• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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A New World

Author's Note:

Yesterday, I decided to ask people what they thought about this story and one comment caught my eye and that was that the start was pretty weak. Luna didn't have any good reason for going on a Journey, so I decided to fix that.

I took a look at the chapter and saw how bad it was so, I gave Luna a reason. I rewrote most of the chapter and I gave it a new name to.

I hope you all like the rewrite of this chapter and PLEASE write what you think about it in the comments.

Enjoy. :pinkiehappy:

It was a normal sunny day in Hoenn region, in the woods outside Littleroot Town a Poochyena was taking a nap. Suddenly he heard something that woke him up, he tried to open his eyes, but it was difficult considering he was tired, he yawned and tried to stand up to find out what that sound came from.

Poochyena started to walk in the direction where the sound came from, but he had problem to keep his eyes open. After a couple minutes he came across something lying in the grass, he was not sure what he saw but it looked like a girl and she was naked. She was lying on her stomach and beside her lay a bag, he approached her slowly as he was not sure it was safe or not.

He sniffed her hand and touched it with his nose, then the girl moved and that scares Poochyena that he skipped a couple of steps back. Poochyena didn’t know what he should do but then he got an idea, he turned around and began running toward a house that was not too far from the woods.

Littleroot Town was perhaps not the largest city in Hoenn but there lived professor Birch a man who study Pokémon, unlike the other's professor he does a lot of field study doing his research elsewhere then in a lab. Right now, he was relaxing in a chair with cold water in his hand on the terrace's, then came the Poochyena running out of the woods and towards Birch.

Birch lifted the sunglasses he was wearing. "Hello Poochyena, what are you doing on this fine day?"

"Huff, huff." Poochyena ran back and forth as if he tried to tell him something.

"What is it? Would you like me to follow you?" Poochyena just nodded his head. "Okay then lead the way."

Birch got up and placed his sunglasses on the chair, he then grabbed his lab coat then followed Poochyena who ran into the forest.

"Ok Poochyena what is it you want to show me?" Poochyena went to the girl.

"Huff, huff."

What Birch saw was a girl who had blue hair and was naked, he ran to her. "Miss are you ok?" He got no reply, he checked whether she had a pulse or not it was strong. ‘Good she lives, I may as well take her back to the lab.’ He took off his coat and put it round her as he lifted her and carried her to the lab. Poochyena tried to drag the bag with him the but it was too heavy for him.

"Let me get it for you Poochyena."

He threw the bag over his shoulder and began to walk towards the lab with the girl, Poochyena followed him. Well inside the house he put the girl down on the couch in the lab.

"Joshua can you come here for a moment."

A man with green hair and glasses, he wore a white lab coat and was holding a data pad walk into the lab.

"Professor have you seen the new results they are incredible."

"It's not important right now I need help here." Joshua looked up from the data pad and saw the girl on the couch.

"Professor what happened and who is the girl?"

"I do not know Poochyena found her in the woods outside of town, can you make the guest room ready while I call Jennifer and asks if she can help us. Poochyena you can look over her." With that went Birch and Joshua to do their while Poochyena sat and watched the girl.

Luna woke up the next morning, but she had proper headache. "My head, what happened?" She tried to remember but it was hard, she put a hoof on her head but then she noticed something strange. She looked at her ‘hoof’ and it was gone, she had finger like Spike had but they were white and not purple like the dragon. She looked at the rest of her body when she noticed that she was lying in a bed, she managed to lift the covers and look at the rest of her body it had also changed, she wore something that looked like clothes. She did only one thing she could, she screamed.


She screamed so loud that she woke Poochyena, he jumped so high that fell out of the bed. when Luna saw Poochyena she backed away from him. "Stay away from me." She tried to use her magic, but it did not work. "My magic, it doesn’t work." Poochyena just looked at her strange.

Suddenly she heard someone footsteps coming closer and closer, suddenly the door open and in walked a creature that looked like her but was also different, it looked male. The creature had brow hair on its head and its face, he had browen shorts, blue t-shirt with a white lab coat.

"Oh, good you're up I was wondering when you would wake up. How are you?" He said with a smile on his face.

"Stay away from me, please do not hurt me" She said in a scared tone.

"Take it easy miss I will not hurt you. My name is Birch what's yours?" He said in a clam tone.

Luna did not know if she should trust this 'Birch'. ‘What should I do? This does not look like the world that Twilight Sparkle visited, but it looks like I have no choice.

"My name is Luna."

"Nice to meet you Luna, may I ask you how you ended up in the woods naked?"

"How do I know that I can trust you?"

"I give you my word that I will not hurt you and that you are safe here."

There was something about this Birch, she felt she could trust him. "Okay, but this will probably take a while." Birch took a chair in the room and sat on it.

So, Luna began telling her story. Where she was from, what happened 1000 years ago, Nightmare Moon, when she came back, she told him everything. When she was done was Birch shocked by what he heard.

"Fascinate, so alternative worlds do exist. There is a Pokémon that can also travel to another worlds."

Pokémon was a word Luna never had heard before. "Pokémon? What's Pokémon?"

"You don't have Pokémon in Equestria?" She just shook her head. "Well Pokémon are creatures who live together with people, like Poochyena." With that jumped Poochyena back in the bed, he scared her.

"Take it easy, he will not hurt you he looked over you all night."

She looked at Poochyena who had a smile on his face. "Thank you Poochyena."

"Huff, huff." Poochyena just smiled and wiggle its tail, which Luna thought was cute.

With that Birch got up from the chair.

"Ok maybe it's time to get some breakfast, I think you are very hungry."

Just when Birch was finished that sentence a grumble sound come from Luna stomach. Her cheek became red, Birch just laughed.

"I take that as a yes, let me help you up." Birch held out a and Luna took his hand, she slid her leg out on the floor and did the same with the other. She then tried to stand up but fell forward, Birch managed to catch her. “Take it easy, try one step at the time.” She did as he said and managed to walk out of the room with the professor help. Poochyena followed them.

It was not easy for Luna to adjust her new body but eventually she managed it. Birch led her to the lab where she saw differing things, she did not know what was, but she was curious of what she saw.

"What is all this?"

"Well Luna I am a professor and I study Pokémon and I use these machines to help in my research. Although I spend most of my time in the field."

He led her to kitchen where Joshua was. Birch helped her into a chair, he took place at the table Poochyena followed them.

"What is for breakfast Joshua?"

"Just the normal, sandwiches."

He gave Poochyena some Pokémon food then he put down the dish with slices of bread on the table. Luna did not know whether they were safe to eat but her stomach spoke for her. She took one and began to eat and it was good, before they knew it, she had eaten almost everything. Birch and Joshua didn’t not know what to believe. Birch was the first to get over the shock.

"Hungry, are we?" Birch said with some tease in his voice.

When Luna saw how much she had eaten she blushed. "Sorry I was hungry." Birch just chuckled.

"Well you have been out 18 hours after all."

Now it was Luna's turn to be shocked, she has been out for 18 hours. To get here took more energy than she had thought.

"Huh professor Birch, where am I?" She asked him.

"Oh yes I forgot and tell you that, you are on planet earth In Hoenn region. This town is called Littleroot and you can call me Birch.”

She had never heard about Hoenn or Littleroot before, she was not in Equestria anymore. That’s for sure. She then started to look around. "Huh, Professor Birch where is my saddlebag?" She didn’t want to lose the book she had with her.

"Saddlebag? Oh, you mean your bag, it's on the couch with a book and all the food are in the refrigerator."

But before Luna could say anything more Joshua stood up.

"Professor can I talk to you in private?"

"Sure, can you excuse us for a moment Luna?"

She just nodded. Birch and Joshua walked into the lab so she could not hear them.

"Ok Professor who is this girl and where is she from? Something tells me that she is not from Hoenn, I believe that she is from this world."

"Take it easy Joshua I'll tell you if she wants, she trusts me, and I will not break that trust."

Joshua crossed his arms, he didn’t like it, but he didn’t want to push the girl. She looked a little sacred when she saw him and that meant she had never seen a human before. He let out a sigh. “Alright, if she doesn’t want to tell me I will respect it, but I don’t like to keep out of this stuff.”

“I know that, just give her time.”

With that they went back to the kitchen where they saw that Luna had Poochyena on her lap, she was petting the Pokémon on its back.

"You are certainly not afraid of him anymore.” He said with a smile, she just smiled back at him. “If you are up for it, there is something I want to show you.

Luna was curious of what he would show her, so she decided to follow him. She placed Poochyena on the floor, got up, she and Birch walked outside. Once outside, Luna saw many creatures she had never seen before. Some of them was small, some were big, she could even see some in the air.

"Professor, are all these animals Pokémon?" She asked with awe in her voice.

"That they are. You see, there are many who study Pokémon me included and we are trying to find out as much as we can about them, but there is much we do not know." They walked out to the grass and started to walk amongst the Pokémon.

"How many are there?"

"There are over 700 different Pokémon."

She could not believe that there were so many Pokémon, they stop at a pond. Suddenly, a Pokémon came up from the water. It was blue with some black fins on its head.

"Hello Swampert, are you well today?" Swampert just smiled. "That is good, James is coming to visit you and the other in a few days.”

"Swamp." With that the Pokémon disappeared into the water.

"Who is James?"

"James is a Pokémon trainer and Swampert is one of the Pokémon he has caught, well he started with him."

Luna didn’t understand what the professor just said, but she did not like that this James caught Pokémon. “That doesn’t sound very nice, to capture a Pokémon against it will.”

“Well, Swampert started as James first Pokémon. When it comes to capture Pokémon, some of them want to be capture.”

Luna wasn’t sure if she heard him right. “They want to be capture? Why?”

“We aren’t sure, but we believe when a trainer battles a Pokémon and managed to defeat the Pokémon, the trainer earns the Pokémon respect.”

Luna wasn’t sure if she believed what Birch was telling her. She had a difficult to believe that Pokémon wanted to be capture.

The rest of the day, Luna decided to learn all she could about humans. Lucky for her, Birch had a book about humans. She learned that difference between the two species wasn’t that much, there was one thing that she didn’t like, humans eat meat. She didn’t like the idea that she had to eat a living creature, it didn’t help that Birch told her that humans need protein.

Later that evening.

Luna was in the room she had received and was reading the book she had taken with her. It looks like she is not coming home for a while, she needs magic to open a portal and that doesn’t exist in this world. Which was fine with her, she didn’t want to go back to a world where they are afraid of her. She closed the book and place it on the nightstand, she looked at Poochyena, who was sleeping in her bed. she still had trouble believing in what the professor told her. She eventually fell asleep.

Then next day, Luna decided to learn all she could about Pokémon and luckily for her, birch had a book about Pokémon. when she started to read it, she couldn’t believe how many types of Pokémon there was. Grass, fire, water, normal, flying, fighting, bug, electric, rock, ground, psychic, ghost, poison, dragon, ice, dark, steel, and fairy. Some of them could mix, her head was spinning from all the information.

Then Birch suggested that she should watch some Pokémon battles, Luna wasn’t keen about that idea and besides, she wasn’t sure how she would do that. She read that they needed two trainers and there where no trainers around. Birch told her that they didn’t need trainers, only a television. Luna had no idea what a ‘television’ was, and boy was she surprised when she saw what it was. The first she saw was a giant stadium and hundreds of humans, birch told her that was the Pokémon league.

Luna couldn’t believe that so many humans came to this ‘league’ to watch Pokémon get hurt, she didn’t like it, but she gave it a chance. After hours of watching Luna notice one thing, it looked like the Pokémon wanted to battle, they didn’t protest at all, they did what their trainers told them. Maybe they wanted to be capture.

There was one thing that really got her blood pumping and that was the battle, she didn’t like at first but as they went on, she got really into it, she even started to cheer for some of trainers. When it was over, she collapsed on the cough she was sitting on.

When Birch came into the living room, after doing some research. He found Luna lying on the couch. “Luna, are you ok?” He asked her.

“Yes.” She managed to get up. “I just got really into it all after a while.”

Birch couldn’t help but laugh a little. “It also happens to me from time to time.” He was about to walk outside.

“Professor, wait. I know what I want to do.” That intrigued him. “I want to try and challenge the Pokémon league."

“Are you sure about this Luna? it’s going to take a lot of work."

“She nodded. “Yes, I am sure. You see, all my life I have been in my sister shadow.” She looked down with a somber face. “And I have hated it. But here, humans don’t know who I am, and I can make my own choice without her interfering.” She looked at tv. “I don’t like the whole battling concept, but I am willing to give it a chance.” She looked back the professor. “This is something I want to do.”

Birch looked into her eyes and he could see that she was dead serious about it. “Very well, if this is what you want then you have my supported.”

She gave him a smile. “Thank you, professor.”

“Although, if you are going on a journey, you are going to need some help and know who to ask.”

Luna tilted her head to the side. “Who?”

“His name is James and he have been on this journey before. Also, he needs to get this spark back.” Luna wasn’t sure what Birch meant by the spark. “He will arrive tomorrow, and I will ask him.” Before Luna could ask him who this James was, Birch had already walked outside.

Luna went back to the tv, if she was going on a journey, she needed to study and figured out which Pokémon she was going to start with. This was going to be one hell of a journey.

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