• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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The Battle Family

After dealing with Gastly and the others ghost Pokémon and Luna catching two new Pokémon they were now in a dessert still on their way to Falander Town, right now they were resting on some rocks and drinking some water.

“I didn’t think that the dessert was so hot.” Said Luna.

“It sounds like you never been in a dessert before.” Said James.

She shook her head. “Never, I was most in the castle.” She then noticed something in the sand, it looked like a fin, she poked James on the shoulder. “James, does this dessert have sharks?”

That just confused James. “No, why do you ask?”

Luna pointed at something coming towards them and it did look like a shark, when it was few feet from them a Pokémon popped up from the sand that looked like a shark on two legs but smaller.


“Don’t worry, it’s just a Gible. It’s mostly harmless.” James told her.

‘Gible.’ She took out her Pokédex.

Gible the Land Shark Pokémon. It nests in horizontal holes warmed by geothermal heat. Foes who get too close can expect to be punched on and bitten.

“Mostly Harmless? According to my Pokédex it punched and bites people, is that harmless?”

“As long you don’t provoke Gible, it won’t do that.”

Gible just stood there looking at them.

“What? Do you want something?” Luna asked them.

“Gible.” Was all it said.

James found and oran berry in his bag. “Maybe its hungry.” He threw the berry to the Gible who at it right away.

After Gible was finished he had a big smile on its face. “Gible gbi.” He jumped in the air and dug a hole and was gone.

“I guess it was hungry, ready to go?” He asked Luna, she just nodded. “Great, let’s go.”

They backed up their thing and were of. After a while of walking.

“So where is this family that has a farm here in the dessert?” Luna asked James.

“They should live around here somewhere.” He answered.

Luna could not believe what she was hearing. “You don’t know?”

“Look, it’s been a while okay. Don’t judge me.”

“This is just great, it’s like episode with your aunt all over again.”

As they walked forward they finally arrived at the farm, Luna was amazed over what she saw. The family has somehow manged to grow food in the desert. James walked over to the main house and knock on the door, an old lady open the door.

“Well it’s it James, it’s been a while.” Said the old lady.

“Hello Vicky and yes it’s been a while.”

“It’s sure have, so what brings you out in the desert? Trying to be a Pokémon champion again?”

“No, we were on our way to Falander Town and thought that we should stop by and say hello.”

That got Vicky interest. “We?” James step aside so Vicky could see Luna. “Well hello there, my name is Vicky Winstrate. What’s your name young one.” Vicky held out a hand and Luna took it.

“Hello, my name is Luna.”

“Luna eh?” Vicky looked at James. “What a nice girlfriend you got James.”

When they heard that both blushed.

“What’s wrong with you Vicky? She is not my girlfriend alright.” When Luna heard that she became disappointed and Vicky notice that. “I’m just helping her on her journey, I would like to say that your worse than my mom but that’s impossible.”

Vicky stared to laugh. “Take it easy James, I’m just having a little fun with you.” James just rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you two step inside for some food.”

Vicky step inside the house, James and Luna followed her. Inside of the house didn‘t look that much to Luna, she saw a kitchen with a table and chairs around it, she saw a living room with television, a couch and table. There were three new people there. A man with black hair and beard, a woman with red hair and young girl who had also red hair. The girl couldn’t be a few years younger than herself.

“Everyone, you all remember James.” The family waved to him. “And this is Luna.” Now all attention was on her. “She is traveling with James to…” Vicky turned to Luna. “Why are you traveling my dear.”

“I’m traveling so I can enter the Pokémon league.” Luna answered.

“Is that so, you know my grandson is also traveling. He is also a very good trainer.” Said Vicky

‘Here we go.’ James thought.

“Me and my family is also good at battling, maybe you want to test your skills against use?”

All off sudden were all every family member gather around the old lady and that made Luna very nervous, so James beside to intervene before they scare away Luna.

“Take it easy Vicky, you can’t force Luna into a battle.”

“I know that James, you know that we get excited when a new trainer arrives.”

“I know.” He just shook his head. ‘Maybe a little too much.’

“I’ll do it.” They all looked at Luna. “I’ll battle them.”

“Are you sure about that Luna?” James asked her.

“Yes, I need experience before I enter the league and that’s means battling many different trainers so yes I accept their challenges.”

‘Spoken like true trainer.’ James thought with a smile.

“Splendid, let’s eat first then we can have our Pokémon battle.” Said Vicky with excitement in her voice.

After a the have eaten they all vent out in the back yard, when they got there Luna saw a battle field with benches that people could sit and even light. She was stun that the family had made all that. She was brought back to the real world by James.

“I can be the referee if you want Vicky.”

“I’m usually the judge but if you want to be the judge this time is okay with me, now let’s get stared.”

James stood where the judge usually stands, Luna took her place and the man with the beard stood opposite from her while the rest of the family sat down on a bench behind him.

“Alright pay attention, this will be one on four battle between Luna and the Winstrate, Luna will only battle one at a time and only one Pokémon can be use. The winner is the one that has won the most battle. The first battle will be between Luna and Victor, are both ready?” They nodded. “Then begin.”

Victor was up first. “Come out Zigzagoon.”

Out came a Pokémon that looked like a racoon, Luna took out her Pokédex.

Zigzagoon the Tiny Racoon Pokémon. Zigzagoon restlessly wanders everywhere at all times. This Pokémon does so because it is very curious. It becomes interested in anything that it happens to see.

‘It’s a normal type so my best option would be Riolu, but I’m going to choose…’

“Come out Roggenrola.”

‘Nice choice.’ James thought. “The challenger has the first move.”

“Alright Roggenrola, use rock blast.” Roggenrola summoned rocks and threw them at Zigzagoon.

“Use thunderbolt to knock the away.” Electricity came out of Zigzagoon’s body and blasted them away, the attack even went for Roggenrola.

“Quickly, use harden.” Roggenrola stared to glow, when the thunderbolt hit it did damage, but luckily for harden it was soften. “Now use sandstorm.” Roggenrola jump up and when he landed a sandstorm kick up.

Victor had to cover his eyes, he looked at Zigzagoon how was suffering under the sandstorm. ‘This is bad, if I don’t do something soon I’m going to lose.’ He thought, but before he could do something.

“Use headbutt.” Roggenrola flew towards Zigzagoon and hit him hard that he pasted out.

“Zigzagoon is unable to battle, Roggenrola is the winner and that means Luna wins the first match.”

When Victor called back Zigzagoon he could fell his mother cold stare. “Good work Zigazagoon now take good rest.” He went back to his family with his head hanging down.

“You know the punished for losing first.” Vicky told him.

He sat down on the bench. “I know mother.”

She looked over to her daughter. “Your turn Victoria.” Victoria nodded and went out to battle field. She was an elderly lady with red hair.

“The second battle will be between Luna and Victorie, chose your Pokémon Victoria.” James announced.

She took out a Poké ball. “Come out Roselia.”

When Vicky saw which Pokémon Victoria had chosen she slap a hand on her face. ‘Not Roselia again.’ She thought.

Out came a Pokémon that kind of looked like James’s Roserade, so Luna took out her Pokédex.

Roselia the Thorn Pokémon and the evolved form of Budew. Roselia shoots sharps thorns as projectiles at any opponent that tries to steal the flowers on its arms. The aroma of this Pokémon brings serenity to living things.

‘It’s a grass type, so Roggenrola is at and disadvantage.’ She held out Roggenrola’s Poké ball. “Roggenrola, return.” Roggenrola disappeared and Luna took out a new one. “Come out Litleo.” Out came the lion cup Pokémon ready for battle, but both Pokémon were hit by the sandstorm. ‘I had forgotten about that.’ Luna thought.

“Let’s get rid of this sandstorm use sunny day Roselia.” Roselia shot a ball of light up in the air and all off sudden the sandstorm was replaced by the sun. “And now use solar beam.” A light stared to emerge between its arms

“Use work up Litleo.”

But it was too late, the beam fired before Litleo could react and the Pokémon was send flying in the air. Luna just looked confused.

“What’s going on? I thought that solar beam took a while to fire.”

“It’s because of sunny day, its cuts the time of solar beam would normally use.” Victoria told her.

“Well then, I’m going to use sunny day too. Litleo, use ember.” A flame of ball came out of Litleo mouth and hit Roselia hard, Roselia past out.

“Roselia is unable to battle, Litleo is the winner and that means Luna wins the second match.” James announced.

“Why can’t I ever win?” Shouted Victoria.

Luna and Litleo just stood there confused over what just happened. ‘She hasn’t chance that’s for sure.‘ James thought for himself.

Victoria called back Roselia and walked back to her family with her head down, her daughter patted her on the back.

“Don’t worry mother, I’ll get use that vin.”

Vivi went over to the battle field, she was about Luna’s ages maybe a little younger. She also had red hair.

“The third battle will be again Vivi, bring out you Pokémon.” James told her.

Vivi took out a Pokéball. “Come out Marill.”

Out came a Pokémon Luna knew. ‘She got a Marill, better switch.’ She called back Litleo. ‘Can’t use Onix maybe I can use Grovyle or Jolteon. No, I don’t want to win that easy, that remains…’

“You’re up Riolu.”

When Riolu came out Vivi stared to giggle. “Your Riolu is cute, but don’t think I’m going easy on you. Marill, let’s use attract.”

Marill stared to flirt with Riolu and hearts flew towards Riolu but nothing happened, they just stared at scene.

“Why didn’t it work? Why aren’t you Riolu in love with my Marill?” Vivi asked with panic in her voice. “Wait a minute, your Riolu is a girl.”

Luna looked over to Riolu who was blushing. “Riolu, are you are a girl.” Riolu nodded.

“Well if attract isn’t going to work then we will use water gun.” Water came out of Marill’s mouth.

“Doge it Riolu.” She tried but it was too late she was hit. “Use force palm.” Riolu manged to cover from the attack and hit Marill with its hand.

“Don’t give up Marill, use iron tail.” Marill’s tail stared to glow until it was of metal.

“Doge it.” Riolu manged to get away before Marill’s attack hit, Riolu stared to run towards Marill. Then its hand stared to glow, she then hit Marill with and uppercut that send Marill flying up in the air. Marill landed hard on the ground unconscious.

“Marill is unable to battle, Riolu is the winner and that means Luna wins the third match.” James announced. ‘And it looks like Rioul learned sky uppercut.’

Vivi called back her Marill. “Thanks, Marill take good rest.” She looked at Luna. “You are strong Luna but my grandmother is the strongest off us all.” She walked back to her family. “I’m sorry grandmother.”

Vicky patted her on the head. “Don’t worry about it Vivi, you did a better yob then your parents.” She gave both an evil glare, the tried to became as small as they could. “Then it’s up to me.” She got up and walked over to battle field.

“The last battle will be against Vicky, bring out you Pokémon.” James told her.

Vicky took out a Pokéball. “Come out Camerupt.”

Luna took out her Pokédex, again.

Camerupt the eruption Pokémon and the evolved from of Numel. Camerupt has a volcano inside its body. Magma of 18,000 degrees’ Fahrenheit course through its body. Occasionally, the humps on this Pokémon’s back erupt, spewing the superheated magma.

‘It’s a ground and fire Pokémon, I think that I’ll use Onix for this one.’ She called back Riolu. “Come out Onix.” Out came the giant rock Pokémon.

Vivi was amazed by Luna’s Onix. “Wow, her Onix is a lot bigger than a normal Onix.” Both her parents nodded in agreement.

Vicky was not impressed. “If you think that having a Onix will help you, you are wrong. Use earthquake Camerupt.” Camerupt lifted his forelegs and when they touched the ground the entire battle field and Onix took a lot of damage.

“Stay strong Onix and use rock tomb.” Onix slammed his tail into the ground so stone flew up in the air and then he threw them at Camerupt who felt the damage.

“Shake it off you Camerupt and use earthquake again.”

“Not this time, use slam Onix.”

Camerupt lifted his forelegs again but before he could slam them into the ground he was hit by Onix’s tail, Camerupt staggered backwards a little.

“Use slam again.”

Onix slammed his tail into Camerupt head so hard that it stirred up some dust.

“Camerupt, are you okay?” Vicky asked in a panic voice.

When the dust cleared, they could see Camerupt lying there unconscious.

“Camerupt is unable to battle, Onix is the winner and that means that Luna is the winner overall.” James announced.

Vicky called back her Camerupt. “Good work Cameupt, now take a good rest.” Luna thought that she would be mad at her for beating her whole family but Vicky just smile, she walked over to Luna and Onix. “I got to say Luna, you are one good trainer. Nice work.”

“Thanks, I thought that you would be mad at me because I manged to win all of the battles.”

Vicky stared to laughed. “Why would I be mad? You won fair and square, now let’s get back to the house and have some supper.”

But before they could leave the battle field Vivi came running. “Granny, that Gible is back.”

“Are you sure Vivi?” Vicky asked her granddaughter.

“Yes, I thought I would go and stared on supper, when I got to the house I saw Gible eating our crops.”

“Is there a problem Vicky?” James asked her.

“Yes, there’s a Gible that lives around her and sometimes it comes here and eats our crops, let get back to the house before its eats all of our crops.”

All of them ran back to the house as fast as they could and when they arrived the saw a Gible eating, it was smiling while it put the food in its mouth.

“Stop you thief.” Shouted Vicky.

Once Gible saw that the humans were coming for him he stared to panic, he ate the tomato he had in its hand, jump up in the air and dug a hole in the ground.

“The Gible is getting away.” Said Vivi.

“I don’t think so, go Onix.” Onix went into action. “Use slam on the ground.” Onix slammed his tail on ground creating a massive shock wave, when the shock wave hit Gible it flew up in the air. “Use slam on Gible.” Onix slammed Gible in the ground and when Onix removed its tail they could see that Gible lay there with stars in its eyes, Luna threw a Poké ball at the unconscious Gible and he she caught herself a Gible. She walked over and picked the ball up from the ground and then it disappeared.

Meanwhile in Littleroot town:

Joshua was sitting by the computer typing in some data about Pokémon when all off sudden the teleported device stared to make sounds, he looked over to the device.

“It seems that Luna has caught a new Pokémon.”

He watched as a Pokéball materials when the ball appeared a Gible came out from it.

“She caught a Gible, that would be her second dragon Pokémon.”

Gible looked around the house and was a little confused but when he saw the Pokémon food on the table, he became happy and ran over there and stared eating the food, when Joshua saw what Gible was doing he stared to panic.

“No Gible, that food is for the other Pokémon.”

Back at the Winstrate, they had moved inside and stat eating supper. Night had arrived and Luna stooped outside admiring the moon. ‘It feels good not to raise it.’ Then door open and Vicky came out.

“Want some company?” She asked Luna.


Vicky stood next to her. “I would like to thank you for what you did today.”

“Will you stop thanking me? You have already done once and that was enough and your family are letting me James stay the nigh.” Luna told her.

“I know that but that Gible has caused trouble for us for a month now, I’m just glad someone caught it.”

They just stood there in silence looking at the moon until Vicky decided to speak.

“You like him, don’t you?”

That question caught Luna of guard. “Why do you say that?” She asked with a blush on her face.

“I saw how you reacted when he said that you were not his girlfriend, so why aren’t you?” Vicky asked Luna

“It just a little complicated.”

“Sweet heart, love isn’t complicated. When two people love each other, well it’s just click.”

“That’s not the problem.” Luna looked at Vicky. “You see I’m not from around here and I’m not sure if I’m staying here in Hoenn after I’m done whit my journey.”

Vicky could see that she was serious. “But you do love him.”

Luna sat down on the ground. “Yes, yes I do. But I’m afraid that I will scare him away if I confess it to him. To be honest, I’m not sure if he likes me or not.”

“Oh, I think he does.” Vicky said with a tease in her voice.

“How can you be so sure?”

“Call it woman intuition.” Vicky stared to head for the house. “It’s getting late and you two have a long day ahead of you.”

“I’m going to stay out a little longer.” Luna told Vicky.

“Okay but don’t stay out too long.”

Luna just sat there looking at the moon and asked her the same question she has since she got to this world. ‘Do I want to home?’ She was about to go in when saw something on the moon, it looked like a giant bat. She rube her eyes and then it was gone. ”What was that?” She asked herself.

The next day all of them was gathered outside the house.

“It was nice to see you again James and me and my family wish you good luck in the Pokémon league Luna.”

James and Luna waved good bye to Vicky and her family and they were on their way to Falander Town.

Author's Note:

Yes, Luna cauth her second dragon Pokémon but come on, who dosen't love Gible. Gible is my favorit dragon Pokémon, I think that Gilbe's evolution is much cooler then the other dragon Pokémon.

What did Luna see? You can wonder.

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