• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Pokémon Summer School part 2

Luna was walking down the hallway of the castle, she was heading towards the throne room to have a talk with her sister and she was in a really bad mood. Her big sister had done something that Luna hadn’t approve off and sometimes she wonder why she is still around when it was Celestia who makes all the decisions around here.

She finally arrived at the throne room, there were two guards that belonged to Celestia who were standing guard. “I will like to talk to my sister.” She told the guards.

“I am sorry your highness, but princess Celestia has day court and she said she doesn’t want to be disturbed.” One of the guards answered.

Luna just snorted. “I don’t care that she won’t be disturbed, I need to talk to her now.” Before the guards could do anything, she used her magic to open the doors with a bang. She then walked in leaving the guards stunned.

Once inside, she could see her sister talking to some Canterlot nobles and they also had stunned look on their face, her sister on the other hoof, was not pleased. Luna just ignored it. “If you are not my sister, get out. NOW.” That got the nobles to gather their thing and run out faster than the wind. Once they were out, Luna closed the doors with her magic and look at her sister with an angry look. “We need to talk.”

Celestia sighed as she got of her throne. “What is it now Luna, I am getting tired of this. You, chasing out the ponies that are here to visit me.” She said while walked towards her sister.

“It’s the only way I can talk to you, you just ignore me the rest of the day. You care more about the ponies in Equestria then me, I am your sister for fuck sake.”

“I care about them because they are my little ponies.” Said Celestia as she stop not far from Luna.

Luna rolled her eyes of that last part. “Would you stop using that phrase, it’s sound like you gave birth to every pony in Equestria, it’s just creepy.”

Celestia didn’t seem like what Luna said faced her. “Is there something you want Luna?” She asked her little sister.

“Yes, there is. I want to know why made Twilight Sparkle an alicorn without talking to me first.”

“Twilight Sparkle managed to solve the riddle I gave her and therefore I thought she was ready to become an alicorn.”

“That’s not what I meant, you were supposed to talk to me before doing that, we are supposed to make that decision together, we are supposed to do every decision together.” Luna had trouble containing her rage right about now.

Celestia could see that Luna was getting angry. “I thought I would make that decision myself, considering you had just come back from the moon.” She said in a calm tone.

Luna was taken back of what her sister said. “Just come back? I have been ‘back’ for almost three years and I haven’t done anything that has impacted Equestria yet, why are you holding me back?”

“I am not holding you back Luna I am just making the important decision myself.” She then started to walk towards the door. “Just keep watching ponies dreams, that’s your duty after all.” She just her magic to open the doors.

“We were meant to rule together, that was you told me after I was saved, or have you forget that?” Said Luna as her sister walk out of the throne room, Celestia said nothing. “Don’t ignore me sister.” Her big sister didn’t listen. “CELESTIA.”

Luna awoken by that last part, she sat up in her bed trying to catch her breath. She looked around the room and saw that she was still in the Pokémon summer school. ‘Why did I dream that?’ She then notice she was sweating. ‘I need some air.’ She got up from her bed and walked to the window, she opened it and stuck her head out. She could feel the cold wind on her face. “This feel good.” She said to herself.

She then thought back to the dream, why did she dream it? Was it a sign or just a normal memory? She had no idea and that’s saying a lot, considering she was the princess of the night.

“Hey, who opened the window?” Luna look behind her shoulder and saw that she had awaken her roommate. “Luna? What are you doing up at…” Lumi looked at the clock by the bed. “…5 am in the morning?” She asked her.

“Sorry, I just had a weird dream.” Said Luna while getting in again and closing the window, she went back to her bed. Sorry that I woke you.” She laid down on the bed. she didn’t get any answer, Lumi had fallen asleep again. Luna was shocked by that. “Wow, that’s fast.” She eventually fell asleep.

After everyone had gotten up, it was time for the third day, after breakfast everyone had gathered at a lake near the school which was filled with water Pokémon. They were all standing with their back to it.

Birch and his ‘helpers’ were standing in front of them. “Now, why don’t you say we do something different.” Everyone cheered when they heard that. “Good, for because today I like you to study the water Pokémon in this lake.

All the kids and teenager turned around to have look at the lake, they saw all different kind of water Pokémon there. “Now, as you can see, these waters teaming with many types of Pokémon and to choose which kind to focused on is up to you. You may express your finding in a report or drawing or anyway you choose, but your grad will be based on a final presentation. You may work on your own or in groups.” Said Joshua.

Then Birch step forward. “But, because the water Pokémon in this lake area is still being researched, they are not allowed to be caught.”

Joshua. “Also, please remember, leaving the area is forbidden. Priority one is safety first.”

Everyone was ready, “Of you go.” Birch told them.

Most of the kids wanted to work alone, Luna and Lumi had decided to work together. Jack had asked James if they could work together, James had said yes to that. Shadow was working with another in their group. Ace wasn’t entirely sure if he wanted to work alone or with someone. Before he could decide a girl walked up to him, the girl had brown hair that reach down to her back, she was wearing a blue dress. She was the same age as Ace and her name was Jennifer.

“Ace?” He turned to look at her. “I was wondering you wanted to the reached together.” She said in a shy tone.

Ace scratched his head. “I don’t know.”

Lumi and Kuna was just watching as Ace was totally clueless over what was going on, then Luna decided to do something about it. She walk over to the and placed both hands on Ace’s shoulder’s.

“You know what Jennifer Ace would love to help you.”

That made Jennifer smile while Ace was totally confused. “What? I never said…” That was all he could say as Luna place a hand over his mouth.

“If you don’t want me to be angry at you for the rest of the week, you will accept her invitation, got it?” Luna whispered to him. All of sudden, Ace was very afraid. The last thing he wanted to anger Luna, he nodded. “Good boy.” They look at Jennifer who was just confused. “He agreed.” She told the girl. And off they went.

Once the had left, Lumi walk over to Luna. “He has no clue, does he?”

Luna just shook her head. “No, he doesn’t.” After that, they went to stud water Pokémon.

After some time, they didn’t find any of the Pokémon that much interested. “I never thought I would say this but, why is the water Pokémon here so boring? There’s no of them that has catch my eye.”

Luna agreed. “I know what you mean.” She wasn’t that knowledge about Pokémon as Lumi, but she couldn’t help but agreed. “By the way, where are we?” They both stop for a moment and notice that they had wander off from where they should, they had managed to wander into the forest.

“How the hell did we end up here?” Lumi asked out loud.

“Don’t ask me, I was following you.”

Lumi blinked a couple of times. “You were following me?” She said while pointing at herself, Luna nodded. “But I was following you.” They couldn’t help but stare at each other, Lumi eventually let out a frustration groan. “Great, we are lost, and no idea where we are.” She sighed. “Let’s just find some water and let’s hope it will lead us back to the group.” They started to walk in hope to find some water.

They eventually found a little lake that was connected to a small river they could follow back the lake look like that a dozen water Pokémon could live in.

“Great, we can follow the river back.” Lumi started to walk but Luna stop her, she notice that the lake had to rivers they could follow. “We don’t have to go the other way we just follow the river in the direction we came from.” Luna had to slap herself mentally because she didn’t come up with that.

They were about go when Luna saw something moving in the lake, her curiosity got the better of her and she decided to see what kind of Pokémon that it was. She approached the lake very carefully. So, she didn’t scare the whatever it was.

Lumi notice that her partner wasn’t following her “Luna, what are you…” Luna had to hush Lumi.

“Be quiet or you scare it away.” Luna said in a quiet voice while pointing at the lake.

Lumi looked where Luna was pointing, and she could see something moving under the surface. They both walk to the lake edge and when they did, a Pokémon they had never seen before jump up into the air. It wasn’t very big, it was blue, white and grey, it’s eyes were blue.

Luna had to see what kind of Pokémon it was, she took out her Pokédex.

Wishiwashi the small fry Pokémon. When it’s in trouble, its eyes moisten and begin to shine. The shining light attracts its comrades, and they stand together against their enemies.

Luna study the data. “I haven’t heard about that before, is it new?” She asked Lumi.

“I don’t know, maybe, I haven’t heard about it before either.” She took out her own dex to see the data, it didn’t work. “No, data? What the heck. “ She put away her dex in frustration. “Remind me to get professor Rowan to update the data on my Pokédex the next time I talk to him.”

They both decided to do their assignment on the newly discovered Pokémon, they weren’t in the lake area that they were supposed to work by, but this was a too good opportunity to pass by. The started to sketch the Pokémon when they notice that Wishiwashi eyes started to glow and then more of them appeared. Both girls started to become worried that the Pokémon would attack the but no, they just started to play in the lake, they were having fun.

Once they were done, they followed the river back to the school. They said goodbye to all the Wishiwashi. Once they were back at the school, they were the last to tell what they had discovered. Every kid around them was just impressed that Luna and Lumi had found a new Pokémon, even Birch and his assistants was impressed. Unfortunately, since they wonder off the lake area, they didn’t get full pointes, they got six points each. The girls accepted that.

After they were done, the kids in the school was assigned with cleaning the campus. James and the gang was cleaning part of the dining hall.

James was currently studying Luna’s data on the new Pokémon, considering he had been a trainer the longest. “Wishiwashi, I have never seen or heard about this Pokémon before.” He told her while giving Luna back her dex.

“Do you mean they saw a brand new Pokémon here in Hoenn?” Shadow asked him, he was cleaning one the windows with his Charmeleon.

“Looks like it.” James told him while mopping the floor.

“Man, first I miss Nihilego and now a Wishiwashi. Why do I feel like Ace?”

Ace, who was cleaning a table. Looked at Shadow. “Hey, was that’s supposed to mean?” They could hear that he was insulted. “I was there when we encounter Nihilego.”

Shadow just stared out the window. “Right, had forgotten that.” Ace wanted to say something, but he just let it go.

“By the way Ace, how did it go with Jennifer?” Lumi asked with a sly smile.

Ace blinked a couple of times in confusion. “What do you mean?” Everyone was curious what was going on now. Even Jack, who was not far from them, heard what Lumi said.

“What do I mean? You were out with a pretty girl who like you and you have no idea what I mean?” He just gave her a clueless look. Lumi threw her arm in the air in frustration. “I give up, you are utterly clueless.”

The situation made the rest laugh while Ace had no idea what was going on. Luna hadn’t laugh that good in a while, she had her doubt in coming here but now, she didn’t regret it at all.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the quality of the chapter, I hade some trouble writing it.

When it comes to the dream, I just wanted to let you all know that Celestia and Luna's relationship wasn't that good. Why? You all have to wait and see.

Artic Ace belongs to MLPFan1
Shadow Moonrise belongs to Vakama95096
Lumi Koude is an OC created by me and FrostTheWolf

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