• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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The Forbidden Forest part 1

James and Luna was still on their way to the next town, but memory of what happened the day before is still in their memory.

Yesterday; James ran over to Luna who was sitting on the ground, he grabbed her shoulders. “Luna, are you okay?” She didn’t respond, so he decided to shake her, that got her back to reality. He asked again. “Are you okay?” She didn’t answer him, she decided to hug him, then she started to cry. James was surprised of her action, he didn’t say anything, he just returned the hug and let her cry.

He then heard some noise and saw that Magnezone was getting up, Magnezone shocked his body/head, it then saw James and Luna. It was about to attack them but then heard some growling, James and Magnezone look where the growling came from and not far from them stood Raikou. Raikou was giving Magnezone a very angry look, Magnezone started to shake violently, then James could swear the he was Magnezone pee himself. ‘Wow, I didn’t think that was possible.’ Then Magnezone flew, he just wanted to get away so fast he could.

Then both of them heard a roar coming from Raikou, Luna was to scare to look at the Pokémon. James gave Raikou a thank you nod. the thunder Pokémon returned the nod, then it ran away. Leaving James alone with Luna.

Then Luna’s Pokémon started to recover, Jolteon and Onix was concern when they saw what stated she was in. Gible on the other hand, he was furious at first, his trainer had thrown him at Magnezone, he was beyond angry. But then he saw the stated she was in, scared and she was crying. The anger disappeared and was replaced with concern, he walk over to her and placed a hand on her leg, she didn’t react, just cried on James shoulder. They just sat there for a while before Luna could move and they walk away from the awful place.

After reminding himself what happened, James looked at Luna. He had been in her place before, but he didn’t want to push her. He was about to ask her how she was doing when they heard noises behind some trees that was behind them, then a giant bird appeared, it had giant wing, giant beak and a red hair that look like a mohawk.

Luna had no clue what kind of Pokémon that was, but James knew. “What’s a Fearow doing in this forest?” Before anyone off them could figure it out, Fearow flew towards them, it was too fast for them to react and Fearow grabbed Luna by her shoulders with its claws, Fearow then flew away with her. James just stood there, stunned by what he saw. “You got to be kidding me.” Then he heard Luna screaming and started to run after them.

“LET ME GO YOU FEAKING BIRD.” Luna screamed at Fearow but then she looked down and saw that she was pretty high up and she regretted what she said, she then saw James running after them, but he couldn’t keep up. They were flying to fast. “JAMES, HELP.”

James wasn’t fast enough, and he knew that, so he found a Pokéball and threw it in the air while running, out came Swellow. It spread it’s wing. “Swelloooooow.” At first, Swellow was a little confuse why his trainer let him but then he saw Luna and the Fearow. “Swellow, I want you to follow that Fearow but don’t attack it. Got it?” James told the swallow Pokémon while running, Swellow nodded. “Good, now go. I will catch up.” With that Swellow followed Fearow at a distance.

Luna meanwhile, was trying to break Fearow grip on her. “Would you let me go you stupide bird.” She tried to break free, but the grip was to strong. She was about to kick the Fearow but then she saw something, a giant fence in front off her and the Fearow was heading straight towards it.

James was running as fast as he could to save Luna, he also saw the giant fence that he was running towards. His eyes widen when he saw the fence. “Oh no, not this place.” He started to run faster.

The Fearow carried Luna over the fence and longer into forest and James’s Swellow followed them, James on the other hand had to stop in front of the entrance, he was breathing heavily from the running. “Great, just great. I was hoping to avoid this place.” He look up at the giant fence wondering how to get past. “What do I do now?” He was about to find someplace to clime up when he heard some noise to his right.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” Said a voice, coming towards him was as to humans with hoods on their heads so he couldn’t see their faces. “This place is off limits.” They stop not far from James. “No humans are allowed to enter this place.” They told him.

“I know about this place already, there’s bunch of angry grass Pokémon that don’t like humans. I don’t really care, a Fearow ‘kidnapped’ a girl I’m traveling with.”

James couldn’t see it, but he knew they were shocked to hear it. “A Fearow took a girl and flew over the fence? How do we know that you are not lying?”

James just rolled his eyes. “Believe what do want, I going to save her, with or without your help.” James started to walk away but didn’t come very far.

“Wait, let’s us take you to the elder. He know what to do.” Said one of them.

James sighed, they might be abled to help him, he didn’t know too much of this place. “Fine, let’s go and talk to this elder.” They started to walk where the two guys came from. ‘Something tells me that won’t help.’ He thought while walking after them.

Luna was still trying to break free from Fearow’s grip, but he was holding tied, she had to come up with another plan. “Okay Luna, think.” She could try and ram her knee into the birds stomach, that would make it lose it grip, that’s for sure. But then she look down and she was very high up, she would not survive the fall. She then looked around to see if there was tree she could land in and lucky for her, they were heading to a tree that was big enough for her to grab the branches. “I have to time this perfectly.” She started to wing her body.

The tree came closer and closer, when they were a few feet from it Luna rammed her knee into Fearow’s stomach. The pain was so painful that Fearow let go Luna and she started to fall towards the ground, luckily for her there was a tree right under her. She managed to grab the closest branch before she hit the ground.

After grabbing the branch, Luna tried to calm her self down. “Two death experience in two days, why does this happened to me?” She then watch as Fearow flew off. “You are not getting me for diner you stupide bird.” She shouted after it, she took a few deep breath to calm herself down, she then look down. ‘I better take this very carefully.‘ She thought for herself as she started to climb down.

She was about to clime down when she heard wing beat, she started to look around and saw that another bird was coming towards. She thought that it was the same bird who took her but luckily it wasn’t, it was James Swellow. She was very happy to see it.

Swellow stopped in front of her and hover. “Swellow, boy am I glad to see you.”


Luna didn’t understand what Swellow said but she didn’t care. “Can you fly back to James and let him now that I am okay and will try and find a way out?” Swellow nodded and started to fly back. While he did that, Luna started to clime down the tree. “One branch at the time Luna, one branch at the time.” She told herself as she descend.

James on the other hand had been lead to the man named old man Obee, who was the leader of this ‘cult’ or whatever they were. At this point James didn’t care, all he wanted to do was to save Luna.

“What the hell do you mean I can’t enter? I just told you that a Fearow took a girl and flew over the fence.” James shouted at the old man.

“Calm down young man, shouting will not get you anywhere.” Sais and old man with long beard, which was Obee.

“I will not calm down, there’s a girl on the other side of the fence with a bunch of angry grass Pokémon who hate humans and you won’t do anything.”

The story goes that humans came to the area to capture grass Pokémon because they were so strong. As time went on, the grass Pokémon became feed up with it and they started to fight back and hurt humans, so a they build a giant fence to keep the humans out and the grass Pokémon safe, and also so the Pokémon didn’t attack the humans.

“And I believe you young man, we will go and discuss how to handle this the right way. If you will excuse us.” He and the two who had brought James to the old man started to walk to one of the house in the village.

James could only watch as they walk away. He crossed his arms in frustration. “The right way my ass, while they do that, Luna is probably being attack by grass Pokémon.” He looked towards the forest. “I hope that she is alright.” He then saw something flying towards him, it was Swellow. “Finally, I hope that Swellow has some good news.” He started to walk towards Swellow to meet him halfway.

Swellow landed in front of it’s trainer. “Is Luna okay?” James asked Swellow, he nodded. James breath a sigh of relief when he heard that. “That’s good to hear.” He then looked over to house where that old geezer and the other went. “There’s no way I am going to wait for them.” He looked back to Swellow. “Let’s go Swellow, let’s go and find Luna.” Swellow nodded and took off while James started to run back to the entrance to the fence.

Luna had finally managed to climb down from the three, once she was down on the ground she look up at the three. “I really hope that I never have to do that again.” She then decided to have a look around. “Where am I and why was there a giant fence around this place?” She started to get very nervous. “I need to find a way out.” She started to walk. After some walking she arrived at a river. “Maybe I can follow this.” She did that. After some more walking she arrived at a waterfall, she was about to find a way down when she heard something.

“Bulb bulb bulb.”

It was a voice, so she decide to find out whose voice it was, unfortunately the voice was coming from the edge of the waterfall. She approached the edge very carefully and the closer she got she could see someone holding on for dear life with its forearms, when she could finally see what it was, it a was Pokémon. It was light green with dark green spots and it had a seed on it’d back. She was about to take out her Pokédex when the Pokémon started to lose it’s grip, instead of doing that she grabbed the Pokémon forearms and pulled it up.

She pulled the Pokémon a little to hard, she landed on her back while the Pokémon landed on her stomach. They lay there a little until Luna decided to speak. “Well, that happened.” She looked up at the Pokémon who was lying on her stomach, it was holding on to her stomach and it’s eyes was close, it was also shaking with fear. Luna thought it was kind of cute. “Is it possible you can get off me? You are safe now.” The Pokémon listen, it clime off her without looking at her, it was more focus on the ground.

When the Pokémon was on the ground, Luna sat up and decide to see which Pokémon it was.

Bulbasaur the Seed Pokémon. Bulbasaur can be seen napping in bright sunlight. There is a seed on its back. By soaking up the sun’s rays, the seed grows progressively larger.

She took a closer look at the information and saw that Bulbasaur was one of the beginner Pokémon from Kanto. ‘Wow, a beginner Pokémon. It must be one of those rear once that James mentioned a while ago, I think.’ She thought for herself while putting away her Pokédex. She looked at Bulbasaur who was still shaking, and eyes closed. ‘I guess it’s still scared.’ She decided to pat Bulbasaur on the head to try and calm it down. “It’s okay, you are safe now.” It helped, Bulbasaur calmed down.

Bulbasaur opened it’s eyes to see who it saviour was, when he saw Luan he started to back away and Luna could see the fear in it’s eyes. Bulbasaur had never seen a human before but he had heard stories about them, stories how they captures grass Pokémon and that they were dangerous.

When Luna saw the fear in Bulbasaur eyes she didn’t understand why the Pokémon was so afraid, she was not going to hurt him. “Hey, it’s okay Bulbasaur, I’m not going to hurt you.” Luna told the seed Pokémon with a reassuring smile, it help. Bulbasaur calmed down but he was still wary about her so approach her very carefully, when he was a couple of centimetres from her, he send out one of his vines and he started to touch her face. Luna didn’t move, she just smiled of his behaviour.

When he was done touching her face and concluded that she was not dangerous, he gave her a big smile. “I guess you don’t think that I am dangerous anymore.” Bulbasaur shocked his head. “That’s good, now. Mind telling me why we’re dangling of a cliff?” Bulbasaur’s cheeks became red when she said that, he looked down in shame. “Hey, I’m not judging you, I was just curious why it happened.”

Bulbasaur looked up and walk to the edge, Luna got up and followed him. Then he was standing on the edge and looking down, Luna approached the edge very carefully, so she wouldn’t fall down. Looking down she could see that Bulbasaur was looking at a flower a couple of meters below them. “Oh, you wanted that flower, but you couldn’t reached it and fell over.” Bulbasaur nodded.

Luna saw that the flower was one some rocks and there was a way down, but it was way too dangerous for her. She looked over to Bulbasaur who had a sad face. ‘I guess he really want that flower.’ She then looked down on the flower again. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this.’ She step back a little. “Let’s see if we can get flower for you.” Bulbasaur looked at her with a confused face, if he couldn’t get the flower, how could she?

He then watch as the human reach for something on her belt, it was a red and white ball, she then pressed a button and the ball grown. She then threw it up in the air and white flash came out of it and then a Pokémon materialised right in front of Bulbasaur, he just watch in awe of what happened. Bulbasaur could see that the new Pokémon was a grass type, but he had never seen it before.

“Grovyle.” The new Pokémon reacted to the human. “Do you think you can jump down the cliff and fetched a flower for Bulbasaur?” Grovyle just stared at his trainer, blinking a couple of time trying understand why she said that. He then looked at Bulbasaur who looked back at him with awe, he then walked to the cliff and looked down. He could see some flower on a rock, he then understand why. Grovyle then jump down and jump from rock to rock until he reached the flower, he then grabbed it and started to jump up the cliff.

Luna and Bulbasaur watch as Grovyle made it look easy, they had the back up when the wood gecko jump up and took a somersault before he landed between Luna and Bulbasaur with the flower in his hand. Luna crossed her arms of his behaviour. “Show off.” Grovyle just smiled. He then gave the flower to Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur just started at the flower, unsure how to react. Here was a human he thought was evil but instead, she help him get a flower he wanted. She looked up at Grovyle who just smiled at him, Bulbasaur then smiled back, he then grabbed the flower with wines that came out from his seed on the back. He was happy, very happy.

Luna just watch the hole thing and couldn’t help but fell happy that she had help Bulbasaur. She was about to ask the seed Pokémon where the exit was, but she never got the chance.

Out of the forest came a bunch of Pokémon that Luna had never seen before, they all looked like giant flower and they looked vert angry. They stood in front of Bulbasaur, protecting him. Before Luna could do anything. they attack her and Grovyle with bunch of different attacks, the attacks created a small explosion that launch her and Grovyle off the cliff and into water down below.

Author's Note:

Is this a cliffhanger? I don’t know.

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