• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Luna vs Flannery

It’s been four days since James and Luna help Julie catch the Pokémon hunter but the event had affected Luna more than she expected, she still can’t believe that it existed humans that would steal Pokémon for money. She hasn’t eaten much or slept well the past days.

Right now, they were on a road to Lavaridge Town. Luna was just staring at the road. She did even notice that James was talking to her.

“Luna, are you okay?”

He put a hand on her shoulder, that got her back to reality. She blinked a couple of time.

“Sorry, did you say something?”

“I asked if you are okay.”

She nodded. “Yes, I’m fine.” She tried to put on her best smile but James wasn’t buying it.

He walked in front of her. “No, you’re not fine. Ever since we left Julie’s farm you have been acting weird, you almost haven’t eaten or slept. What’s wrong? You know you can talk to me.”

“I said that I’m fine, just dropped it. I’m going to the Pokémon center.”

She walked past him and headed for the center leaving James alone on the road wondering who to deal with this situation. ‘Maybe my mother knows what do to.’ He walked after Luna. When he arrived at the Pokémon center he saw Luna talking to nurse joy, they laugh a little and the Luna saw James and her mod dropped. She walked to where the rooms where, James walked over to Nurse Joy.

“Hello James, what can I do for you today?”

“Hello nurse Joy, are there any rooms available?”

She checked her computer. “You are lucky, there are one left. That girl with blue hair took the other one.” He looked in the direction where Luna had gone to, Joy saw that he had a worried face on him. “Do you know here James?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I’m helping her on her journey.” He looked back the Joy. “Thanks for the room, I’m going to call my mom before I go to my room.” He walked towards the phones.

Once there he dialled the number to his home, it didn’t take long before his mother answer.

“James, how’s is it going? Where are you and Luna now?” She asked her son.

“Where in Falander Town.” He didn’t know who to say that Luna had problem, he stared to rub his neck.

“James, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, nothing is wrong.” He tried to put on his best smile.

“Don’t lie to me James, whenever you tire to make a fake smile you are lying. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

He tried to open his mouth to tell her but nothing came out, so he took a deep breath.

“It’s not me, it’s Luna.”

That got James’s mother to worried. “What’s wrong with Luna? Is she hurt?”

“No, she isn’t hurt as last I don’t think so, look we had running with Pokémon hunter four days ago and I think it affected Luan and I don’t know what to do.”

“You have to go talk to her James, right now she need someone that has gone through the same thing and that’s you. Remember, she is from a world that’s peaceful.”

When James heard that last part he wondered how his mother knew that. “How do you know that? Did professor Birch tell you?”

His mother waved a hand. “Who told me isn’t important, what’s is important is Luna. You have to talk to her.”

“I know that but I’m not that good taking to girls.”

“Just do what you think is right honey, I have to go good luck with Luna. Bye James.”

“Bye mom.”

James hang up the phone. ‘At least she didn’t say anything embarrassing.’ Now he has the task of talking to a girl which he sucked at. ‘Better get it over with.’ He headed for Luna’s room.

When he reached the door to her room he was about to knock on it but hesitated, he thought about telling her what he felt for her but he was afraid that she would break his heart if she decided to go home when she was finished her journey. ‘Her goes nothing.’ He knocked on the door.

It didn’t that long before he got an answer. “Who is it?”

“It’s James, can we talk?”

“I don’t want to talk right now, leave me alone.”

“Look Luna, I’m worried about you. You have barely eaten or slept since the incident with the Pokémon hunter, you need to talk to someone.”

“I said leave me alone.”

He sighed. “Look, I’m not leaving before you talk to me.” He sat down beside the door. “I’m going to sit beside the door until you talk to me.”

Inside Luna’s room. She could hear James sit down on the floor, she sat on her bed staring at the door.

“Are you really sitting beside the door?” She asked him.

“Yes, I am and I’m leaving.”

Luna just smiled while shaking her head, she got of her bed and walk towards the door, she opened the door and look out in the corridor and beside the door sat James.

“You are really weird, you know that right.” She told him.

“I got it from my mother.” He stood up. “Are you ready to talk? Because I’m not going anywhere until you are.”

She wanted to protest but she was to tired. “Fine, come in.”

Both walked into her room, Luna went over to her bed and sat against the wall while hugging her legs, James sat on the only chair in the room. They just sat there in silence until James decide to speak up.

“How are you feeling?” He asked her.

“I feel fine.”

He didn’t believe her. “You are not fine, ever since we left Julie’s farm you been acting strange. You haven’t eaten much and you barely get any sleep, you have to talk about what happened.”

“I said that I’m fine so stop asking.”

James shook his head. “Not going to happened, I’m going to stay here until you admit that you’re not fine.”

“I said I’m fine.” She said with some venom in her voice.

“Why do you lie to me and yourself?”

She got up, grabbed him by his jacket and pinned him against the wall. “What do you want me to say? That I’m not fine? Fine, I feel like shit. When I saw what the Pokémon hunter did it made me sick, I couldn’t believe that a human would sell Pokémon for money. There, are you happy?” She was breathing heavily.

“I’m am happy? No. but I’m glad we have trainers like you Luna.”

Now she was confused. “What do you mean trainers like me?”

“This world isn’t perfect, I learn that hard way. That’s way I’m glad we have trainers like you, a trainer that cares for her Pokémon. That hunter only care for money, Sunset is a trainer who only care about strong Pokémon. In my opinion Luna, you are what this world needs, a trainer that loves her Pokémon.”

After he said that she broke down and stared to cry, she fell to floor. “I thought this world would be different than mine, I was wrong. I don’t think I can continue with this.”

James sat down beside her. “Like I said, this world isn’t perfect but you can’t quiet now Luna. I thought you want to try out for the Pokémon league?”

“Right now, I don’t know what I want to do.”

He put arm on her shoulder and brought her closer to him, she cried into his chest. “I don’t know if this will make you feel any better but I felt the same way as you do right now.”

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “You did?” He nodded. “How did you get through it?”

“My mom, she told my that’s how the world works. Whether I like it or not.”

“What did you do?”

He closed his eyes. “I just accepted it, it wasn’t easy and it still isn’t. I know that isn’t what you wanted to hear.” He open them. “Did bad things happened in your world?”

“Yes, but my sister always told me that it was supposed to happened. I never believe her.” She let go of James and leaned against the bed. “Discord, the Changelings and Nightmare Moon.” James cold hear the sadness in her voice when she mention Nightmare Moon.

“Who solved all those problems?” He asked her.

“Do you remember I mentioned someone by the name of Twilight?” James nodded. “She and her friends did the most part while me and my sister was on the side line, they used the power of friends.”

James scratched his head. “It’s sound like your world is too perfect, friends can only get you so far. No world is perfect.”

Luna snorted. “Try telling that to my sister, she thinks that Equestria is perfect that she let Twilight and her friends fight her battle.” She looked down on the floor. “Sometimes I wonder where my place is.”

James put a hand on her shoulder. “It sound like you made the right choice to leave your world.”

Luna shrugged. “Maybe, I feel more home here then I do in Equestria so maybe you are right.”

James smile. “Do you feel better now?”

“A little but I’m not in the mood to challenge the gym leader right now.”

Her mood was down and James knew exactly how to get it up again, he got up and hold out a hand. “Come on, I know exactly what you need.” She hesitated for a second but took it.

They went out in the main lobby of the Pokémon center, they saw nurse Joy working at the front desk. She smiled when she saw them coming.

“Hello James, what can I do for you and your friends?” She asked them.

“For now, nothing. We are heading for hot spring.” James answer her.

Now was Joy envious at them. “That sound absolute lovely, I wish I could but have to work. It’s behind the center.”

James and Luna walked out the back door and when they arrived there Luna saw a building the read ‘Lavaridge hot spring.’

“There’s a hot spring in this town?” Luna asked James.

“Yep, it’s because of the volcano. Thanks for that they open this hot spring so trainers could relax on their journey. Didn’t you see the volcano on our way here?”

She shook her head. “No, I guess I what happened on Julie’s farm affected me more than I thought. Let’s just go in.” They did that.

Well inside Luna saw what almost looked like the spa in Ponyville, it had waiting room and front desk. She also saw two doors that read ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ on them, behind a desk was a woman typing something on a computer, when she James and Luna she gave them a big smile.

“Welcome to Lavaridge hot spring, what can I do for you two?” She asked them.

James and Luna walked to the front desk. “Yes, is the hot spring available?” James asked her.

“You are in luck, there are only one in the girl part of the spring and none in the boy part.”

“Who’s in the girl part?”

As soon James asked that a girl he knew came out from the girl door, it was Flannery.

She stretches her entire body. “Man, that felt great. I needed that.” She then noticed James. “Well, is it not James. I haven’t seen you in years. How have you been?”

“I have been god, I see that you are as free spirit as usual.”

She gave him a smile. “You know it.” She then noticed Luna. “Who is this your girlfriend?” She asked in a teasing voice.

James groan of what she said. “Why does everyone say that.”

Flannery walked over to him and slapped him on the back, he almost fell over. “Relax James, I’m just messing with you.” She looked at Luna stretch out as hand. “Names Flannery, I’m the gym leader in this town and my specialty is fire Pokémon. Are you a challenger?”

Luna took it. “I’m Luna and I don’t know yet.”

That confused Flannery. “What do you mean you don’t know? Are you a challenger or not?”

Luna was about to answer but before she could James grabbed Flannery’s arm. “Can I talk to you outside for a moment, why don’t you go ahead Luna.” He walked outside with a very confused Flannery.

Well outside James let go of Flannery’s arm. “Alright James, what’s going on? Is that girl going to challenge me or not?”

“She’s unsure, four days ago we ran into a Pokémon hunter and the experience affected her. I took her here to relax and try to get her mind on other things.”

Flannery scratch her head. “Oh wow, that can affect anyone. Well, if she decided to challenge me you know where to find me.”

James gave her a blank looked. “Do you mean the gym? You tend to wander around and disappeared for days.”

She crossed her arms and started to pout. “Well excuse me for having a free spirit, it’s just who I am.”

“Huh, like battling a trainer who only had one bags.”

Flannery let arm fall. “Oh come on, I felt bad for the kid. He came all the way to me to challenge me.”

“It’s against the rules Flannery and you know it.”

She crossed her arms again. “Whatever, but back to your girlfriend.” James slap a hand on his face. “I get that she is shaken up a Pokémon hunter, it looked like she about to give up her hole journey. Now, that isn’t right.”

“She is from a place that crime doesn’t happen very much, that’s why I took her here. To take her mind of thing.”

Flannery nodded. “Alright then, I will be at my gym if she wants to challenge me and don’t worry I will be there.”

James nodded. “Good.” Flannery was about to leave. “Wait a minute Flannery, have you heard of a girl named Sunset Shimmer?”

“Sure, she’s my cousin.”

James jaw almost hit the ground when heard that. “Sunset is your cousin?” Flannery nodded. “Unbelievable.”

“You met her?” James nodded. “Look, I know that she can be a little cold but she has a good heart.”

“If you say so Flannery.” He looked at the hot spring. “Look, I have to get back to Luna.”

“Okay, I hope to see you and your girlfriend later.”

Before he could reply Flannery ran away, laughing, James rubbed his forehead as he walked back in. Once inside he didn’t see Luna anywhere so he assumed that she was in the spring, just to be sure he decided to ask the woman who was working.

“Excuse me, where is the girl I came with?” He asked her.

“She went in already and she said that you would pay for her, is that correct sir?” She asked James.

“That’s is correct and I will also pay for myself.”

He gave her the money and went to the boy door. Inside the spring, Luna was leaning towards the rock near the fence relaxing a swimsuit that she had borrowed, she was just happy that they cleaned after every use. She let out a happy sighed.

“James was right, I need this.”

“I’m happy for you.”

Luna recognized that voice right away. “James? Where are you?”

“I’m on the other side of the fence.”

When Luna heard that her face became red and she covert her chest. “Why are you in the girl section?”

“I’m not, I’m in the boy section. Do you really think that they would but girls and boys together?”

Luna relaxed a little when she heard that. “You have a point there, can you see through the fence?”

“Nope and even if I could I won’t take a peak, I respect the woman body.”

“That’s good to hear.” Luna looked up towards the sky. “James?”


“I have decided to keep going with my journey and challenge the Hoenn league, I’m not going to let what happened at Julie’s farm affect me.”

She couldn’t see him but she knew that he smiled. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Flannery is using fire Pokémon, that was what she said.” She asked James.

“That’s right but I won’t tell you which fire Pokémon.”

‘Fire Pokémon, they are weak against water and ground attack. I’m going to use Marill, that’s for sure but for the rest I’m not sure.’ She thought. “How many can I use?” She asked James.


‘Three, I think I know with one.’ Luna smiled of her choice.

The next day Luna and James was standing outside the Lavaridge gym, Luna was ready to get her fourth bags.

“You ready?” James asked Luna.

“More than ready, let get this battle away.” Luna said with enthusiasm in her voice.

James smiled of that. “That’s good, let’s go in then.”

They did that, when they arrived at gym field and Luna could see the different right away. The first three gym was indoors while Flannery’s was outside, it looked like a rock field without rocks. They looked for Flannery but they couldn’t see her.

“Where is Flannery, James?”

“I have no idea, she said that she would be here today.”

Then they heard screaming, then they saw Flannery running towards them and her back was on fire. James just slapped a hand on his face while Luna wonder what she was seeing. Then she stared to run around in circles on the battle field.

‘Not this again.’ James thought while he took out a Pokéball. “Come out Swampert and use water gun on Flannery.” The water Pokémon did as his trainer asked and managed to put out the fire on Flannery’s back.

Flannery breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks James, you save me.”

“Yeah, I also did that last time. Remember?”

Flannery just stuck out her tongue at James. “Whatever.” She looked at Luna. “I can see that I have a challenger today, my name is Flannery and I’m the leader of the Lavaridge gym.” She said with bride in her voice, James just rolled his eyes.

“My name is Luna and I’m here to challenge you for a badge.”

“I already knew your name and I accept your challenge.”

They were about to take their places but something was missing and James notice that. “Where’s the referee?”

Flannery scratched her neck in embarrassment. “I gave him the week off.”

James threw his arms up in frustration. “Good dame it Flannery.”

“I know aright but I have had two challengers in four days so I gave him the week of but, I know who can help me.” Flannery looked at James with puppy dog’s eyes.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Then it dawned on him. “Hell no Flannery, I can’t be the judge. I’m not qualified.”

“Didn’t you take a course?”

“I did but I failed on the final test.”

“Please, if you don’t then Luna has to wait to the end of the week.”

James looked at Luna and he could see that she was ready to battle and hat to be then one that crushed her chance to get her fourth bags, he sighed in defeat.

“Fine, I’ll do it.” He pointed a finger at Flannery. “BUT, if this comes back and bite me in the ass I’m blaming you. Got it?”

“Fine by me let’s get this battle stared.”

She and Luna walked to each side of the battle field while James with Swampert stood in the middle.

“Alright, this gym battle between the gym leader and the challenger Luna while now begin, each trainer can use three Pokémon but only the challenger can change Pokémon. Did you understand that Flannery?” He said in a mock tone, she just stared at him with annoying stare. Luna didn’t understand why he said that. “The battle is over when either the gym leader or the challenger Pokémon are unable to battle, if you both are ready.” Both nodded. “The begin.”

Flannery was up with her Pokémon first. “Come out Slugma.”

Out came a Pokémon that looked like it was made of lava, Luna took out her Pokédex.

Slugma the Lava Pokémon. Molten magma course throughout Slugma’s circulatory system. If this Pokémon is chilled, the magma cools and hardens. Its body turns brittle and chunks fall off, reducing its size.

She put it away. “Let’s go Litleo.”

When James saw Luna choice he was a little surprise. ‘Litleo, a little odd choice.’

“Let’s stared with work up Litleo.” Litleo stared to glow.

“Going on the offence, then we are going to play defence. Use reflect Slugma.” Slugma’s eyes stared to glow and the Luna saw a barrier in front of Slugma.

‘What was that, I can worry about that later. Time to attack.’ She thought. “Use headbutt on Slugma.”

Litleo stared to run towards Slugma with the head bent down, when the attack Litleo was stopped by something that looked like a wall.

“Reflect is a move that cut physical attacks, you won’t do much damage now.”

Luna stared to panic. ‘This is bad the Litleo can only use headbutt and ember.’ She took a deep breath. ‘Calm down Luna, you can’t panic now.’ She held out Litleo’s Pokéball. “Litleo, return.” She then took out a new Pokéball. “You’re up Roggenrola.” Out came the rock Pokémon ready for battle.

When James saw that he was impressed. ‘Nice choice.’

“Okay Roggenrola, let’s use earthquake.” Roggenrola jump up in the air and when the hole battle field shook, Luna and the others had trouble standing up.

“That’s one powerful earthquake.” Flannery said to herself, she then saw that Slugma took damage. “Don’t give up Slugma, use rock throw.” Slugma’s eyes stared to glow and rocks came out from the ground, then he threw them towards Roggenrola.

“Doge them.” Roggenrola manged to doge them all. “Use rock blast.” Then the rock Pokémon against Slugma.

“Doge them Slugma.” The fire Pokémon manged to doge the two first but the last to hit.

“Use headbutt.” Roggenrola flew towards Slugma but the attack was reflected back. ‘Dame, reflect is still in effect.”

“Shake of the attack Slugma and use flamethrower.” Flames came out from its mouth and manged to hit the target, it didn’t do much damage.

“Let’s use earthquake again.” Roggenrola jump up again and when he landed he shook the hole battle field again, Slugma took more damage and this time the fire Pokémon past out.

“Slugma is unable to battle, Roggenrola is the winner.” James announced.

“Great work Roggenrola.” Roggenrola jump up and down of joy.

Flannery called back Slugma. “Nice work Slugma, get some rest.” She took out a new Pokéball. “It’s your turn Magcargo.” Out came Pokémon that looked like Slugma but bigger and had a rock on its back.

Luna took out her Pokédex

Magcargo the Lava Pokémon and the evolve form of Slugma. Magcargo’s body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees. Water is vaporised on contact. If this Pokémon is caught in the rain, the raindrops turn into steam, cloaking the are in a thick fog.

“Use yawn.” Magcargo yawn and Roggenrola stared to get sleepy and then it feel asleep.

Luna stared to panic. “Oh no, wake up Roggenrola.” But it didn’t work.

“That’s too bad, let’s finished this with one move Magcargo. Solar beam.” Magcargo stared to charge up.

When Luna heard that her eyes widen. “This is bad, you got to wake up Roggenrola.” But it was no use, Roggenrola was still asleep.

Magcargo was finish charging up. “Solar beam.” Magcargo fired a bower full beam out of its mouth towards Roggenrola. The attack hit and created an explosion that blinded Luna and the other’s, when the dust cleared they could see Roggenrola lie on the field, he was out.

“Roggenrola is unable to battle, Magcargo is the winner.” James announced.

Flannery gave Magcargo thumbs up. “Nice work Magcargo.”

Luna called back Roggenrola. “Good work, get some rest.” She looked over to Flannery and her Pokémon. ‘She is tough but, I’m not about give up.' She took out a new Pokéball. “You’re up again Litleo.” Out came the Lion Pokémon. “Use headbutt.” Litleo ran towards Magcargo and this the attack hit, the barrier shattered.

When the attack hit, it didn’t look like Magcargo took much damage. “Use ancient power.” Magcargo summoned rocks and threw them towards Litleo.

“Doge them all.” Litleo jump up in and then the lion pup dug a hole, that attack missed.

When Flannery saw that she became a little nervous. “This is bad.” Then all of sudden Litleo came up underneath Magcargo sending it flying. “Don’t give up, use flamethrower.” Somehow the flame Pokémon managed to attack in the air, the attack hit and Litleo tumbled on the ground.

“You okay Litleo?” Litleo managed to get up but hurt.

Magcargo landed on the other side, it looked like it was okay. “Alright Magcargo, use ancient power again.” Rock flew towards Litleo again.

“Doge them.” But Litleo had taken too much damage, Litleo was hit and passed out.

“Litleo is unable to battle, Magcargo is the winner.” James announced.

“Alright Magcargo, that’s two, one to go.”

Luna called back Litleo, “You did a good job, take good rest.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ‘I guess I chose my Pokémon wrong but, I’m not about to give up. I’m doing this for Roggenrola and Litleo.’ She took out her final Pokéball. “Let’s do this Marill.” Out came the water Pokémon and she was ready. “Use water gun.” Marill send out a water towards Magcargo and that attack did a lot of damage.

Flannery became a little worried right now. “Don’t give up Magcargo, use yawn.” Magcargo was about to use the move but…

“Not this time, bubble beam.” Out of Marill’s mouth came a lot of bubbles and they all hit the target; Magcargo. Now was Flannery very worried. “Keep using bubble beam.” Marill keep on using the move and in the end Magcargo fainted.

“Magcargo is unable to battle, Marill is the winner.” James announced.

“Nice work Marill.” Luna praised her Pokémon, Marill just stood there with pride.

Flannery called back Magcargo.” You did a good job take a good rest.” She looked over to Luna and smiled. “I’m impressed Luna but don’t think you have beaten me yet.” She took out her last Pokéball. “Let’s go Torkoal.”

Out came a Pokémon that looked like a giant turtle so Luna took out her Pokédex for the last time.

Torkoal the coal Pokémon. Torkoal digs through mountains in search of coal. If it finds some, it fills hollow spaces on its shell with the coal and burns it. If it is attacked, this Pokémon spouts thick black smoke to beat a retreat.

Luna was a little concerned about the data. ‘Sounds thought but, I still have the upper hand with Marill.’ She put it away. “Alright Marill, bubble beam.” Bubble came out from Marill mouth.

Flannery just smiled. “Iron defence.” Torkoal disappeared into his shell like a turtle and the bubble just bounced off it.

Luna and Marill was in shook when they saw that. “What the?”

“Sorry to disappoint you but Torkoal shell can resist even water attack, let’s use gyro ball.” Torkoal stared to spin very fast and was heading towards Marill.

“Get out of the way Marill.” Marill barely manged to doge the attack.

“Don’t think that’s going to save you, keep using gyro ball.” Luna watch as Torkoal turned around in the air and headed towards Marill again and this time she had no time to get out of the away, she was hit.

Torkoal turned around again and attack Marill again. “Get out of the way Marill.” It was no use, Marill was hit several times.

Marill fell to the ground, hurt. Torkoal wasn’t finished, the attack keep going. Marill was hit many times and Luna could only watch as her Pokémon took more and more damage. In the end the attack finally stopped, Torkoal land in front of Flannery while Marill was lying on the ground on pain.

“Let’s finished it up with flamethrower.” Flames came out from Torkoal and hit Marill, it didn’t do much damage but Marill felt the effect. “I see that your Marill is still standing. It’s tough I give you that.”

On the side line James could only watch as Luna’s Marill got beaten up. ‘This does not look good, what are you going to do Luna?’ He thought.

“Don’t give up Marill, I know that you can do it. You are stronger than this.”

That was all Marill need to hear, she got up slowly and then she stared to glow. All the humans and Pokémon was surprise of what was happening, especially Luna. She watched as Marill grew lager, her ears got big and so did her tail. When she stopped glowing a brand new Pokémon stood there.


Luna took out her Pokédex.

Azumarill the Aqua rabbit Pokémon and the evolve form of Marill. Azunarill’s long ears are indispensable sensors. By focusing its hearing, this Pokémon can identify what kind of prey are around, even in rough and fast running rivers.

Luna had only one word. “Awesome.”

Now was Flannery really worried while James just smiled. ‘Look at that, Marill really felt Luna’s love and trust so she evolved. Let see if they can win this.’ He thought for himself.

“Let’s win this Azumarill, use water gun.” Water came out from the new evolved Pokémon.

“Use iron defence Torkoal.” Torkoal hide in his shell again and the water attack bounce off again.

Luna was getting tired of that. ‘I need to do something about iron defence, but what.’ Luna looked at battel field and then she got an idea. “Azumarill, use ice beam on the ground.” Azumarill jump up in the air and did what Luna said, she covered the hole ground in ice.

When Flannery and James saw that they were both confused but then they saw that Torkoal had difficulty standing, James smiled. ‘Nice move.’

Azumarill land on the ground and she also had trouble standing. “Use your tail to keep your balance.” Azumarill did as Luna said and she was now standing.

Flannery saw that Torkoal had trouble standing she panic. ‘This is bad, Torkoal is going to have trouble using his moves now.’ She was right. “Use flamethrower.” Torkoal tried but thanks to the ice he had trouble keeping his balance.

“If you can’t attack then we will, use bubble beam.” Azumarill attack with bubble again.

“Use iron defence Torkoal.” It was now use, thanks to the ice Torkoal could not use the move. Azumarill attack hit and Torkoal was hit hard.

“Keep using bubble beam.” Azumarill keep attacking and in the end Torkoal pasted out.

“Torkoal is unable to battle, Azumarill is the winner. That means the challenger Luna is victorious.” Wade announced.”

Luna was about to run into the battle field but then she remembered the ice, lucky Azumarill came skating over to her trainer.

Luna lifted up Azumarill and gave her a hug. “We did Azumarill, thank you so much.” Azumarill return the hug.

Flannery and James came over to them. “Nice work Luna, you took me off bed with that ice beam, here.” She gave Luan her bags. “This is the heat badge, it’s a proof that you have beaten me.”

“Thanks Flannery.” Luna took the badge and looked at it with pride in her eyes.

Luna and her three Pokémon and James with Swampert was heading back to the Pokémon center, Luna was holding her badge cases, looking at her badges.

“Your badges aren’t going anywhere.” James told her.

She looked at him with and annoying face. “I know that, can’t you let me enjoy this moment.” James chuckled a little, she put away her cases. “So James, where is the next gym?”

James hesitated a little. “That would be Petalburg town.”

Luna ran the name through her mind a couple of times. “That name sounds familiar.” Then it dawned on her. “That’s the second town be past if you don’t count Littleroot, why are the fifth gym there?” She almost shouted that last part.

James shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, I didn’t decide which town should get at gym.”

“So you are telling me we have to backtrack all the way back?” James just nodded.

Luna couldn’t help but groan, she was not looking forward to backtracking all the way to Petalburg town.

Author's Note:

I hope that you all like the new chapter and the battle between Luna and Flannery, it's not the best I've have written, that's for sure.

I have no idea when the next chapter is coming so you guys just have to wait, if you like this story then give it a thumbs up.

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