• Published 15th Apr 2015
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Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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A Rival From Unova

After one more day in the forest James and Luna finally arrived at Falander Town, it was a quiet town with no gym but it one thing that caught Luna eyes and that a large building that I stood contest hall on. But it stood closed on a sign.

“James, what kind of building is this?” She asked him.

“It’s a place where Pokémon coordinators can show of their Pokémon, but I heard that they have closet it for now to make new rules. Some coordinators cheated in the past.”

“How did they do that?”

James just shrugged. “Don’t know, I never watch it. Come on, let’s get to the Pokémon center. I need a shower.”

“I’m not arguing with that.” Said Luna.

When they arrived at the center they noticed that it was very empty, the only human they could see was nurse Joy who was sitting behind the front desk reading the newspaper. They walked over to her.

“Nurse Joy.” She looked over the edge of the newspaper. “Where is everyone?” James asked her.

“Most of the people in this town are behind the center watching a Pokémon battle.” She answered.

“Can we also watch James?” Luna asked him.

He sighed. “I guess so, just let me sign in so we can get a rom.”

After he had done that they both went outside to watch the battle. ‘I was hoping to get shower, I guess that have to wait.’ James thought.

Well outside in the backyard they saw a lot of people gathering around a battle field, James and Luna bushed through the crowed. When they arrived at the battle arena they saw a boy on their left with white snow skin with purple hair, he was wearing a short t-shirt with snowflake on it, a pair of blue jeans, he was also wearing a purple scarf around his neck.

“I wonder how that boy is battling.” Said Luna.

“You know his opponent.” Said James.

That got Luna to looked at the others side of the battle field and when she saw who it was her mod dropped, standing on the other side was…

“Sunset Shimer.”

James could the venom in her voice and he don’t blame her, Sunset was everything James hated in Pokémon trainer, only caring about power and not Pokémon’s feeling. She had out her Nuzleaf while the boy had no Pokémon out.

“Why don’t you just give up? You can’t win, I don’t understand why you challenge me in the first place.”

The boy took out a Pokéball, James noticed that his hands was shaking. “I’m not giving up, come out Electrike.” The boy threw the ball and out came the electric Pokémon ready for battle, Sunset held out her own Pokéball.

“Nuzleaf return.” She but the ball away and took out a new one. “You’re up Sandshrew.”

Out came the mouse Pokémon and the boy took out his Pokédex, when saw the data he became very worried. ‘This is bad, Electrike’s electric attacks had no effect on Sandshrew. But I’m not giving up.’ He thought.

“Use quick attack Electrik.” Electrik stared to run very fast.

Sunset couldn’t help but laugh. “Sandshrew, earthquake.” Sandshrew jump up and when it landed the hole ground stared to shake, the made Electrike to lose its balance and fell over.

When Sunset saw that she stared to laugh. “That was pathetic, finished it with slash.” Sandshrew’s hand stared to glow, it struck Electrike so hard that he pasted out.

“Electrike is unable to battle, Sandshrew is the winner.” The judge announced.

The boy called back Electrike. ‘She is right, that was pathetic. Maybe I should give up.’ James saw it in his eyes that the boy had given up.

“Hey kid.” The kid tried to find who was taking. “Don’t give up.” When he founded who was taking his eyes widen. “The battle is not over until is over, as long you have Pokémon left you can still win.”

‘Oh, my god the former champion of Hoenn James and he’s is giving me advise.’ The boy thought.

“Isn’t this sweet.” Sunset interrupted his thought. “A loser is helping another loser, it’s almost touching.”

“Shut up.” Everyone looked at Sunset challenger. “He’s right, as long I have Pokémon that can fight it’s not over.” He took out a Pokéball. “Come out Geodude.” Out came the rock Pokémon.

“Did you mean what you said to the boy?” Luna asked James.

“Of course, as long you have Pokémon that can battle the fight is not over.”

They turned their attention back to the battle.

“Use rollout.” Geodude rolled himself up like a ball and stared to roll towards Sandshrew.

“Get out of the way Sandshrew.” But it was too late, Sandshrew was hit.

“Keep using rollout Geodude.” Geodude rolled around the battel field and was heading towards Sandshrew who was dizzy from the last attack, Sandshrew was hit again, hard. He pasted out.

“Sandshrew is unable to battle, Geodude is the winner.” The judge announced.

Sunset called back Sandshrew. “Lucky shot.” She took out another Pokéball. “You’re up Corphish.” Out came a Pokémon that looked like crab.

Luna was clueless but James knew what kind of Pokémon that was. “It looks like Sunset has caught Corphish.”

‘Corphish?’ Luna and the boy took out their Pokédex.

Corphish the Ruffian Pokémon. Corphish catches prey with its sharp claws. It has no likes or dislikes when it comes to food, it will eat anything. This Pokémon has no trouble living in filthy water.

When Luna saw what type of Pokémon Corphish she became worried and so did the boy. ‘Crap, it’s a water type. But I’m not giving up.’ Thought the boy.

“Keep using rollout Geodude.” Geodude rolled toward Corphish.

Sunset just smiled when she saw that. “Use bubble beam on Geodude.” Corphish open its claws and bubble came out from them, Corphish manged to keep Geodude in bay.

“Don’t give up Geodude, keep pushing.” The boy said to his Pokémon.

“Give it up kid, I manged to caught the strongest Corphish I could find.”

When James heard that he became mad. ‘I guess she hasn’t learned anything.’ He thought. Then the crowed saw that Geodude was getting pushed back, then it was pushed back so hard that it flew backwards and land unconscious on the ground.

“Geodude are unable to battle, that means that Sunset is the winner.” The judge announced.

Both called back their Pokémon but only one thanked them. “Nice work Geodude, take a good rest.” The boy looked were Sunset was standing and notice that she had already left. That didn’t surprise James and Luna at all.

Later that day after James and Luna had taken a shower, separate showers. They walked out in the lobby to get something to eat and sitting by on off the table was the boy Sunset had battle, he had his arms folded on the table and was resting his head in them. He looked very sad.

“Luna, why don’t you go and find us something to eat. I’m going to talk with the kid.”


James walked over to the boy while Luna went to find something they could eat, the boy didn’t notice James approach him.

“Hey kid, you feeling alight?” James asked him.

The kid looked where the voice was coming from and when he saw who it was he almost had a heart attack, he tried to get up but fell on the floor, hard.

“You okay their kid?” James asked while helping him up.

He rubbed his head. “Yes, I’m okay. Your James White, aren’t you? The former champion of Hoenn?” He got up.

James pinched his nose and groan. “Yes, that’s me. Who are you?”

“I’m Artic Ace but I prefer Ace, I’m from Unova.”

“From Unova?” Ace nodded. “You’re a long way from home, why are you here in Hoenn?”

Before Ace could answer Luna came back with some food, two baguettes.

“That didn’t take long.”

Luna just shrugged her shoulders and gave on of them to James. “There was no queue.” Then she noticed Ace looking at her with a smile on him, it was creeping her out. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Your Luna, right`” She nodded. “I saw you and ‘Celestia’ battles on TV when you won the Slatport beach tournament, that was amazing.”

“Thanks, I guess. Who are you?”

“Artice Ace but you can call me Ace, I’m from Unova.”

“Ok, if you are from Unova what are you doing her in Hoenn?” Luna asked him.

“I’m here to take on the Hoenn league, because of James.”

That surprised James. “Me? Why me?” He asked Ace.

“Ever since I saw you compete in Hoenn league for the first time I also wanted to compete in the Hoenn league, then I saw you lose to Tobias after you became champion.”

“Yeah, I don’t like to talk about that.”

Luna could hear sorrow in Ace and James voices, special James. ‘I wonder what happened that day.’ She thought. Now the mob was pretty low so Luna decide to change the subject.

“Tell me Ace, how many bags do you got?”


That got answer got James and Luna to look at each other with confusing looks.

“If you have only one bags what are you doing here? Should you be in Dewford and challenge Brawly? The second leader.” Luna asked a very good question.

Ace stared to scratched his neck. “I wanted to try and challenge Flannery but I didn’t win.”

James slapped a hand on his face. “And let me guess, she agreed to your challenge?” Ace nodded. “God damn it Flannery, you are too kind for your own good. Listen kid, you aren’t supposed to challenge her with only one bags, you need three.

This confused Ace and Luna. “Is it really that big a deal.” Luna asked him.

“It is, the rules say that you got to have three badges to challenges Flannery and this goes for all gym leader, you need the first bag to challenges Brawly, two bags to challenges Wattson and so on. You can’t have one and the challenges Flannery.”

“So why did Flannery accept my challenges?” Ace asked James.

“Because she too nice for her own good, that’s why. I think I’m going to have a talk with her.”

He walked in the direction of the telephones leaving Ace and Luna alone, none of the knew what to say or asked each other. Then they heard a familiar sound, Ace stood up.

“Excuse me but my Pokémon is fully healed.”

He walked towards front desk leaving Luna alone, she sat down one of the chairs and stared to eat her baguettes and wait for James to return. She had almost finished her food when he returned, he sat down beside her.

“Did you talk to Flannery?”

He shook his head. “No, she didn’t answer the phone. She probably training or something ells.”

Then Ace came back and he said something that surprised James and Luna.

“Luna, I want to challenging you to Pokémon battle.”

Luna had only one word for and answer. “Why?”

“If you are here in Falander Town then you are on your way to challenge Flannery and I want to find out if I’m good enough to challenge her again, do you accepted my challenge?”

Luna didn’t hesitate. “I accepted your challenge, how many Pokémon do you have?” She asked him.

“I have four Pokémon.” He answered.

“Haven’t you caught four new Pokémon you haven’t tried out yet Luan?” Said James.

“Yes, just give me a minute so I can get them.” She walked over to the telephones and dialled the number to professor Birch lad, it was Joshua that answered.

“Hello Luna, what can I do for you today?”

“Hello Joshua, why is it always you that answer and not the professor, no offense.”

Joshua just laugh. “No taken, the professor likes to do his reached in the field so he is for the most part gone. Back to why your calling, do you need to exchange Pokémon?”

“Yes, I would like to exchange four I caught recently.”

When Joshua heard that he was relieved. “That’s good to hear, that Gible you caught has been a really hand foul.”

“What’s the problem?” She asked him.

“You caught a VERY hungry Gible, he’s been eating me out of the house.”

“Sorry about that Joshua, I was in the middle of a dessert and there were no phones there.”

“It’s alright Luna, which one are you going to send me?”

“I’m keeping Grovyle and Jolteon.” She told him.

“And you’re sending the rest, got it.”

They did the exchange and Luna walked back to the two boys how was gone, she looked around the center and saw no sign of them so decide to ask nurse Joy. When she arrived at the front desk she saw the Joy was typing something on the computer.

“Excuse me, nurse Joy`”

Nurse joy stopped what she was doing. “Yes, what can I help you with.”

“Do you know where James and Ace?”

“Yes, they said that they were heading for the battle field behind the Pokémon center.”

Luna thanked nurse Joy and headed to battle field, well outside she saw Ace and James waiting for her by the field. She walked over to them.

“You two could have waited for me.” Luna told them.

“Yes, but we told nurse Joy where we were headed.” James told her, she just rolled her eyes of his answer. “Now, if both of you would take your places.” Luna and Ace stood at opposite of the battle field and James in the middle. “Alright, let’s get this Pokémon battle going. This will be four on four battle, both trainers can switch their Pokémon as often they can, the battle will be over then all of your Pokémon is unable to battle. Are both ready?” The nodded. “Then begin.”

Ace was first up. “Let’s go Geodude.” Out came a Pokémon Luna knew.

“You’re up first Misdreavus.”

When Ace saw the ghost Pokémon he took his Pokédex. ‘A Misdreavus and it’s a ghost Pokémon.” He thought. “Use rock polish and the rollout.” Geodude stared to glow and then he stared to roll towards Misdreavus.

“Doge the attack.” Misdreavus manged just barley to doge Geodude. “Use shadow ball.” A black ball stared to form in front of Misdreavus and was heading for Geodude.

“Doge it Geodude and keep using rollout.” Geodude mange the doge it, Geodude flew around the battle field and was heading for Misdreavus who was hit by the attack.

“You okay Misderavus?” Misdreavus nodded. “Good, keep using shadow ball.” Misdreavus fired many shadow balls against Geodude but the rock Pokémon manged to doge them all.

“Why are you doing this? You can’t hit my Geodude.” Said Ace.

Luna just smiled. “I’m not trying to hit your Geodude, take a look at battle field.” Ace did that and what he saw was a lot of holes. “I had to do something to stop Geodude.”

‘This is not god, Geodude need a flat field to use rollout and the attack can’t be stopped until he’s is hit.’ Ace thought. “Attack Geodude.” Geodude headed for Misderavus but thanks to the holes in the ground he stopped rolling and fell on his face. ‘That’s not good.’ Ace thought.

“Use shadow ball again.” Misdreavus fired another ball and this time Geodude didn’t make it out of the way in time, he was out.

“Geodude is unable to battle, Misdreavus is the winner.” James announced.

Ace called back Geodude to his Poké ball. “You did a good job Geodude now take a good rest.” He put away the Poké ball and took out another one. “You’re up Purrloin.”

Out came what looked like a cat, it was purple with some white and pink. It stood up on two legs. ‘What’s that?’ Luna took out the Pokédex.

Purrloin the Devious Pokémon. Its cute act is a ruse. When victims let’s down their guard, they find their items taken. It attacks with sharp claws.

‘It’s a dark type.’ She put away her Pokédex. “Use shadow ball.” Misdreavus fired another one and it hit but it didn’t look like it did much damage. “What’s going on? That was direct hit?” Luna asked.

“Purrloin is a dark type, ghost attack isn’t that effective.” Explained Ace. “Use shadow claw.” A claw appeared on one of Purrlion paws, it attacked.

“Doge it Misdreavus.” But it was too late, she was hit. “You okay Misdreavus?” She shook of the attack and nodded. “Good, use psybeam.” Misdreavus fired a purple energy towards Purrlion who just stood there, nothing happened. Luna was shocked.

“Psychic attack has no effect against dark Pokémon, let’s use shadow ball.” A ball stared to form in Purrlion paws, then he send it towards Misdreavus who was hit and past out.

“Misdreavus is unable to battle, Purrlion is the winner.” James announced.

Luna called back Misdreavus. “You did a good job, take a good rest. You’re up Rufflet.”

When Rufflet appeared, Ace took out his Pokédex. ‘A flying type, I’ll better change.’ He held out Purrlion’s Poké ball. “Purrlion, return.” Purrlion disappeared into the ball. “Come out Electrike.” Out came the electric Pokémon.

When Luna saw that she became nervous. ‘That’s not good but I’m going to try using Rufflet.’ She thought. “Use hone claws and then use fury attack.” Rufflet stared to glow and then he ran towards Electrike to attack it.

“Don’t move Electrike.” Ace told the Pokémon.

Luna just question his action. ‘Why?’ Then it dawned on her. ‘Oh crap, I got to stop Rufflet.’ But it was too late, Rufflet stared to attack Ele1ctrike with his claws and beak. When he was finished, you could see that Electrike has taken damage then they saw electricity starting to from around Rufflet.

Rufflet cried out in pain. “Electrike ability, static. When in contact whit Electrike there’s a chance that the opponent gets paralysed.” Ace told Luna.

‘This is not good.’ She held up Rufflet’s Poké ball. “Return Rufflet.” Rufflet disappeared into the ball, she put it away in her belt and took out a new one. “Come out Gible.” The dragon Pokémon came out ready and a little hungry.

Ace took out his Pokédex again. ‘It’s a ground type but I’m sticking with Electrike.’ He put it away. “Use quick attack.” Electrike stared to run very fast towards Gible.

“Doge it by using dig.” Gible jumped up in the air and disappeared.

Electrike stopped and started to panic. “Came down Electrike and stared running around the battle field.” Electricke did as it trainer said.

Gible came out of the ground but missed Electrike because he ran around. “Quickly Gible, use dragon pulse.” Blue flames came out of his mouth and hit Electrike. “Use dig again.” Gible doge another hole.

“Stared running again Electrike.” But it was no use, Electrike was still felling the effect of the attack and couldn’t move when Gible came out from beneath him. Electrike was out.

“Electrike is unable to battle, Gible is the winner.” James announced.

Ace called back Electrike. “You did a good job, take a rest. You’re up Purrlion.” Out came the devious Pokémon again.

Luna held out Gible’s Poké ball. “Gible return.” Gible disappeared. “Come out Zangoose.” Out came the cat Pokémon.

When Ace saw the new Pokémon, he took out his Pokédex. ‘It’s a Zangoose.’ He put it away. “Purrlion use scratch.” Purrlion’s claws stared to glow and he stared to run towards Zangoose.

“Use slash Zangoose.” Zangoose stood also up on two legs and one of his claws stared to glow, he stared to run towards Purrlion.

Both attacks meet in the middle, at first it looked like both attack were equal but then Purrlion was pushed back by Zangoose. Zangoose bushed back Purrlion so hard that Purrlion flew right into a wall that was behind Ace, he landed on the ground unconscious.

“Purrlion is unable to battle, Zangoose is the winner.” James announced.

“Nice work Zangoose.” He put his arms up in triumph.

Ace called back Purrlion. “Good work Purrlion, take a good rest.” He looked at Luna and Zangoose. ‘Something tells me that Luna has more battle experience then me, I can’t win but I’m not given up.’ He took out his last Poké ball. “Come out Snivy.”

Out came a Pokémon that Luna had not seen before, it kind of looked like a snake that walked on two legs and had a leaf on its tail. She took out her Pokédex, again.

Snivy the Grass Snake Pokémon. Being exposed to sunlight makes its movements swifter. It uses wines more adeptly than its arms.

“Use leaf tornado Snivy.” A lot of leaves stared to gather around Snivy and then they were send towards Zangoose.

“Block it Zangoose.” Zangoose crossed his arms and took the attack head on, when the attack died down it didn’t look like Zangoose had taken any damages. “Now, use flamethrower.”

Ace eyes widened when he heard that. “Get out the way Snivy.” But it was too late, flames came out of Zangoose mouth faster than Snivy could react. Snivy was hit by the flamethrower and past out.

“Snivy is unable to battle, Zangoose is the winner. That means Luna is victorious.” James announced.

Ace called back Snivy. “Nice work Snivy, take a good rest.” He walked over to Luna and put out his hand, she took it. “That was a good battle, I guess that I’m not good enough to challenge Flannery yet. I’m heading to Dewford and challenge Brawly.”

James joined them. “A wise choice kid.”

“Yeah, but I’m not sure if I’m going to make the championship.” Ace said with a little sadness in his voice.

James but a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about that now, just focus on getting the badges.” He told Ace.

“I guess you’re right, I have to get back to the Pokémon center to heal me Pokémon, again.”

With the battle over they all went inside the Pokémon center so Ace could heal his Pokémon.

Author's Note:

I you all like the new chapter.

Arctic Ace belongs to MLPFan 1, I hope you like the way I wrote him.

Until next time.

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