• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Eevee Evolution

After their trip to Mt. Pyre, Luna and James was currently in a forest and on a path that lead to Lilycove City, their mood wasn’t on top. They had barley said anything to each other since they left the graveyard, it had taken a toll on their mood especially Luna and she had no idea why. If she had to guess, she felt bad for James that he lost his Pokémon. She did knew how he felt considering she had seen friends died over the years, sometimes she hated that she was an alicorn in Equestria.

As they walk through the forest which lead them to Lilycove city, they heard something moving in the busses up a head. Before they could react a black Pokémon that was on four legs jump out of the bushes, it was also yellow around it’s ears, tail and some yellow on its legs.

James was amazed. “Wow, it a Umbreon. I never thought I would see one around here.” To Luna it almost looked like a different version of Jolteon, but before she could see that data, Umberon’s rings started to glow and then the Pokémon jump into the air and attack with shadow ball, that attack hit the ground right in front of them. Both of them jump back before the attack hit the ground. “I don’t know what your problem is Umbreon, but I am not in the mood for this crap.” James shout at it.

Luna agreed with him, she was not in the mood for this so she acted before James could. She took out a Pokéball and threw it up in the air. “Come out Jolteon.” She thought, why not battle with another Eevee evolution. Jolteon appeared in front of them. “Use thunderbolt.” But Jolteon didn’t listen, he just stood there, looking at Umbreon. “Jolteon? What are you doing?” No response. Luna then look at James for answers. “What’s going on with Jolteon?” She ask him.

James scratched his head. “I am not sure but if I had to guess, Jolteon knows Umbreon somehow. Maybe they meet when they were Eevee or this is something ells.”

While they were talking, so did Jolteon and Umbreon. “What are you doing here Umbreon?” Jolteon asked the moonlight Pokémon.

Umbreon narrowed its eyes. “So, you finally evolved, took you long enough considering you ran out on us.”

“I ran because you said you wanted to start hurting humans, I didn’t want anything to do with that.”

Umbreon snarled. “You know what the humans did to us, to our parents.”

“I know exactly what they did but over the time I have travelled I have discovered that not all humans are bad and one of them is Luna, she is a kind human and trainer.”

Umbreon scowled. “You call the human by name? You have really lost it.

“No, you have lost it, you are condemning the entire human races of one incident.”

Umbreon was getting impatient. “That’s it, if you are with the humans then you are my enemy.”

He was about to attack. “That’s enough Umbreon.” Said a new voice.

Luna and James watch as the two Pokémon arguing, at least they thought they were, by the aggressive tone that Umbreon had. “Vaporeon.” They both look where the new voice came from and out from the bushes came another Pokémon that kind of look like Jolteon. This was blue, it kind of look like it had a fish head. It had a fin as a tail.

Luna couldn’t wait anymore, she wanted to know more about these Pokémon, so she took out her dex, she pointed at the Umbreon.

Umbreon the Moonlight Pokémon. Umbreon evolved as a result of exposure to the moon’s waves. It hides silently in darkness and waits for its foes to make a move. The rings on its body glow when it leaps to attack.

She then pointed at the blue one.

Vaporeon the bubble jet Pokémon. Vaporeon underwent a spontaneous mutation and grew fins and gills that allow it to live underwater. This Pokémon has the ability to freely control water.

“Wow, are they both evolution of Eevee?” She said while looking at the data.

James crossed his arms. “That they are and it very unusual to see two of them together, unless you are trainer and have them all.” Luna knew somehow that he had all of Eevee’s evolution.

Back with the Pokémon, Umbreon was getting annoyed. “What are you doing her Vaporeon?” He ask the new Pokémon.

“I am here to stop you. You are not supposed to attack humans or your brother.”

Umbreon snorted. “Brother? He lost the right to be called that when he ran away, he just left us.” Umbreon shouted that last part.

“I already told you why I left, I didn’t want anything to do with your revenge.”

Umbreon was starting to get impatient. “Of course, I want to hurt the humans, or have you forget what they did to us?” Jolteon said nothing he just look at Umbreon with pity.

Umbreon had enough, his rings started to glow but before he could attack, he was hit by a stream of water which came from Vaporeon that made him staggered backwards a little. “That’s enough Umbreon, Espeon send me after you so you wouldn’t do anything stupid, but I guess I was too late. Get back to the others.” Umbreon just walk past Vaporeon and into the forest, mumbling something under his breath that they didn’t hear. Vaporeon then look at Jolteon. “It’s good to see you again big brother.”

“Somehow I doubt it.” He said without hesitating.

“I mean it, I would like to give you a hug but considering you are now a Jolteo.” Vaporeon just cut himself of there. “I am heading back you and your trainer are welcome to join me.” Vaporeon also disappeared into the forest.

Luna had been listing to them ‘talk’ and she had some idea what was going on, it look like Jolteon, Umbreon and Vaporeon knew each other but she could tell that their bond ran deeper.

Luna walk over to jolteon who was looking down on the ground, she bent down beside him. “They were your family, weren’t they?” Jolteon nodded. “And I am guessing that time we meet in Petalburg woods, you had run away from them.” He nodded again. “Look Jolteon, I might not be the best example when it comes to running away from family, considering what I did with my own sister, which I don’t regret.” Jolteon look at her not sure if he heard her right. “What I am trying to say here is that it’s looks like you regret leaving them and you miss them, so I suggest you follow them and make amends with them.”

Jolteon hate to admit it but his trainer was right, he did miss his family and he wanted to make amends with them, but he wasn’t sure if they wanted to talk to him. He was about to find out, he started to walk in the direction where Vaporeon went. Before he disappeared into the forest, he gestured Luna to follow him.

“You want me to follow you?” She ask him while pointing at herself, Jolteon nodded. Luna wasn’t sure what to do so weirdly enough she look at James for answer.

“Why are you looking at me? He wants you to follow him not me.”

“What are you going to do while I do that?”

James walk over to the nearest tree and sat down. “I am going to wait here something tells me I am not welcome where they are staying.” Luna wasn’t sure. “Don’t worry, I don’t think they will hurt you, not as long as Jolteon is with you.” That made her relax a little, she decided to follow Jolteon.

Both human and Pokémon followed Vaporeon back to their camp, it took around five minutes. When they arrived in a clearing in the forest Luna could see that they had seven made small cabins that was surrounded by trees, she could see that it was a little difficult to find. Out of the cabins came five Pokémon that looked like grown up versions of Eevee, she recognised Sylveon and Glaceon but not the rest of them. One was red, pink and green. She took out her dex and pointed at the red one.

Flareon the flame Pokémon. Flareon’s fluffy fur has a functional purpose, it releases heat into the air so that its body does not get excessively hot. This Pokémon’s body temperature can rise to a maximum of 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit.

Then the pink one.

Espeon the sun Pokémon. Espeon is extremely loyal to any trainer it considers to be worthy. It is said that this Pokémon developed its precognitive powers to protect its trainer from harm.


Leafeon the verdant Pokémon. when you see Leafeon asleep in a patch of sunshine, you’ll know it is using photosynthesis to produce clean air.

While Luna was looking at the data, Jolteon had walk over to the cabin in the middle where the pink one had walk out from.

They just started at each other, until Jolteon spoke. “Big sister.” He said with no emotion.

Espeon smiled. “It’s good to see you again Eevee or should I say Jolteon.”

Jolteon furrowed his brow. “Now your nice to me, your weren’t that when I didn’t want to help with Umbreon’s revenge plan against the humans.”

“Yeah, not my greats moments.” Espeon said while rubbing his neck with one paw. “You can’t blame for begging angry, not after what the humans did to use and out parents.” Jolteon didn’t want to admit it but she was right, Espeon then notice Luna. “So, I see that you have found yourself a pet.”

That made Jolteon to growl. “Don’t you dare call Luna a pet, she is my trainer and my friend, she cares about me.”

Those words made Umbreon snort. “Give me a break, no humans cares about us Pokémon. We are slaves to them.”

Jolteon walk over to Umbreon with anger in his eyes. “I am no slave I chose to follow her.” He stop right in front the Moonlight Pokémon. “Keep talking bad about my trainer and I will make you regret it.”

That made Umbreon laugh. “Oh please, you couldn’t beat me when we were kids, I doubt you can do it now.”

That made the rest look at each other’s with worried faces, the last thing they wanted was those two to start fighting. Luna had still no idea what was going on, but she had an idea. They were all siblings she could see it in how they talk and acted, it also look like it was some tension between Jolteon and Umbreon. The others also looked worried.

Jolteon walk straight up Umbreon. “You might have beaten me when we were young, but things are different now. I am stronger and I have Luna to back me up, let’s put it to test, I challenge you Umbreon.”

Espeon decided to intervene. “Jolteon, is good to see you but I really don’t want you two to fight, you two are brothers.”

“We are way past brothers, I am sick of him always talking down on me, this stops today.” Jolteon told his big sister. “What’s it’s going to be Umbreon, are you going to accept my challenges or not?”

Umbreon looked into Jolteon’s eyes and he could see the fire in them, Umbreon then smiled. “Alright, if you want me to kick you and your pet’s ass, then bring it on.” One thing was for sure, he was going to regret those words.

Jolteon walk back to Luna and she could see that something happened, Jolteon’s eyes were changed, he was ready for battle. He stood in front of her and Umbreon was ready on the other end.

Luna look between them. “Jolteon, don’t tell me you are going to fight Umbreon.” He nodded. “And you want my help?” He nodded again. “Are you sure? I didn’t understand what you were saying but I am certain that you and Umbreon is related, maybe bothers.” Jotleon wasn’t surprised that his trainer had figured that out, she has a big sister herself. Luna rubbed her face with both hands. “I am not happy about this, but I will help you. Even though I think this is wrong.” She had argued with Celestia before, but she had never fought her.

Vaporeon looked between the two bothers then to Espeon. “Aren’t you going to stop them?”

Espeon look at her with a natural look. “Do you really think I can stop them? Those two has always argued. Heck, even our parents couldn’t stop them.” She look back at them. “They need to do this, whether we like it or not.”

Luna was not comfortable right now, she had to watch siblings fight and she was part of this. She didn’t know why they were fighting and to be honest, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to know. She look at Umbreon and his entire body was tense and his eyes, the eyes was full of hatred against her. What had happened to Umbreon that med him hate her so much.

Then Umbreon’s rings started to glow and its mouth opened, Luan knew what kind of attack it was, it was shadow ball. A black ball came out from Umbreon’s mouth. “Use di to doge the attack.” Jolteon dug a hole and the attack missed. Umbreon couldn’t help but snort, he had hope that the attack hit him. “Do it.” Before Umbreon could react, the ground beneath him started to move and Jolteon came up sending him flying in the air.

Umbreon landed on the ground with a thump, the attack hurt more than he thought so he got up slowly. He then saw Jolteon who was just staring at him, he took this opportunity to kick sand in his eyes, the sand blinded Jolteon and he started to panic.

Jolteon didn’t know what do to, he couldn’t see thanks to the sand. “Calm down Jolteon, just listen to my voce.” Luna’s voice made clam down. Jolteon’s had his back to Umbreon and the moonlight Pokémon wasn’t to let the chance go to wait, he started to run towards him ready to tackle him. “Move to the right.” Jolteon did that and it made Umbreon’s attack miss, he had so much speed that he lost his balance and landed face first on the ground, that made Vaporeon and the rest to laugh, except Espeon.

Umbreon pick himself up from the ground a second time and he was pissed, not only was he losing but the human had made a fool of him, she made his siblings to laugh of him. He had only one option, to take her out. He face her and got ready a shadow ball, lucky got him Luna was to focus on Jolteon to notice.

Jolteon had to blink his eyes a few time before he could see again, he then turned around and he couldn’t believe what he saw, Umbreon was about to attack Luna. Jolteon ran as fast as he could as Umbreon send away the shadow ball, he wasn’t going to let attack hit. Luna turned her head towards Umbreon but what she saw was a black ball coming towards her, she froze as it look like the time started to slow down. She watch in slow motion as the attack came closer and closer, her brain told her to run but her legs didn’t listen, she was to afraid. Then out of nowhere came Jolteon, he had managed to jump in front of the shadow ball and took the attack for her. On impact it create a small explosion that made Jolteon fly through the air landing by Luna’s feet.

“Jolteon, are you ok?” She ask her Pokémon as he bent down.

Espeon and the other’s was in shock of what the just saw, they never thought that Umbreon would sink that low. “Do it Sylveon.” Espeon told the intertwining Pokémon, Sylveon didn’t hesitate.

“Fairy wind.” The attack was direct towards Umbreon who had no time to doge the attack, he was hit and send flying to the ground.

“Jolteon, please be ok.” Luna said in a worry voice, she was relieved when he got up. She look him over and saw that he was a little hurt but otherwise ok, he managed to get up. She then look at the rest and she was not happy. “I don’t know why you all hates humans but remember this, I haven’t done anything to at all.” Espeon was the only one who was looking at her while she was talking and she could see that Luna cared about her little brother, the rest was busy with Umbreon. “Me and Jolteon are leaving, don’t dear try and stop us.” Luna and Jolteon started to walk towards where they had come from, they were facing towards them until they reached the tree line, they eventually disappeared into the forest.

When they finally arrived back to the main road, they could see James sitting by the same tree with his Pokédex. It look like he was looking through it.

“So, what happened? He asked Luna without looking up from the Pokédex.

“I meet rest of Eevee’s evolution which I think are his family, then I had to battle Umbreon. Oh, here’s the best part, Umbreon attack me.”

That got James to look up. “He attack you. Why?”

Luna shrugged her shoulders. “I think because I made a fool out of him and that he dosen’t like humans.” She let out a heavy sighed. “Can we please get out of this forest? I had enough of this please.”

James put away his dex and got up. “Sure, we aren’t far from Lilycove City. We should be there in about 30 minutes.” Luna was relieved when she heard it. “Did you really battle Umbreon?”

Luna nodded. “Yes.” She then furrowed her brow. “I think something happened in their past that made Umbreon hate humans.”

“I am not surprised.” James told her while taking out an oran berry from his backpack for Jolteon to eat. “Eevee is called the evolution Pokémon and there was some humans that wanted to find out why Eevee could evolve to eight different Pokémon, so they did some experiments and some of them were really bad.” He bent down with the oran in his hand and Jolteon happily eat it.He felt a little better.

Luna was shocked when she heard that. “People would do that to Eevee, that just sick.”

James stood up. “That it is. As you know, not all humans are nice.” He was right about that part, Luna had seen enough in this world that not all are nice, humans and Pokémon.

They were about to start walking when they heard some noises in the bushes, James went for one of his Pokéball’s and Jolteon stood in front of Luna to protect her. “I swear, if that is Umbreon again I am dealing with him personally.” Luna didn’t argue with that.

They waited to whoever was there came out and boy were they surprise, Luna and Jolteon more than James. It’s wasn’t Umbreon but Espeon.

Jolteon walk over to her. “What do you want Espeon?” He ask the sun Pokémon.

“I want to find out what makes your trainer so special, that you had to jump in front of Umbreon’s attack to defence her. So, I have decided to join her so I can find out what makes her so special.”

Jolteon could hear she meant it. “What about Umbreon? I don’t think he will be to happy that you decided to travel with her.”

“To be honest, I don’t real care what he thinks. His anger towards humans has clouded his judgment.”

Jolteon wasn’t sure what to believe, Espeon wasn’t lying. He didn’t trust her, but it wasn’t his choice. “Just so we are clear Espeon, I don’t trust you and if you try and hurt her, I will not hesitate to hurt you.”

Espeon actually smiled. “I am fine with that.”

While the two Pokémon was talking, James and Luna was figuring why Espeon was there, she had concluded that Espeon wanted to join Luna on her quest. Luna was a little surprised by that, but she didn’t mind. Before she could catch the Pokémon, James suggest that they head to town and warn Joshua about Espeon. Luna agreed with that.

Author's Note:

What's up guys, its been a while since I have published a new chapter on this story, I just needed a break from it.

Anyway, the chapter. I am not happy how I wrote it, but I am not going to fix it. It's a chapter I wanted to write for a while, but it came out different then I had imagine it. Yes, the Pokémon are talking here, again. I thought it was for the best.

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