• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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After the event with the light stone, Luna and James was still on their way to Petalburg town so Luna could earn her fifth gym badge. Right now, they were just outside Foothill town training, Luna was using her Rufflet while James was using his Rattata. Riolu and Zangoose was watching.

“Use peck Rufflet.” Rufflet jumped up in the air and flew towards Rattata.

“Doge it Rattata.” The mouse manged just barley to doge the attack.

“Keep using peck.”

Rufflet stared to attack Rattata with his beak and Rattata manged to doge them all. “Use tackle Rattata.” Rattata jumped back a little and then he tackled Rufflet so hard that the eaglet Pokémon flew backwards.

Then he stared to roll and didn’t stop before he hit Luna’s legs, when he stopped he held his right wing with is left. Luna knew right away what was wrong. She bent down. “Rufflet, are okay? Did you hurt your wing?” Rufflet nodded, Luna looked at James with narrow eyes. “What’s wrong with you? This was supposed to be a training match and now Rufflet is hurt, and there’s now Pokémon center in this town.” She said with anger in her voice.

James put up both of his hands defence. “Sorry, I got a little carried away in the battle but don’t worry. There might not be a Pokémon center in town but there’s a Pokémon clinic in town and it’s run by Dr. Abby and she can help him.” He told her.

Luna lifted up Rufflet in her arms. “Then what are we waiting for?” She stared to run towards the city with Riolu and Zangoose right behind her.

James just stood there scratching his head. “She ran to the town without knowing where Dr. Abby lives.” He couldn’t help but smile. “Come on Rattata, let’s catch up with her.” They both ran after her.

After arriving in Foothill town Luna had no idea where this Pokémon clinic was, she and her Pokémon just stood in the street clueless. “Maybe I should asked James where this Pokémon doctor lives.” Her Pokémon agreed with that statement.”

“Excuse me miss, are you lost?” Said a voice behind her.

Luna turned around and behind her stood James with his Rattata, and he had a smug smile in his face. Luna was not happy.

“Having fun?” She asked him with some annoyance.

“A little bit. Look Luna, you can’t just go running into a town you’re not familiar with it.”

She hung her head. “I know, I just was so worried about Rufflet getting hurt.”

He put a hand on her shoulder. “I know Luna, any good trainer like you care about their Pokémon.” He said with a smile. “Now come on, let me show you where the Pokémon clinic is.” And with that they headed to the Pokémon clinic.

After some walking, they arrived at the clinic, it was a white and brown house with a Pokéball on the right over the door. It’s said Pokémon clinic on a sign next to the door, the walked in. Inside of the house of the house didn’t looked like any different than a normal house, except something that looked like a sliding door with Pokéball pattern. Then she heard a voice behind the door.

“Thank you doctor for helping my Wurmple.” Said a young voice.

“You are welcome.” Said a female voice.

A boy stepped out into the main room with a Pokémon that looked like a bug, she took out her Pokédex with her free hand.

Wurmple the Worm Pokémon. Using the spikes on its rear end, Wurmple peels the bark off trees and feels on the sap that oozes out. This Pokémon’s feet are tipped with suction pads that allow it to glass without slipping.

The boy walked out of the clinic as he did a woman came out into the main room, she was wearing a white coat and she had green hair. Luna could see that she was older then herself.

“Hello and welcome to the Pokémon clinic I am Dr. Abby, how can I help you?” Abby saw a girl who was holding a Rufflet in her arms, it looked like Rufflet was hurt. “What happened to this little guy?” She said while walking to them.

“Rufflet was hurt while we were training.” Luna answered her.

“I see.” She looked over Rufflet. “It seems like he hurt his wing, considering who is your training partner is I’m not surprised that it happened.” She then looked over to James. “Am I right James?” He said nothing, just rolled his eyes. “Let’s take a closer look at that wing, follow me.” They walked further back in the clinic, they walked into a room with a metal table and there was some picture of Pokémon there and a shelf with had some jars on it. “Just put Rufflet down on the table and let me have a look at him.” Luna did as Dr. Abby said.

“Let’s see here.” She lifted up Rufflet’s injured wing, he flinched a little when she did. “The damage doesn’t look too bad.” She picked up a jar that was standing on a shelf, she opened the lib and smear some green stuff on Rufflet wing. “There, just take it easy for the rest of the day and your wing will fine tomorrow.”

Luna was relieved when she heard that. “Thank you doctor, James can pay. Considering it’s his fault that it happened.”

“Fine by me.” Said James.

Luna nodded. “Good, I’m heading to hotel.” She picked up Rufflet and exit the clinic, Zangoose and Riolu was right behind.

After paying for Rufflet James had finally caught up with her. “Luna, would you just stop and talk to me.”

She stopped. “You want to talk, fine. Let’s talk about how you hurt Rufflet.”

“I got carried away ok, I didn’t mean to hurt him. I think it’s great that you care about your Pokémon but this is ridiculous and besides, are you sure you want to use Rufflet in your gym battle against Norman? You haven’t used him that much and he can only use two moves, maybe you should chance your strategy.”

“Is my choice that I want to use Rufflet and I think he will do great, you know what? I can’t deal with this now. Just leave me alone.” She turned around and walked towards hotel, leaving James alone.

He sighed while looking up to the sky. “Nice work you idiot.” He decided to give Luna some time alone.

Night had come in Foothill town and everyone was asleep, all except Rufflet. He was just sitting on the bed which Luna as sleeping in, just starring at the wall. After what James said Rufflet felt useless, ‘Are you sure you want to use Rufflet in your gym battle against Norman? You haven’t used him that much and he can only use two moves, maybe you should chance your strategy.’ Luna had defended him but it didn’t help.

He looked over at Luna who was sleeping peacefully, he felt happy that she trusted him that must but at the same time he felt embarrassed, he wasn’t about to let her down. He moved his wing to see if it hurt, it hurt a little but it looked like he could fly. He jumped down from the bed and walked to the door, he flapped his wings so he could react the door knob to open the door, he manged to open the door and he walked out.

Little did he know that opening the door had awoken Zangoose, he watched at Rufflet walked out the room. Zangoose got up and walked over to the bed where Luna was sleeping, he didn’t want to wake her up but she had to know that Rufflet had walked out. He tried to nudge her, she didn’t react. He tried again. “Zang zangoose.” That woke her up.

She sat up and rub her eyes. “Zangoose, why did you wake me? Do you know what time it is?” Zangoose just pointed at the spotted where Rufflet had been. “What?” She looked at bed and saw that he was gone. “Where’s Rufflet? Zangoose, where’s Rufflet?” Zangoose then pointed at the door. “Are you telling me that Rufflet walked out the door.” Zangoose nodded. “I got to find him.” She tossed the blanket and it landed over Riolu that was also sleeping in the bed.

She walked over to her bag and found her clothes. “I’ll bet that it’s because of what James said that Rufflet has gone out.” She said to herself while putting in on her clothes. While she was putting on her clothes Riolu had manged to find the exit after Luna had tossed the blanket on her, she poked her out and was wondering what was happening. She looked at Zangoose for answers. “Zang zangoose zangoose.” He told her while pointing at the door, Riolu was a little confused but understand what was happening.

After Luna had got dressed she went out the door, Riolu and Zangoose followed her. They were standing outside the hotel that they had rented rooms for the night looking for Rufflet, but he was gone.

“Where did he go? Zangoose, do you think that you can pick up his scent?” Zangoose went down on all four and stared to sniff the ground trying to find Rufflet’s scent. “Zangoose.” He then stared to run towards the forest, Luna and Riolu followed him.

After some running Zangoose stopped by some bushes, Luna and Riolu walked over to him and looked where he was looking. What they saw was Rufflet he was standing a few feet from a tree and staring at it, he then stared to flap his wings and flew towards the tree. Luna was about to try and stop him but Zangoose hold an arm in front and shook his head, Luna wanted to protest but she trusted her Pokémon, she kept watching Rufflet.

Rufflet then flew up and then came back down, it looked like to Luna that Rufflet flew in a circle. When he came back down he was very closed to the ground, he then flew towards the tree and then it looked like the wind was gathering around him. Luna saw as he flew towards the tree. ‘Is that a move?’ She thought as she watched Rufflet.

Then he stared to lose control and then he fell on the ground and tumbled until he hit the tree, that was enough for Luna. “Rufflet.” She walked out from the bushes and went over to him to see if he was okay, Rufflet was trying to get up from the crash. “Are you okay?” She asked him while helping him up, he just nodded and stared to walk back to the spot where he stared to try again. “What are you doing Rufflet? Are you trying to prove something?” Rufflet didn’t listen, he just got ready again.

He stared to do the same routine again, the same result happened again and Luna just watch. ‘Why is he doing this? What is he trying to prove?’ Then she remembered what James told him; “Are you sure that you want to use Rufflet in your gym battle? He only knows two moves.” Then she realized that Rufflet didn’t want to disappoint her.

Rufflet crashed again and this time he had trouble getting but so Luna went over to him and help him up. “Listen Rufflet, you don’t have to do this. I won’t be disappointed if you do poorly in the gym battle as long as you do your best, that’s good enough for me.”

Rufflet took her words to heart and he was glad that she wouldn’t de disappointed by him, but he still wanted to master the move. He brushed off the dust that he had collected and went back to try again. “Just believe in yourself Rufflet.” With those words Rufflet got ready.

Rufflet stared to flew towards the tree again, he then he took a loop and while in the loop it looked like air stared to gather around him. When he came down again the air was still around him and he was heading towards the tree and it was looking good, when he was a few meters from the tree he flew upwards.

Luna looked in awe as he flew upwards. ‘Did he do it?’ She took out her Pokédex that she had brought with her took check if Rufflet learned a new move. “Let’s see here.” She pressed a few buttons. “Aerial ace, that sound cool.” Then Rufflet land on the ground and he was breathing heavily. “Was aerial ace the move you wanted to learn?” He just nodded, she then lifted him up and gave him a hug. “Well, that move looked very cool and I’m proud of you.” Rufflet returned the hug with smile on his face, Zangoose and Riolu who was watching the hole time, they couldn’t help but also smile.

“Come on, let get back to the hotel and get some sleep.” Rufflet did argue with that, he fell asleep in Luna’s arms as they all waked back to the hotel.

Next morning James was sitting in dining room eating breakfast, he tried to wake up Luna before he went down but he got now answer so, he decided to let her sleep. He had just filled up a second time when Luna entered the dining room and she did not look happy, he went over to his table while she walked over to him.

“hey Luna, grabbed a plate and get some breakfast.” He had just put his down when she slapped him the face, he but a hand over where she had slapped him. “What the hell was that for?” He asked her.

“You know damn well why.”

“I don’t know why, you can’t just walk over to people and slap them in the face without any reason.”

“I have reason, you hurt Rufflet feelings yesterday.”

James blinked a couple of time. “The only thing I did was tell the truth, nothing more. I didn’t mean to hurt his feeling.”

“Well you did and thanks to that he left the hotel last night and went to train, while training he hurt himself several times.”

“Did the raining go well?”

“That’s beside that point, I’m going back to Dr. Abby and afterwards you are going to apologies to Rufflet. Got it?” He just nodded. “Good.”

With that Luna left the dining room while James sat there with a smile on his face. “She is different from Sunset, that’s for sure.” He ate his breakfast and took with him some food for Luna and left the dining room and headed after Luna.

Author's Note:

This may be my weakest chapter yet, but I hope you guys like it anyway.

Next chapter; Scyther vs Scizor.

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