• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Luna vs Brawly part 1

After Luna had won her first gym badge she and James stood at a harbor, because were headed to Dewford town so Luna could try to get their second gym badge.

"How are we gonna get to the island when there are no boats?" She asked James, he just smiled.

"I have the answer in this Pokéball." He took one out and tossed it in the air. "Come out Lapars." Out of the ball came a Pokémon that Luna had never seen before it landed in the water, she tok out her Pokedex.

Lapras the Transport Pokémon. It loves crossing the sea with people and Pokémon on its back. It understands humans speech.

She noticed something. "Why is your Lapars purple while in the Pokedex it's blue?"

"My Lapras is something we call a shiny, there is nothing special just different color but they are very rare. Are you rea---" Suddenly he got water in face, Lapras did not look happy. "She must still angry whit me because I have not used her in awhile." He walk over to her. "Look Lapras, I'm sorry that you only got swim in a pond but you know why I stopped being a trainer, I promise it will not happen again. Can you forgive me?"

They looked into each other 's eyes, Luna look back and forth between James and Lapras. Suddenly Lapras lick James in the face.

"Alright Lapras, stop it." Luna just smiled at it. "As i was tryining to say before, are you ready to go to Dewford town."

"Yes I'm ready."

James helped Luna up on Lapras's back and they were on their way to Dewford town. After about 30 minutes Luna asked James a question that she wondered ever since he told what happened between him and Tobias.

"James." He looked at her. "Have you ever seen a legendary Pokémon?"

"Where did that question come from?"

"It's something I've wondered since you mentioned Tobias Darkrai."

"Once." He looked out to the sea. "When I was in Johto I heard rumors of the legendary Pokémon Raikou, here let me show you." He took out his pokedex, pressed a few buttons and gave it to Luna.

Raikou the Thunder Pokémon. Raikou embodies the speed of lightning. The roars of this Pokémon send shock waves shuddering through the air and shake the ground as if lightning bolts had come crashing down.

"This Pokémon sounds powerful."

James laughed at what she said. "I thought exactly the same, I thought that if I could catch Raikou then no one could beat me so I started to collect information. After two days I found out of Raikou was last seen in a mountain near Ecruteak City, I can never remember the name of the mountain. Anyway, when I was halfway up the mountain then I saw him up on a clif, I was surprised that I found him so quickly. Then the hunt began."

"The next three days I tried to catch him but it was not easy, he was incredibly fast but I eventually managed to corner him, I had all my Pokémon out so he could not escape, I was to give them orders to attack but then looked into his eyes and I could see that he was afraid. I could not do it, I could not catch a majestic Pokemon like Raikou. It did not feel right so I let him go, I 'm pretty sure he grateful for it."

Luna smiled at what he had told her. "That was very noble of you james."

"Maybe, but after my match against Tobias, I began to wonder whether it was a good idea to let Raikou escape. If I had caught him then maybe had a chance to beat him, I'll never know that now."

After two hours of silence they finally came arrived at Dewford town James suggested that they should go to Granite Cave so Luna could catch more Pokémon, when they reached the entrance its was very dark and that did not Luna like. She was accustomed to the dark when she was a pony because then she could see in the dark but now it was a different matter.

"Are you sure this is wise? It is very dark."

"Take it easy I'm prepare, Come out Manectric." She took out her pokedex.

Manectric the Discharge Pokémon. Manectric discharges strong electricity from its mane. The mane is used for collecting elecricity in the atmosphere. This Pokémon creates thunderclouds above its head.

Now she was a little nervous of what she read in the Pokedex James noticed that.

"Don't worry, that does not happen with my Manectric, alright Manectric use flash."

"Mane." Suddenly began Manectric's body to glow and with they went into the cave.

'I am becoming more and more astonished at what Pokémon can do.' Luna though to her self.

After a while they came to an opening and luckily for them it was a hole in the ceiling and light came in, suddenly they heard something they looked in the direction where the sound came from and what they saw was a Pokémon that ran straight against a wall. "Bagon bagon bagon bagonnnnn." The Pokémon hit the wall with his head, Luna was shocked by what she saw but then she saw that the Pokémon did not get hurt at all it just got up and went back where it came from, it began to run toward the wall again. She took out her pokedex.

Bagon the Rock Head Pokémon. Bagon has a dream of one day soaring in the sky. In doomed efforts to fly, this Pokémon hurls itself off cliffs. As a result of its dives, its head has grown tough and as hard as tempered steel.

"This is very strange." She look at James

"What do you mean?"

"As the pokedex said Bagon tend to jump off cliffs but this does not, weird." He answered.

"Strange or not I will try to catch Bagon, let's go Treecko." Treecko came out of the Poké Ball. "Use quick attack." Treecko began to run toward.

"Bag?" Bagon wondered what happened but before he could that Treecko hit him. He slipped back slightly as he began running towards Treecok with his head bowed down he hit Treecko, Luna could see that Treecko was in pain.

"That was headbutt plus that Bagon's head is very hard, you get the idea." James explained.

But Luna did not listen to him. "Get up Treecko." Treecko had trouble getting up but he managed it in the end, Bagon charge again. "Dodge it." He barly managed. "Now use pound as hard as you can." Treecko hit Bagon as hard as he could with his tail, Bagon flew into the stone wall so hard that it fainted. Luna threw a Poké ball on Bagon and she catch Bagon, she she went over to retrieve the ball and call back Treecko to his ball then she began to walk toward the exit of the cave.

"Where are you going?" James asked her.

"I'm going to the Pokémon center to get my Pokémon heal then I'll challenge the gym leader." She replied.

"Allready? Don't you think it is wise to train first?"

"No. I am confidence that I am going to win."

Manectric look at James with a troubled face. "I know Manectric, she's going to lose."

After they had been to the Pokémon center they went straight to the gym, when entered the gym they saw a man
standing on the battlefield. He was shadow boxing.

"Hey Brawly, I see that you are still training."

Brawly look at James and smiled. "Well, it's not James , It 's been a while." They shook hands. "I heard a rumor that you stopped being a Pokémon trainer."

"I haven't been a trainer for six months but now I'm helping Luna here with her ​​journey."

"I guess she is here for a battle."

"I am." Luna answered.

"All right I accept your challenge, hey Jason come here I have a challenger." A man with black hair came and stood in the middle of the battlefield Luna and Brawly took their positions on the battlefield. James and Manectric stood on the sidelines.

"This battle is is between the gym leader Brawly and challenger uh..."

"My name is Luna"

"Right, Luna. This is a two against two battle and the challenger is the only one who are allowed to switch Pokémon, when both Pokémon are not able to fight then you have lost, if both are ready. "Both nodded. "Then begin."

"Come out Machop." Luna recognized the Pokemon from her battle with Spike.

'This is going to be easy.' She thought to herself. "Let's go Bagon."

Bagon came out of the Poké ball and he was very confused? "Bagon?"

Brawly attack first. "Machop use karate chop." Machop ran towards Bagon ready to hit him.

"Dodge it Bagon." But he did not react fast enough, Machop hit him so hard that he rolled backward slightly. "Bagon are you ok." Bagon had gotten so much injured that he had trouble getting up. "Get up and use headbutt." But it was too late.

"Machop use seismic toss." Machop lifted Bagon up then he jumped into the air and threw Bagon into the ground, he hit the ground so hard that it a it created a cloud of dust, when it cleard they saw Bagon lying there and he was unconscious.

"Bagon is unable to battle, Machop is the winner."

Luna call back Bagon. "Your up Treecko." Out came Treecko. "Use quick attack." He ran as fast as he could toward Machop and he hit him.

"Counter with karate chop." Machop tried to hit Treecko.

"Dodge it Treecko." He could hardly avoid the hit. "Now use Bullet seed." Treecko opened his mouth and the seeds Machop and it hurt. "Finish it with pound." Treecko hit Machop with his tail so hard that he flew backward and past out.

"Machop is unable to battle, Treecko is the winner."

Brawly call Machop back to his Poké Ball. "You did a good job now get some rest." He then look at Luna. "Do not think you've won yet, it's your turn Meditite."

A new Pokémon came out out on the field, she checked her pokedex.

Meditite the Meditate Pokémon. Meditite heightens it's inner energy through meditation. It survives on just one berry a day. Minimal eating is another aspect of this Pokémon training.

"Meditite use meditate." Meditite closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Luna just smiled at it. 'This is too easy.' "Treecko use pound." Treecko ran against Meditite to hit him with his tail, suddenly Meditite opened his eyes.

"Use confusion Meditite." His eyes began to glow and Treecko could not move.

'What is happening?' She did not know what to do, she looked over at James but he just stood there and watched the battle. 'He will not help me, so I'll do it myself'

"Use quick attack Treecko." But he could not move. "Did you not hear what I said? Use quick attack."

"It's not going to work, as long Meditite uses confusion Treecko is not going nowhere. Now throw Treecko around the battlefield."

Meditite started to throw Treecko a round like a doll, he hit the roof and the floor several times and he got a lot of damage. Luna did not know what she should do.

"Meditite, finish it."

Meditite threw Treecko so hard on the ground that it created a litte earthquake.

"Get up Treecko." But it did not help he was knocked out.

"Treecko is unable to battle, that's means Brawly is the winner."

She had lost again.

Author's Note:

What is this? Part 1. So yes I splite the chapters in two parts, I do not know how long the next chapter will be but I'll try to get it over 1500 word's.

If you have not noticed it yet, chapter 2 and 3 has become one chapter, many have complained about short chapters so I'll try to keep it over 1500 words from now on. I'll try to write more on Petalburg Woods chapter in the future.

I'll write part 2 soon.

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