• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,612 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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“She should be back by now.”

After Luna had gone out to explore the city for herself, James had resupplied their food and other stuff. Right now, he was waiting outside the Pokémon center for Luna but there was no sign of here. James look at his clock on his Pokédex, it was almost 5 pm and in three hours the sun would set.

“That’s it, I don’t care that she wanted to go out on her own, something has happened to her and I am going to find out what.” He put away the dex and took out a Pokéball, he then threw it up in the air and out came the legendary Pokémon. “Arcanine, I think something has happened to Luna and we are going to find out what.” Arcanine let out a bark. “Good.” James search in Luna’s bag for something that Arcanine could sniff, he found one of her sweaters. “Here, sniff this and find Luna.” Arcanine sniffed the sweater, he then started to sniff the ground to find her scent. He found it and started to run while James followed him.

After around ten minutes of running, they arrived at the entrance of a back ally where Arcanine started to sniff the ground. James arrived, out of breath. “Man, I seriously need to get back in shape.” He then saw Arcanine was sitting by something on the ground, it looked like a cloth. “What did you find buddy.” Arcanine just bark as James approached him, he then picked up the cloth and to a sniff at it, smell was strong. “Chloroform, she has been kidnap.” He tossed away the cloth. “Can you find her sent again?” James asked Arcanine who started to sniff the ground again, he then started to run further into the back ally, James followed him.

After another ten minutes of running, James and Arcanine had reached the coast and at that point James knew where Luna had been taken. Right after he had started his journey nine years ago he heard rumours about team Magma and Aqua, they were battling against each other over some orbs that could control Kyogre and Groudon. He know that idiot Ash Ketchum managed to stop them with the help of champion Lance from Johto. James still don’t understand why he help, it wasn’t his problem.

Back to the kidnapping. James heard that one of the teams were hiding in a cave on the coast of Lilycove City, the north of the town. He and Arcanine was currently walk along the coast to see if they could find the entrance, while walking James was also looking at his clock, the sun would set in little about two hours. He had to hurry.

When they finally found the entrance, James was a little surprised of who was guarding the entrance to the cave, it was team Rocket. It was easy to see it was them thanks to black suit and the R on the chest. “Great, just great. It had to be them.” He whispered to himself. James thought that team Rocket had disappeared years ago, guess he was wrong. He took out a cell phone out of his pocket and dialled a number. Yes, he has a cell phone, but he really use it.

He waited until he got an answer. “Hello, this is officer Jenny.”

“Jenny, this is James Shaw.”

“James, what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you this evening?” She ask in a happy tone.

“My girlfriend had been kidnap by team Rocket.”

There was a moment of silence before he heard laughter, he didn’t think it was funny. “Oh James, team Rocket disappeared years ago, I think your making this up.”

James wasn’t happy begging called a liar. “Why the hell would I make this up? I am looking at two humans dress in black with the letter R on the chest, they are guarding team Aqua’s old base on the coast north of the city and I am certain that my girlfriend is in there.”

He heard a sighed. “Look James, even if I want to believe you it would take me thirty minutes to get there, most of the officer that work is out on patrol.”

James couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “I thought that the police was supposed to help those who are in need, not to make fun of those who were calling, if you don’t want to help me I’ll do it myself.” Before Jenny could say anything, he hung up. “What a bitch.” He look over to the entrance. “Let’s go Arcanine.” Both of them started to walk towards the two member of team Rocket, James took out a new Pokéball as he walk.

“Man, this so boring.” Said one of the grunt.

“I know it is, but we were told to guard the entrance and that is what we are going to do.” Said the second one.

“Do you really think that Giovanni is right? There’s another world with ponies and that girl can takes us where they live?” The first one ask with wary in his voice.

The other one shrugged his shoulders. “I have no idea she didn’t look like special to me and beside…” He then stop talking.

“Hey, was wrong?” The first one ask. The second one just pointed at something and when he saw what he saw, he couldn’t help but question it. Walking toward them was a boy with an Arcanine with his side. “Hey, are you lost or something?” The grunt ask boy.

The boy stopped not far from them. “Yeah, you two can move and let me inn.”

The two grunts look at each other and then back at the boy as he had gone crazy, then they started to laugh.

“That was a good one boy, why don’t you leave before we hurt you.” The second one said while taking out Pokéball.

The boy let out a sigh. “I was hoping to do this peacefully, I guess expected less from idiots that follow Giovanni.”

The two grunts didn’t like what the boy was saying. “You better watch that mouth of your boy or I will make you regret what you just said.” Said the first one as he took out his own Pokéball.

The boy nodded. “Alright, let’s do it this the hard way.” James threw the Pokéball he had in his hand.

Darkness. That was all she could see. “Where am I?” She ask no one in particular. “James?” There was no answer only darkness. Luna just look around and there was only darkness, it was almost like the day the nightmare took over and corrupted her mind, the day she turned against her sister. “Celestia?” Still no answer. Luna started to walk, she didn’t have any goal in mind, she just wanted to find someone. As she walk she started to hear laughter. “Hello? Is there anyone here?” The laughter came closer and she recognized it, it was the same laughter as the nightmare. “No, it can’t be.” Luna covered her ears to block out the laughter, it didn’t work, the laughter became strong. “Make it stop.” She then screamed.

Luna opened her eyes and let out a scream, she tried to move but felt that she couldn’t move her arms and legs. Luna saw that she was outside any long but inside and that she was strap to a table, she tried to break free but didn’t work. “Well, look who’s finally awake.” When Luna heard the voice, her spin went cold. She look to her left and saw a man with black suit.

“Who are you?” Luna ask in a scared voice.

“Where is my manners.” He placed a hand over his chest and bowed. “My name is Giovanni and I am the leader of team Rocket.” He then stood up. “And I glad that we could finally meet princess Luna.”

Luna’s heart almost stop when she heard that, there was no way that he should know who she really was, there was only three humans who knew, and he was not one off them.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.”

Giovanni just gave her evil smile that made her blood freeze. “You can play dumb, it dosen’t matter to me what does matter is the magic inside your body. I am going to extract it and then I am going to create a portal and invade Equestria.”

Luna was no terrified. “How do you know all this?”

The smile on Giovanni’s face never left. “Easy, we have bugged professor Birch lad, we have bugged every lab so we can hear every secret about Pokémon. But I have to admit, yours secret was the most intriguing.” He then look at something behind Luna. “Are we ready?” He ask someone.

Someone answered him. “Almost Giovanni.”

Giovanni nodded. “Good.”

Luna tried to break free again. “You can’t do this I don’t have any magic in me, it disappeared when I arrived here.”

Giovanni lean in closer, they were almost face to face. “Do you take me a for a fool? I know you have magic in you, and it will be mine.” He stood up. “Ready the machine.” He walk of and then something was strap to Luna’s head.

Luna tried to break free again, but it was no use. She was terrified, she had no idea what would happened to her. This Giovanni believe that she had magic in her, but she didn’t if she had she would use it to break free. She look around in panic and then she saw her Pokémon, they were locked up in a glass cube and they had a worried look on their faces, Grovyle, Jolteon, Lucario, Mightyena, Gabite, even Espeon was worried. They didn’t know what would happened to her.

Then Luna heard someone speak. “The machine is ready Giovanni.”

“Good, extract the magic from her, I don’t care if she lives or not.”

Luna tried again to break free, but it was no use. “No, don’t do it.” Right now, Luna regret coming to this world, if she knew humans like this lived in this world she would have never come here. If she survived and saw Twilight Sparkle again, she would punch her in the face for lying to her. She said that the human world was a peaceful place, that was a lie. Luna saw some light on her head and then the light went off, confusing everyone in the room.

“What’s going on?” Giovanni asked one of the scientist.

“Someone cut the power, backup power should kick in any minute.” As soon as those words left the man’s mouth, the power came back one.

“Do we have enough power to extract the magic from her?” Giovanni asked the same man.

“Yes, we just have to wait until the computer starts up again.”

Before that happened they could hear some screaming outside the door. “Go and check what that was.” Giovanni told the grunt who was standing by the door, the grunt nodded and walk over to the door. Before the grunt could opened the it, the door flew opened and hit the grunt straight in the face, he landed on the ground with the door on him.

In walk a Lucario, Gallade and an Arcanine and they didn’t look happy. Then in walk James. “Sorry, the door was lock so I let myself inn.” James look around the room and saw what they were doing to his girlfriend, he didn’t like it at all. Then he saw the boss. “Giovanni, I thought you had retired. What the hell are you doing to Luna?” He ask with anger in his voice.

“James Shaw, the former champion of Hoenn, I heard you gave up being a Pokémon trainer after Tobias took away your tittle. I’m actually surprise to see you here.”

“I got bored, answer my question Giovanni, what are you doing to Luna?” He asked with some force this time.

“He said he would extract magic from me and take over Equestria.” Luna told him.

James was just confused when he heard that. “Magic? You don’t have any magic in you.” He said while looking at Luna

“That’s what I been trying to tell him, but he won’t listen to me.”

James then shrugged his shoulders. “Well, he probably lost his mind after team Rocket was defeat nine years ago.”

Giovanni just snarled at him. “I have not lost my mind and I will extract the magic from her body and conquer her world.”

James gave him a look that said he had lost it. “Alright, I had enough of this crap. Gallade, use psychic on every one in her and knock them all out, not Luna.” Before Giovanni or anyone ells could react, Gallade’s eyes started to glow and every one of team Rocket was lifted in the air, they were then thrown into the wall knocking them all out. “Good riddance, nice work Gallade.” James said while walking towards the table where Luna was. “You know, I thought the whole damsel in distress only happened in the movie not in real life.” He said with amusing smile.

Luna was not happy of what he said. “That’s not funny, would please get me lose. I have been scared enough to last a life time.” She snapped at him.

James put his hands. “Alright, let me just find out how.” He then walk over to one of the computers. “One off these have to do it.” He then started to press the buttons on the control panel.

Luna look behind her and saw what James was doing. “Do you know what you are doing?” She ask him.

He was silence a few seconds before he answered. “Not really but how hard can it be.” Those word didn’t comfort Luna at all. “There we go.” Then the clamps that was holding Luna opened and she was free, she too of the headgear from her head and jump of the table. “And your Pokémon are free.” Luna saw that the glass cube that was holding them opened.

All of them ran over to her and she gave them all a hug. “It’s all right, we are safe now.” She look over to James who was still by the computer. “What are you doing?” She ask him.

“I am deleting all the data that they have on you we don’t want other to know where you are from.”

She walk over to him and look at the screen and saw that he was telling the truth, he was deleting the data Giovanni had on her. “Aren’t you worried that he would just tell other about me?” She ask with concern in her voice.

“Probably, but I doubt anyone would believe him. If you were from this world would you believe that a world where the inhabitants are talking ponies? I still have a hard time believing it.” He told her.

“When you put it like that.” She mumble to herself.

James typed some more. “And there we go, all the data on you are now been deleted. Now, let’s get out of here.” Luna agreed to that. before they could leave, they heard some sounds noises coming from the door. “About time they arrived.” In walk officer Jenny with some police men.

After arresting ever member in team Rocket, James and Luna was brought to the police station for questions. Giovanni tried to convince to Jenny that Luna as from another world, but she just ignored it, they didn’t find any evidence of that, thanks to James. Both trainers had to lie about what happened in the hideout, some of it. James told Jenny that Giovanni had been spying on every professor, she would do something about it.

It was almost midnight when James and Luna walk out of the police station, James stretched his body. “Man, about time they let us go. I’m not sure if I could take another question.” He look over to Luna who was looking at the ground, he guess that this day had affect her. He placed a hand on her shoulder. “You ok?” He ask her in a calm voice.

She shook her head. “Not really, I don’t understand why that man did this.” She then started to cry. “I just want to travel and avoid this crap, is that too much to ask for?” James didn’t know what to do so he just gave her a hug and let her cry on her shoulders.

They don’t know how long they stood there but Luna managed to calm down eventually. “Feeling better?”

“Not really but thanks anyway.”

They broke the hug. “No problem.” James said with a smile. Then out of the blue, Luna kissed James on the lips. James brain just shut down, he had no idea what to do, he just let it happen. Then Luna broke the kiss. “What was that for?” He asked her when he eventually managed to speak.

“For rescuing me, for being my knight in shining armor.” Luna said with a blush on her face. James just stood there, not sure what just happened. “Can we leave now? I just want to go to bed and forget this day.”

James nodded. “Sure.” Luna took his hand and together they walk back to the Pokémon center.

Author's Note:

I have nothing to ad about this chapter.

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