• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Roxanne The Hard Rock Lady

When they arrived in Rustboro City James suggested that they should go to the trainer school so Luna could get some more battle experience, when they arrived she saw a plain building with the name Pokémon Trainer's School. When they entered the building she saw many children who read and played with Pokémon.

"Here we are, Rustboro Trainer's School. Here can young trainer learn more about Pokémon, this place pring back memories." James explained to her.

"Have you been here before?"

"Yep, when I first start my journey. I think I was here for a week before I challenged Roxanne."

They walk further into the house and into the backyard, where they saw children who had training matches.

"Well, Well, it's not James. It's been a long time."

James and Luna looked in the direction where the voice came from and there stood:

(Did not find any other photos.)

"Hello Roxanne, you are still a teacher I see."

"Of course, to see young trainer smile when they have training matches always makes me smile." Then she noticed Luna. "Who is this James? Your girlfriend?"

He blushed slightly. "NO. Why do all think that? She is a challenger." Luna blushed a little too.

"Take it easy James, I'm just messing with you. It must wait until tomorrow I'm busy now."

Then a boy gone to her he had green hair and he could not have been more than eight years, Luna could swear that she had seen him before.

"Miss Roxanne, can you have a battle with me?"

"Sorry Spike, I can't I'm a teacher remember." When Luna heard what his name was, she was shocked. Again. "But perhaps James friend can."

Luna did not hear a word what she said because she was in shock, she came out of it when James put a hand on her shoulder.

"You ok Luna?"

"Y-yes, I'm ok. Did you say something?" James raised a eyebrown of her behavior but he said nothing.

"Yeah, Roxanne was wondering if you would have a battle against Spike."

Yes, I can do it."

Spike smiled at that. "Cool, come on then." He ran to a battlefield where a Pokémon referee stood, Spike stood on one side of the court while Luna stood on the other side. James and Roxanne stood on the sideline. "Is it okay with one Pokémon?" Luna just smiled.

The referee stood in the middle. "What is your name miss?" He ask her.


"Ok then, this is a battle Luna vs Spike. They are only allowed to use one Pokémon."

Luna took out a Poké Ball. 'Ok Luna take it easy this is not the Spike you know.'

"I choose Eevee." Spike laughed a little of her choice.

"This will be easy, go Machop."

There stood a new Pokémon she had not seen before. What is that? She took out her pokedex.

Machop the Superpower Pokémon. Machop's muscles are special, they never get sore no matter how much they are used in exercise. This Pokémon has sufficient power to hurl a hundred adult humans.

'A fighting type, that's not god.'

While on the sideline. "This will be interesting." Roxanne Look at James.

"What do you mean?"

"Luna caught Eevee a few days ago so this will be their first battle together, we'll see how this goes."

More kids gathered to watch the battle, Luna become a little nervous of this. James noticed that.

"Luna, breath. Just concentrate on the match."

She took a deep breath and tried to focus on the match.

The referee got ready. "If both are ready, then begin."

Luna was first. "Eevee use tackle." Eevee began to run toward Machop.

"Dodge it Machop." But he could not, Eevee hit him hard. "Counter with karate chop." Machop struck Eevee with his fist and she slid backwards a few meters, Eevee landed on the belly and had difficulty getting up.

"Eevee are you ok?" She nodded her head.

"It's not going to last long, low kick." Machop ran toward Eevee ready to kick.

"Quickly Eevee use sand attack." Eevee kicked up sand that hit Machop in the eyes. "Now use Dig." Eevee dug a hollow in the ground and disappeared.

Now was Spike very nervous. "Watch out Machop, Eevee can appear anywhere." Machop had little trouble seeing but he managed to look at the ground.

Suddenly the ground beneath him started to stir and Eevee came up from it and hit him hard, he landed on his back.

"Finish it with tackle." Eevee tackle Machop hard and he fainted.

"Machop is unable to battle, Luna is the winner."

Spike called back Machop. "Get some rest Machop." He went back to school with a sad face, Luna felt a little bad when she saw that. Roxanne approached her.

"Don't feel bad, I'll talk to him. Okay everyone inside the school." All the kid followed Roxanne when she went into the school, then it was just James and Luna left.

"You ok?" James asked her.

"I only regret that I beat him."

"He's young, he'll get over it eventually. Come on let's get something to eat."

And with that they left the school. Later in the evening.

James sat on his bed and was reading a book by professor Oak. 'Stick to Pokémon professor, romance are you not good at. I'm not good at it either so why am I reading this?' He threw the book on the floor. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Who can that be?

"Who is it?"

"It is me Luna, can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure."

She entered the bedroom. "I'm not disruption you?"

"No, can't sleep?"

She sat down on a chair. "No, I can only think of the match tomorrow against Roxanne." James just smiled at that.

"I know how you feel, I almost did not sleep either. There's something about your first gym battle."

"Did you won your first gym battle?"

"Almost, I had only Mudkip and Taillow. It was not easy but I managed it eventually."

Then she noticed the book on the floor. "What is this?" She picked it up. "A book by professor Oak, who is that?"

"Professor Oak is a Pokémon professor, perhaps the best of them all."

She read the title of the book. "Meaning of love?"

"He wrote it a year ago, he should stick to Pokémon."

"You have probably had many girls who would be with you."

Those words hit James straight in the heart, he looked out the window.

"No, when I start my journey, I was too young to care about girls and when I was old enough none were interested."

"Sorry, I did not mean to bring up more bad memories." James just srugged it off.

"I was not exactly good at talking to girls when it comes to love." Then the room was filled with silence, until James broke it.

"I still have one question I could ask you and here it is: who is Sunset Shimmer and Spike in your world? Do not lie, I saw how you reacted when Roxanne said Spike's name."

She took a deep breath.

"Back in my world Sunset Shimmer stole the crown to my sister student, she fled to the human world. Twilight followed her and got back the crown."

"All right, sounds a bit strange but ok. What about Spike?"

"He is a dragon Twilight hatched when she was young and now lives with her ​​in her castle."

"Wait a moment, this Twilight has a castle."

"Yes, she is the princess of friendship."

When James heard that did he not know if she was telling the truth or not.

"Did you just say 'princess of friendship'?"

"Yes." James did just one thing he started laughing, this did not Luna like. "What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry but 'princess of friendship', it's stupidest I've ever heard. What kinda title is that?" Luna did not like made fun of.

"I speak the truth but if you do not believe me then fine."

She stormed out of the room, James sat on his bed and felt pretty stupid. 'I did not mean to hurt her but what kind of title is princess of friendship?'

Next morning it was quiet when they ate breakfast, none of them said anything of what happened the night before.

On the way to the gym.

"Look, I'm sorry that I started laughing at what you said, but it sounded so strange."

"I'm not mad at you, I reacted wrong."

"No, you have every right to be mad at me. Start over again?" Luna just smiled at it.


Finally they arrived at a building where it stood Rustboro gym, James noticed that Luna was very nervous.

"Take it easy Luna, take a deep breath. Try to imagine this as a normal battle not a gym battle."

She did as he said and they went in, when they entered in the gym they saw a battlefield that was covered with stones.

"So you finally came." Both looked where the voice came from and there stood Roxanne. "Are you ready?"


Luna and Roxanne stood on each side of the battlefield a judge stood in the middle, James had moved to the stands together with kid from school who had just arrived.

"I hope it's okay that the kids can se our battle." She asked Luna.

"Fine with me."

The judge got ready.

"This battle is is between the gym leader Roxanne and challenger Luna, this is a two against two battle and the challenger is the only one who are allowed to switch Pokémon. If both are ready." Both nodded their heads. "Then begin.

Roxanne was first. "Let's go Geodude." Luna took out her pokedex.

Geodude the Rock Pokémon. The longer a Geodude lives, the more its edges are chipped and worn away, making it more rounded in appearance. However, this Pokémon's heart will remain gard, craggy and rough always.

"Come out Riolu, use quick attack." Began to run very fast towards Geoude.

"Dodge it Geodude." But he was not fast enough and Riolu hit him, but luckily for her it did not do so much damage. "Use rock polish then rollout." Geodude began to glow then he began to roll very fast towards Riolu.

"Get away Riolu." He barely managed to avoid the attack but Geodude was not finished, he came around again and hit Riolu in the back.

Luna was worried. 'I have to come up with something.' Then she looked at battlefield. 'I got it.'

"Riolu use force palm on the ground." He did as she said and when his hand hit the ground ​​it created a litte earthquake, it was not powerful but it was powerful enough to get Geodude to stop rolling. This surprised Roxanne and James. "Finish it with another force palm." Riolu hit Geodude so hard that he crashed into some rocks and fainted.

"Geodude is unable to battle, Riolu is the winner."

James could only smile. "Clever move." All the kids looked at him.

Spike was the one who asked. "What do you mean?"

"You see, when Riolu made ​​that little earthquake he got Geodude off balance and enough time to knock him out."

Roxanne called back Geodude. "You deserve a rest." Then she looked at Luna. "Smart move, but it wont work this time. come out Nosepass."

Nosepass the Compass Pokémon. Nosepass's magnetic nose is always pointed to the north. If two of thess Pokémon meet, they cannot turn their faces to each other when they are close because their magnetic noses repel one another.

'A another rock type, I'm sticking with Riolu.'

"Use force palm."

"Just forget it, Nosepass use rock throw."

Suddenly there was many stones which came toward Riolu. "Quick Riolu, dodge them." He managed to dodge some but not all, some of them hit him very hard. He had trouble standing.

"Finish it with spark." Electricity came out of Nosepass and hit Riolu hard, he past out.

"Riolu is unable to battle, Nosepass is the winner." Luna called Riolu back.

"You did good Riolu." Alright, that was a electric attack. She took out a Poké Ball. "Let's go Treecko, use quick attack." Treecko hit Nosepass but it did not do much damage.

"Conter with rock throw Nosepass." Many stones came towards Treecko.

"Dodge them." Treecko managed to avoiding some of them but there were some that hit him. "Are you ok Treecko?" He had received numerous injuries.

"Let's end this, use spark." Electricty came again out of Nosepass.

"Jump Treecko." He did just that.

"A bad move Luna, use rock throw."

"Watch out Treecko." Treecko opened his mouth and out came seeds, the seeds hit Nosepass and he took a lot of damage. "What was that."

"LUNA, THAT'S BULLET SEED. IT'S A GRASS MOVE." Shouted James from the stands.

"A grass move?" Treecko landed on the ground. "Treecko use quick attack." He began to run towards Nosepass.

"Use rock throw Nosepass."

"I do not think so, use bullet seed." Again came seeds out of his mouth and hit Nosepass. "Finish it with pound."

Treecko hit Nosepass so hard that he flew in a huge stone, they had to wait until the dust had settled to see what happened. There lay Nosepass knocked out.

"Nosepass is unable to battle, that's means the challenger Luna is the winner."

"I won?" She did not realize it at first, then she smiled "I WON?"

Roxanne approached her. "Congratulate Luna, here you have the stone badge."

"Thank you Roxanne."

On the way back to Pokémon center Luna look at her badge, she looked forward to the next day.

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoyed Luna's first gym battle, next chapter: she catches a new Pokémon.

If there is anyone out there who want to write a side story to this story so send me a Private Messages, Kanto and Unova is the region's that are remaining.

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