does so while another stands guard. The sentry wakes the others at the first sign of danger. When this Pokémon becomes separated from its pack, it becomes incapable of sleep due to fear.

A yellow sheep.

Mareep the Wool Pokémon. Mareep's fluffy coat of wool rubs together and builds a static charge. The more static electricity is charged, the more brightly the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows.

A very scary black dog.

Houndour the Dark Pokémon. Houndour hunt as a coordinated pack. They communicate with each other using a variety of cries to corner their prey. This Pokémon's remarkable teamwork is unparalleled.

And a bright blue mouse.

Nidoran♀ the Poison Pin Pokémon. Nidoran♀ has barbs that secrete a powerful poison. They are thought to have developed as protection for this small-bodied Pokémon. When enraged, it releases a horrible toxin from its horn.

“You have some fine Pokémon here ‘Celestia,’ you have taken care of them well.”

She blushed a bit of the praise she got. “Thank you, professor.”

“Well, I’ll leave you two alone so you can talk strategy.” And then he left them alone.

‘Celestia’ could not help but smile. “He’s a very nice man.”

“Yes he is. Hey, do you know who our opponents are for the first round?”

‘Celestia’ but a hand on her cheek. “Let se, who was it now again. Ah yes, their names are Shadow Aura and Kitai, I don’t know which Pokémon they use but where’s the fun in that?”

“Yeah, fun”

For the next hour they talked about which Pokémon they should use, then it was time for the tournament to start. When they arrived at the stadium two teams was already ready to battle, it was Sunset and a boy she had not seen before. Then the mayor started to talk.


Luna looked at Sunset’s opponent it was two boys, one of them has a comfortable grey jean, an armless light brown hoody and a dark blue T-shirt, his hair brown hair with white and a black line in it and he looked eighteen years old, the other boy was wearing a T-shirt azure color, a blue shorts and dark blue cap.


Sunset and the boy send out two Pokémon Luna had not seen before, Sunset had something like a ghost and she did not know how to explain the boy’s Pokémon.

Gastly the Gas Pokémon. Gastly is largely comosed of gaseous matter. When exposed to a strong wind, the gassous body quickly dwindles away. Groups of this Pokémon cluster under the eaves of houses to escape the ravages of wind.

Slowking the Royal Pokémon. Slowking undertakes research every day in an effort to solve the mysteries of the world. However, this Pokémon apparently forgets everything it has learned if the Shellder on its head comes off.

The first boy sendt out a Eevee and the second send out a Pokémon that look like a lizard and its tail was on fire.

Charmander the Lizard Pokémon. The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication of its emotions. The flame wavers when Charmander is enjoying itself. If the Pokémon becomes enraged, the flame burns fiercely.

The battle was over pretty fast, Slowking stood for the defence while Gastly stood for the attacks and they won very easily. The rest of the battles went by like blur for Luna and then it was her and ‘Celestia’ turn, their opponents was a girl and boy. The boy has white hair, yellow eyes, he is wearing a red t-shirt, khakis and a hooded west. The girl looked like a human changeling without the fangs and it was giving Luna the creeps. She was wearing a navy blue top with a pair of black skinny jeans, black shoes and a pair of sunglasses.

‘Celestia’ noticed it. “Are you alright?” She asked.

“I’m just a little nervous that all.”

The referred got ready. “If all trainers are ready.” All nodded. “Then begin.”

‘Celestia’ and Luna was up first.

“Let’s go Houndour.”

“Come out Bagon.”

Then it was the opponent’s turn, they girl send out a horse that was on fire and boy send out a weird bird. Luna took out her Pokédex.

Ponyta the Fire Horse Pokémon. Ponyta is very weak at birth. It can barely stand up. This Pokémon becomes stronger by stumbling and falling to keep up with its parent.

Hawlucha the Wrestling Pokémon. With its wings, it controls its position in the air. It likes to attack from above, a maneuver that is difficult to defend against.

‘A fighting type that can be a problem, I can think about that later.’ “Bagon use dragon breath on Hawlucha.” Blue flame came out of Bagen mouth and towards Hawlucha. “Dodge it and use arial ace.” He barely managed to get away he then jump into the air flew towards Bagon and hit him very hard. “Bagon are you ok?”

“Houndour use bite on Ponyta.” Houndour began to run towards Ponyta, the girl just smiled. “Ponyta use stomp.” Then Ponyta began to run towards and the ground started to shake and Houndour was hit pretty hard. “Houndour.” ‘Celestia’ saked in worry voice.

“Bagon get up and use headbutt.” Bagon got up faster than Hawlucha was able to react and was hit hard.

“You ok Hawlucha?” Hawlucha nodded. “God, now use karate chop on Houndour.” Hawlucha started to run and his hand started to glow. “I don’t think so, use fire fang.” Houndour mouth was no on fire and that collided with Hawlucha’s karate chop and it created a small explosion and it got both of them to take damage.

“Ponyta use stomp on Houndour.” Ponyta started to run. “Get out the way Houndour.” But Houndour had taken too much damage and had trouble getting up, Ponyta was getting closer.

“Use headbutt on Ponyta.” Before Ponyta could react Bagon hit in the side.

“Thanks for the help.” ‘Celestia’ said to Luna.

“No problem, let’s win this.” ‘Celestia’ nodded, then something happened. Their opponents started to arguing.

“Why didn’t Hawlucha help Ponyta?” The girl asked the boy.

“He has taken too much damage to help.”

“That’s no answer.”

Luna and ‘Celestia’ just looked at each other.

“Not exactly the right time to quarrel, Houndour use smog.” Purple smoke came out of his mouth and hit Ponyta and Hawlucha when the smoke cleared the were acting funny, ‘Celestia’ just smiled at that.

“What just happened? Luna asked her.

“They are poisoned, a side effect of smog. Let’s attack while we have the chance, use fire fang on Hawlucha.”

“Use headbutt on Ponyta.”

Both of their Pokémon started to run towards the opponents Pokémon, their attacks hit, Ponyta and Hawlucha was both knocked out.

The referee step in. “Ponyta and Hawlucha are unable to battle, ‘Celestia and Luna are the winners.”


The next round went find for Luna and ‘Celestia’ Sunset and her partner also won, then it was 4 teams left.

It was night, Luna and ‘Celestia’ was sitting at a table in the lobby at the stadium eating well one was eating. Luna just stared at her food, while ‘Celestia’ was taking.

“…then I thought that Houndout was finished the your Bagon save him.” Luna didn’t say anything, she noticed that. “Are you ok?” No answer, she then waved a hand in front of Luna’s face. That got her back to reality. “What’s wrong?”

Luna looked down at her food. “I think that James hates me.”

“James? Do you mean that boy that are helping you on your journey?” Luna nodded. “Why don’t you ask him.” ‘Celestia’ pointed at the door and James walked inn, he went straight to nurse Joy. “What are you waiting for? Go and talk to him.”

“I don’t know if that is a god idea.”

‘Celestia’ sighed. “Do you want him to be mad at you?”


“Then go and talk to him.”

Luna opened mouth to argue but she closed it, she was right she wooden want him to mad at her for the rest of the journey. She got up and walked over to him he was talking to nurse Joy.

“James.” He turned around to face her.

“Well look how it is, are you here to yell at me some more?”

“I guess I deserved that but no I’m here to apologize, I am sorry that I overreact.”

He just shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, I’m not mad anyway.”

When Luna heard that her mouth fell on floor, she could not believe what she was hearing. “What do you mean that you’re not mad? What about this morning? Was that just an act?” She asked in an angry voice.

“Yep.” He answered calm.

“You are very wired.”

He crossed his arms. “I got that from my mom.” Luna just laughed. “I’m glad you’re not freaking out anymore.”

“Oh I’m still freaking out but I just hiding it.”

“Alright then, I need to talk to you and ‘Celestia’ when it comes to the tournament.”

And with that they went over to where ‘Celestia’ was sitting, she was drinking coffee when they arrived. She put down her cup on the table.

“I see that you two are getting along.”

“Yes, it was just a misunderstanding.” Luna answer.

“Just some misunderstanding?” ‘Celestia’ was not entirely convinced. “If you say so.”

“Listen, I want to talk about Sunset partner.”

“Glasses with green hair? ‘Celestia’ asked him.

“His named Is Conway.”

When ‘Celestia’ heard that she slapped a hand on her face. “I knew I had seen him before.”

James raised an eyebrow of that. “You battle him before.”

‘Celestia’ just shook her head. “No I saw him on tv a few years back, he is a very good trainer.”

“That he is but lacks something that other trainers have and that is instincts.”

“Instincts?” Luna asked curious.

“That’s right if you two are going to meet them in the finals, don’t let your guards down.” Luna and ‘Celestia’ thought about what he said. “Now if you ladies will excuse me I’m tired so I’m going to bed.” And with that he left them alone.

Suddenly Luna yawned. “A bed sound god tight about now, well god night.” She stared to walk but stop when she remembered something. “Hey ‘Celestia’. James told me that you’re from Johto so what are you doing here in Hoenn? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

“I’m here because I needed a break from my journey.”

“A break?”

“Yeah, when I stared my journey it all went so well. I won my two first badges with ease and I got more and more cocky when faced the third gym leader I was so confident that I would win.”

“You got beaten easy.”

‘Celestia’ nodded. “After that thought about given up everything, then I heard about this tournament. So I thought it would give me new energy.”

When Luna heard this is felt sorry for her. “Well if it makes you feel better I know how you fell, I got too cocky once and also thought about quitting.” This got ‘Celestia’s’ attention. “After I won my first badge I got too cocky and I almost quit, then James told me that I made a mistake and do you know what he said next?”

“How can I now that?”

Luna blushed. “Sorry, he told me when a trainer is down you get up, train and try again.”

And with that she left ‘Celestia’ alone with her thoughts.

The next they started with ‘Celestia’ and Luna prepared for their two last battles, then it was time for the semifinals. They won the first battle very easy and then it was time for the final battle.


Up on the screen they showed two Pokémon egg. ‘So that’s the prize.’ Luna thought, now she was more determined to win.

The judge got ready. “You all know the rules, each trainer can only use on Pokémon the battle is over when both Pokémon are unable to battle.”

Sunset and Conway send out there Pokémon out first.

“Let’s go Combusken.

“Come out Dusknoir.”

When Luna saw the two new Pokémon she took out her Pokédex.

Combusken the Young Fowl Pokémon and evolved form of Torchic. Combusken toughens up its legs and thighs by running through fields and mountains. This Pokémon's legs possess both speed and power, enabling it to dole out 10 kicks in one second.

Dusknoir the Gripper Pokémon and evolved form of Dusclops. It is said to take lost spirits into its pliant body and guide them home, the antenna in its head captures radio waves from the world of spirits that command it to take people there.

“Ready to win this?” ‘Celestia asked her.

“You bet, you’re up Grovyle.”

“I’m counting on you Totodile.”

When Sunset saw the Pokémon they were up against she started laughing. “This will be easier than I thought.” But Conway did not like her cockiness.

“Don’t let your guard down Sunset.”

She gave him an evil stare. “If I want your opinion I’ll ask about it.”

‘Celestia’ and Luna noticed what happened right now.

“I guess that Sunset is the leader of that team.” Luna said to ‘Celestia.’

“I think your right there Luna.”

The judge. “If you all are ready, then begin.”

“Totodile use water gun on Combusken.” Water came out of his mouth and was heading straight towards Combusken. “ Combusken use flamethrower.” Flames came out from its mouth and collided with Totodile’s water gun, it created a small explosion.

“Dusknoir use thunder punch on Totodile.” Dusknoir fist stared to glow yellow and he was heading towards Totodile. “I don’t think so, Grovyle use leaf blade on Dusknoir.” The leaf on Grovyle on arms started to glow to they look like swords and before Dusknoir could reach Grovyle hit him hard.

“Thanks for the help Luna.”

“Your welcome.”

Sunset looked at Conway with anger in her face. “What are you doing? You told me that it was 100 % that we could win.”

Conway just adjusted his glasses. “Don’t worry, Dusknoir use trick room.” Dusknoir eye glow and suddenly a room covered the entire battlefield was. “Told you I had a plan.”

When ‘Celestia’ saw that she started to panic. “No. no, no, this is bad.”

“What wrong? What’s trick room?” Luna asked ‘Celestia.’

“Trick room is move that let’s even the slowest Pokémon can attack first.”

“You mean that Dusknoir can attack first now?” ‘Celestia’ nodded.

Sunset could just smile. “I guess you had a plan time to join the fun, Combusken use bulk up.” Combusken stared to pump himself up.

“Dusknoir use thunder punch on Totodile once more.” Dusknoir just disappeared and before anyone could react he appeared in front of Totodile and hit him very hard with electricity, he took a loot a damaged.

“Use Leaf blade on Dusknoir.” Grovyle stared to run towards Dusknoir. “I don’t think so, use fire punch on Grovyle.” Dusknoir disappeared again reappeared in front of Grovyle and he took a lot damage.

“My turn, use flamethrower on Grovyle.” Again he was struck by flames, he fell to the ground and had trouble getting up.

“Are you ok Grovyle?” Luna asked with concern in her voice. Both Grovyle and Totodile lay on the ground with a lot damage.

Sunset stared to laugh. “Why don’t you two just give up? You can’t win.”

‘Celestia’ hung her head in defeat. “She right, we can’t win not while trick room is still in play.”

“That’s a lot of crap, it’s not over until it’s over. Oure Pokémon can still fight and as long as we believe in them it’s not OVER.”

‘Celestia’ looked in to Luna’s eyes and what she saw was determination, she then looked over to Totodile who was trying to get up.

“You right, it’s not over till it’s over. Get up Totodile and let’s win this.”

When she said that Totodile stared to glow and then he stared to grow. When the light disappeared and new Pokémon stood there that was twice as big as Totodile.


‘Celestia’ and Luna took out their Pokédex.

Croconaw the Big Jaw Pokémon and evolved form of Totodile. Once Croconaw has clamped its jaws on its foe, it will absolutely not let go. Because the tips of its fangs are forked back like barbed fishhooks, they become impossible to remove when they have sunk in.

Sunset did not react when she saw this “This change nothing, as long trick room is in work your Pokémon can’t attack first.”

“She right ‘Celestia’.”

“Maybe not Luna, we can’t get rid of trick room but maybe we can slow Dusknoir down.”

Luna looked at her with a confused expression. “How?”

‘Celestia’ just smiled. “Just watch, Croconaw use rain dance.” Croconaw shot a shot a water up in the air and then suddenly dark clouds appeared and then it started to rain.

“Hope you’re not afraid of the rain Luna.”

She still had confused expression. “How can rain help us?”

“Just watch.”

Sunset and Conway did not understand why ‘Celestia’ did this but James who sat in the stands with Birch just smiled.

“Clever girl.”

Birch looked at James. “Do you know why she used rain dance?”

“Just watch professor.” And with that they focused their attention back to the field.

“I don’t know what you planning but it will not help you, Combusken use double kick on Grovyle.” Combusken stared to run towards Grovyle. “Counter it with quick attack.” He ran so fast that Combusken could not react fast enough, Grovyle collided with Combusken and pushed him back.

“Use thunder punch on Croconaw.” Dusknoir disappeared again but this time something was wrong he was moving much slower, he reappeared in front of Croconaw. “Use ice fang on thunder punch.” Croconaw mouth was covered with ice and collided with Dusknoir thunder punch, it created a small explosion. Conway, Luna and Sunset was shocked that Croconaw manged to counter the attack in time.

‘Pleased let it work.’ ‘Celestia’ thought. Then all of sudden ice stared to grow upwards Dusknoir arm and until he was covered with ice, ‘Celestia’ could only smile.

Again Luna had a confused expression. “What just happened?”

“I used rain dance to slow down Dusknoir and the I used ice fang to prison him in ice, it was a gambled but it worked. Shall we finish this?”

Luna had problem with that ‘Celestia’ took such a big change but she could not argue with the resolute.

“Use x-scissor on Dusknoir.” Grovyle stared to run towards Dusknoir, he crossed his arms they stared to glow. Conway could just stand there looking at that Dusknoir was helpless against Grovyle’s attack, he hit Dusknoir so hard the ice shattered and he fainted.

“Croconaw use water gun on Combusken.”

“I don’t think so, counter it with flamethrower.”

The two attacks collided and at first it looked like no one had the upper hand.

“Push it back Croconaw, I now that you can do it.” And with that push back the flames and his water gun hit Combusken, Combusken collapsed right on top of Dusknoir. The judge stepped forward.

“Combusken and Dusknoir are unable to battle. ‘Celestia and Luna re the winners.”


“We won Luna.”

Then ‘Celestia’ surprised her with a hug and it mad Luna very uncomfortable, on the other side of the battle field Sunset was furious that she lost. She looked over to Conway anger in her eyes, when he saw that he back away from her.

“You told me that your strategy was 100 percent sure that we would win and we lost.” She was going to hit him in the face. “You’re not worth it.” She left the stadium and a very frightened Conway.

“James, what happened?”

“Because of trick room Dusknoir could always attack first so ‘Celestia’ used rain dance to slow him down, you move more slowly when your wet.” He then looked at Birch. “I thought that you were a Pokémon Professor.”

“I am but that one was new even for me.”

5 minutes later.

‘Celestia’ and Luna was standing with the mayor of the city at the centre of the stadium, in the middle of the was a table and on that table there was two Pokémon egg.


“You can choose first Luna.”

“Are you sure?”

“Just pick one already.”

Luna looked at the two eggs, the first was white with blue raindrops on it and the second looked like it was on fire. The one with raindrops was tempting but the one with flames call out to her so she picked that one, that left the other one to ‘Celestia.’

Later at the Pokémon center they were celebrating Luna and ‘Celestia’s’ victory, professor Birch raised his glass.

“I want to make a toast for ‘Celestia and Luna’s victory in this year’s tournament.”

They all raise their glasses and then they drank, ‘Celestia was the first to say something.

“Thanks professor, for a moment I thought that we had lost but Luna would not give up so I could not either.”

“I just dined want to lose to Sunset again, it’s was when Totodile evolved that help us win.”

“That might be true but it was your determination that help me.”

One praised the other one and then they stared to argued about what got their victory.

“Will you two shut up?” Both did that and then they looked at James. “Both of you had a part of your victory, just stop arguing.”

“I can accept that, what about you Luna?” Luna nodded.

James was relieved. “Thank you.”

“No if you excuse me, I would like to have a private conversation with Luna, do mind Luna?


They both got up and walked out the front doors, Birch looked at James,

“What do you think they are going to talk about?”

James just shrugged. “Probably girl stuff.”

‘Celestia’ led Luna a distance from the stadium, this made Luna very nervous. Finally, they stopped.

“Now we are alone I want you to tell me the truth.” ‘Celestia asked Luna.

“What do you mean?”

“The truth why you passed out during the opening ceremony.”

“I told you already the pressure got to me.”

“That’s a lie.”


“NO IT’S NOT.” ‘Celestia stared to get angry. “I know this because the moment you saw me it looked like you have seen a ghost.”

Luna tried to find an excuse but could think of anything and eventually she gave up.

“Alright you win, I pasted out when I saw you because you look very much like my sister.”

“Your sister? But I’m not her.”

Luna hung her head. “I now that now put when I saw you I freaked out, I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize, is she the reason why you left Equestria? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

“It’s okay, I want to.” She took a deep breath. “I left because my sister would not listen to me.”

“That’s it? I thought it was much more seriously than that.”

“It’s may sound silly but it goes deeper than that and I’d rather not talk about that.”

“I understand, I’m sorry that I yelled at you.”

“Don’t worry about it, I had it coming.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “Right now I want to go to bed and sleep for a very long time.

‘Celelstia’ could only laugh at that. “I think you’ve earned it.” And with that they went back to the stadium. That night Luna had a very god night sleep, the next morning they all met outside the stadium.

“What are you going to do now ‘Celestia’?” Birch asked her.

“I’m going back to Johto and continue my Pokémon journey.” She looked at Luna and James. “What about you two?”

“We are heading for Mauville City so I can challenge the gym leader there.” Luna answered.

“That’s all good as for me I’m heading out to do more research.” Birch told them.

With that they said theirs goodbye to each other and was on their way.

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