• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Hoenn League part 5

It’s been five days since Luna and James arrived in Ever Grande city for the tournament, four days since Celestia and the main 6 arrived through a portal. In four days, Luna and her Pokémon has trained against James and his Pokémon, Celestia and the girls was amaze by the different Pokémon Luna had. The girls thought that someone of them was cute, Fluttershy couldn’t control herself when she saw Luna’s Azumarill, who didn’t like to be hugged by a complete stranger, she just sprayed water in Fluttershy’s face. Her friends thought it was hilarious, even Celestia and Luna thought it was funny, not Fluttershy. Then Fluttershy discovered that Pokémon fought each other, she didn’t like that at all. James told her that they did at their own free will, it didn’t help.

Luna was now at the beach still training for the tournament and she was currently using her Roggenrola against James Nidorino while Celestia and the girls was sitting on some beach chairs watching her train.

“Use horn attack.” Nidorino charge towards his opponent.

“Use harden.” Roggenrola started to shine a little right before he got hit by Nidorin’s horn, which send him flying.

On the side line, Dash decided to comment on Luna’s choice. “I still don’t understand why Luna choose that rock Pokémon, it’s just so weak.”

Fluttershy frowned of what her friend said. “How can you that about Roggenrola? You heard what Luna said, she wanted him to train before the tournament.

Dash just rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” Fluttershy just shook her head.

Then Applejack look at her friend with a raised eyebrow. “It sounds like you think can do better.”

Dash decided to puff out her chest. “You bet I can, could probably beat every trainer here because I’m awesome.” This time it was Applejack who roll her eyes.

Then Celestia spoke up. “No, you can’t.” She said without taking her eyes off Luna’s training.

Dash and the others look at the princess. “Why do you say that?”

“Luna told me that a trainer must stay calm under pressure and I doubt you can do that.”

Dash was speechless, she never thought that Celestia would take like that of her, her friends on the other hand just thought it was funny, especially Pinkie. “Wow, she really got you the Dash, right on the head.” She said between laughs. Dash just crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair.

Back with the training. Roggenrola was lying in the sand after he had been send through the air by Nidorino. “Don’t you dear give up Roggenrola, get up and fight.” The mantle Pokémon got up and was ready for more, then all off sudden he started to glow and grow.

Celestia and the girls didn’t know what was going on. “What in all that holly is happening?” Applejack asked the other, they didn’t know.

“I think that Roggenrola is growing.” Said Twilight.

Then Rarity. “Growing, how?” She asked a good question.

When Roggenrola stop glowing a brand new Pokémon stood there. “BOLDORE.” Was its name.

The girls couldn’t believe what they saw, little Roggenrola growing double in size. Boldore had stone body with three stone legs with orange tags as feet’s? it look like it had three orangs teeth’s and it also had four orangs stones on its heads.

Celestia was quickly to see if she could find the information in the book, she found it. “It’s say that’s Boldore the evolved from of Roggenrola, it’s called the ore Pokémon, it looks like the crystals on its head contains energy.”

“The crystals on its head contains energy? How does that work.” Dash questions what Celestia told them.

Celestia just shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, how do you explain what Pokémon can do?” Celestia had a point there which Dash didn’t have an answer for.

Back to the training, Luna had just seen the data on her dex and couldn’t help but smile. “Alright, let’s see if your Nidorino can handle this, use rock blast Boldore.” The ore Pokémon didn’t hesitated at all as he fired rocks from its forehead, each shot hit Nidorino hard. “Use headbutt.” Boldore launched himself towards Nidorino who was still dazzle from the last attack, had no time to move as he was hit hard, the poison pin Pokémon flew backwards and landed on the sand unconscious.

Luna couldn’t help but cheer. “Alright, nice work Boldore.” She praised her new evolved Pokémon as she walk over to him and patted him on the head.

James just called back his Nidorion with a smile on his face. “She never seems to surprised me.” He said to himself.

Little did they know that some of Luna’s Pokémon that was watching, Sceptile, Jolteon, Espeon, Sandshrew and Misdreavus, two of them was jealous.

After the training, all nine of them went back to the café they have used before to have some lunch. Twilight was amazed that Pokémon could evolved and get stronger, she had never seen animals like that before, she wanted to write it down, but James told her if she did he would get her arrested. Twilight’s and Celestia thought it was a little extreme. Then James told them only Pokémon professor was allowed to document about Pokémon and doing so without a licence could get you arrest, it was all a lie, but he didn’t tell them.

While they were eating, Luna notice Sandshrew and Misdreavus approached her. “Are you two done eating?” She asked them. The two Pokémon just look at each other and then back to Luna. “What? Is something wrong?” That got the attention of the rest of the group, they were now curious, even Dash. The two Pokémon look over to Boldore who was busy eating his food, Luna understood. “Wait, you two want to evolved too?” They look back at her and nodded. “Alright, if that you two want then it okay with me.” She said with a smile.

After they were done with lunch, they went back to the beach and lucky for Sandshrew and Misdreavus, she had the ice stone and dusk stone in her bag.

“Wait a minute, why does two need stones to evolve? Can they just get stronger like the last one?” Dash asked James.

“It’s a little more complicated then that, some Pokémon can evolved by getting strong while other need stones to evolved, there are also some other evolution that don’t want to explain.” He told her while crossing his arms. “I’m still surprised to see Luna’s Sandshrew need a stone.”

“What do you mean darling?”

“A normal Sandshrew evolves like Roggenrola but this one need an ice stone, which I don’t understand.” He told Rarity. The girls and Celestia was just confused, and James saw that. “I will explain afterwards.” They decided to wait.

Luna took out the stones, first she used the ice stone on Sandshrew and like Roggenrola he started to glow ang grow. When he stop and new Pokémon stood there. “Sandslash.” Was it’s name. it had a blue and white body with white claws, it also had something that look like ice spikes on it back.

“That’s so cool.” Dash said in awe, her friends had to agree.

Then Celestia decided to see if she could find Sandslash in her book, no luck. “Wait a minute, why can’t I find Luna's Sandslash in the book? I can only find one that’s brown.”

James didn’t understand why she couldn’t find it information, then it hit him. “That’s right, that book is outdated.” He felt pretty stupide right now. “Here, let me.” He took out his dex and pointed at Sandslash.

Sandslash the mouse Pokémon and the evolved form of Sandshrew. It runs across snow covered plains at high speed. It developed thick, sharp claws to plow through the snow.

“Wait a minute,” The girls look at James. “you had that thing and you still let the princess have a book?” Twilight’s friends back away from their friend as she could feel two eyes pierced into her soul.

“What did you just call me Twilight Sparkle?” The former princess slowly turned to face her former mentor who didn’t look happy. “Didn’t I say not to call me princess?” She said with some anger in her voice.

“Iiiii’m sorry, I forget, please don’t be mad at me.” Celestia said nothing, she just huffed and look back at Luna.

“If I had shown you my Pokédex then you would probably have asked me f you could have borrowed it from me and then I wouldn’t have gotten it back.”

Twilight actually blushed of the while her friends couldn’t help but laugh. “He got you there Twilight.” Said Pinkie between her giggling.

While they were talking, Luna had taken out her dusk stone and was ready to use it on Misdreavus. Just like Sandshrew, the screech Pokémon started to glow and then she started to grow. Once she was done, Celestia and the other could see that colour had change and she was wearing a pointy hat? It also look it had a skirt and some jewels on its neck. “Mismagius.” Was its name.

Celestia decided to see if she could fine the information about that Pokémon, she found it. “Mismagius the magic Pokémon, it’s says here that it chants incantations. While they usually torment targets, some chants bring happiness.” The girls could only wonder if that was true or not.

Then all off sudden a gusts of wind made them sand on the ground fly up, which made Rarity scream out in agony. “My hair, it got sand in it.”

James managed to look up and saw a familiar shadow. “That’s a Charizard, that’s mean…”

“Charizard, get back here.” James look at where the voice were coming from and running towards them was Shadow. “You will take your medicine.” Shadow ran past James and the girls. “Get down here.” He said while pointing at the ground, Charizard who was just hovering in the air just shook his head. Shadow couldn’t help but tremble in anger. “You stubborn Pokémon. if you don’t get down her this instant I will not use you in the tournament, you will be in your Pokéball the entire time.” Charizard look at his trainer with narrow eyes, he look to see if he was bluffing. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m not bluffing.” Charizard didn’t want to be in his Pokéball while the others wat battling in the tournament, he then let out a sneeze. He just gave up and landed in the sand. “About time,” Shadow walk over to his Pokémon with a bottle in his hand. “Drink.” Charizard hesitated but eventually he drank it, it didn’t taste good. “What am I going to do with you?”

Then James decided to speak. “Having trouble Shadow?”

That James spoke made Shadow jump a little, he didn’t expect it. “James,” he turned around. “I didn’t see you.” Shadow then notice the girls. ‘That’s a colourful gang.’ He then saw Celestia. “What’s she doing here?” He asked while pointing at the princess.

“She is my sister.” Said Luna as she walk up to him.

Shadow just gave her a confused look. “Your sister?” Luna nodded. “But, I remember battling against her in Slateport and I remember that you two didn’t act like sisters. Also, she looks way older than last time.”

“That wasn’t my sister.” Shadow was now even more confused. “It’s complicated.”

Shadow nodded. “Something tells me it is, and what about those six girls?”

“Also complicated.”

Shadow just rubbed his forehead. “Fine, don’t tell me. I don’t think want to now, let’s head back Charizard and to answer your question James, yes. Charizard has a cold, and he don’t want to take his medicine.” Shadow started walk, Charizard let out another sneeze which made him spit out flames from his mouth, the girls had to duck not to get burn, he then followed his trainer.

James just scratch his head as he watch Shadow walk off. “Well, that happened.”

“Can one you tell us who that was? That dragon almost burned my hair.” Said Rarity with some frustration in her voice.

“That was Shadow Moonrise, and he is Luna’s rival and also, Charizard is not a dragon Pokémon, it’s a fire/flying so Fluttershy can stop hiding behind Skittles.”

They all look behind Dash and there was Fluttershy hiding behind her. “Seriously Shy? Your still afraid of dragon after three year?” Dash asked her friends.

“I can’t help it, they are just so scary.”

“The big one, yes. But that Charizard wasn’t that big, only a few cm high than that Shadow guy.” Dash told her.

“Maybe, but it was still scary.” Dash just rolled her eyes, the other couldn’t help but giggle.

The rest of days want well for Luna and her training and it was time for preliminaries, it was time to see who was going to compete in the championship.

Author's Note:

Next chapter; It begins.

Shadow belongs to Vakama95096.

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