• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Welcome to Kalos

Luna and James was now sitting on a plane which was on its way to Lumiose city airport in the Kalos region, James was looking forward to challenge new gym leaders and trainer. Luna on the other hand was sleeping peacefully in her seat, her head was leaning on James shoulder, which he didn’t mind.

Then James saw Lumiose city in the distance, so it was time to wake up Luna, he shook her carefully. “Luna, it’s time to wake up.”

“I don’t want to Tia, the other ponies make fun of me.” She said while trying to go back to sleep.

James just roll his eyes of what she said. “I’m not your sister Luna, now get up, we are landing soon.”

That got Luna to open her eyes. “Really?” James gave her nod, she then look out of the window and saw a city which was Lumiose.” About time.” She stretched her body. “How long was I asleep?” She asked James while rubbing her eyes.

James had to think for a minute. “Around two hours, I think.” Luna then let out a yawn. “I can’t believe you left your Pokémon back at professor Birch lab.”

“I told you, want to try and start the journey with one of starter Pokémon in Kalos.”

“I know that but don’t your remember their reactions? It look like Sceptile was going to have a heart attack.”

Luna remember that and it wasn’t pretty, they all wanted to come with her. When Luna tried to explain to them that she wanted to try something new, all of them started to panic. Luna wasn’t sure why but it probably because they thought she was going leave them, so she had to explain to them that was not the case, she was just glad she managed to calm them down. Well, not all. Sceptile took it the worst, he thought that Luna was going to replaced him but she assured him that was not the case, she just wanted to try go on this journey from the beginning and she would let them battle in Kalos league.

Then they heard some noise over them. “Ladies and gentleman, we will be landing in Lumiose city pretty soon so fast your seatbelt.” The captain told them, James and Luna didn’t hesitate at all.

Once they got of the plain Luna and James saw a pink Pokémon with a white peak that they had never seen before floating in the air above them, so they took out there Pokédex.

Spritzee the perfume Pokémon. It emits a scent that enraptures those who smell it. This fragrance changes depending on what it has eaten.

Luna couldn’t help but giggle as a little filly when she saw Spritzee data. “I want to catch one.”

“Let’s get your started Pokémon from professor Sycamore first, then you can catch some new Pokémon.” James told Luna while putting away his dex.

Luna couldn’t help but roll her eyes of what James said. “I know that I’m just saying I want to catch one.” They decided to head into town.

They had to take a taxi and that’s because Lumuose city was so big. While driving Luna couldn’t help but marvel by the city, it was probably the beigest city she had seen, yet. Then James told her what happened around 6 to 7 years ago, organization called team Flare and their leader Lysander tried to destroy the city and Kalos with the help of mega evolution, their plan was thwarted. Luna was furious when she heard that, who in their right mind wanted to destroy the Kalos region? She did wonder what mega evolution was.

Luna tried to focus on the city and then she saw a giant building in the center of the city. “James, what’s that?” He asked her boyfriend.

James managed to see what Luna was pointing at. “That’s Lumiose tower,” He look back at the road. “it lies in the center of town and there’s a gym there to, it’s the fifth gym but I think I read that you can challenge the gym leader right away, but I would not recommend it.”

Luna wasn’t going to, right now she was beginner and she would only have one Pokémon that would probably get beaten right away, she wanted to wait until she had more Pokémon and they were stronger.

“Yeah, your probably right. But something tells me you could challenge the gym leader and get your badge right away.”

James couldn’t help but smirk of what she said. “That I could but I’m not going to because just like you I’m starting a new journey my own way.”

After some more driving they finally reach professor Sycamore lab and Luna notice that building look like a part of the city, not like Birch lab. The taxi parked near the gate, James paid the driver and then they exit the car and entered the gate, then the car drove off. James bushed open the two doors and they both walk inn, the inside of the lab look like mansion which was nothing like Birch lab and there was no one there to meet them.

“Hello? Is anyone here?” James called out.

Then they heard some footsteps and it sounded heavier then human, then a Garchomp entered the main hall and the Pokémon saw James and Luna, wondering what they were doing in the lab.

“Wow, the professor has a Garchomp.” Said Luna and then she started to walk towards Garchomp. “Hey big guy, do you live here?” Garchomp was a little hesitated that Luna approached him but he could only see kindness in her eyes, he let her pet and he like it.

James just crossed his arms and smiled, it didn’t surprise him at all that Luna managed to get along with Garchomp.

Then an unknown voice spoke up. “I can see that my Garchomp likes you.” Then an elderly man with black pant, a purple shirt and he was also wearing a white lab coat walk into the main hall. “No many get along with him.”

Luna just smiled. “I have a Gabite back in Hoenn and he likes to eat a lot, so I know how to handle one.” She stop petting Garchomp. “I’m guessing your professor Sycamore.”

Then the man smiled. “That’s me.” He walk over to Luna to shake her hand, Luna did that. “And your Luna Moon, correct?” She nodded, the professor then notice James. “And you must be James Shaw, the Hoenn champion.”

“Former champion, I lost my tittle a while ago.” James correct him.

Sycamore felt stupide right now. “Right, forgive me, I forgot.” He said while bowing.

James just waved it off. “Don’t worry about it, I’m used to it.”

The professor nodded. “Right.” He then clap his hands. “Luna, it’s time to pick your first Pokémon in Kalos.” Sycamore look in the direction he came from and then three Pokémon came down the hall. “These are the three Pokémon you can choose from, Fennekin, Froakie and Chespin.”

Luna and James saw a little orange fox who look like it’s ears was on fire, the second one look like a blue frog and it had something white around it’s neck, the last one was walking on two legs, was brown and had some green spikes on its head.

Luna thought that all of them was incredible adorable, she just wanted to squeal like a little foal and hug them all, she managed to control herself. James was just fascinated but them all, he had never seen them before. Both trainers took out their Pokédex to see the data.

First the green one.

Chespin the spiky nut Pokémon. The quills on its head are usually soft. When it flexes them, the points become so hard and sharp that they can pierce rock.

Then the fox.

Fennekin the fox Pokémon. Eating a twig fills it with energy, and its roomy ears give vent to air hotter than 390 degrees Fahrenheit.

And finally the frog.

Froakie the bubble frog Pokémon. It secrets flexible bubbles from its chest and back. The bubbles reduce the damage it would otherwise take when attacked.

Luna had trouble deciding, they all look capable enough, that she could see. She wanted to pick one that could be a match for her sister when they would eventually battle, they promised each other that they would battle against each other when they were done with the tournament they were going for.


When Celestia and Luna had arrived back in the human world, both of them went back to professor Birch lab so Luna could rest and Celestia could read about the human world.

It’s been two days since arrived and Celestia was currently sitting in the living room reading up on the world, she was learning about the different regions so she could decide which to visit.

Then Luna walk into the room seeing her sister sitting on the couch. “I can see that your still reading.” She said while sitting down in one of the chair in the room. “Have you decided on where your going?” She asked her sister.

Celestia turned a page. “Not yet, it’s not easy to decided.”

Luna didn’t know about that, she just traveled through Hoenn. “Het, let’s make a promise.” That got Celestia to look up from her book with curiosity. “After were done with the league in the region we travel to, we meet up here and have a Pokémon battle between us.”

Celestia was a little shock, she had no idea where Luna got that idea from but she actually like it. “Sure, I be more than happy to kick your butt.”

“Cocky, I didn’t know you could be that but remember, I have been in more battles than you, sister.”

“That might be true but I have always been the strategist.”

Luna just stuck out her tongue. “Whatever, just be ready to lose when the times comes.”

Back to the present

Luna needed a Pokémon that could beat her sister, she had made her choice. “I chose Fennekin.” That made the fox Pokémon to run up to Luna with a smile on her face, Luna happily scoop Fennekin in her arms, Chespin and Froakie wasn’t to happy that they weren’t chosen.

Sycamore clap his hands together. “Excellent choice, something tells me that you and Fennekin will work perfectly.” He then bent down so he could talk to the others. “Don’t worry you two, a train will eventually chose you.” The professor told Chespin and Frokaie, it help a little but they were still sad as the walk off. Then Sycamore turned to Luna again. “I usually give some Pokéball’s to trainer who are beginners but something tells me you already have some.” Luna gave him a nod. “That was I thought.” He did handed Luna a ball. “Here, this is Fennekin’s Pokéball.”

Luna happily took it. “Thank you professor.”

Then James spoke. “Why don’t we see how strong your Fennekin is with a battle against me.”

Luna, Sycamore and Garchomp was shocked to hear that, then Luna smiled. “Your on, I’ll be more than happy to beat you in a Pokémon battle.”

Sycamore had to do something before they started to battle in his hallway. “Why don’t you two take this battle outside, there are no place in the lab where you can battle. But lucky for you two, I know where you can have the battle, follow me.” The professor then headed for the door and Garchomp followed him, so did Luna and James.

Author's Note:

A new chapter, yay.

Alright, why did I chose that Luna should start with a new Pokémon? I wanted to try something new, I hope you all like it.

When it comes to why I chose Fennekin, it's because I thought the fox Pokémon match Luna the best. I have nothing against Chespin, I just don't like it's evolution Quilladin and Chesnaught. I got nothing against Frokaie, i just don't like it anymore thanks to it's last form Ashninja or whatever it's called.

I am really sick of Ash.

Next chatper will be Luna and James first battle in Kalos.

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