• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Pokémon Summer School part 3

It was now day five of the school, day four was a day off and they just took it easy that day. When it came to the teams were doing; the red team had move into first place, the green was now in second and last was the blue team. Lumi and Luna couldn’t help but feel responsible because their team was in last place, considering what they did with assignment with the water Pokémon.

The gang was now currently in one of the classroom, waiting to hear what they are going to do next.

Then Birch voice came over the speaker. “This is professor Birch and todays activity will deal the proper way to interact with ghost Pokémon.” Somehow that made some of the students nervous but not Luna, after her last encounter with ghost Pokémon, she was not that afraid of them. “The goal of this program so you know how to correctly approach ghost Pokémon, whenever or wherever you encounter them. Of course, your instructors will fill you all the details.”

The gang’s instructor was as always Joshua. “Now, let’s go over our rules. After each one of you teams up with a fellow class mate you will both go together and retrieve this medal,” He held up a golden medal in his hand. “located in some ruins just up the hill just outside the school. Your final score depends on how long it will take you, the event will start tonight at seven sharp so for now, your job id to find a partner.” After they were done with that, they all went outside.

“Man, ghost Pokémon. Too bad we can catch them, I really should as a ghost Pokémon to my team.” Said Ace as they walked outside.

“I already have Misdreavus, so I don’t really care about getting a new one.” Luna told them.

That made Lumi jealous. “You already have one? I caught a Snorunt that should evolve to a Froslass.”

That just confused Luna. “Should?”

James decided to explain. “A Snorunt is one of those Pokémon that can only evolve into a Froslass if it’s female and to a Glalie if it’s a boy.” That just astounded Luna, a Pokémon who could evolve into different Pokémon depending on its gender. And here she thought she was done with Pokémon that could amaze her.

When it came to who was going with who, the girls had already paired up. Spike had asked James, considering the young boy was afraid of the dark, James said yes. Ace and Shadow decide to pair up. Weirdly enough, Gary and Sunset paired up which made no sense to Luna and the rest. Then they had to wait until darkness arrived.

When the clock as almost seven, all the teams was at a starting line at different location around the hill. Luna, Lumi and the blue team was ready. With them was one of the female assistants. “Alright, the blue team will be departing from this gate, but the red and green team while be leaving from different location. However, rest assure they all the same distance from the ruins.” She then looked at her clock, counting down. “So, let’s us begin.”

Then another woman, who was sitting behind a desk with a pic of paper. Started to speak. “While the first team step up to the starting line.” That was Luna and Lumi.

Then the clock reached seven pm. “Begin.” The girls started to run into the forest that surrounded the temple as fast as they could.

After some running, they decided to walk. Both had a flashlight and Lumi was literally flashing the light every were, to make sure that no ghost Pokémon was going to scare her. She eventually look over to Luna who was walking calmly.

“How are you so calm?” Lumi asked her partner.

“I am just to the dark, so it doesn’t scare me.” She said in a calm tone.

The truth was that she was the former princess of the night and she was up all night but that wasn’t something she could tell Lumi, she would think that she was crazy. One thing was for sure, she didn’t miss looking into ponies dreams, all they dreamed about was her, chasing them and hurting them.

“You are actually comfort with darkness?” Luna nodded. “I envy you.” Said Lumi jealous tone.

“Are you afraid of the dark?” Luna asked her partner.

“Not really, I am not afraid of the dark, just what can be lurking out there.” “Luna could understand. When Luna was little filly, she was afraid of what was lurking out in the dark. Luna was about to comfort her when ghost Pokémon came flying out of the bushes. “Ahh, what is it.” Lumi said while hugging Luna.

“Realex Lumi, it’s just a Gastly.”

Lumi opened he eyes and saw a gas ball with eyes floating in front of them. “You are right, it’s a Gastly.” The gas Pokémon couldn’t help but wonder what it did wrong, he only wanted to say hello to the humans. “Sorry Gastly, you just scared me.” That made the Pokémon feel bad and Lumi saw that. “It’s not your fault, I am not a big fan of the dark, don’t worry about it.” That made Gastly smile, he then floated away. “Nice meeting you.” Lumi put a hand on her chest to try and clam herself down.

“You ok?”

Lumi shocked her head. “Not really, let’s just find this temple get that medal.” Luna agreed with that and they continued walking.

On another path up the hill was James and Spike, they had started almost last and was currently walking a normal pace. Spike, who was six years younger that James, was walking very near James.

“You ok there Spike?” James asked him.

Spike’s heart went faster when James asked him. “Not really, I am afraid of the dark and I am not particularly fond of ghost Pokémon. I don’t hate them they just scare me.”

James nodded in understanding. “I know what you mean, they scared me at first.”

Spike was surprised when he heard that. “Really?” James nodded. “But you are a champion, how can ghost Pokémon scare you?”

“First off, I am not a champion anymore and second, I just to be afraid of them. What ghost Pokémon is misunderstood.” Spike tilted his head to the side in confusion. “You see, the Pokédex says many bad things about them, like Haunter is trying to steal your life by licking you, that is just wrong.I have a Hanuter that has licked me more times than I can count, and he hasn’t stolen my life.” That didn’t help Spike much, but he did understand what James was saying, ghost Pokémon are just misunderstood. Then a Duskull came floating out of some bushes. “Here.” James took out some Pokéfood from his pocket. “Try to give these to Duskull, Luna made them.”

Spike was a little hesitated about taking the food, he did it eventually and walked over to the requiem Pokémon. “Hey Duskull.” The Pokémon looked at the young boy with interested. “Do you want some Pokéfood?” Duskull looked at the food for a moment, before trying one of them, Spike closed his eyes hoping it didn’t attack. After eating one of the Pokéfood, Duskull ate them all with a smile.

James walked over to Spike. “See, there’s nothing to be worried about.”

Spike opened his eyes and saw that Duskull was happy after eating the food. “Your right.” Spike said with a smile. After done eating, Duskull started to float around the two with a smile on its face, eventually the requiem Pokémon disappeared into the night and the boys continued their journey to the temple.

Luna and Lumi was still walking on the path towards the temple. “Where is this stupide temple? I want to find that medal and get back to the school.” Luna didn’t mind, she was happing walking in the night. It was just something about the night that calmed her.

As they walk, an eye was watching them, waiting for the right moment.

All of sudden seaweed came out from the threes and took a hold off Luna, the seaweed took a hold of her hand and legs and started to drag her into the threes. Luna landed on her back as she was dragged on the ground.

“Hey, let go me.” She tried to get lose but it was no use. “Lumi, help me.” Luna shouted at her partner. Lumi just watch in fear as Luna was taken, she was too afraid to move. “LUMI.”

That got her out of her trance. “Luna.” She ran after her friend.

While begging drag on the ground, Luna was trying get lose from the seaweed. “Let me go.” She struggled to get free, but it was no use, whoever was doing it was holding her tight. Eventually she arrived at a clearing in the forest and saw that it was some sort of anchor that was covert in seaweed that was dragging her.

The anchor then let go of Luna and started to float towards her, she started to back away from it, she didn’t like the way it looked at her. It looked hungry.

“Luna.” Luna and the anchor looked where the voice where coming from, Lumi stepped into the clearing, she then saw the anchor. “What kind of Pokémon is that?” She took out her Pokédex, but the same problem that came up with Wishiwashi. “No data? You got to be kidding me.”

“Lumi.” She looked up from her dex. “Stop looking at your Pokédex and help me.”

“But I don’t know what kind type it is, how am I going to battle if I don’t know that?”

Lumi had a pointe. “It’s probably a ghost Pokémon, considering it’s floating in the air.”

Now it was Luna who had a pointe, the anchor was floating in the air. Lumi was about to take out a Pokéball when a giant bone came flying towards the anchor and managed to hit it straight in its ‘face.,’ the bone then flew back its owner. It was a Pokémon who was standing on two legs, it was black and had a skull for a head, the bone had two flames on each side.

Lumi couldn’t help but stare at the new Pokémon. “That looks like a Marowak but that’s no possible.”

The anchor looked over to the intrude who had interrupted it’s meal, which gave Luna a chance to get away. She got up and ran to Lumi, who was still looking at Marowak.

“Lumi, why are you looking at that Pokémon?”

“It look like a Marowak.” Was all she could say.

Right now, Luna was in the dark, literally. She took out her own Pokédex to see what kind of Pokémon that had kidnapped her and saved her, she pointed her dex at the anchor first.

Dhelmise sea creeper Pokémon. it wraps its prey in green seaweed and sucks away their vitality. It only likes to go after big prey like Wailord.

She the pointed at the Pokémon Lumi called Marowak.

Marowak the bone keeper Pokémon. The rich greenery of the Alola region is hard on Marowak. It controls fire to stay alive.

Dhelmise and Marowak, that was two Pokémon she hadn’t seen before. “That’s not a Marowak.” Was all Lumi could say. Before Luna could ask her why she said that, the two ghost Pokémon started to fight.

Dhelmise send away a shadow ball towards Marowak, Marowak counter the attack with its own Shadow ball by spinning it’s bone very fast, Marowak then send out a shadow ball from the bone, the two attacks cancelled each other. That made Dhelmise angry, it then send away chain towards Marowak who had no time to doge the attack, Marowak was trap.

“What kind of attack was that?” Luna asked Lumi.

“I have no idea I have never seen it before.”

Dhelmise then send away more shadow balls that hit Marowak straight in the face, considering that this Marowak was a ghost type, the attack hurt a lot. Eventually, Dhelmise let go of Marowak who fell to the ground, he was hurt. Dhelmise then started to float up in the air.

“What’s it doing?” Luna asked but none of them knew. When Dhelmise was high enough in the air, it started to descend towards the injured Marowak. “Dhelmise is going to crush Marowak.” Luna started to run as fast as she could to Marowak to save it’s life.

As Dhelmise came closer and closer to the ground, it looked like that Luna wasn’t going to make it. but at the last second, she managed to tackle Marowak out of the way of the attack. They rolled on the ground when they eventually stop. “You ok Marowak.” The bone keeper Pokémon just looked at it saviour, wondering why the human save him.

Dhelmise smashed into the ground with a bang, kicking some dust at the same time. The sea creeper Pokémon looked around to see where it prey went, it eye then landed on Lumi. It was hungry.

“I don’t like the look it’s giving me.”

Luna decided to say something. “Lumi, it’s a ghost and a grass type.”

That made Lumi smile. “Nice, then I know which Pokémon I can use.” She took out a Pokéball and threw it up in the air. “Come out Snorunt.” Out came a Pokémon that had a triangular head. It had two small hands. Luna checked the data.

Snorunt the snow hat Pokémon. Snorunt lives in regions with heavy snowfall. In seasons without snow, such as spring and summer, this Pokémon steals away to live quietly among stalactites and stalagmites deep in caverns.

Dhelmise then decided to attack the new Pokémon. “I don’t think so, use icy wind.” It looked like Snorunt was blowing out snow from its mouth and it looked like Dhelmise was slowing down. “Now, use ice beam.” Then Snorunt fire a beam of ice that hit Dhelmise right where it hurt, Dhelmise then decide it was wise to run, so it did. The ghost Pokémon disappeared into the night.

After it was gone, Lumi ran over to Luna. “Are you ok Luna? That Pokémon didn’t hurt you?”

“I’m ok.” She said while getting up. “I think Marowak here got more hurt than me.” They looked over to the Pokémon who was using it bone to steady himself, Luna decided to take out some Pokémon food. “Here Marowak, eat this.” Marowak hesitated for a moment but he eat them eventually, he felt a little better.

Then Lumi decided to have a word. “That can’t be a Marowak.”

“You said that before, why?”

Lumi took out her dex. “Here, let me show you.” She started to press some buttons on it, then she showed it to Luna. Luna saw Marowak with another colour, it was brown and it’s skull was grey.

Marowak the bone keeper Pokémon. Marowak is the evolved form from a Cubone that has overcome its sadness at the loss of its mother and grown though. This Pokémon’s tempered and hardened spirit is not easily broken.

Lumi but away her dex. “I got that data when I battle a guy who had a Marowak.”

“But, if you are saying is true, why did my Pokédex identify that Marowak over there” They look at ghost Marowak who was looking himself over. “as an Marowak?”

Lumi rubbed her head. “I have no idea.” She let out a frustrated sighed. “I am starting to get a headache, let’s just get back to the path, get that medal and talk to James when we get back.” Luna agreed with that.

They said good bye to Marowak, Luna thanked the Pokémon for saving her life. Marowak watch as the humans walk off, he couldn’t help but smile.

Once they had found the path, they started to walk towards the temple. Luna notice that Lumi hadn’t called back Snorunt, the Pokémon was walking happily beside it’s trainer.

“So, Lumi. That’s a Snorunt that can evolve to Froslass.”

“Yeep, but only a female can do it and you have to use a special stone to do it, a dawn stone.” Luna nodded. “Alright, let me ask you something; why aren’t you freaking out?”

“Why would I be freaking out?” Luna asked in confusion.

They both stop. “You just got attack by a Pokémon we have not seen before and I am pretty sure it wasn’t to eat you, so why aren’t you freaking out?”

“You want to know why? Fine, before I came here to the school, I had three dead experience. I had a Magnezone trying to kill me, a Fearow grabbed me by my shoulders and dropped me into some threes, that last part was my own fault. And, I had some crazy grass Pokémon blasting me of a cliff and into water below. What happened just now, has nothing compared to what happened to me before I came here.” She didn’t want to say that a Pokémon hunter knew who she really was, she didn’t want Lumi to look at her different.

After hearing what Luna had gone through, Lumi felt bad. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stir up bad memories.”

Luna just waved it off. “Don’t worry about it, I don’t try to think about it. Let’s just get that medal, I just want to be done with this and go to bed.” Lumi didn’t argue with that.

After finding the ruins, the girls notice that most of their team mates had already been there, it looked like the incident took longer than they thought. When they came back to the school, they told professor Birch what had happened, he found it a little difficult to believe that they had seen a new Pokémon and different version of a Marowak. He had to eat his own words when Luna showed her dex, Birch almost ran into the forest when he saw the data, lucky for him, the girls said that the Pokémon was gone. He was disappointed, that was for sure.

After the rest of the students had return, they got their points. The red team was still in the lead, green in second and the blue last. After that, they want back inside.

“A brand new Pokémon and a different Marowak, and here I thought I had seen them all, I guess I was wrong.” The group had yet again gather at James, Shadow and Ace’s bedroom. Jack and Spike was also there, they were curious of the two new Pokémon the girls saw. James was currently looking at the data at Luna’s Pokédex. “A Marowak isn’t supposed to be ghost/fire Pokémon, it’s a ground type.”

“That’s what I said.” Said Lumi, who was standing in the door opening. “Not actually that but I told Luna that was not what a Marowak looked like, I even showed her my data on a Marowak.”

“Maybe both of those Pokémon were from Alola.” They all looked at Shadow who was sitting on his bed. “The data said that Marowak was from Alola.”

“That is a possibility but if it’s true, how did they end up here in Hoenn?” James asked the million dollar question, who did two Pokémon that was supposed to live Alola end up in Hoenn.

“Where is Alola?” Asked Ace, who was leaning against the poll on the bunk bed. “I haven’t heard about that place before.”

“I think it’s very far south of here other than that, I know nothing about it.” James told him.

Then they heard a yawn, it was Lumi. “This is all exciting and all, but I am going to bed, I had more exciting for one day.” They all agreed with that.

Everyone went to their rooms to get ready for two last day at the school.

Author's Note:

I hope you guys wasn't scared of this chapter.

A new Pokemon and different looking Marowak, what will they encounter next?

Next chapter will the last part of the summer school chapters.

Artic Ace belongs to MLPFan1
Shadow Moonrise belongs to Vakama95096
Lumi Koude is an OC created by me and FrostTheWolf

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