• Published 15th Apr 2015
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Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Battle for the Fifth Badgs

“I think I lost them.”

After arriving in Petalburg City, Ace was approached by some of the people who lives in the city and they had ask him if he was about to challenge Norman, Ace said yes which was a big mistake. About twenty people or even more wanted to battle him so he could prove that he was strong enough to battle Norman, Ace told them that he had won four gym battle and was proof how strong he was, they wouldn’t listen. So, Ace ran away on his bicycle.

He was currently hiding in an alleyway. “Man, right now I wish I had listen to James.” He told himself while looking around.

The day after the school had ended.

Luna and the rest was standing by the entrance of the school, Ace was on his bicycle ready to head to Petalburg.

“Well, I am off to get my fifth bags.” He told them while getting ready to leave.

“Just a warning Ace.” Ace looked at James with confusion. “Just be careful of the people in Petalburg, they will challenge you to a battle before they let you challenge Norman.”

Ace looked at James as he had gone crazy, he then started to laugh. “Good one, you almost had me there for a moment. See you guys another time.” Before they even could say anything ells, Ace was gone.

All James could say was. “They are going to eat him alive."

Back in the present, Ace was still looking for people who lived in the city and wanted to challenge him. “This is the last time I take a warning for granted.” Sure, Ace wanted to be a stronger trainer through battling but a whole town, that’s just crazy. There was also the question of how he was going to get to Norman’s gym without any of the town folk noticing him. “If they find me they will eat me alive.” He then spotted the one person who could help him.

Walking home with bags in both of his hands was none other than the gym leader for Petalburg City, Norman.

Ace couldn’t believe his luck, if there was one person who get him safe through the city it would be Norman. He just had to get his attention without half the city finding out where he was, he tried to come up with an idea but the only one thing he could think of was to shout Norman’s name.

He waved his arm and called out. “Norman.” Lucky for Ace, Norman heard him.

The gym leader stopped to see if he could spot whoever said his name, he then saw a young boy waving at him from an alleyway. The boy had purple hair, he was wearing a short t-shirt with snowflake on it, a pair of blue jeans, he was also wearing a purple scarf around his neck. Norman wanted to know why the boy said his name and was waving at him, he walk towards him.

When Norman was closed enough, Ace hide back into the alleyway. “Excuse me, is there a reason why you called me over here?” He ask Ace.

“Yes, my name is Artice Ace and I want to have a gym battle with you but there’s a problem, the people of this city won’t let me, they said that I have to battle a lot of people just to prove that I am strong enough. I have won four gym badges already, isn’t that proof enough?”

Norman couldn’t help but groan when he heard what Ace. “Are they still challenging trainer who want to challenge me.” He shook his head in disappointed. “Just follow me Ace and I will get you to my gym with any trouble.”

Ace was still wary. “What about those who want to challenge me?” He ask Norman.

Norman gave him an assuring smile. “Leave them to me.” Ace had no option to believe him, he gapped the handles to his bikes and came out of the alleyway. Norman couldn’t help but admire his bike. “That’s a nice bike you got there Ace did you get that from Mauville City?”

Ace nodded. “Yes, I won it.”

Norman was amazed when he heard that. “You won it, not bad. Now, just follow me and we will have the gym battle.” Norman started to walk, and Ace followed him.

While they were walking, Ace look around with a worried face and Norman could understand why. For years the residents of Petalburg City has challenge Pokémon trainers, if the trainers could beat a certain numbers of residents they could then challenge the gym leader and Norman had done nothing to prevent this.

When they arrived at the gym, they saw something that made Ace back off in fear, there was a lot of people standing in front of the gym, waiting for him. When Norman saw that, he became very angry. It was time to do something about this, he walk towards them.

One of the people in the crowd notice Norman walking towards them, he also saw Ace who was behind Norman. “There he is, there’s the trainer who want to challenge Norman.” He said while pointing at Ace.

They were all about to walk to him when Norman stood in the way. “You are not going anywhere, if you want to get to Ace you all have to go through me.” That got the crowed to stop. They wanted to say something, but Norman didn’t let them “This crap has to stop, you can’t go and challenged every trainer that want’s to challenge me, trainers don’t have to go through half the city to challenge me. Earning four badges is proof enough. So, this is going to happened. You are all going to stop this nonsense, if you don’t I will move this gym to another city where the residents won’t challenge trainers.”

That got the crowed to talk. “You can’t do that.” Said one of people in the crowed.

“Oh yes I can, this is my gym and I can do whatever I want with it. Either this city stop this crap, or I will move my gym, your call.” The crowed started to talk among themselves and eventually the crowed spread. “I thought so.” Norman said as watch the people disappeared. He then let out a heavy sigh. ‘I have to talk to the mayor tomorrow’ he thought to himself. He then look back at Ace who at watch the whole thing. “You ok?” Norman asked him.

Ace nodded. “I am a little shaken but otherwise I am ok.”

Norman smiled when he heard that. “Good, are you still up for that gym battle?”

Ace nodded again. “Yeah, it’s going to take more than this to stop me.”

That made Norman laugh a little. “That’s good to hear, why don’t you head into the gym and get ready while I go and deliver these bags to my wife.” Ace nodded in agreement.

Once Ace was inside he look around the gym and it looked like a normal gym, Ace then placed his bike by the wall near the entrance, there was now way he as going to leave it outside. He then position himself on his side of the battle field. “Time to get my fifth badge.” He took a few breath to calm himself.

It didn’t take long before Norman arrived with his son Max. “I can see that you are ready.” Norman said while position himself on the other end of the battle field. “That’s good, alright Max let get this battle started.” Max nodded.

“This gym battle between the gym leader Norman and the challenger Ace will now begin, each trainer is allowed to use three Pokémon but only the challenger is allowed to switch Pokémon, the battle is over when either challenger or the gym leader’s Pokémon are unable to battle anymore. Are both you ready?” Ace and Norman nodded. “Then begin.”

Norman was up first. “You’re up Slakoth.” Out came the slacker Pokémon who started to sway side to side.

“A Slaktoh, alright then.” Ace got ready his own Pokémon. “Go Nidorino.” Out came the Poison Pin Pokémon. Ace was happy the day his Nidroan m evolved into Nidorino. “Let’s get that badge, use horn attack.” Nidorino started to run towards Slakoth who just stood there, swinging from side to side. Nidorino leap through the air and when the attack look like it was going to hit, Slakoth avoided it. Ace stood there, dumbstruck. “What just happened?” He had no clue.

Norman just smiled of Ace’s reaction. “Use blizzard.” Slakoth turned around and fired ice from its mouth, Nidorino was hit.

Ace was very happy right now. “Damn it.” He held out Pokéball. “Nidorino, return.” The Poison Pin Pokémon returned to its Pokéball. Norman and Max was a little surprised over Ace’s early substitute. “Go Servine.” Out came the grass snake Pokémon. They were also a little surprise of his choice. “Use vine whip to grab Slaktoh.” Two vines came out from Servine’s shoulder and before Norman could react, they had grabbed Slaktoh and lifted him up in the air. “Great, now slam him into the ground.” Servine did that with all its might and all Norman could was to watch as Slaktoh hit the ground, several times. “Now, throw Slaktoh in the air and use leaf tornado.” Servine threw Slaktoh in air and then she started to spin on the ground and send away a leaf tornado that hit Slaktoh, hard. Slaktoh landed on the ground in front of Norman with stars in his eyes.

“Slaktoh is unable to battle Servine is the winner.” Max announced.

Ace pump his fist in the air. “Alright, way to go Servine.” The grass snake Pokémon just pump out her chest.

Norman called back Slaktoh. “I have to admit, I’m impressed how you used Servne’s vines to defeat Slaktoh that easy.” This time it was Ace’s time to pump out his chest. “But don’t think it will be that easy the second time, your up Vigoroth.” Out came the wild monkey Pokémon and he was ready for battle.

Ace had to take out his Pokédex to see it’s data. “Wow.” One thing was sure, this was not going to be easy. “Use leaf tornado.” Servine started to spin again and send away leaf tornado towards it’s opponent.

Norman just smiled. “Use flamethrower.” Flames came pout from Vigoroth’s mouth, and the attack cancelled Servine’s leaf tornado.

Ave’s eyes widen when he saw that. “That’s not good.”

“Now, use slash.” Vigoroth’s claws started to glow and then it ran towards Servine in blistering speed.

“Doge it.” Servine managed to avoid the attack.

“Keep using Slash.” Vigoroth attack again.

“Keep dogging it.” Servine did that.

Servine keep on dogging Vigoroth’s attack but it didn’t look like Vigoroth was getting tired, but Servine was getting tired. Then Servine took one step and he was hit by slash and flew up in the air. “Use flamethrower.” Flames came again out from Vigoroth’s mouth and this time Servine had no way to doge the attack, she was hit.

Servine landed on the ground near Ace, hard. “You ok Servine.” The grass snake Pokémon managed to get up she was breathing heavily. Ace could switch Pokémon, but he didn’t know if Nidorion was strong enough. He had one Pokémon that could defeat Vigoroth but he wanted to save it for last, he had to risk it.

Ace was brought out from his thought by Norman. “Use flamethrower.”

Ace had to act. “Doge the attack.” Servine managed to jump up in the air to not be hit by the flames. “Use energy ball.” Servine send away a green ball towards Vigoroth, the attack hit and created a small explosion. “Nice work Servine.”

“Use slash.” Out from the smoke jumped Vigoroth heading towards Servine who had no were to run, Servine was hit hard by Vigoroth’s claws, Servine feel towards the ground and landed hard on it, Servine was out.

“Servine is unable to battle Vigoroth is the winner.” Max announced.

Ace called ac Servine. “Nice work.” He put away the Pokéball and took out a new one. “Let’s do this Nidorino.” Out came the poison pin Pokémon, ready for another round. “Use horn attack on Vigoroth.” Nidorino started to run towards it’s opponent. Norman knew what to do so he waited but then he saw Ace smile, why was Ace smiling? “Jump and use double kick.” Nidorino jump up in the air and was heading towards Vigoroth with its back legs first, Norman was so caught off guard that he didn’t have time to issue a command, Vigoroth was kick twice and he felt it.

Nidorino landed on the ground while Vigoroth staggered back a little, Norman just smiled. “I am impressed again, you used horn attack as a diversion and then you used it momentum to make Nidorino use double kick, making the attack stronger.”

Ace took in Norman’s praise. “I have trained so I can defeat you and get my fifth badge.”

“That’s good to hear but don’t think it will be easy, slash.” Before Ace could react, Vigoroth flew towards Nidorino and started to slash him with its claws.

“Move it Nidorino.” There were no way to move, Vigoroth keep on using slash and was not stopping. Ace had no idea for how long the onslaught was going to last but eventually Vigoroth delivered the final slash and Nidorino flew up in the air and landed in front of Ace. “You ok Nidorino?” The poison pin Pokémon managed to get up but was badly hurt.

Norman crossed his arms. “I am impressed, I didn’t think your Nidorino would get up after that.” Norman then saw that Ace was smiling. “Why are you smiling?”

“You should worried about your own Pokémon.” Norman had no idea what he was talking about but then he saw purple liquid from around Vigoroth, his Pokémon was poison. “If you haven’t figure it out already, Nidorino ability is poison point.” Norman’s eyes widen when he heard that. “Horn attack.” Nidorino ran towards it’s opponent who was still under the effect of the poison, Nidorino leap through the air and hit Vigoroth so hard in the stomach that he staggered back.

Norman watch as Vigoroth was hurt and was hoping that he was ok, then the wild monkey Pokémon feel backwards to the ground and landed there, unconscious.

“Vigoroth is unable to battle, Nidorino is the winner.” Max announced.

“Alright, two down one to go. Nice work Nidorion.” Ace praised his Pokémon.

Norman called back Vigoroth, he then smiled at Ace. “I got to say, your Pokémon is well trained.”

Ace smiled back. “As I said, we have trained for this battle.”

“That’s good to hear.” Norman took out his final Pokéball. “But don’t think it’s over, come out Slaking.” He then threw the Pokéball and out came lazy Pokémon ready for battle.

Ace just look at the giant Pokémon. “So, there it is, Norman last Pokémon.” He took out his Pokédex to look at the data. “Alright.” He put away the dex. “Use horn attack.” Nidorion started to tun towards Slaking.

“Bad move.” Ace was confused why Norman said that. “Use focus punch.” And before Ace could react, Nidorion leap through the air but instead of hitting its target, he was hit hard by a glowing left fist that belong to Slaking. Nidorion was hit so hard that he flew past Ace and hit the wall, he then feel to the floor unconscious.

“Nidorion is unable to battle, Slaking is the winner.” Max announced.

Ace just stood there, in shock. He couldn’t believe that Nidorion was out in one hit. Ace called back Nidorion and then look at Slaking. ‘What power.’ He then took out his last Pokéball. “I am counting on you.” He then look at Norman with determination, he then threw the Pokéball. “Let’s do this Sawk.” Out came a Pokémon that was blue, it had karate suit with a black belt and what look like the letter Z on its forehead.

When Norman saw Ace’s Sawk, he became am little worried. He knew that Sawk was a tough Pokémon and a difficult opponent, but he wasn’t going to let that scare him.

“Let’s do this Sawk, use bulk up.” Sawk started to glow and then it look like it muscles started to grow. “Then use brick break.” Sawk right hand started to glow and then he ran towards Slaking.

“Get ready Slaking.” Slaking got in a fighting position, then Sawk jump into the air and was ready to hit Slaking. “Block it.” Slaking raised its arms and crossed them, Sawk’s attack hit its arms. Slaking managed to soften the attack but it still hurt. After attack was done, Sawk jump back to Ace. “Use earthquake.” Slaking jump and when he landed, he created an earthquake that shock the whole gym and Swak lost his balance and fell on the floor. “Use hammer arm.” Slaking arms started to glow as her ran towards Swak.

“Get up Swak and catch his arms.” Swak put his arms behind his head, he then bent his legs, so they were closed to his face and then jump up and were standing. Swak then grabbed both of Slaking’s arms stopping the attack.

Both Pokémon was trying to get the upper hand but none of them would move. “It looks like our Pokémon is equally strong but your Swak can’t attack while Slaking can.” Norman then saw Ace laugh. “What’s so funny?”

“Are you sure Swak can’t attack.” Norman was confused why he said that, he knew that Swak couldn’t learn any moves that had to use a Pokémon’s mouth. “Use double kick.” Normans eyes widen when he heard that.

Swak managed to push Slaking’s arms back so the lazy Pokémon staggered backwards, Swak then kick Slaking twice in the stomach in rapid session.

“Don’t give up Slaking, use blizzard.” Slaking managed to cover from the attack, he then opened its mouth and let out snowstorm from his mouth which Swak hadn’t time to avoid.

“Get out of there Swak.” Ace said in a worried voice, Swak tried but it was not easy. Then Ace got an idea, it was risky. “Move through the storm.” Norman was surprised when he heard that, and he was even more surprised when he saw Swak started to walk towards Slaking.

“Put more power to your blizzard Slaking.” He did that and the blizzard became even bigger.

“Don’t give up Swak.” The karate Pokémon put up his arms to cover his face as he keep on walking towards Slaking and eventually he managed it. “Use close combat.” Before Norman or Slaking could react, Slaking got a fist to the face stopping the blizzard. Then Slaking got kick in the stomach, punched in the stomach. Then another kick, another punch. Slaking was hit right and left and Swak wasn’t about to stop. “Finished it with brick break.” Swak stopped attack Slaking and then its right arm started to glow, and it was heading towards Slaking head, but he hadn’t recover from the attack and before he could react, he was hit in head.

The impacted created a small shockwave and then the two Pokémon just stood there, then Swak removed his hand and then they all saw Slaking fall backward towards the ground, he hit the floor and he was unconscious.

“Slaking is unable to battle Swak is the winner, that means that the victory in this battle is Ace.” Announced Max.

It took a few seconds before Ace even registered that he had won. “I won?” He blink a few time. “I won.” He then became so happy that he ran out on the battle field and hugged Swak.” We won Swak.” Swak wasn’t that happy to be hugged but he allowed it this time.

While they were hugging, Norman called back Slaking with a smile on his face. Losing was never fun but seeing the smile on Ace’s face made it better, he walked over to the trainer and Pokémon. “Congratulate on beating me Ace.” He stop just bedside them and took his hand in his pocket. “I am happy to give you the balance badge.” He took his hand out from the pocket and opened his hand to give Ace his badge.

“Thanks Norman.”

Ace happily took his new badge he look at it with pride in his eyes.

Author's Note:

There you all have it, Ace got his fifth badge. I think the battle was longer then the last one.

Artice Ace belongs to MLPFan1

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