• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,611 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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The Beast

After the competition in Crossgate, James, Luna and Ace was on their way to the summer school. Ace had suggest that hey could travel together to the school, considering they all were invited, James and Luna thought it was a good idea. They were currently taking a break by a near village where Ace and Luna decided to have a battle.

James were the referee. “If both trainers are ready, let’s get this three on three battle started.”

Luna was up first. “Your up first Onix.” The giant snake Pokémon came out and Ace couldn’t help but marvel of how giant it was.

“Wow, it’s bigger than the Onix I have seen.” He took out a Pokéball and threw it. “Let’s do this Shellos” The sea slug Pokémon came out, ready for battle.

Luna was up first. “Here’s a move I have wanted to try, use stealth rock.” Ace eyes widen when he heard that. Six small stones appeared around Onix’s head, then the six stone shot towards Shellos, then the six stones landed on the ground around Shellos and were replaced with six medium stones.

“I have to worried about this later, use water gun on Onix.” Water came out of Shellos and head towards Onix.

“Doge it and use slam.” Onix managed to doge the attack, he then used it’s tail to hit Shellos.

“Get out of the way Shellos.” Shellos managed to jump out of the way before Onix’s tail hit him, the attack managed to create some dust when the tail hit the ground. “Use water pulse.” Onix had no time to doge the attack, he was hit by a water ball.

Onix felt the attack. “You ok Onix?” Luna asked her Pokémon, Onix nodded. “That’s good.” She took out a Pokéball. “Return.” Onix disappeared into the Pokéball, Luna took out a new one. “Let’s go Gible.” She threw it and out came land shark Pokémon, hungry and ready for battle.

Ace was a little surprise that she chose Gible and not grass or an electric type, he just shrugged it off, he wanted to win either way. “Use water pulse again.” Shellos attack again.

“Use dragon pulse.” Gible send out a purple orb.

Both attack hit each other and created an explosion, Ace was trying to see through the smoke but no luck. When the smoke cleared, Ace could see that Gible had disappeared. “Oh no.” Before he cold react. Gible appeared right under Shellos and send the sea slug Pokémon up in the air.

“Use rock smash.” Gible hands started to glow and then he hit Shellos, who was still in the air, he was hit in the stomach. Shellos landed on the ground with pain. “You ok Shellos?” Ace ask his Pokémon. Shellos had trouble getting up. “Use dragon pulse.” Before Shellos could recover, Gible attack again and this time, Shellos couldn’t get away in time and he was hit by the attack. Shellos flew backwards again and landed on the ground, unconscious.

“Shellos is unable to battle, Gible wins.” James announces.

Ace place both hands on his face and leaned his head backwards .”Ah, come on.” He took out a Pokéball. “Shellos, return.” Shellos vanished into the ball and Ace found a new one. “You’re up Larvitar.” Out came the rock slide Pokémon, ready for battle. As he came out the Pokéball, the six rocks that surrounded Larvitar flew towards the Pokémon and collide with him, he was hurt a little. “Crap, I forgot about stealth rock. You ok Larvitar?” The Pokémon nodded. Good, use rock slide.” Rocks came out of the ground and Larvitar hurled them towards Gible.

“Doge them.” Gible started to move around the field trying to get hit by the rock, he managed to doge some of them but not all. Some of the stone managed to hit him. “Counter it with dragon pulse.” Gible send out another purple orb.

“Use dark pulse.” Larvitar attack with a dark beam, the attach managed to destroy Gible’s attack and it also managed to hit the dragon Pokémon.

Gible rolled backwards, when he stopped, he had stars in his eyes. “Gible is unable to battle, Larvitar wins.” James announced.

Ace started to jump up and down. “Alright, way to go Larvitar.” Larvitar started to mimic his trainer.

Luna called Gible back. “Good work, take a good rest.” She put away the Pokéball and took out a new one. “You’re up Jolteon.” Out came the lightning Pokémon, ready for battle. “Use thunderbolt.” Jolteon send out an electric attack toward its opponent.

“Jump out of the way.” Larvitar managed jump away in time. “Use rock slide.” Larvitar threw rock towards Jolteon.

“Doge them by using quick attack.” Jolteon started to run very fast and managed to doge every rock that Larvitar threw. Then, before Larvitar could react, Jolteon tackled him.

Larvitar flew back a little. “Don’t give up Larvitar, use hyper beam.” That was an attack Luna had never heard before and James was surprised that Larvitar knew that move. A yellow orb appeared in front of Larvitar and before anyone could think, Larvitar shout out a powerful beam.

“Use double team.” Jolteon made copies of himself and the attack hit a fake one.

Ace become worried when he saw that the attack missed. ‘This is not good I was hoping that the attack would hit.’ He looked at Larvitar who was breathing heavily. ‘When a Pokémon uses hyper beam, they get exhausted.’ He knew that Larvitar was about to lose.

Luna wasn’t sure why Larvitar was breathing heavily. Right now, she didn’t care. “Use thunderbolt.” The copies dissapered and the real Jolteon appeared, he then sended out electricity towards Larvitar.

There was nothing Ace could do, Larvitar could not move. The attack hit and send Larvitar flying backwards, he landed on the ground and was unconscious.

“Larvitar is unable to battle, Jolteon wins.” James announced.

Ace called back Larvitar. “You did good.” He put away the Pokéball and took out a new one. “You’re up Swadloon.” Out came a Pokémon Luna had never seen before. It looked like it the Pokémon was wrapped in leaf and it had leaves on its head.

“Hey, you’re Sewaddle evolved.” Said James.

Luna checked the data.

Swadloon the leaf wrapped Pokémon and the evolved form of Sewaddle. Forest where Swadloon live have superb foliage because the nutrients they make from fallen leaves nourish the plant life.

“Yeap, Sewaddle evolved not long ago.” Ace said with pride in his voice. “Let’s do this Swadloon.” But before they could do anything, stealth rock kick in. the six rocks that was around Swadloon drove into the Pokémon and hurting it. “Dame it, I forgot about stealth rock. Use synthesis.” Swaddlon started to glow. James was impressed of Ace move, while Luna had no idea what synthesis was. When Swaddlon stopped glowing, it looked fine. “Now, use razor leaf.” Swaddlon attack.

“Double team.” Jotleon made copied of himself, again.

“Dame it, use razor leaf on all of them.” Swaddlon jump into the air and attack every one of them until he hit the right one, Jotleon felt that attack. Swaddlon landed on the ground. “Use energy ball.” Swaddlon send out a green ball and the attack hit Jolteon in the head, it created a small explosion that was enough to knock out the lightning Pokémon out.

“Jolteon is unable to battle, Swaddlon wins.” James announced.

Ace started to thrust his fist in the air. “Alright, way to go Swaddlon.”

Luna called Jolteon back to its Pokéball, she put it away and took out her last one. “Come out Onix.” Out came the rock snake Pokémon, ready for another round. Luna knew that she was a disadvantage, thanks to that Onix was rock/ground and Swaddlon was a grass/bug type. She wasn’t let that stop her for wining. “Use slam.” Onix used his tail to slam Swaddlon.

“Doge it.” Swaddlon managed to jump out of the way before Onix tail hit. “Use razor leaf.” Swaddlon send out leaf’s that managed to hit Onix, hard.

“Don’t give up, use rock tomb.” Somehow, Onix managed to throw rock towards Swaddlon and this time it had no time to doge, Swaddlon flew back.

“Don’t give up Swaddlon, use energy ball.” Swaddlon managed to rise up and send away a green ball.

“Doge it and use slam again.” Onix managed to avoid the attack and then he slammed his tail near Swaddlon, the leaf wrapped Pokémon flew up in the air.

Ace just watch as Swaddlon flew up into the air. “Swaddlon, try and use energy ball.” Swaddlon managed somehow to straighten up and fired away a green ball, the attack hit Onix straight in the face.

Onix fell to ground and managed to shock the entire ground in the progress and he passed out. Then Swaddlon fell on the ground and was also out for the count.

“Both Pokémon is unable to battle, that means this battle is a draw.” Announced James.

Luna was happy with a draw but not Ace, he threw is arm up in frustration. “Why does this always happened to me? It feels like I only win half of my battle.” James and Luna weren’t sure why he said that, they didn’t bother to ask.

After the battle, they decided to get something to eat, they had taken a seat by some of the bench nearby. Their Pokémon was also out, so they could eat. Luna and James were sitting on one side of the table while Ace sat alone on the other side.

“Man, I needed this.” Ace was almost eating like a Snorlax. He was already on his fourth sandwich.

“Take it easy, this sandwich has to last until we get to the school.” James told him.

“I know that, but I am just so hungry.”

James couldn’t help but shock his head by Ace’s behaviour while Luna was just amazed how hungry he was, then James tried to talk about something ells.

“I am curious Ace, where did you get that bike from?”

All of them looked at the bicycle that was leaning against the table, it looked like normal bicycle, but it was a sport bike and it was red. “Pretty cool right? I won it while I was in Mauville City.” He said with a smile on his face.

“You won it?” Luna asked him.

“Yeah, there was this competition at the local bike shop there and all you had to do was write your name on a piece of paper and they would pick the winner from a boll. The owner picked my name and he let me choose any bike in the store.” They both could hear that Ace was happy that he won the bike. “I just hope it doesn’t get exposed to electricity.” He said while looking at the bike.

Luna leaned over to James and whispered. “Why is he afraid that he’s bike will get exposed to electricity?” James just shrugged his shoulders because he had no idea. They went back to the food.

While they were eating, Luna notice a man running towards them. “James, someone is coming.” James looked in the direction of the village and there was an elderly man running towards them.

He stopped not far from them. It was an elderly man, in is fifties, at least. He was wearing brown pants and a white t-shirt he was bald but a had a white beard. “I am not as young as I was.” He took a few breaths before speaking. “Are you James Shaw? The former Pokémon champion of Hoenn?” He asked James.

“Yes?” James answer the man, wondering what he wanted.

The man could breath at easy. “I am the mayor of the village and we need your help, there’s a kind of Pokémon that are terrorizing our village.”

That intrigued James. “What kind of Pokémon?” He asked the mayor.

“I don’t know, it looks like a Tentacruel but it’s bigger and it’s floating in the air.” He went down on his knees and folded his hands. “Please, I need you to drive this beast out of our villages.”

“First, stand up.” The mayor did that. “And yes, I will help you. If there is a new Pokémon that is terrorizing your village, I will drive it out.”

That made the mayor smile. “Oh, thank you.”

James got up. “Don’t thank me yet, let’s wait for that after the Pokémon is gone.” He looked towards his Pokémon, who was ready for action. “Let’s go guys.” They all nodded.

Then Ace stood up. “I want to come to.” They all looked at him. “If there’s a new Pokémon here, I want to see it.”

“Sure, just let me handle the fighting.” Ace smile and gave James a salute, the former champion just rolled his eye of what Ace did. He then looked at Luna. “Want to come.”

Truth to be told, Luna was afraid. She didn’t know why, when the mayor mentioned this Pokémon. she got chill down her spin. Eventually she answered. “Sure.” James could hear that she was afraid but right now he was focus on the Pokémon.

When they arrived at the village, people were running away from something. They were shouting something that it was floating in the air. James and the others looked up and there was a Pokémon the had never seen before. To Luna, it looked like a giant jellyfish, it looked like it had a hat and a cape, it was white and blue.

James took out his Pokédex to check the data, then something came up he had never seen on his Pokédex before. “NO DATA? What the hell? I got it upgraded not long ago.” He put the dex away with frustration. “I guess I just have to wing it.” He looked up at the weird Pokémon. “I don’t know what the hell you are, but this ends now.” He looked back at Ace and Luna and their Pokémon, who was standing not far from him. “Just stay there, I’ll drive it away.” They weren’t going to argue with that.

Ace and Luna watched as James and his Pokémon walked towards the unknown beast.

“Hey Ace, do you think that James can drive away this Pokémon?” Luna asked her fellow trainer.

“Of course, he can he is one of the strongest trainers around. If there’s someone who can drive it away it’s him.” Luna couldn’t help but smile of how confident Ace sounded but he was right, James is a strong trainer and she also believe that he could drive it away.

When James not far from the beast, he wondered how he should do it. Should he attack it right away or should he try and talk to it. “Hey, you big jellyfish.” The beast turned to ‘look’ at him. “I don’t know what kind of Pokémon you are, but your terror ends her and now. Leave peacefully or this will get violent.” The beast made some noise and it started to float towards him. “I guess violence is your answer.” James looked at certain fighting type. “Lucario, use mega punch on this ting.” The aura Pokémon ran towards the beast, he then jumped into air as his fist started to glow, Lucario then punched the jellyfish but it didn’t seem to effect it at all. “That didn’t work, use discharge Manectric.” While Lucario was busy getting away, the discharge Pokémon jumped into the air and send away blue electric towards the unknown beast. Like the previously attack, it looked it didn’t do much damage.

Meanwhile on the further back. “That was pointless.” Ace and Luna had watch as two of James Pokémon had attack the beast, Ace had no idea what the former champion was doing.

Luna on the other hand, knew what he was doing. “He is figuring which type it is. By using different type of moves he is narrowing it down its type.”

Ace nodded in understanding. “That makes sense, let’s just hope figure it out.”

While Ace and Luna were talking, James had already figure out which type it was, he looked over to a certain water Pokémon. “Swampert, you’re up.” That made the mud fish Pokémon smile. “Give him some room guys.” James other Pokémon step back, they knew that Swampert was the strongest and they didn’t want to get in the way.

Swampert walked up the unknown Pokémon, it then made some noise and it got ready for an attack. Gems started to form around the beast and then it hurled it towards Swampert. “Bloke it.” Swampert raised it arms and took the attack with its arms, it hurt. Swampert staggered back a little. “You got this, use hydro pump.” Swampert shout a massive water beam form its mouth, the attack it and the beast seem to be affected by the attack. ‘I knew it, a rock type.’ James was about order another attack when a portal open in the sky and the unknown Pokémon flew into it and then the portal closed. James and his Pokémon just stood there, unsure what happened. “Well, that was easier than I thought.” He was about to go back to Luna and Ace, when he saw them walking towards him.

“What happened?” Luna sked him when she approached him.

Just shrugged his shoulders. “I have no idea, it just disappeared.” James looked up where the portal appeared. “Let’s just hope it’s gone for now.

Later that day, James and the others were at the Pokémon center in the town, Luna and Ace was in their room while James was by the phones. He had called Birch lad to see if he or Joshua could help identify the unknown Pokémon.

It didn’t take long before someone answer the phone, it was Joshua. “Hello James, so good to see.” He said with a smile.

“Hello Joshua. Listen, I fought a new Pokémon today and I thought you wanted to have a look at it.”

That got Joshua’s eyes to light up. “A new Pokémon you say?” James nodded. “Do you have the data?”

James rubbed his neck. “Here’s the thing, no. The Pokédex couldn’t id the Pokémon, I only know that i's a rock type.”

Joshua put a hand on his cheek. “No data and you know it's a rock type, intriguing. Just send me what you have, and I will have a look at it.” James slide his dex into the slot under the screen. “Let’s see here.” Joshua presses a few buttons. “Got it.” James took out his dex. “Let’s have a look.” James could see that Joshua was studying the picture. “It looks like a Tentacruel but’s it’s not.”

“That’s what I thought, do you have any idea what it is?”

Joshua shocked his head. “No, I have never seen it before.” That made James groan. “But I will talk with the other professor and see if they know something, we will get to the bottom of this.”

That made James smile. “Thanks Joshua.”

Joshua smiled back. “No problem. I will try and have the data of the Pokémon ready for you when you arrived at the school.”

James thanks Joshua and ended the call. He then took a final look at the picture and said;

“What are you?”

Author's Note:

Who's that Pokémon. That's right, a new Pokémon and those who can guess which one it is, while be rewarded with Spike with a moustache.

Also, some of you may notice that Ace has a Larvitar now, that's because I gave him the wrong Pokémon in the last chapter. He was meant to have a Larvitar, not Druddigon.

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