• Published 15th Apr 2015
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Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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An Icy Battle

After the school was done, Luna, James, Lumi and Shadow had headed towards Celestic Town, it had taken them three days to get there. After settling in at the Pokémon center, Luna had challenge Lumi to a Pokémon battle, considering she was also going to the Pokémon league in Hoenn, Luna wanted to see how strong she was.

They had all gattered back of the center, where there was battle field, the girls had taken their position on opposite side of the battle field amd James was the judge while Shadow with his Charmeleon decide to watch.

“Alright, this Pokémon battle between Luna and Lumi will now begging, each trainer will use three Pokémon, each trainer are allowed to switch Pokémon, the battle will be over when one of trainers Pokémon is unable to battle. Are both you ready?” Both girls took out a Pokéball. “Then begging.”

Lumi was up first. “Your first up Snover.” Out came a Pokémon that looked like tree, it was brown on the bottom and white on the top, it’s arm was green. As Snover was out, a hailstorm appeared. Luna watch in confusion as the hail fell from the sky, she had never seen the attack before. “I can see that you are confused, you have just witness Snover’s ability, snow warning. It creates hail when Snover is out on the battle field and it last for five turn and here’s the best part, the hail injuries non ice Pokémon.” This was bad for Luna she didn’t have a single ice Pokémon.

She had to worried about this later, right now she wanted to find out about Snover. She took out her Pokédex.

Snover the frost tree Pokémon. During cold season, it migrates to the mountain’s lower reaches. It returns to the snow covered summit in the spring.

She put away her dex. ‘It’s grass and ice, that’s mean that Onix and Gible are at disadvantage, but still…’ Luna took out a Pokéball and threw it up in the air. “You’re up first Onix.” Out came the rock snake Pokémon ready for battle, as soon as the rock Pokémon came out, he was hit by hail.

Lumi couldn’t help but admire the size of the Pokémon. “Wow, that’s one big Onix.” She then gave Luna a confusing look. “But why did she use an Onix first?” Shadow was wondering the same.

Luna just smile. “Alright Onix, use stealth rock.”

Lumi eyes widen when she heard that. “Oh crap.” Lumi could only watch as six rocks landed around Snover. “I have to worried about those later, use powder snow on Onix.” Snover breathe snow out its mouth and it hit Onix, hard.

Luna held out Onix’s Pokéball. “Return.” Onix disappeared, she then put it away and took out a new one. “You’re up Jolteon.” Out came the lightning Pokémon, ready for battle. Just like Onix, he was hit by hail.

Lumi couldn’t help but smile of Luna’s choice. “So, your using Jolteon. Alright then.” She held out a Pokéball. “Snover, return.” Snover disappeared, Luna and the boys was a little confused why she did that. “Your turn Glaceon.” Out came a Pokémon that kind of looked like Jolteon. As soon the new pokemon came out, stealth rock kick in, rock flew into Glaceon. “You ok Glaceon?” Lumi ask with concern in her voice, Glaceon shock it of but it was clearly hurt.

Glaceon had light blue fur with a mark of blue on its back and its tail, it’s ears looked like Jolteon’s, some of it ‘hair’ was hanging on both side of its hair. Luna took out her dex.

Glaceon the fresh snow Pokémon and the evolved form of Eevee. by controlling its body heat, it can freeze the atmosphere around it to make a diamond dust flurry

She saw that it was another version of Eevee. ‘Another ice Pokémon, she really like ice.’ Luna thought as she put away her dex. “Let’s see what it can do, use thunderbolt.” Jolteon let out a cry and then send away electricity towards Glaceon.

“Counter it with ice wind.” Snow came out of Glaceon mouth and the attack collide with Jolteon’s thunderbolt, creating an explosion and then the smoke blinded Lumi. “Damn it, I can’t see anything.” When the smoke cleared, she saw that Jotleon had disappeared. “Oh no, move Glaceon.” It was too late, Jolteon came up under him and launch Glaceon up in the air. Glaceon landed on the ground, hard. “You ok Glaceon?” The fresh snow Pokémon managed to get up very fast. “Good, use ice beam.” Glaceon fired a beam of ice out from its mouth.

Luna wasn’t worried. “Doge it.” Jolteon managed to elude the attack with ease thanks to its speed. “Use double kick.”

Lumi’s eyes widen when she heard that. “That’s not good, doge it.” Jolteon ran as fast as he could to try to kick Glaceon with his hind leg, he miss as Glaceon managed to evade the attack and it was all thanks to Glaceon’s ability snow cloak. It’s make Glaceon harder to hit in the hail.

“Don’t give up, keep using Double kick.” Jotleon did just that, he kick and kick but Glaceon managed to doge every time, until the fresh snow Pokémon slipped and Jolteon managed to Glaceon twice. Glaceon flew a little and landed on the ground.

“Get up and use ice beam.” Glaceon managed to get up very fast and send out an ice beam from its mouth, Jolteon had no time to doge as he was hit in the side, then the side effect of ice beam happened, Jolteon was covered in ice.

This was first time Luna had seen the effect off ice beam, lucky she knew what to do. She held out a Pokéball. “Jolteon, return.” The lightning Pokémon returned to his Pokéball she then took out a new Pokéball. “You’re up again Onix.” The giant Pokémon was ready for battle and he was hit by hail, again. “Use slam.” Onix’s tail headed towards Glaceon.

“Doge it.” Glaceon managed barely to doge Onix’s tail as it slammed into the ground. ‘Damn, that’s fast.’ It was time to attack. “Use ice fang.” Glaceon started to run towards Onix as ice appeared in its mouth.

“I don’t think so, use screech.” Onix started to scream which stopped Glaceon dead in its track.

Lumi knew what to do. “Use ice beam underneath Onix.” She shouted as high as she could, hoping that Glaceon could hear her. Luckly for her, he did. Glaceon shout out ice from its mouth and it all landed under Onix.

Luna could only watch her Onix lost his footing and crashed into the ground with bang, the giant Pokémon shock the whole battle field. It even took Shadow and his Charmeleon by surprise as they both fell to the ground.

Nurse Joy was enjoying a good cup of coffee when the whole ground shock making her spilled coffee on herself. “Oh, come on, this suit is brand new.” She said while standing up from her chair looking at stain on her outfit, she then looked towards the battle, which was behind the Pokémon center. “Sometimes I hate Pokémon battle’s.” She mumble to herself as she walk off to change clothes.

Back on the battle field, Onix was lying on the ground and Glaceon could hear again. “Use ice beam again.” Glaceon did and this time the attack hit its target. Onix roar in pain as the attack hit him right in the chest, he fell down and was out.

“Onix is unable to battle, Glaceon wins.” Announces James.

Luna called back Onix. “You did a good job, take good rest.” She took out a new Pokéball and she was hoping that the effect was gone. “You’re up again Jolteon.” The lightning Pokémon came out and he wasn’t in ice anymore, but he was a little tired. “Let’s do this, use shadow ball.” He send out a black ball towards Glaceon so fast that the fresh snow Pokémon had now time to doge it, the attack hit and Lumi’s ice Pokémon flew back a little and when he landed on the ground, he was out.

“Glaceon is unable to battle, Jolteon wins.” Announces James.

Lumi was I shock that Jotleon managed to finish it with one attack, she didn’t think that Glaceon was that hurt. She called back her Pokémon. “Nice work, take a rest.” She got ready a new one. “Get ready, Snover.” As soon as Snover was out, stealth rock kick in and hit Snover with stone, hurting him.” You ok Snover?” Lumi asked her Pokémon, Snover just shock it off. “Good, use powder snow.” Snover attack with ice, again.

“Doge the attack.” Jolteon managed to evade the attack but unfortunately as he ran, he slip on the ice that Glaceon had used on Onix, he fell to the ground. “Jolteon.” Luna started to panic a little.

“Let’s show that you know more that ice attacks, use razor leaf.” Snover send out leaf’s from its arms towards Jolteon who was still trying to stand but that difficult thanks to the ice, he had no time to doge the attack as he was hit, he flew backwards and landed on the ground, out cold.

“Jolteon is unable to battle, Snover wins.” Announces James.

“Great work Snover.” Lumi had walked out and started to hug Snover.

While she was doing that, Luna had called back Jolteon and gotten ready her last Pokémon, Gible. As soon as the land shark Pokémon was hit by hail. “Damn this hail.” Luna saw that Lumi was ready again. “Let’s avoid this hail by using dig.” Gible started to dig a hole and disappeared very fast.

Lumi could only wonder where Gible would appeared. “I really hate dig, move it Snover.” Snover started to run around the battle field but there was one problem, he was slow. Snover wasn’t the fast Pokémon and it showed, his movement was very slow.

Snover didn’t get far, as soon as he started to run Gible came out from the ground, sending Snover up in the air. “Snover.” The frost tree Pokémon landed on its back while Gible landed on its legs. “Ge up and use ice wind.” Snover managed to get up pretty fast and it looked like wind came out from its mouth, it hit Gible hard.

“Get out from there Gilbe.“ There was no use, he could move. “Then use dragon pulse.” Gible managed to attack with a blue beam that counter ice wind, Gible managed to push back the attack.

Snover’s feet started to lose grip on the ground as he was pushed back. “Don’t give up, push back Gible’s attack.” Snover dug hit feet into the ground and took more force into the attack and somehow, he managed to push the attack back, Gible had no were to go as he took Snover’s attack and his own right in his face. It created an explosion and Gible was caught in it, when the smoke clear they could see Gible lying on the ground with stars in his eyes.

“Gible is unable to battle Snover is the winner, that means that the victory in this battle is Lumi.” Announced James.

That made Lumi jump up and down in joy while Luna could only taste defeat. After the battle they decided to get something to eat, while eating Lumi ask why Luna chose Pokémon that a disadvantage against ice, Luna told her that she was going to use those Pokémon against Winona and she thought it would be good practise for them. Lumi could understand why.

Night had finally come to Hoenn and Luna was getting ready for bed, she haven’t had that particularly dream where she had a fight with her sister since the school ended, she think the dream was a one timer. She also had gotten custom to sleeping at night, normally she would up all night doing royal duty, but it was so boring. Sometimes she didn’t understand why her parents created a night court, almost no pony came. She lay in her bed and fell asleep pretty fast.

While Luna was sleeping, something was moving around in the bushes outside her room. Then a headed pop out from the bush, it was skull head with a flame mark on it. “Maro.” The headed started to looked around, it then walked out from the bush. It was Marowak, Alola form. Once out form the bushes he walked towards one of the windows to the Pokémon center, he stop just by and looked up at it. “Marowak.” He hope it was the right one, he then knock on it with his bone club.

Knock, knock. Luna stirred in her bed by the sound. Knock knock. She then tried to place pillow over her ears to block out the sound. Knock knock. It didn’t work. “Who the hell is doing that at…” She looked at her clock that was on her night stand, it read 03:05 am. Then it knock again, Luna got up and walked to the window, she was going to give the one who was disturbing her sleep a piece of her mind.

Luna opened the window and looked out and what she saw surprised her a little, she thought it was another human, but it wasn’t, it was a Marowak. “You better have a good reason for waking me up at this hour.” She asked Marowak, she also knew that it was same Marowak she saved in the forest when they were at the school, which other would it be.

Marowak started to wave it’s arms. “Maro maro marowak.”

Luna just gave him a blank stare. “You know that I don’t understand what you are saying.”

Marowak wanted to hit his head with his own bone for that, he placed a hand on his chest. “Maro.” He then pointed at Luna. “Maro maro.”

Luna just started at Marowak, her brain wasn’t working properly, and she had trouble figuring out what he wanted, she then took a wild guess. “Are you trying to say that you want to travel with me?” She thought it was right, it was confirmed by that Marowak nodded his head. “I am flattered that you want to travel with me, but can we not do this now? It’s 3 am in the morning and I was sleeping.” She told Marowak with annoyance in her voice, he had forgotten that humans need to sleep at night, he nodded. “Good.” She then closed the window and went back to bed and it’s official, Luna was now not very fond of ghost Pokémon. She laid back on the bed to tried and get some sleep.

It was a new day in Hoenn, and James was currently walking towards Luna’s room, she hadn’t had breakfast yet and James was worried about her. He arrived at her room he knock on the door. “Luna, are you there?” There was no answer, so he knock again. “Are you even awake?” He then heard some movement inside the room, he also hear Luna talking but it was too low to hear it.

The door to Luna’s room opened and the first James saw was a very fatigued girl. “What do you want?” She asked in a groggy voice.

“I was just wondering if you want something to eat, didn’t you get enough sleep last night?” He asked her.

“No, a Marowak woke me up at 3 am last night and after that I had trouble sleeping again.”

James blinked a couple of times. “A Marowak? They usually sleep at night.”

Luna groan. “Not the ground type, the other one, the one that’s ghost. Look.” She rubbed her eyes. “I’ll be right out after I have taken a shower, just leave some food for me.” She then slammed the door right in James face, he just stood there not sure what just happened. He eventually walked away and headed back to waiting area.

It took about fifteen minutes before Luna left her room, when she came into the waiting area of the Pokémon centre, she saw Lumi sitting by one of the table, reading the newspaper. Luna walked over to her.

Lumi heard Luna walk over to her, she looked over the edge of the paper and saw a very tired Luna. “Rough night?” She asked Luna.

“Yes.” Luna answered while sitting down by the table.

“I can see that.” Lumi went back to the newspaper. “James bought you some food and water, it’s on the table.”

Luna saw that, she started to eat. While eating, Luna decided to ask Lumi something. “Where are James and Shadow?”

“They went out to buy some supplies, I think they are buying food and stuff for the journey, something I also have to do.” She answered, Luna just nodded and went back to eating.

When Luna was done eating, the door to the Pokémon center open, the girls thought it was the boys who had come back from their shopping, boy they were wrong. In walked a Pokémon that none had seen before, expect Luna and Lumi, a Marowak that was different than one people was used to see. All eyes were on Marowak as the ghost/fire Pokémon walked through the door, he didn’t care as he looked for the human that saved him. When he spotted Luna, he smiled as he walked towards.

Luna watch as Marowak walk up to the table. “Great, I thought you were a bad dream.”

“Wait a minute.” Luna looked over to Lumi, who was now looking at Marowak. “Is this the same Marowak we encounter in the forest at professor Birch’s school?”

“I think so, considering Marowak knock on my window last night.” Luna looked back at the Pokémon. “Still want to travel with me?” Marowak nodded. “Alright, something tells me you want to battle so just let me get ready.” Marowak just smiled. She got up and walked towards the telephones, it didn’t take long before she return. “Come on, we can battle in backyard.” She walked towards the back exit and Marowak followed her.

Lumi just sat there. “Wait for me.” She got up and walked after her, so did every other trainer in the Pokémon center. They wanted to see this new Marowak in action.

Luna had taken up one position on the battle field and Marowak the other, Lumi and trainers had gather around to watch the whole thing.

“What do you think this Marowak can do?” Ask one trainer.

“I have no idea I think this is the first time someone has seen a Marowak that’s different.” Said another trainer. Lumi had listen to them both and boy how wrong the last one was.

Back on the battle field, Luna was getting ready. “Let’s do this Azumarill.” Luna threw the Pokéball and out came aqua rabbit Pokémon, she was ready. “Use water gun.” Azumarill send out water towards Marowak, he just started to spin his bone really fast and when the attack hit, it was cancelled. Luna just stood there with widen eyes, she did not expect that. “Then use bubble beam.” Azumarill send out bubble this time, Marowak did the same with his bone and the same happened again. “Oh, come on.” Luna said in a frustrated tone.

Then Marowak started to run towards Azumarill, he then jump into the air and with his bone heading towards Azumarill. “Doge it.” Azumarill managed to doge the attach as Marowak bond hit the ground, missing its target. Then Marowak attack again, trying to hit Azumarill with its bone. “Keep dodging.” Azumarill did that.

Marowak swung it bone at Azumarill, who keep avoiding it. “Jump up in the air.” Azumarill did that as one of Marowak’s attack miss again. “Now use bubble beam.” Azumarill send out bubbles while she was in the air and this time Marowak had now time to use his bone to reflect the attack, was hit and he felt it.

Azumarill landed on the ground and she was proud that she manage hit Marowak. “Nice work Azumarill, use bubble beam again.” The aqua rabbit Pokémon opened her mouth, but no bubbles came out, Luna and her Pokémon was confused now. “What’s wrong with you? Use bubble beam.” Azumarill tried again but no luck. Luna had no idea what was going on.

Lumi was watching on the side lines, wondering what just happened. She saw that Azumarill managed to hit Marowak with bubble beam, so why can’t Luna’s Pokémon use it again, unless. “Luna, Marowak’s ability is cursed body, when you hit Marowak with an attack there’s a chance your Pokémon while forget to use that attack.” Lumi shouted.

Luna started to panic when she heard that, Azumarill only knew two water move and now she had forgotten one of them. She looked at Marowak who was ready again. “Then use ice beam.” Azumarill send out a beam of ice but Marowak use his bone to cancel the attack, again. Luna started to get frustrated. “This is getting ridiculous, I can’t attack Marowak, when I do, he uses his bone to cancel out Azumarill’s attack, if I managed to hit him there’s a chance that she will forget that attack.” While she was think, Marowak decided to attack.

He started to run he and fire started gather around him, Marowak started to spin and then a flame wheel came towards Azumarill. She had no time to doge and Luna was busy with thinking, Azumarill flew backward a little when she was hit, lucky it didn’t do much damaged. Marowak stopped spinning and started to hit Azumarill with its bone, Azumarill was hit many time.

Luna had to do something. “Jump out of the way and use water gun.” She had to take the chance and hope that Azumatill didn’t forget the attack. Azumarill managed to jump out of Marowak’s range and send out a water stream, the attack hit. “Use water gun again.” Azumarill send out another water stream and Marowak didn’t have time to doge the attack, he was hit again. It looked cursed bosy only effect one attack. “Let’s finished it.” Before Luna could call out an attack, Azumarill started to run and her tail started to glow, her tail became metal. Azumarill jump into the air and did a somersault in the air, she then aimed her tail at Marowak.

Marowak was still a little dazed after beginning attack twice, he shook his head and when he looked up, he could see a tail coming towards him, he had no time to move out of the way as his was hit hard in his head, he saw stars as he was hit in the head. Marowak fell backward into the ground, unconscious.

When Luna saw that Marowak was down, she hurried to find an empty Pokéball before anyone ells did it, when she found one and she threw it on Marowak, he disappeared into the ball, the ball wiggled three time and then it said click, Marowak was captured.

Luna walked over to the Pokéball with Azumarill, she picked it up and then something happened she never thought would happened, the people that had been watching started to clap. Luna had no idea why, she actually started to plus and she had no idea why she did that. Then the Pokéball started to glow and then it disappeared, after that happened the people disbanded.

When they were gone, Lumi walked over to her. “Nice work Luna, managed to catch a Marowak.”

Luna smiled. “Thanks.” She then bent down and patted Azumarill on the head. “I could have done it without Azumarill.” The aqua rabbit Pokémon just smile back. “What was the attack she learned?” She asked Lumi.

“That was iron tail, a steel move, it’s not very effect against fire types but in this cased it work.” Lumi explained to her.

“Hey girls.” Luna and Lumi saw James and Shadow walk towards them with bags in their hands. “Did we miss something? Considering there were a huge crowd coming from here.” James asked them. Luna and Lumi just gave each other a joyful smile and started to giggle as they walk in. James look at Shadow with a confused look. “Did I miss something?” Shadow just shrugged his shoulders.

Back at professor Birch lad in Littleroot Town, the professor and Joshua had just come home from the school and was busy unpacking the stuff they used. Birch was typing in the data they had gattered while Joshua unpacking the equipment. Then all of sudden the machine that send over Pokémon that trainers couldn’t use, started to make noises.

Joshua looked at the machine. “Professor, Luna just caught a new Pokémon.” Birch stopped what he was doing and walked over to Joshua to see witch Pokémon appeared. When it appeared, they got shock of their life time, in the machine stood a Pokémon that looked like a Marowak, but this had was dark brown, it’s skull was the same but had a mark on it, it’s bone had flames on its ends.

Marowak looked at the two humans who was looking at him, both of them had their mouths opened. Marowak just rolled his eyes and decided to explore the place. He was going to enjoy this.

Author's Note:

There you all have it a new chapter, I hope you all like it. Sorry for the short battle.

Luna might have lost the battle but at least she got herself a new Pokemon, a Alola Pokemon, I think. I don't know if Alola Marowak classified as a Pokemon from Alola.

Until next time.

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