• Published 15th Apr 2015
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Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Luna, Artemis and Celebi

After their incident with Sullivan at the lake, James and Luna was still on their way to professor Birch Pokémon summer school. They are currently on Kirkiri mountain, a shortcut to the next town but there was one problem, Kirkiri mountain was known for it’s fog and they been separated.

James was walking through the fog. “This damn fog, why did I chose this route?” James asked himself while looking around for Luna. “Mom told me that men have bad direction and I didn’t believe her.” He let out a sigh. “I take that back.” He stopped for a moment. “Why didn’t I let any of my bird Pokémon learn defog?” He looked around. “Where is she? LUNA.” No answer. “Damn it. I really hope that she ok, this mountain have some strange power.” He started to walk again.

Luna was one thing now, very afraid. As soon the arrived at the mountain she got separated from James thanks to the fog. “This is not good, I have no idea where I am and where James is.” She let out a frustrating sigh. “I am starting to think this journey was a bad idea.” Started to walk in hope to find James but she didn’t get far, right in front of her a light appeared. “What’s that?” Then all of sudden something that looked like a rift opened and something that green came out of it, heading straight for Luna. “What the…?” That was all she could say before green object hit right in the chest and she fell backwards and then everything went black.

“My head, what hit me?” Luna opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was a blur sky. “I guess the fog cleared.” She sat up and felt something on her chest that fell of, she looked down and she saw creature. It was green at the bottom and to it chest, there it white up to it’s head where it had a little green on top. The creature also had two antennas on it’s head that a little blue on top. “Is this a Pokémon?” She asked her self. She took out her Pokédex to find out.

Celebi the Time Travel Pokémon. This Pokémon came from the future by crossing over time. It is thought that so long as Celebi appears, a bright and shining future awaits us.

“Huh, I guess it’s a Pokémon. Wait a minute.” She took a closer look at the data one more time. “The time travel Pokémon?” She looked down at the Celebi, who was lying unconscious in her lap. “This tiny Pokémon can travel through time?” She asked no one in particular. She took a closer look at Celebi and saw it wasn’t bigger then a her Gible, she troubling believing a Pokémon that was as big as a Gible could travel through time.

Then her thoughts was interrupted by a new voice. “Well, I never expected this.” It was a man. Luna look in the direction where the voice were coming from and between some trees stood a person that made her brain go into overdrive, it was a man that looked like her. Luna just keep staring at this man. “What? Do I have something on my face?” That was all she needed, the world went black again.

“My head.” Luna was trying to remember what happened, but all was to foggy for her. “What a nightmare, I could swear that I saw myself as a man.” She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was a wooden ceiling. “That’s weird, I could swear I was outside.” Then she heard a door open and someone walking in.

“I hope that you don’t pass out again, it was not easy carrying you down the mountain. I didn’t think was that heavy as a woman.” It was the same voice she heard right before she fainted. Luna decide to raise up very slowly, when she could see over the couch, she almost had a heart attack. In walk the same man she saw before. “Are you felling any better now?” Luna tried to say something, but nothing came out. “What? A Pokémon caught your tongue?” He laugh of his own joke.

Luna however didn’t laugh, she started to panic. “This can’t be real, you can’t be real.” She then started to hyperventilate.

The man just rolled his eyes over Luna’s behaviour, he placed the bucket of water he was carrying and walked over to the couch, bent down and smack young Luna in the face. “Listen to me Luna, this is real and you need to calm down.” Luna rubbed her cheek. “You have travel through time thanks to Celebi.” He pointed at a chair and there lay Celebi, the Pokémon was resting.

Luna wasn’t entirely sure, she needed proof. “You looked like me but if you are male version of me, what happened a thousand years ago?” She had to know.

“I you mean when I tried to have eternal night in Equestria and that my brother send me to the moon and I was saved by six stallions one thousand years later? Not the smartest thing I have ever done.”

Was he said happened to her to but she wasn’t sure of she believe him. “Why did you leave Equestria and travel to the human world?”

The man sighed. “I travelled here because my brother, Solaris ignored me and he the only thing I heard about was the Dusk and his friends learn something new about friendship. Then he turned Dusk into a prince without talking to me, but what really made me mad was when he wanted to see into the human world but didn’t ask me for help, which hurt considering I am very good when it comes to portals.” Luna could hear the pain in his voice.

“What’s your name?”

“It’s Artemins.”

“And how do you know my name?”

Artemins just snorted. “It wasn’t that hard to figure out what my name would be as a woman.”

Luna could only nod. “I guess that make sense.” She looked around. “Where am I?”

Artemins got up. “You are in my house not far from Kirkiri mountain and I have lived her the last six months.”

Luna’s eyes widen when she heard that. “Six months ? Have I travel six months into the future?”

Artemins nodded. “Probably.” Was all he could say.

“Oh man, why does this happened to me?” Luna put her face into her hands.

Artemins just shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, this never happened to me.”

That got Luna attention. “What do you mean this never happened to you? Didn’t Celebi send you into the future?”

Artemins shook his head. “No, maybe this is another time line but this never happened to me.” The part got Luna’s attention. “I have no idea how time travel works.” Artemis walk over to the bucket and pick it up. “I’m hungry so I am going to make some food, do you want something?” He asked her

“I don’t really feel like eating right now.”

“Suit yourself, more for me.” Artemis disappeared into another room leaving Luna alone.

Luna grabbed her legs with her arms and pulled them closed to her chest. ‘Why does this happened to me? I have almost died twice and there is someone is this world that know who I am and want to capture me, maybe I should just disappeared so no one can find me.’ The more she thought about the more it made sense.

It didn’t take long before Artemis came back with some food. “Alright, time to eat.” She put a bowl with Pokémon food and placed it in front of Celebi. “For the time travel when she wakes up.” Luna was a little surprised that he knew that Celebi was a girl, maybe because of experience. Artemis then sat down in another chair and started to eat sandwiches. “Are you sure you don’t want anything?” He asked her, Luna just shook her head. Artemis decided not to ask anymore.

While Artemis eat his food, Luna decided to have closer look at him. He wore almost the same as her, expect the clothes was for male. His hair was a little shorter then hers and he had a little more muscle on him.

Artemis was about to take another bite of the sandwiches wen Luna decided to asked him something. “Why are you living here?”

He finished up the sandwiches before answering. “I live here because six months ago I was kidnap by a group call team Magma who want to use my magic to control a Pokémon Groudon, which didn’t work considering I don’t have any magic in me. I tried to tell them but they didn’t listen to me.” He told her with a shaking voice. “I’m just glad that Sara managed to save me in time.” He then chuckled a little. “Usually, I don’t like that a girl comes to my rescue but that time I welcome it.”

“What happened after that?” She asked him.

“I gave up the hole thing.”

Luna wasn’t sure if she heard right. “Are you telling me you gave up your journey?” Artemis nodded. “Why?”

“The whole experience affect me more than I expected and I couldn’t continue my journey so I bought this house and I have lived here for the last six months.”

“You just gave up?”

He pointed a finger at her. “Hey, you have no idea what they did to me. I tried to continue my journey but every time I closed my eyes, I can see that machine they had me hocked up to, I can still feel the pain I felt so yes, I gave up.” He leaned back into his chair and Luna could see tears coming out from his eyes.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He wiped away the tears. “You didn’t know.” He let out a sighed. “What about you? What did you do before ending up here?”

“Me and James was on our way to professor Birch Pokémon summer school, we decide to take a short cut over Kirkiri mountain but I got lost thanks to the fog and then Celebi flew into me.” She look over to the sleeping Pokémon. She then looked over to Artemis again. “Why did you decided to live here, by this mountain? Hoenn is huge so why this spot.”

Artemis just shrugged his shoulder. “Don’t know, I can’t explain it but it just felt right.”

She didn’t believe him but before she could ask more, they heard a noise from where Celebi was sleeping. Celebi opened its eyes and notice that she wasn’t outside anymore, she decided to have a look around to see where she was, she could see that she was inside a house. Celebi then notice two humans that looked almost alike, except that one was female and the other was male, she knew right away what she had done.

Celebi then started to fly around the room in panic. Artemis got up to try and calm the Pokémon down. “Relax Celebi, I know what happened and panicking isn’t going to solve the situation.” Those words managed to calm Celebi down, she knew that the human was right, to panic was not the answer. “Good, why don’t you eat some food and then afterward you can send Luna here back to her own timeline. Sound good?” Celebi nodded, she then floated to the Pokémon food that Artemis had brought her and started to eat.

Luna and Artemis couldn’t help but smile when they saw how much Celebi enjoyed her food. “I miss this, seining Pokémon happy.” Said Artemis.

“Do you miss it?” Artemis looked at Luna. “Traveling around Hoenn and discovering new things and Pokémon?” Luna asked him.

“Every day.”

“Then why not go on your journey again? Why are you hiding here?” She asked him while gestured around the house.

“I already told you, I…”

“Stop lying to me.” She snap at him and scaring Celebi in the process. “I don’t believe for one second that you are hiding just because you ‘gave’ up, there’s more to it.”

“You want to know? Then fine. I’m here because I am afraid.”

Luna raised an eye brown of his answer. “Afraid? What could you possibly be afraid of?”

“I’m afraid of battling, I am afraid of hurting my Pokémon. What team Magma did to me affected me more then I thought.” Luna could then see tears coming from his eyes.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

Artemis cut her off. “Just save it, I don’t want to hear it.” He wiped away the tears, he let out a sad sighed. “Why don’t you finished up your food Celebi so you can send Luna back to her own time.” He then got up from the chair and walked outside leaving Luna alone with the time travel Pokémon.

Luna just watch as disappeared out the door, he felt bad for what she said, she didn’t mean it but at the same time she didn’t know. “Idiot.” She said to herself.

After Celebi was done eating, Luna walked outside and Ceelbi followed her, when outside the could see Artemis just standing there looking up at the mountain. Artemis then told Luna that Celebi’s power worked best up at Kirkiri mountain, that made Luna let out a frustrated groan, she didn’t want to climb the mountain, again. But if that was her way back to her own time, then she had to do it.

“I can’t believe I have to climb this stupide mountain again.” About halfway, Luna had enough and decided to complain. “It’s shouldn’t be this big.”

Artemis, who was walking in front of Luna, looked back. “Would you stop complaining already? I had to carry you unconscious body down the mountain and let me tell you, you are heavy. Probably too much cookies.”

“Hey, I can’t help that they taste so good and besides, they go straight to my thighs and furthermore, my sister eats more cake than I eat cookies.” Luna look away from him and started to pout

Artemis look forwards again with a smile. “Yeah, cookies are tasty.”Celebi didn’t have any problem getting up the mountain, considering she could fly and she showed it off by flying around the two trainers.

Then the awkward silence came, none of them had really talk since Artemis confession they didn’t know what to say. Luna wanted to say something to make thing better but she didn’t know what to say.

Then all of sudden Artemis stopped. “What’s wrong?” Luna asked him.

“There someone here.” As on cue two Pokémon jump out and landed in front of them, Luna recognized them as Houndoom. “I hate it when I am right.” Said Artemis with irritation in his voice.

Then another human came out from the fog, it was a man but Luna couldn’t see his face because he had it cover up with a scarf. “What do we have here? Two trainer with a Celebi? This might be my lucky day, I’ll beat you two and then I will capture Celebi and sell it on the black market.” When Luna heard that she knew right away what he was and it make her sick.

She decided to do something, she walked up and stood between Celebi and the hunter. “If you think that I am going to let you sell Celebi, then think again.” She took out a Pokéball.

The hunter started to laugh. “Isn’t this cute, the little girl is trying to be a hero. Get out of the way before you get hurt.” He told Luna in a threatening voice.

“Not a chance.” She threw the Pokéball. “Come out Gible.” Out came land shark Pokémon.

Luna couldn’t see it, but she knew that he was smiling under that scarf. “Isn’t this cute, the little girl is trying to be a hero. Houndoom, use flamethrower.” Both Pokémon opened their mouth and flames came out of them.

“Use dig.” Gible managed to avoid the flames by digging a hole in ground and it didn’t take long before he came up under the right one, that Houndoom landed on the ground.

The hunter snarled. “Use bite.” He told the other Houndoom, the attack hit and Gible flew back.

Luna watch as Gible got hurt. She knew that Gible couldn’t handle them alone, she could call out another Pokémon to help him but that was no her plan. She looked over to Artemis who was just standing behind her, he was shaking and Luna could see the fear in his eyes.

“Artemis.” She got no response, he was to afraid. Knowing talking wouldn’t help, she decided to do something he did to her earlier, she walk over to him and slapped him in the face. “Would you snap out of it, I understand that you are afraid but I need your help. If you are really me then you wouldn’t let that incident with team Magma affect you, we have endure a lot of things in out life just to give up, that’s not who we are.” Those words didn’t just affect Artemis, it affect herself. She had been a fool all this time.

Artemis took a deep breath. “You are right Luna, I shouldn’t let it affect me.” She could then she the fire in his eyes, which made her smile. “Let’s beat this thug.” Artemis took out a Pokéball and joined the fight. “Come out Lombre.”

Out came a Pokémon Luna had never seen before, it was green and blue, it had red fingers and it mouth was also red, the Pokémon had a giant leaf on its head.

“Use bubble beam on the Houndoom on your right.” Bubbles came out from Lombre’s mouth and it hit its target.

The hunter started to get irritated. “Both of you, use shadow ball.” Both Houndoom send out a black ball.

“Use dragon pulse.” Gible send out a blue ball.

“Use water pulse.” Lombre started to gather water in his hands and then he send towards the shadow balls.

All four attacks collide and created an explosion, creating smoke. None of them could see anything.

The hunter became even more irritated. ‘Damn it, this isn’t going as planned. I was hoping to capture that Celebi and get out of here, fast. I didn’t expect to run into two trainers.’ He though about getting off the mountain and forget the whole thing.

“Use dig.” That got his attention back to the fight and before he could react, Gible came out from the ground and hit the same Houndoom as before, knocking the Pokémon out.

“Use water pulse again.” A ball of water came out of the smoke and hit last Houndoom which past out.

The hunter started to back away from the hole scene. “Time for me to make my exit.” He was about run.

Luna saw that the hunter was running for it. “You aren’t going anywhere.” She took out a another Pokéball. “Onix, stop him, don’t let him get away.” She threw the Pokéball in the air and the giant snake Pokémon appeared in front of the hunter, blocking his way.

“Shit.” He looked between Onix and the two trainers and their Pokémon, he was trapped. He put both hands in the air. “Fine, I gave up.”

Thirty minutes later.

After catching the hunter, the went down the mountain to call officer Jenny so she could arrest the hunter and get him to jail. While they waited for her to be done, Luna decided to check the data for Lombre, who was standing beside Artemis.

Lombre the Jolly Pokémon. Lombre is nocturnal, it will get active after dusk. It is also a mischief maker. When this Pokémon spots anglers, it tugs on their fishing lines from beneath the surface and enjoys their consternation.

“Huh, I haven’t seen one yet.” She said to herself.

“Do you know which Pokémon I haven’t seen yet?” Artemis asked Luna, she looked at him shocked her head. “A Onix, are you telling me that you could have used him all the time?”

Luan just gave him an innocent smile. “Yes?” Artemis was rubbing his face, not trying to yell at her. “I’m sorry, but I was hoping that you would help me and you did. You got over your fear of battling, isn’t that a good thing?”

He hat to admit it but she was right. “You have pointed.”

“Finally, about time you got over it.” That was a new voice and it was female.

Walking towards Luna and Artemis was woman, she had long blond hair that was almost as long as Luna’s hair. She was wearing a yellow skirt which react down to her knees, she had white t-skirt, she also had hat on her head with a Pokéball on it center.

Luna looked over to Artemis, who was blushing. “Sara, what are you doing here?”

“What do you think? I came to visit you and…” Sara then saw Luna. “…your little sister that almost look just like you?” She looked between them. “Ok, what’s going on? Why do I see a girl that looks like you but?” She asked Artemis.

“She is me from an alternative past thanks to Celebi.” Artemis explain to her.

Sara scratching her head, not sure if she believe him. “If that’s true, where’s Celebi?”

Artemis pointed his thumb towards some trees. “She is hiding, there a lot of humans here and she is not liking that.” Sara nodded in understanding.

After the police had taken the hunter to the nearest town and they had explained to officer Jenny what happened, omitted the part that Luna is a time traveller form the past, they were free to go.

“I can’t believe I have to walk up this stupide mountain for the third time this day.” After the police had left, Luna and the others had to walk up the mountain so she could get back to her own time. Unfortunately for the others she had complained most of the way.

Luna and Sara was walking behind Artemis. “If you want to get home then we have to this.” Sara told her with a smile on her face. Sara decided to come alone to see how it all worked, with Celebi and how the Pokémon could time travel. “While we are walking, mind telling me how different your time and world is from Artemis?”

Luna raised and an eye brown of that. “Sure, but why?”

Sara shrugged her shoulders. “No reason, I am just curious.”

“Other that he and his brother is a men and we arrived here by the same reason, I don’t know more. He haven’t told me anything.”

Sara nodded. “If you mean that his brother didn’t listen to him, it was the same for Artemis.” Sara decided to ask something ells. “Which Pokémon did you started with?”


Sara eyes lighten up when she heard that. “No way, I started with a Treecko. High five.” Luna gave her a high five. “Artemis stared with Torchic and let me tell you, that was not a wise choice.”

“It’s seemed like a good choice at time.” Artemis told them without looking back at the girls.

“A ‘good choice’? you lost three times against Roxanne with Torchic and Taillow before you want back into the forest and caught a Lotad, then you managed to win your first badge.”

Luna wasn’t sure id she heard right. “It took him four attempts before he got stone badge?” Sara nodded. “I did on my first try.”

That made Sara laugh. “Oh man, did you hear that Artemis? Your female counter part did a better job than when it came to Roxanne.” She couldn’t see it but she knew it annoying him.

“I might have won my first badge with my first attempt but I became cocky and lost against Brawley.”

Sara nodded in understating. “I know how you fell, I was cocky when I started my journey, I thought I could take on every trainer. Boy was I wrong.” Luna wanted to ask more but she never got the chance.

“We are here.” All of them stopped and it was the same place were Artemis saw Luna and had to carry her down the mountain, it was same place where Celebi pump into Luna and send them both into the future.

Then they watch as Celebi flew towards a pointed and then Celebi touched a place, all of sudden a rift open out of nowhere, the humans could just watch in amazed by what the tiny Pokémon did. They all approached it, very carefully.

Luna looked at Celebi. “Is this going to bring me back to my time?” Celebi nodded with smile on it’s face. “I hope you are right, I don’t want to end up somewhere ells.” She then looked at Artemis and Sara. “I guess this is goodbye.”

“I guess so.” Artemis put out a hand. “Thank you, Luna, for what you did.”

She happy shocked it. “You are welcome Artemis.” She was about to go through the rift when a thought struck here. “Hey Artemis, did you ever run into your brother’s doppelganger?”

“Yes, I did. I meet him Slateport and I was on same team as him in a tag battle, I pasted out when I saw him.”

Luna couldn’t help but smile when she heard that. “I guess something is the same.” She then walked through the rift and then it closed.

Sara and Artemis could only watch as Luna disappeared, then they watch as Celebi flew into the air and also disappeared leaving them alone. They just stood there, in silence until Sara decided to speak. “So, what are you going to do now? Travel again?” She asked Artemis.

He crossed his arms. “I think I will, I haven’t battle against Solar Flare for a while.”

“You know that he is a lot stronger that you are now.”

Artemis rolled his eyes. “I know that.” Sara couldn’t help but giggle of his answer.

Luna stepped out of the rift and the first thing she saw was fog. “Am I back?” She asked herself. She looked around but I was impossible see thanks to the fog, lucky for her she didn’t have to wait long before she knew. “LUNA, WHERE ARE YOU?” She was happy when she heard that voce, it was James.

“James, I am over here.”

She then saw a light coming towards her and she then saw James walking towards her with his Manectric by his side. “There you are, I have been looking…” That was all he could say before Luna gave him a hug, he wasn’t sure if he should hug her back or not, he hug her back. “What did I deserved to get his hug?” He asked in a confusing voice.

“I just missed you, that’s all.”

“Miss me?” He let go her so he could look at her. “We have just been a part for five minutes, what have you been doing that time?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

He was now curious. “Try me.”

“Alright.” She told him what happened, her meeting whit Celebi and that she travel to the future and meet Artemis, the male version of herself and the rest what happened.

James crossed his arms when she was done, she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “Your right I don’t believe you.” Luna became a little disappointed when she heard that. “Celebi? Travel to the future? I know that this mountain have some secrets, but Celebi? I have a hard time believing it.”

Luna was now frustrate and she knew how to prove that she was right. “The Pokédex keep a record of all the Pokémon I scan, correct?” She asked James.

“Yes?” James became a little nervous. Luna took out her Pokédex, opened it, pushed a few buttons. Right now, she was glade she learned how to use it. She found the data she was looking for and she showed it to James, hi eyes widen when he saw Celebi’s data. “Holy shit, you actually saw Celebi and travel to the future.”

Luna put away her Pokédex. “Why didn’t you believe me?”

“What’s the chance that trainer would meet a Celebi and travel through time?” Luna was about to answer but James answered for her. “Very rear, Celebi is a legendary Pokémon and it’s very rare that trainers can see one. You are one of the lucky once.” She wasn’t sure if she believe him, she didn’t feel very lucky.

She rube her head with. “If you say so, is it possible we can get of this place? I had enough of this mountain to last a lifetime.”

James couldn’t help but laugh a little of what she said. “Sure, let’s go.” And with that, they started to walk. Manectric was leading the way.

While they were walking, Luna did something that took James of guard, she took his hand and gave him a kiss in the cheek. James became reed a tomato.

Little did they know that over their heads was Celebi who had seen it all, she just giggle and flew towards the horizon and she disappeared.

Author's Note:

I am more happy with this chapter then the last one, that’s for sure.

I need some help with the next chapter, I was think having contes battling but I have no idea how to write that, if there is someone who can write that, then send me PM. Don’t write it in comment.

until next time.

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