• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Tag Battle in Mauville City

After at Ace had won his third badges he challenges James and the others to a tag battle, they all were a little shocked but what shocked them the most was that Ace wanted to have the battle right away. James suggested that Ace should first heal is Pokémon and that they could have the matches the next day, Ace agreed to that.

Luna awoke by the sun shining in her face, she tried to block out the sun by pulling her covers over her head. It didn’t work. She got up and rub the sleepiness out of her eyes.

“Stupid sun, I’m glad that I’m in a world that my sister can’t control the sun. But I’m still mad that it’s my alarm clock.”

She got up and went to the bathroom to do her stuff, she then got dressed and went to get some breakfast. When she arrived in the main lobby she could see Shadow sitting by a table eating, he Charmeleon was sitting on the floor next to him eating Pokémon food. She went over to say hello.

“Good morning Shadow.” She sat down on one of the free chair. “You are up early.”

“When you are in a journey to become a Pokémon champion you tend to get up early, in my case anyway.”

Luna just nodded of what he said. Then silence came, none of them knew what to talk about. Then Shadow decide to ask Luna something.

“I been meaning to ask you something, at the tournament in Slateport you passed out when you saw who your partner was. Did you know her from somewhere ells?”

Luna knew somehow that the question would come up but she hoped the it never would, she sighed. “You can say that, she looked like my big sister:” She looked down on the table. “You can say that me and my sister is important where we are from.”

“Are you two celebrities?” He asked her.

“You can say that.” She looked up at him. “My sister has always been the popular one and I have always lived in her shadow, and the worst part is that she almost ignores me all the time. One day I had enough and I decide to leave, I decide to come her. You can say that I came here to start a new life.”

She wasn’t lying that she was living in her sister shadow but she couldn’t tell him that she was a princess from another world where the inhabitants were magic ponies, he would probably think she is crazy.

“I kind of know how you feel.” That peak her curious and he could see that on her face. “My sister is the gym leader of Celadon city, her name is Erika. And all my father wanted me to be was a gym leader like her but did he ask me what I wanted? No.” He took a bite of his sandwich. “Then he and my mother had a fight, so me and my mother moved to Pallet Town, ten years later I went on own journey with Charmander.” They looked over to Charmeleon who was still eating.

Luna had felt pity for herself ever since she got this world and here was a boy that also had it bad growing up, now she felt really bad. She decided to ask him something about his Pokémon.

“I also been meaning to ask you something Shadow, why isn’t your Charmeleon in his Pokéball.”

“He doesn’t like being in it.”

Now Luna was confused. “He doesn’t like begin in his Pokéball? Is that possible?”

“Yes, that’s possible. Does any of your Pokémon dislike to be in their Pokéball?” She shook her head. “Huh, Charmeleon doesn’t like it so I’m not forcing him.” He then stared to laugh. “I remember when I was to choose my first Pokémon, when Charmeleon came out of his Pokéball for the first time he did not look happy. I was sure that he would burn my face but instead he burned professor Oka’s face, ever since that day he has been outside and not inside his Pokéball.”

There’s a saying; you learn something new every day. And that true for Luna right now. Then they saw James walking towards them, he had a plate with sandwiches in his hands.

“Where have you been?” Luna asked him.

“Just trading some Pokémon, if we are going to have a tag battle I had to chance my team.” He put the plate in front of Luna. “Here, I brought you some sandwiches.”

“Thanks.” She stared to eat.

“Where’s Ace?” He asked them.

“I think he’s still asleep, I guess the battle with Wattson yesterday tired him out.” James nodded of the answer Shadow gave him. “What are we going to with his challenges yesterday? I want to battle Luna not you and Ace.”

That go Luna to stop eating. “Battle me? Why?”

“Last time we battle we ended in a tie and I want a rematch.” Luna just let out an oh.

“Don’t worry Shadow, I got this.” James told him.

He sat down to wait for Ace, it did not take long before Ace arrived in the main hall. He had a big smile on his face, probably because he won over Wattson yesterday.

When he saw where James and the other were sitting he walked over to them. “Hey guys, ready for a tag battle today?” They didn’t answer, they just keep looking at him. “What’s wrong? Don’t you guys want to battle?”

James decide to answer. “Look Ace, I know you want to have a tag battle with me against Ace and Luna. But I think it would be better if we did one on one.”

That confused Ace. “Why? What’s wrong with two on two?”

“There’s nothing wrong with that but you are all challenging the Hoenn league so it would be better if you did it one on one, it would be good practice for you all for what will come.”

Shadow raised a hand. “I agreed with James, I want to battle alone not with a partner. I have already had training with a partner in Slateport and that didn’t end well.”

Ace look at Luna for support. “Sorry Ace but I agreed with them.”

He tried to find an answer but he saw that he was out number on this one so he gave in. “Fine, but I want to battle James.”

That got Luna to react. “Are you sure? He is a former champion, all his Pokémon is very powerful.”

“Not all of them, I was trading some I hadn’t use in a while. Let’s just eat breakfast and have out battle afterwards.”

They all agreed to that, they eat breakfast. After they had finished they went out back of the Pokémon center to battle.

“Alright, who wants to go first?” As soon as James said that Ace raised his hand. “Thought so, let get this over with.” He didn’t sound that enthusiastic, Luna notice that. “Shadow, do you want to be the judge.”

Shadow nodded. “I can do that.”

Ace and James took their places while Shadow and Charmeleon took the place as the judge, Luna sat on the side to watch. “Alright, this tag battle between Ace and James will begin. Both trainer can use two Pokémon at the same time, when both Pokémon on either side is unable to battle then you have lost. If both trainers are ready.” Ace and James took out two Pokéball’s. “Then begin.”

Ace was up first. “Come out Shellos and Sewaddle.”

Out came two Pokémon that Luna hadn’t seen before, one looked like slug and it was blue and the other looked like bug with leaves on its head. She took out her Pokédex and pointed at the first one.

Shellos the Sea Slug Pokémon. Beware of pushing strongly on its squishy body, as it makes a mysterious purple fluid ooze out. Its shape and coloration vary, depending on its habitat.

Then the second one.

Sewaddle the Sewing Pokémon. This Pokémon makes clothes for itself. It chews up leaves and sews them with sticky thread extrude from its mouth. Since this Pokémon makes its own cloths out of leaves, it is a popular mascot for fashion designer.

“That’s some nice Pokémon you have their, here’s mine. Rattata and Poliwag.” James threw his Pokéball’s.

Out came a rat that mad Luna tens up, she hats rat. She pointed her Pokédex at it.

Rattata the Mouse Pokémon. Rattata is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not picky about where it lives, it will make its nest anywhere.

Then the next one.

Poliwag the Tadploe Pokémon. Poliwag has a very thin skin. It is possible to see the Pokémon’s spiral innards right through the skin. Despite its thinness, however, the skin is also very flexible. Even sharp fangs bounce right off it.

Ace was up first. “Sewaddle use razor leaf on Poliwag and Shellos use water pulse on Rattata.” Sewaddle shot leaves from its head’s and Shellos shot a water ball form its mouth and towards James Pokémon.

“Both you doge the attack.” Rattata and Poliwag manged to doge the attacks. “Rattata use quick attack on Shellos and Poliwag use hypnosis on Sewaddle.” Rattata stared to run very fast towards Shellos, while Poliwag’s eyes stared to glow.

“Quickly Shellos doge the attack, Sewaddle don’t look at Poliwag.” But it was too late, Shellos was hit and Sewaddle fell asleep.” Ace wasn’t about to give up. “Use water pulse on Rattata again Shellos.” The slug Pokémon manged to recover fast, then it fired a ball of water towards the mouse Pokémon that was hit, then Rattata stared to act strangely.

James knew right away what the problem was. “This is not good, Rattata is confused, Poliwag use water gun on Shellos.” Poliwag fired water from its mouth and it hit Shellos, James knew that the attack didn’t do much damage but he hasn’t much choice.

On the field Sewaddle was still sleeping while Rattata was confused, then Rattata used quick attack on Sewaddle that manged to wake up the sleeping Pokémon.

“Alright, Sewaddle use razor leaf on Poliwag, Shellos use ice beam on Rattata.” This time James’s Pokémon didn’t had time to doge the attacks and they were hit hard, but luckily for James Rattata wasn’t confused anymore.

“Time to see how though his Pokémon really are, Rattata use hyper fang on Sewaddle.” Rattata teeth stared to glow as ran towards Sewaddle.

“I don’t think so, Sewaddle use string shot on Rattata.” Strings came out of Sewaddle mouth to catch Rattata.

“Take the attack Poliwag.”

When Luna heard that she was shocked. ‘Why did James order Poliwag to do that?’ She thought as she watches as Poliwag wrapped in Sewaddle so Rattata couldn’t’ get caught.

Rattata continued with the attack. “Shellos, use water gun on Rattata.” Water came out from Shellos mouth and headed towards Rattata.

“Doge the attack.” Rattata jump up in the air and manged to avoid the attack, then they all watch as Rattata flew towards Sewaddle. It looked like they were watching everything in slow motion as Rattata came close and closer, the attack hit and Sewaddle was out.

“Sewaddle is unable to battle.” Shadow announced.

Ace called back Sewaddle. “You did a good job, take a good rest.” He looked back at the battle field. ‘I have only Shellos left but I’m not going to quiet.’ He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he opened them. “Use water pulse on Rattata.” Shellos fire a ball of water towards the mouse Pokémon.

“Doge the attack by using quick attack.” By using its speed, Rattata manged to doge the attack. And stared to run towards Shellos.

“Get out of the way Shellos.” It was too late, Shellos was to slow and was hit hard, Shellos passed out.

“Shellos is unable to battle, Rattata and Poliwag is the winner. That means the James is victorious.” Shadow announced.

Ace called back Shellos. “You did a good job.” Then walked over to James who had just called back his Pokémon, he stretched out a hand and James took it. “I guess I’m not strong enough to beat you yet James.”

“Here’s a tip kid, pick your battle carefully. You can’t win them all.” James looked over to Luna and Shadow. “You two ready?” Luna stood up and walked over where Ace had stood while Shadow and Charmeleon walked over to James. “I’ll take that as yes.” James walked over to judge place while Ace walked over to the bench and sat down to watch.

He looked at both of them. “Alright, you both know the rules so I don’t have to repeat them, get ready.”

Shadow looked at Charmeleon. “I’m going to use some new Pokémon, alright?” Charmeleon just nodded, Shadow smiled of that. He took out two Pokéball. “Come out Blitzle and Zorua.” Out came two new Pokémon that Luna hadn’t seen before.

The first one looked like a zebra with a lighting shape mohawk, the other one like black fox and it also had mohawk that was black with a little red on the top.

She and Ace took out their Pokédex, she pointed at the zebra.

Blitzle the Electrified Pokémon. When thunderclouds cover the sky, it will appear. It can catch lightning with its mane and store electricity. It’s mane shines when it discharges electricity. They use the frequency and rhythm of these flashes to communicate.

Then at the fox.

Zorua the Tricky Fox Pokémon. It changes so it looks just like its foe, tricks it, and then uses that opportunity to flee. To protect themselves from danger, they hide their true identities by transforming into people and Pokémon.

James was just standing there, staring at Zorua. “Where the hell did you get a Zorua? I have tried to catch one for six years, just how?” He asked Shadow.

“I caught one a few days ago, I was training and then I saw it drink water from the river so I caught it.” Shadow answered him.

James just crossed his arms. “Unbelievable.”

Luna didn’t quite understand why James was so upset that Shadow had caught a Zorua, maybe it’s because she hasn’t’ been with Pokémon that much. She just shrugged it off and took out her two Pokéball’s.

“Come out Riolu and Bagon.” Both Pokémon was ready for battle.

When James saw her choice, he was a little surprise. ‘Why did she choose Riolu? Is trying to prepare for the gym? But how? I haven’t told her what kind of Pokémon Norman use.’ He then saw that she was smiling.

Late last night.

Luna couldn’t sleep, she keep think about her gym battles. Every time she had battle a gym leader James had told her which type of Pokémon they use just before her battle, not any more. She got up, got dress and walked to the main hall.

It was 10 at night and there were no one in the main hall except nurse Joy, she was sitting by her desk typing something on her computer. Luna walked over to her.

“Excuse me, nurse Joy.”

Joy jump a few meters up in the air of that, she put a hand on her chest to try and calm her down. “Luna, you shouldn’t scare people like that.”

“I’m sorry but I was wondering if you could help me with something.”

Now Joy was curious. “What would that be at this time at night?” She asked Luna.

“I want you to help me find out information about the remaining gym leaders on the computer.”

Joy couldn’t help but question what she said. “You need help with the computer?” Luna nodded. “Don’t you know how to use one.”

Luna stared to rub her arm in embarrassment. “Truth be told, where I am from I have never heard about a computer and I have never been bother how to use one when I come Hoenn. I was hoping you could help me.”

Right now, Joy wasn’t sure if she believed or not Luna, she had never heard about a town that doesn’t have a computer. But she wasn’t about to say no to her, her job was to help other. Was it about Pokémon or other things.

“Sure, I can help you.”

Luna smiled when she heard that. “Thanks nurse Joy.”

After Joy had shown Luna the basics she had no problem with finding the information she need.

“Let’s see here, Norman uses normal Pokémon. Winona uses flying, Liza and Tate uses physic and Juan uses water Pokémon. Something tells me that Liza and Tate will be a tag battle.” She then yawned. “I have seen all I can today, better get some rest if I going to battle tomorrow.” With that she went off to bed.

Back in the present.

“I see that you are both ready, so begin.”

Luna was up first. “Riolu use brick break on Zorua and Bagon use dragon breath on Blitzle.” Riolu stared to run towards Zorua and Bagon let out a blue flames from its mouth.”

“Both of you doge the attacks.” Zorua manged just to doge Riolu attack and so did Blitzle with Bagon’s attack. “My turn, Zorua use dig.” Zorua dug a hole. “Blitzle use flame charge on Riolu.” Blitzle was cloaked in flames and stared to run towards Riolu who had no time to doge the attack, she was hit.

She flew backwards a little. “You okay Riolu?” Riolu got up and nodded, Luna was relieved.

“Okay Zorua, attack Bagon.” Before Luna could react Zorua came up under behind him, Bagon was send flying up in the air.

While the happened. “Quickly Riolu, use brick break on Zorua.” Riolu jump up in the air and slammed Zorua hard into the ground, the impacted created a small dust cloud.

“You okay Zorua?” Shadow asked with a worried voice, when the dust cloud cleared they could see that Zorua was still conscious but was hurt by the attack. “Attack Riolu with shock wave Blitzle.” Blitzle send away electricity towards Riolu.”

“Get away Riolu.” Riolu tried to jump away but when she landed she was hit by the attack. “What’s going on? Why couldn’t Riolu avoided the attack?” Luna asked with confusion in her voice.

“That’s shock wave, it’s always hit’s its target.” Shadow explained. “Blitzle, use flame charge on Riolu and Zorua, use shadow ball on Bagon.” Blitzle cloaked in flames again and stared to run towards Riolu while Zorua was about to attack Bagon.

“I don’t think so.” Said Luna, that confused Shadow. “Quickly Riolu, use brick break on the ground.” Riolu slammed his hand hard on the ground, that made Blitzle fall on the ground while Zorua lost its balance. “Time to counter attack. Riolu, use force palm on Zorua and Bagon use headbutt on Blitzle.” Both attack hit but Zorua took the most damage and past out.

“Zorua is unable to battle.” James announced.

“Quickly Blitzle, use quick attack on Bagon.” Blitzle got up quickly and ran towards Bagon so fast that that dragon Pokémon didn’t have time to doge the attack, Bagon was also out.

“Bagon is unable to battle.” James announced.

Luna and Shadow called back their Pokémon that was out. Then there were two left, Blitzle and Riolu. Both stared at each other, looking at into each other’s eyes. Waiting for a command, they knew that this attack would be the last.

“Use force palm Riolu.”

“Use flame charge Blitzle.”

Both Pokémon ran towards each other, the attacks meet and manages to create a small explosion. They waited for the smoke to clear and when it did, they saw Riolu lie on the ground, unconscious.

“Riolu is unable to battle, Blitzle is the winner. That means the Shadow is victorious.” James announced.

They both called back their Pokémon, they went to the middle and shook hands.

“You won this time Shadow, but next time I will vin.”

Shadow smiled at that. “Looking forward to it.”

Then Ace came over to them. “That was an awesome battle, it could have gone either way.”

“But in the end Shadow won, Riolu had taken more damage than Blitzle.” Said James. “I suggested we all get or Pokémon healed.”

All three of them agreed with James on that one. After they had given their Pokémon to nurse Joy they went to get something to eat, they had workup an appetited while battling. They were sitting at a table eating together.

“Man, you sure get hungry after you have battle.” Said Ace while munching on a sandwich.

“Battling has that effect on a person.” James answered. “So, what are you two going to do now?” He asked Ace and Shadow.

Shadow was first. “I’m going to challenge Flannery and get my forth bag.”

They all looked at Ace who was bussing eating, he stopped with his mouth full. “What?” He asked them, they just keep looking at him. He swallowed his food. “I guess I stick around a while longer in Mauville and do some training.” He went back to eating his sandwiches.

Shadow just rolled his eyes of Ace behaviour, he looked at James and Luna “I’m guessing that you two are heading for Petalburg.”

That’s the plan.” Said James, then he looked at Luna. “That’s if a certain person would stop complaining.”

Luna answer with evil glare. “Well excuse me.” Luna answered in annoying tone.

They couldn’t help but laugh a little of that. The very next day Shadow and Charmeleon headed towards Lavaridge to challenges Flannery, Ace stay in Mauville to train and James and Luna headed towards Petalburg.

Author's Note:

I you all like the new chapter, I hope that the tag Battle wasn't boring.

Alright, I need some HELP.

Here's the thing, I was think to write at least 5 chapter before they arrived in Petalburg but here's the problem; I have only idea for ONE. One chapter, I was hoping that someone could help me. I anyone of YOU have an idea then send me a PM. I want a serious suggestion, I hope you will help me.

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