• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,612 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Time To Fish

After James and Luna’s adventure in the town, they had decided to had a new date by a lake that was a day away from the town. They were sitting by a picking table having lunch, they had also let out their Pokémon from Pokéball’s do they also could have some food. Luna was just happy there was cabins there, so she didn’t have to sleep in a tent.

Luna was looking at the lake, the sun was sparkling in the water. “It’s so beautiful.”

“I guess it is.” Said James while eating his food.

Luna looked at him with a raised eye brown. “You guess? Don’t you think it’s beautiful?”

James stopped eating and he started to get nervous. “I guess? Look, I don’t really know, I am not very good at this stuff. The only experience I have is from a book and it’s not a really good book. Also, I have never dated a girl before.” He said with some panic on his voice.

“Yes, you have already told me.” She said in annoyed voice.

James couldn’t help but feel bad. “I’m sorry but I never thought about it.” He then look at the lake. “But I think it’s more dangerous than beautiful.”

Luna wasn’t annoyed anymore, she was confused. “Dangerous? How can it be dangerous?” She asked James.

James rubbed his eyes. “Over the years many Pokémon have become violent.”

Luna was confused anymore, she was terrified. “There are violent Pokémon in the lake.” James nodded. “Then why are we having a date by the lake?” She was about to get up, but James stopped her.

“Don’t worry Luna, they usually came active towards the night.” That made her calm down a little. “The only thing we have to worry about is a Whiscash?”

Luna was confused again. “Whiscash?” Luna asked while sitting down again.

James nodded. “Not an ordinary Whiscash, this one is bigger than your normal Whiscash. Last time I was here I meet a man that was trying to catch Whiscash.”

“You mean that man in the boat in the water? “Luna said while pointing at the lake.

James got up from where he was sitting to have better look at what Luna was pointing at and she was right, there was a man in a boat, and he was fishing. The man has grey hair and he was wearing a purple ‘dress’ with yellow rings on it.

“Are you kidding me? is he still trying to catch Nero?”

Luna gave James a confused look. “Nero?”

“That’s what Sullivan calls the Whiscash.” He then saw she was even more confused. “The man, his name is Sullivan and he’s been trying to catch the Whiscash, which he calls Nero and he been trying to that for sixty years, maybe even more.”

Luna couldn’t believe what she was hearing, someone who as trying to catch a Pokémon for over sixty years. She had just one question, what was wrong with this man? Then she heard a scream and then saw the boat flew up in the air and a Pokémon coming up from the water.

It was blue with some light blue on it, it had two giant whisker on it face and a ‘W’ on its forehead. Luna took out her Pokédex to check the data before the Pokémon disappeared into the water again.

Whiscash the whisker Pokémon. Whiscash is extremely territorial. Just one of these Pokémon will claim a large pond as its exclusive territory. If a foe approaches it, it thrashes about and triggers a massive earthquake.

“Wow, sounds like a though Pokémon.” She said while reading the information.

“No kidding, it’s a water/ground type so it’s difficult to beat.” They then saw the boat land upside and Sullivan surfacing from the water, he then was trying to climbed the boat. James just slap a hand on his face. “Swampert, go and save him will you, before something ells happened.” Swampert did as James told him, he jump into the water and swam over to Sullivan and managed to get him back to shore.

They managed to get a fire started so Sullivan could dry himself and his clothes.

“Still trying to catch Niro?” James asked Sullivan while tenting to the fire.

The man knows as Sullivan sneezed. “Of course, James. I won’t rest until I have catch him.” He was wearing a blanket for the cold

James had to rubbed his forehead. “It’s been over ten years since I was her last time, don’t you think that you’re getting to old for this?”

“Never.” He stood up losing his blanket in the prosses. “I never stop, Nero will be mine even if it’s kills me.” He was now standing in front of the fire in his underwear.

“Maybe wait until your clothes are dry before you try again.”

Sullivan wasn’t sure what James meant, then he looked down and he saw that he was only in his underwear. He then saw that Luna was looking another way, trying not to look. He then blushed, he sat down and place the blanket around him again. “You may have a pointed James, maybe I am getting to old for this-.” He said with embarrassed in his voice. “Perhaps it’s time for me to retire and let the young generation to take over.” He then look at James with a small smile.

James knew right away what Sullivan was going to ask. “Hell no, I am not doing it.”

Sullivan then looked over to Luna. “What about you young lady? You want to try and catch Nero.”

Luna’s eyes almost pop out of her skull when she heard that. “What? You want me to do it?” Sullivan nodded. “I have fished one time since I arrived here and I caught a Marill and besides, I can’t swim.”

Sullivan waved a hand. “Nonsense, all you have to do is to stay in the boat. Let me show you.” He got up and grabbed his dress, which was still a little wet and Luna, he then head towards the boat, which Swampert had pushed into shore, he walked towards with Luna in tow. Leaving James with his Pokémon and Luna’s Pokémon, wording what just happened.

Out on the lake and in the boat, Sullivan was getting ready to try and catch Nero again while Luna was just trying to stay in the boat.

“Why did you drag me out here? I already told you I can’t swim.” Luna had lost count how many times she had to ell him that she couldn’t swim.

“Don’t worry, all you have to do is stay in the boat.”

“And what happens when I fell out of the boat?” She looked at the crazy fisherman. “Look. You can’t just force people to do things they don’t want to, in my book it’s called kidnapping.”

She couldn’t see his face, but she knew that some impact on him, he lowered his head. “Your right, I can’t do this against your will.” He turned around and sat down in the boat. “I just want to catch Nero so much and I’m getting to old for this, I just wanted someone to take over after me.” He said in a somber voice.

“I understand that, but I don’t want to, and I can’t swim, I aren’t that comfortable around water. Can we just get to shore already?”

“Sure, I will do that.”

Sullivan started to head back when suddenly a Pokémon emerge from the water. It had blur scales and it under body was light brown, it had triangle on it forehead and it mouth was open. It also looked very angry.

“That’s no a Whiscash.” Luna said with fear in her voice.

“No, that’s a Gyarados, a very temperamental Pokémon.” Then Gyarados mouth started to glow yellow. “And it’s using hyper beam.” Before either of them could react, Gyarados fired the hyper beam and it hit the boat making it fall apart. Sullivan and Luna landed in the water thanks to explosion that hyper beam created.

James and all the Pokémon was watching it all from the shore, he started to panic when he saw Luna fell into the water, he knew that Luna couldn’t swim so he acted fast and that Gyarados was still there.

“Swampert, get out there and save Luna.” The mud fish Pokémon didn’t hesitated at all, he jump into the water and started to swim towards Luna. James looked at his bird. “Swellow, I want you to distract that Gyarados.” The swallow Pokémon spread his wings and flew towards Gyarados.

Swellow was much fast then Swampert and managed to arrive at scene first, he started to fly around Gyarados who started to pay attention to the bird.

James and the other Pokémon could only watch. Luna’s Pokémon was most worried, none of them could do anything, except Rufflet. He was the only one who could fly but there’s was one problem, he was to small to save his trainer.

Then they all saw some electricity coming from Gyarados, that made James eyes widen. “Oh crap, Gyarados know an electric attack, get away Swellow.” The swallow Pokémon managed to get enough distant from Gyarados before the attack, it missed. Then giant Pokémon turned it’s attention to Luna. “Oh no, it’s going after Luna.” That made her Pokémon panic, except Rufflet.

He started to run towards the water and by the edge he started to fly, he was going to save his trainer no matter what. “Rufflet, wait.” Rufflet didn’t listen to James at all, he was determined to save her. He then started to glow and grow. “No way, Rufflet is evolving.” He said with an amazed in his voice.

Rufflet started to grow, every part of him started to glow. Then all of sudden a new Pokémon where there, the Pokémon was dark blue and red, his tail had some yellow and blue. He had white feathers around his head with some rad and blue, he shouted out; “BRAVIARY.”

Braviary flew at blistering speed towards Luna who had trouble staying over water. He manged to grabbed her by her shoulder just before she was to drown.

James just watch the hole thing, he was amazed by Braviary’s speed. “Wow, that was fast.” He then saw that Sullivan was cling to broken boat. “Swampert, save that old fool.” Swampert did that. “Now, time to deal with that Gyarados. Swellow, use aerial ace on Gyarados.” Swellow took a loop and speed towards the atrocious Pokémon and managed to hit him hard but it didn’t seem like he did muck damage. “Dame, that Gyarados is tougher than I expected.” Gyarados was about to attack when he was attack by razor blades, it was Braviary. He was hovering in the air with Luna in his claws while he was staring daggers at Gyarados.

Gyarados looked between the two bird Pokémon and knew that he was out number, he decided to retreat under water, he did that. When he was gone, Braviary and Swellow flew back to shore while Swampert came after with Sullivan.

Once back at shore, Braviary put Luna down on the ground, very slowly. James was there to help her, he help her to where they were eating so she could get warm by the fire.

Luna let out a sneeze. “Bloody Sullivan.” Luna was sitting by a campfire with a blanket around her, trying to get the warm back in her body. “I don’t understand why he had to drag me out in that boat when I didn’t want to.” She then looked over to James, who was tenting to the fire. “And you.” He looked at her. “Why didn’t you stop him? Why did you let him drag me out there?” She asked him with some anger in her voice.

“I don’t know, ok. Before I could do something, you were already in the boat. Sullivan’s pride as a fisher sometimes takes controls over his judgment. Don’t worry, I will have talk with him later.”

Luna nodded. “Good.” She then looked at the new Pokémon, who was standing by her right side. “Something tells me that Rufflet evolved.” Braviary just puff out his chest in pride.

“Yeep, his name is now Braviary.” James told her.

Luna nodded. “Braviary.” Unfortunately for Luna, her Pokédex was with her when she fell in to the lake. Then James told her that he had lost his Pokédex in a river once, all he did was to let it dry and it worked. Truth to his words, they let it dry and Luna could check Braviary’s data.

Braviary the Valiant Pokémon and evolved form of Rufflet. For the sake of its friends, this brave warrior of the sky will not stop battling, even if injured. They fight for their friends without any thought about danger to themselves. One can carry a car while flying.

“Sounds impressive.” She looked over to Braviary who had his chest out even more then before. “Don’t get cocky or I am sending you to the professor.” That got the Valiant Pokémon down to earth. Luna and James couldn’t help but laugh a little. Luna looked at the fire while hugging her body. “I just don’t want get involve with Sullivan anymore.” After what happened, she didn’t want to get near water but unfortunately, she had to. The two last gyms was on an island.

James could see it that she didn’t want to be near water. “I know how you fell, I can’t swim either.” Luna gave him a suspicious look, she didn’t believe him. Before she could say anything, James spoke. “I am not just saying it to make you feel better, I actually can’t swim.” Luna’s suspicious was replaced by surprised. “Yes, I am twenty year old human boy who can’t swim, laugh it up.” He said while pricking the fire with a stick.

“I not going to laugh.”

James was a little surprised by that. “Well, I don’t need your sympathy.”

Luna wanted to say something, but she didn’t know what, she just looked down on the ground in shame. James saw that and was about to say something but then Sullivan came towards them. when Luna’s Pokémon saw him, they place them between Sullivan and their trainer so he wouldn’t drag her away again.

Sullivan stopped when he saw that, and he understood. “Don’t worry, I am not here to kidnap her again, I am here to apologize.” He bowed. “I am sorry for what I did, I should never have put you on that boat and I should have listen to you when you said that you couldn’t swim. I am truly sorry.”

Luna could hear that he meant every word. “And I forgive you Sullivan, just don’t do it again, ever.”

Sullivan got up and had a small smile on his face. “Don’t worry, it won’t happened again.”

James got curious of what he said. “What do mean Sullivan?”

“I have been think and I think it’s time for me to retired, I am getting to old for this, getting to old to catch Niro.” He gave them a sad smile and left them.

James and Luna just started at him. “Well, that happened.” Said James. He then looked at Luna. “Hey, sorry about what I said before, I didn’t mean it.”

Luna just waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it, I am not mad.” She then started into the fire. “I just want to forget this day.” James couldn’t agree more.

Author's Note:

This might be the dumbest chapter I have writen, yet. To be honest, I didn’t have any other idea. I will try and make the next one better. The only positive with the chapter is that Rufflet evolved.

Until next time.

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