• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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James’s Battle

After Luna had gotten her fifth badge, she and James were on their way to Littleroot Town. James had suggested that they could visit professor Birch lab, so Luna could see her Pokémon and James could visit his mother.

They were standing outside the lad, looking up at it. “You can you head inn without me?” James asked Luna. “I want to say hello to my mother, I haven’t seen her in over a month.”

Luna have him a smile. “No problem.” They waved to each other, Luna walked to the lab while James walked home.

When Luna arrived at the door, she was a little unsure if she should knock on the door or walked straight in. she deiced to knock on the door.

She didn’t have to wait long before someone answered the door, it was Joshua. He gave Luna a warm smiled. “Luna, what a surprised. What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to visit my Pokémon, I am allowed to do that, aren’t I?”

Joshua gave her a smile. “Of course you can, I was just a little surprise that’s all.” He stepped aside so she could walk inn, she walked inn. “What’s brings you here?” He asked her once they were inside.

“James thought that we could here before we head to the next gym, he wanted to visit his mother and I wanted to know how my Pokémon are doing.” She answered him.

“I see, well. You are always welcome here. Considering you don’t have a home.” That made Luna a little sad. “So, this house can be your home.” That made Luna a little happier. “And for your Pokémon…” He was cut off by some noises in the kitchen. “Not again.” He said with panic in his voice, he ran to the kitchen with Luna right behind him.

When she arrived at the kitchen she saw Joshua trying to drag out a Gible out from the refrigerator. ‘Is that my Gible?’ She thought while looking at the scene. “Luna, can you tell your Gible to stop eating all out food.” That answered it.

Luna thought it was a little funny at Joshua trying to stop her Gible eating the food, but if there’s one thing she didn’t tolerated and the theft. “Gible.” Hearing his trainer voice made Gible stop what he was doing, and Joshua fell on the floor with Gible on top off him. “What do you think your doing? Don’t you know that stealing is wrong?” Gible landed on the floor with guilty face, Luna walked over to the hungry Pokémon and picked him up. “I know that you are hungry but eating others food isn’t very nice, that’s called stealing.” That made Gible fell even more bad for what he did.

Joshua got up from the floor while rubbing his butt. “I have dealt with many troublesome Pokémon over the years and your Gible is in the top three.”

Luna didn’t know if she should fell proud or not. “If you want I can take Gible with me, I was think to use him in my next gym battle.”

Joshua was relieved when he heard that. “That would be great, the rest of your Pokémon are in back yard. If you will excuse me, I have some work to do.”

Joshua walked of while Luna walked to the terrace door, while holding Gible in her arms. When she was outside put Gible down and walked out to the back yard looking for her Pokémon, Gible followed her. “Where can they be?” She didn’t have to go very far, she notice her Onix traveling through. The giant Pokémon stopped for a moment too look around, he then noticed Luna.

Onix started to head towards her with a smile on it face, he stopped not far from her. “How are you Onix? Is it boring here?” She asked the snake Pokémon while clapping him on the head, he just made some growling noise. Luna couldn’t help but smile. “I’ll take that as yes.

Then her Gible walked over to Onix. “Gib gib gible.” Luna watch as Onix lover it’s head so Gible could climb on top, then it rose to its full length. Then Gible started to jump up and down in joy.

Luna couldn’t help but giggle of the scene. “Maybe I should let out let out my Pokémon from their Pokéball’s.” She took all six’s out and threw them up in the air. “Come out everyone.” Out came Grovyle, Jolteon, Zangoose, Rufflet, Lucario and Shelgon.

When Gible, who was on Onix’s head’s, saw Shelgon. He wanted to get down, Onix bent down, very carefully so he didn’t hurt Gible. On the ground Gible jumped of Onix’s head and walked over to Shelgon, then they started to talk to each other.

Luna just watch as they talk. ‘Sometimes I wish that I understand what they were saying.’ She was brought out of her thought by someone rubbing against her leg, she looked down and it was Litleo. Luna bent down so she could bet it head. “Hello Litleo, are you doing okay her?” Litleo just jump up and started to lick her face. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She couldn’t help but laugh.

Then she saw the rest of her Pokémon coning towards her, Poochyena, Scyther, Azumarill, Misdreavus, Roggenrola and Skarmory. She talked to them and also decided play with them, every on of them had fun except Jolteon. He was standing on by himself just watching.

Luna watch as her Pokémon play, and it made her smile, she pride in her that her Pokémon got alone so well, her sister could learn from them. She then saw Jolteon, who sitting by himself. ‘What’s wrong with Jolteon?’ She walked over to him and sat down beside him. “What’s the matter? Don’t you want to play with the other’s?” Jolteon just looked down on the ground and shook his head. “Look, I don’t know what has happened to you in the past but if you want to talk I’m here for you. Which is going to be a little hard considering I can’t understand what you are saying.” That last part made Jolteon smile.

Then they saw Litleo coming towards them, Litleo stopped in front of Jolteon. “Litleo, lit lit.” Jolteon didn’t answer he just back away from Litleo, the lion cub Pokémon was just confused over Jolteon behavior.

Luna was just shocked over what she saw. “Jolteon, that’s not the way to behave. I want you to apologize to Litleo.”

Jolteon hung his head in shame. “Jolteon.” Litleo just smiled and walked back to the other’s. Luna wasn’t sure what happened, but she thinks it went well.

Then Joshua step outside with a cart with Pokémon foot for Luna’s Pokémon. “Here I thought your Pokémon were hungry.” He placed bowls with food on the grass, Grovyle and the others wasn’t about to say no to free food. As usually Gible at up pretty fast and was still hungry but he didn’t want to get into trouble, he just had to wait.

Luna sat on the porch watching her Pokémon eat, she could help but smile. “You have good collection of Pokémon here, that’s for sure.” She looked up at Joshua. “The only type you are missing is physic and a poison type Pokémon.” Luna hadn’t notice that part and to be honest she didn’t care, she was happy with the Pokémon she had caught so far.

“Maybe she doesn’t need a physic or a poison Pokémon.“ Luna and Joshua looked behind them and there stood James with DVD box in his hand.

“James, what brings you here?” Joshua asked him.

“I’m here so Luna can watch this.” He walked over to Joshua and handed him the DVD box.

Joshua looked at the box. “Is this what I think it is?” James didn’t answer him, he just gave him a nod and walked of porch and wandered off.

Luna just watch as James walked of, totally clueless of what just happened. “What was that about?” She asked Joshua.

“I think it will better if I show you.” He motions her to follow him inside.

Luna watch as Joshua walked inside, she got up and followed him inside and when her Pokémon saw that they stopped paying and followed her. Once inside Joshua and Luna walked over to the couch and where the tv was, Luna sat down on the couch while Joshua walked DVD player. Luna’s Pokémon also came and then her Onix tried to move into the back door and when Joshua saw that he stared to panic.

“Luna, you can’t have your Onix in here. It took me all day to just get him out when you caught him.”

Luna looked at Onix who had his head inside the door. “I’m sorry Onix but he has a point, you are to big to fit inside.” That made Onix very sad, he pulled his head out and decide to watch from the outside.

With that taken care of Joshua put the DVD into the DVD player, he then turned on the tv and started the player. “Let’s see here.” He pushed some buttons on the remote control, while he was doing that, some of Luna’s Pokémon had taken a seat on the couch. Marill, Gible, Litleo, Rufflet and Roggenrola sat on the couch while the others took place around it. The one that had most easy was Misdreavus, she just floated around the room. Jolteon had place himself by Luna’s side. The rest stood behind the couch.

Meanwhile had Joshua finally found the right channel. “There we go.” The tv screen came to life and what they saw was a big stadium, there was a battle field with a lot of people sitting around in the stadium.

Luna looked in awe at the tv screen. “Is that the Pokémon league?” She asked Joshua, he just gave her a smile. “It’s so massive.”

“That’s just one of the battle fields that are begin used in competition.”

“Just how many are there?”

Joshua had to think for a second. “I think is about sixteen of them, maybe more. To be honest, I have no idea, I never bother counting. Well, let’s see if I can get this started.” He pressed the play button on the remote and the DVD started.

The first thing they heard was the announcer. “WELCOME EVERYONE, THIS IS WHAT WE ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR, THE FINAL BATTLE BETWEEN OUR CHAMPION AND THE CHALLENGER.” The crowd went will when they heard that. “LET’S NOT WAIT ANY LONGER, LET’S GET THIS BATTLE STARTED. HERE WE HAVE THE CHAMPION JAMES.” Luna saw that James came walking out from the left the ‘holes’ in the stadium, he looked confident, the crowd started to shout James’s name. “AND HERE WE HAVE THE CHALLENGER, TOBIAS.” Luna saw a man with long black hair and he was wearing red cape coming walking out on the battle field.

Luna couldn’t describe it, but she felt uneasy when she saw him. It was she could tell that he was powerful just by looking at him. Then both of them got ready.

“LET’S GET THIS BATTLE STARTED.” The judge step forwards. “This battle between the challenger Tobias and the champion James will now begin, each trainer can use six Pokémon. The battle will be over when either challenger or the champion Pokémon are unable to battle anymore, are you both ready?” They gave the judge a nod. “Then begin.”

Tobias was up first. “Come out Darkrai.” Out came a Pokémon that a black body, it looked like it had a red scarf and white hair.

For Luna it looked like something out of a nightmare, she took out her Pokédex and pointed at the tv.

Darkrai the Pitch Black Pokémon. It chases people and Pokémon from its territory by causing them to experience deep, nightmarish slumbers. It can lull people to sleep and make them dream. It is active during nights of the new moon.

It was like Luna was looking at Pokémon version of Nightmare Moon and that made her terrified.

James couldn’t help but smiled when he saw Tobias choice. “Here’s your weakness Tobias, your too predictable. I knew that you were going to choose Darkrai, here’s my choices.” James threw a Pokéball in the air and out came a Pokémon that looked like a giant bee.

Luna check the data.

Vespiquen the Beehive Pokémon. It houses its colony in cells in its body and releases various pheromones to make those do it bidding. Its abdomen is a honeycomb for grubs. It raises its grubs on honey collected by Combee.

Luna looked at the data and saw that Vespiquen was a bug Pokémon and she knew that it was strong against dark Pokémon, James had planned in advance.

Back to the battle. “TOBIAS HAS CHOCEN DARKRAI AND JAMES HAS CHOSEN VESPIQUEN, WHEN IT COMES TO TYPE, JAMES HAS THE ADVANTAGE.” Said the announcer, then it was the judge turn. “The challenger has the first move.”

“Use ice beam Darkrai.” The Pitch Black Pokémon send out a beam of ice towards Vespiquen.

“Doge it and use x-scissor.” Vespiquen barley managed to doge the attack, then she crossed her arms and the started to glow, then Vespiquen flew towards Darkrai as fast as she could.

“Dark pulse.” Darkrai send out a dark beam towards Vespiquen, the bug had no time to doge the attack, Vespiquen flew backwards.

James just watch as hisPokémon was hit by the attack, Vespiquen landed not far from him. “Vespiquen, are you okay?” Vespiquen tried to get up she was hurt bad.

“Ice beam.” Darkrai send out another beam of ice and this time Vespiquen had no chance to doge the attack, she was hit hard and passed out.

“Vespiquen is unable to battle Darkrai is the winner.” The judge announced.

The crowd and the announcer were in shook when they saw what happened, even Luna and her Pokémon couldn’t believe what they saw. Tobias won so easy.


In the meantime, James called back Vespiquen and gotten ready a new Pokéball, he threw it up in the air and out came a Pokémon that looked like a boxer. Luna decided the check the data.

Hitmonchan the Punching Pokémon. Hitmonchan is said to possess the spirit of a boxer who have been working towards a world championship. This Pokémon has an indomitable spirit and will never give up in the face of adversity.

This time James had chosen a fighting Pokémon, again given him the advance. She looked at tv and saw that Hitmonchan was eager to battle, he started to punch in the air.


“Okay Hitmonchan, use mach punch.” Hitmonchan disappeared in a blink of an eye and emerged in front of Darkrai, before Tobias or Darkrai could react. Hitmonchan managed to punch Darkrai, the Pitch Black flew backwards but it looked like didn’t take any damage at all.

“Use dark void.” Darkrai send off a black ball towards Hitmonchan, it hit and Hitmonchan fell on the ground, sleeping. “Dream eater.” Then it looked like Darkrai was sucking energy out from Hitmonchan. After the attack Hitmonchan tried to get up but the Punching Pokémon was unconscious.

“Hitmonchan is unable to battle Darkrai is the winner.” The judge announced.

The stadium became quiet, the crowed couldn’t believe what they saw. The champion lost again.


When Luna saw how easy James’s Hitmonchan was defeated, she became afraid. “Wow, that one power full attack.”

“That’s not all.” That made Luna and some of her Pokémon to jump in the air, she looked behind her and Joshua was standing behind the couch.

“What do you mean Joshua?” She asked him.

“When a Pokémon uses dream eater it gets heals.”

“Are you telling me that the damaged Darkrai got from Hitmonchan are now heal?” Joshua nodded, Luna was amazed and terrified at the same time.

Back in the battle, James had called back Hitmonchan and taken out a new Pokéball. “Your up Aggron.” Out came a Pokémon that Lunahad seen before, the Pokémon hunter had used, the one who tried to steal Julie's Numel.

“Wait a minute. "Aggron is a rock and steel type Pokémon, why did James choice that? it doesn’t make sense.” She glad she remember the data.

“He’s probably trying to endure the battle, Aggron is very strong when it comes to defense.” When Luna heard that she amazed that James had thought about that.

“Use iron defense.” Aggron started to glow and it defense was increased.

Tobias was not affected by James’s choice. “Dark pulse.” Darkrai send away another bark beam towards it’s opponent.

“Bloke it Aggron.” Aggron crossed it arms and took the attack, Aggron slid backwards a little. When the attack was done, it looked like Aggron was fine. “Now it’s our turned, use focus blast.” Aggron send away ball of energy towards Darkrai.

“Doge it.” Darkrai managed to dodge the attack with ease. “Ice beam.” Darkrai send away ice beam towards Aggron, the Iron Amour Pokémon bloke the attack with arms again and this time it created an explosion. When the smoked cleared they saw Aggron lying on the ground unconscious.

“Aggron is unable to battle Darkrai is the winner.” The judge announced.


The audience, Luna and her Pokémon were in shook when they saw what happened, even Joshua couldn’t believe how easy Tobias managed to take out James’s Pokémon.

James had called back Aggron had was ready with his fourth Pokémon. “Let’s go Sylveon.” Out came a Pokémon that looked like Jolteon, but it was white and pinkie, it had ribbons on it heads and neck, it also had a ribbon around it’s neck and on its left ear. Luna let out a little happy squeal when she saw Sylveon.

Luna check her data again.

Sylveon the Intertwining Pokémon and evolved form off Eevee. It sends a soothing aura from its ribbonlike feelers to calm fights, it wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the are of its beloved trainer and walk with him or her.

“It’s a fairy type, I didn’t know that Eevee could evolved into that.”

“Yeah, Eevee’s eight evolution was surprised for James and professor Birch. Even I was surprised.”

Luna had heard from James that Eevee could evolve into eight forms and she now had seen two of them, she was hoping to see rest of them. Back on the battle field, James was ready to make his move.

“Use fairy wind.” Sylveon send away something that looked like the wind, Darkrai managed to doge the attack with ease.

“Dark void.” Again, Darkrai send away a black ball and Sylveon fell asleep, but before James could do anything. “Dream eater.” Darkrai started to take Sylveon energy and that was it.

“Sylveon is unable to battle Darkrai is the winner.” The judge announced.

Everyone was stunned, at the stadium and in the living room in Birch house. “UNBELIEVABLE PEOPLE, JAMES HAS JUST TWO POKEMON LEFT. WILL HE ENABLED TO DEFEAT TOBIAS AND HIS DARKRAI?”

While the announcer was talking, James had called back Sylveon and gotten ready his fifth Pokémon. “Come out Lucario.” When Luna saw James choice she knew he was going to win, she had seen his Lucario in action before and knew how strong it was. Luna’s Lucario was also hoping that James Lucario was going to win.


“Use mach punch.” Lucario disappeared and before anyone could react he appeared in front Darkrai, he managed to punch Darkrai. James wasn’t done. “Let’s use close combat.” Lucario started to punch and kick Darkrai as much as he could, Darkrai had now way to escape the attack. Lucario gave it one last kick that send Darkrai flying up in the air, Darkrai just straightened up and landed on the ground like nothing happened.

James couldn’t believe what he saw. ‘How is this possible? Close combat is one of Lucario strongest attack, how is Darkrai still standing?’ He clenched his fist. “Use aura sphere.” Lucario started to gather energy in his palms, he then sent away and ball of energy towards Darkrai.

Tobias just smiled. “Dark void.” Again, Darkrai send away a black ball, it collided with Lucario’s Aura sphere. It looked like is was going to create an explosion but then Darkrai’s attack just obliterate Lucario’s attack, Lucario fell asleep. “Dream eater.” Darkrai started to feed of Lucario and he was done Lucario was out.

“Lucario is unable to battle Darkrai is the winner.” The judge announced.


James called back Lucario and got ready his finally Pokémon. “I’m counting on you, come out Swampert.” He threw the Pokéball in the air and out came James’s first Pokémon.


“Use hydro pump.” Water came out from Swampert’s mouth.

“Ice beam.” Darkrai send out an ice beam and it collided with Swampert’s hydro pump, freezing the attack but that wasn’t the only thing that got frozen. Thanks to the water that came out from Swampert’s mouth, he became frozen in ice and could not move. “Dark pulse.” Darkrai send out it’s last attack towards Swampert and all James could do was watch, when the attack impacted it created an explosion and smoke. When the smoke cleared all off those who was watching could see that Swampert was lying on the ground unconscious.

“Swampert is unable to battle Darkrai is the winner, that means that Tobias is the new Hoenn champion.” The judge announced.

Everyone in the stadium, announcer and those who was watching was speechless, they had just witness that Tobias had beaten James’s Pokémon with Darkrai. Luna couldn’t believe what she had seen, Tobias had humiliated James and he didn’t even break a sweat. She would like to compare it what her sister did to her, but this was nothing alike. She then saw James calling back Swampert and fall to his knees, she could actually see his spirit get crushed in his eyes.

Luna got up from the couch. “You guys stay here, I’m going to speak to James.” She headed outside.

Onix moved out of the way so Luna could walk out to door, once outside she scan the backyard for James. He wasn’t difficult to spot, he was standing not far from the house next to a horse that looked like it was on fire. She walked over to him. Once she was close enough she could see that it was a horse and it was on fire, she decided to check the data.

Ponyta the Fire Horse Pokémon. Ponyta is very weak at birth, it can barely stand up. This Pokémon becomes stronger by stumbling and falling to keep up with its parents.

She saw that it was fire Pokémon, it was a difficult to miss that considering it was called the fire horse Pokémon. She then saw that James was using a brush on Ponyta. ‘Why doesn’t he get burn by the fire?’ She just watched as James used the brush, he then was finished by patting Ponyta on the back. “There you go Ponyta, all good.” Ponyta started to nuzzle James on the cheek. “Alright already, get back to your parents.” He said with a laughter in his voice. Luna and James watch as Ponyta run back to it’s parents, they looked like bigger version of Ponyta and they had a horn on top of their heads. She checked the data again.

Rapidash the Fire Horse Pokémon and evolved form of Ponyta. Rapidash usually can be seen casually cantering in the fields and plains. However, when this Pokémon turns serious, its fiery manes flare and blaze as it gallops its way up to 150 mph.

She just stared at the data. ‘Wow, that’s fast.’ She watches as the two Rapidash nuzzle their child, Luna couldn’t help but smile of what she saw, then they ran away. Watching the two Rapidash’s and Ponyta reminded her off her own parent’s that past away years ago, she could fell a tear coming down her cheek. “You okay Luna?” James’s voice made her jump a few feet in the air.

She put a hand on her chest. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack James?” She asked him with a little anger in her voice.

“That was never my intention.” He told her in a calm voice. “I guess you saw my battle with Tobias.” She gave him a nod, he started to walk he motioned her to follow him. “One my nine birthday, my mother brought me to annual Pokémon tournament in Hoenn, the tournament was a couple of months after my birthday, but I was happy none the less.” They stopped by the dam, James sat down there, and Luna sat beside him.

He counited his story. “It was the happiest day in my life, I was to experience the Pokémon league live and not seeing it on a television. I enjoyed every Pokémon battle I saw, then the main event came. The Pokémon champion of Hoenn was to battle a challenger that managed to beat every trainer and the elite four, the battle between them was spectacular.”

“Who won?” Luna asked.

“The champion. After the battle I knew what I wanted, I wanted to be the net champion of Hoenn.” He let out a heavy sighed, he then looked at her. “When I finally earned the title, I lost it just like that.” He snapped his fingers. “And do you know what the worst part is?” Luna shook his head. “A couple of years before my match with Tobias, a trainer named Ash Ketchum managed to beat Tobias’s Darkrai and he wasn’t a Pokémon champion.”

“Did this Ash managed to beat Tobias?”

James looked at the dam. “No, he brought out a Latios, another legendary Pokémon.” James brought his legs closer to his chest. “All I ever wanted was to become the Pokémon champion of Hoenn and when I got the title I lost just like that, just because my opponent just a legendary Pokémon. It’s just not fair.”

Luna had read about legendary Pokémon, they were supposed to be was more powerful than a ‘normal’ Pokémon and very hard to beat. She looked at James with sympathy, having his dream crushed just like couldn’t be easy. The only thing Luna could compare with is the time she wanted the night to last longer, the was child play compare to what to James. She didn’t even know what to say to help him. They decided to just sit there watching the water Pokémon play in the dam.

They don’t know how long they sat there, then they heard footsteps behind them. they turned around and saw that it was Luna’s Jolteon. “Hey Jolteon, are worried about me?” Jolteon just walked over to her and nuzzled her. “I take that as yes.” Luna said with a smile.

James looked up in the sky and saw that the sun was setting. “No wonder, the sun is setting.” Luna looked up and saw that James was right, James got up. “Let’s head back.” He offered a hand to Luna, she took it and he help her up.

On their way back, Luna decide to say something to James. “James, I’m sorry that you lost your title so fast.”

“Why are you apologizing? Its not your fault that I lost.”

“I know that, but it was your dream and you lost just like that, you even gave up being a trainer.”

“Yeah, but then a pony from another world came to this world and now am I helping her on her quest.” He stopped and so did she. “Let me ask you something Luna, why did you choose to go on this journey?”

“I wanted to learn more about this world and Pokémon.”

He couldn’t help but question her motives. “That’s it?” She gave him a nod. “Okay, why are you trying to get to the Pokémon league?”

That question took her by surprise, she hadn’t thought about that part. “I don’t really know, at first I thought it would be fun but know, know I’m not sure.” She looked down and was started to wonder why she was competing in the league.

Then she felt James patter her on the back. “You don’t have come up with an answer right away, you think about it and you will find the answer.” He then gave a warming smile that made her smile.

Then, she just kissed him. James eyes went widen while Luna closed here’s. Then Luna noticed what she was doing, she pulled away from him. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was think.” She ran to the house and Jolteon followed her leaving a baffled James alone.

Later that day.

James was at home eating supper with his mother, Sara watch as James poking his food with his fork. Sara put down her fork and knife. “Alright James, was wrong? I have made you your favorite food, spaghetti and meat sauce and you have barley touched it. What’s wrong?”

James didn’t even bother look up as his mother as he answered her. “Nothing, nothing is wrong.”

His mother wasn’t not convinced. “Your lying, you aren’t looking me in the eyes. Tell me what’s wrong.”

James let out a heavy sigh, he looked up at his mother worried face. “Luna kissed me today.”

Sara blinked a couple pf times. “And your sad because…?” He looked down on his food again. “I thought you like here?”

“I do like her, but I don’t think it will work.” He told her without looking at her.

Sara was more confused now and before. “And why wouldn’t it work?”

“You know where she is from mom, what if she decides to go home after her journey is over?” He looked at her with tears in his eyes. “I don’t want my heart to be broken.”

“Oh sweetie.” Sara got up and walked over to her son and hug him, he huge her back. They didn’t say anything, they just hugged each other.

Night had arrived in Hoenn and James had gone home to sleep in his own bed, Luna lying in the she had woken up in when she arrived in. Ever since she had lay down one the bad she had been staring up at the celling. ‘Why did I kiss him? Do I like him?’ She thought back on the kiss and her cheeks became red. ‘I like him so why did I run away?’ She placed both hands in her face, she had now answer why she ran away. ‘I hate myself right now.’ Eventually she fell asleep.

It was morning and James slumber down the stair to the first floor, he managed to drag his body to the kitchen where his mother where making breakfast. She looked back her soon with a smile. “Good morning sweetie.” Her smiled disappeared when she saw her soon gloomy face, he sat down by the kitchen table and place his arms on the table, he then lay his head in them. “Did you sleep well?” He shook his head. She stopped making breakfast and walked over to James, she put a hand on his back and started to rub it.

“How could I? I kept think about Luna and how I got no chance with her.”

Sara had heard enough. “Would you stop feeling sorry for your self and just ask her out on a date already.”

James looked at his mother. “But, what about…”

His mother cut him off. “Just forget the part that she might leave this world, it’s a chance that never will happened. I talk with professor Birch and he told me that Luna is stuck here, she has no way to get home.” She closed here eyes. “I feel bad for her that she will never return home and that’s why she need a friend like you, maybe a boyfriend.” She opened her eyes and looked at her soon with sympathy.

James thought about what his mother said, and she was right, Luna had no way to get home to Equestria and she need a friend to help her and he was that friend. He also had to stop feeling sorry for himself, that’s not the right attitude.

“You are right mom, after breakfast I’m going to talk to Luna about what happened yesterday and ask her out on a date. I’m also going to stop feeling sorry for myself and keep helping Luna while she is here.”

Sara was happy for James decision. “That’s good to hear, and maybe get yourself a girlfriend in the process.”

That made James, he looked down on his food. “Maybe.”

After breakfast James headed to professor Birch to see if Luna was ready to get on with the journey, once he arrived, he opened the door and walked in. When arrived at living room he couldn’t see anyone there, then he heard sounds from the kitchen, he walked there to see who it was. It was Luna, she was sitting by the kitchen table eating a sandwich.

When Luna heard that someone was behind her, she stopped eating and turned around. She saw James standing in the door opening with serious look on his face, she knew why he was here.

As they look at each other, an awkward silence arose. Luna was the first to say something. “I guess you want to talk about the kiss I gave you yesterday.”

“You could say that.” James took a seat by the table. “You kissed me and then you ran away, why? Do you like me or not?”

Luna looked down on the table. “I do like you and…”

She was about to explained why, but James cut her off. “Then why did you run?”

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “I don’t know okay, I don’t know.” She wiped away the tears. “I guess the reason is, I was scared. Scared that you didn’t like me, I was afraid that I had scared you away from kissing you, moving to fast. Take your pick.” She took a couple off breath to calm herself down.

James leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms, he was looking at a girl he had a crushed on ever since he first saw her. Now, she had kissed him, and he was sure that she like him. He pinched his nose. “Luna.” She looked at him. “I going to confess something, I had a crush on you ever since I saw you the first time.” That made Luna blush. “And the reason I didn’t do anything is because I have no experience when it’s comes to dating a girl, but you already knew that. so, here’s was I’m suggesting.” He leaned forward. “Why don’t we forget the kiss yesterday, just for now. And let’s try and go on some dates in between your training and see how it’s goes from there, what do you say?”

Luna thought about what he said and she like the idea. “Sure, I would like to go on a date with you.” She said with a smile, James smiled back.

Before anything ells happened, Joshua walked in to the kitchen. He smiled when he saw both of them. “Good, your both here. I have something to show the both of you.” He walked out.

Luna and James gave ach other a confusing look, then James got up and followed Joshua, Luna gabbed her sandwich and followed both of them. they followed him to the computer in the living room, Joshua sat down in the chair in front of the computer.

“Okay Joshua, what is it you want to show us?” James asked him.

“First, I need your Pokédex.” James gave it to him, then Joshua put in a slot in the computer, he then pushed some buttons on the keyboard. Then arrows appeared on the screen, Luna who was watching the hole thing, didn’t understand anything. Then she saw a green light on the screen and then James’s Pokédex pop out, Joshua grabbed it and gave it back to James. “There you go.”

James took his Pokédex. “Did you just upgrade my Pokédex?”

“Sure did, over one hundred new Pokémon has been discovered in Alola and professor Birch though that I would be wise to upgrade your Pokédex in case you meet them.” He told James with a smile.

“Where the hell is Alola? I have never heard about that place.” James asked Joshua.

“It’s pretty fare from here, you have to travel with boat, I know that Alola is four islands. I think.” He sounded very unsure of that last part. He then turned his attention to Luna, who was still eating her sandwich. “Your turn Luna.” She said nothing as she handed the Pokédex to him, he did the same thing he did to James’s. “Here you go Luna, an update Pokédex.” She gave it back to her and she gladly took it. “I’m guessing you two are heading out soon.” He asked them both.

“Yeah, I was about to say that to Luna when you walked inn to the kitchen.” James looked to Luna who was still eating. “Ready to get out on the road again?”

Luna swallowed the last bit of the sandwich. “Yes, I just have to pack and chose my Pokémon. Then I’m ready.”

James gave her a nod. “Good, I’ll meet you outside when you are ready.” Luna agreed with that, James headed home to get ready while Luna ready.

After thirty minutes, Luna was ready. She had chosen her Pokémon and pack her clothes, which Joshua had washed for her. She put her backpack on her back and walked out of the room she was staying in.

She walked out to the living room and saw that Joshua was sitting on the couch watching tv, when saw that Luna had arrived, he turned off the tv and got up.

“Are you ready to continue your journey?”

“Yes, as ready as I could be.”

That made Joshua smile. “That’s good to hear, good luck and will be rooting for all the way and before you go I have a present for you.” He handed her a box.

Luna took it. “A box? You are giving me a box?” She said with teasing in her voice.

Joshua just rolled his eyes. “Just open it.”

Luna did that and inside was a purple stone, she picked it up. “A stone?”

“That’s a dusk stone and you can use it to evolve Misdreavus, if you want to.”

Luna picked up the stone, it wasn’t heavy, and she didn’t feel anything from it. “Thanks Joshua but I can’t take this.” She tried to give it back.

“Don’t worry about it, professor Birch want you have it.” Joshua said with a smile.

Luna couldn’t believe what she was hearing, first was it James aunt and now Birch gave her an evolution stone. “Alright, if professor Birch wasn’t me to have then I accept it.” She put the stone back in the box and put it away in her backpack.

They said goodbye to each other, then Luna walked out. Once outside she saw James standing by the gate of the house, waiting for her. She walked to him.

“I’m ready to go.” She said with a smile.

“That’s good to hear.” She started to walk but she got not fare. “But, you haven’t answer my question yet.”

She looked at him with a confuse look. “What question are you talking about?”

“Why are you trying to get to the Pokémon league?”

That question took her off guard, she hadn’t thought about that. “When you asked me that question the first time I didn’t have an answer and I still don’t have one. At first, I just wanted to see this world and the Pokémon that live here.” She rubbed her arm. “I guess I want to test myself against other trainer and see how far I can go in the league.”

James felt pride when he heard what Luna said. “Spoken like a true trainer.” He walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Ready to go to Fortree City?”

“Yeah, just how long will it take to get there?”

James thought for a second. “Two maybe three weeks, give or take.” James started to walk leaving a shocked Luna alone.

Meanwhile somewhere a secret location in Hoenn.

A man was sitting behind a desk petting his Persian, then the door open and grunt walked in, he walked to the desk and saluted.

“Did you make contact with the subject?” The man behind the desk asked the grunt.

“Yes sir, made contact and just like to predict. She is from another world.” The grunt answered.

The man behind the desk smiled. “Excellence, soon I will have her power and then I will rule another world.” The man started to laugh hysterically.

Author's Note:

If anyone remember, in the chapter Petalburg Woods, I wrote that James lost his champion status to Tobias. It was about time i wrote a chapter about what happened, I hope that you all liked the battle between James and Tobias.

I hope that you all also like the romance between James and Luna, it’s starting to bloom.

I’m going to try this one last time, is there ANYONE who cares that this story have reached over one hundred words?

Next chapter: Rematch.

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