• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Trouble at the Weather Institute

Shadow just gave her reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, it going to take more than this to hurt Charmeleon, he can handle this.” Luna wasn’t sure if she believed him, but she trusted him.

Then all off sudden it started to snow. “What’s going on?” Ace asked no one in particular.

“We are closed to weather institute, follow me.” James told them, he then started to run towards a building in the distant. It was four storeys building with a giant dish beside it.

“Where did that building come from?” Said Ace.

“Who cares, as long we get away from the snow.” Said Luna who starting to freeze, she then ran after James. Ace, Shadow and Charmeleon followed her.

Once they reached the building they went inside. Once inside, Luna rapped her arms around her body to try and warm herself. “Is the weather around here always like this?” She asked James

“Yes, they use that giant dish outside to control the weather.” James told her

Luna had no idea what a dish was, but she asked her question anyway. “Why are they controlling the weather?”

James was about to explain why, but someone ells beat him to it. “We are studying weather from all over the world and see how different they are.”

Walking towards them was a man, he was wearing a lab coat with a yellow shirt and a green tie. On his shoulder was a Pokémon Luna hadn’t seen before, it looked like a cloud with eyes. Luna decided to see what it was.

Castform the weather Pokémon. Castform borrows the power of nature to transform itself into the guises of the sun, rain and snow clouds. This Pokémon’s feelings change with the weather.

“It’s chance it’s form depending on the weather. Sounds impressive.” She said while putting away her dex.

James walked over to the man. “This is Bart, he is the leader of this institute.” He looked at Bart with an apologising look. “Sorry coming unwanted, it started to rain and snow.”

Bart rubbed his neck. “Sorry about that, we were doing some experiments and we didn’t know that were people outside.” He looked at James. “Nice to see you again, how long has it been? Seven years?”

James shrugged his shoulders. “Give or take.”

Bart looked at the rest. “And who are your friends?”

“The one with the bike is Artic Ace and he is from Unova” Ace waved. “The one with Charmeleon is Shadow Moonrise, he is from Kanto.” Shadow crossed his arm and nodded. “And the girl is Luna, she is from the same town as me. We are on our way to professor Birch summer school when we were caught in your weather.”

Bart bowed. “Again, I am sorry for that.” He got up. “Why don’t I give you a tour of the facility as an apology.” They didn’t mind that. “You have to leave you bike behind.” Bart told Ace.

Ace hesitated for a moment. “Fine, but I am not leaving it outside.” He said while walking to a wall with his bike. “I don’t want it rust.”

“You know that will take years before that happened and it has to out in the rain all the time.” James told him.

“I don’t care, I am not taking any chances.” He said while leaning his bike towards the wall.

James just shook his head, Shadow thought it was a little funny while Luna didn’t understand, she wasn’t biggest fan of bikes.

“Just follow me.” Bart started to walk further into the building and the gang followed him. While walking, Luna still wonder how they could control the weather. She knew that Pegasus in Equestria could do it but that humans could do it, that was amazing.

Meanwhile on the outside of the institute, a human was standing under a tree, masked by the shadow of the tree. “So, this is the weather institute where they have the data of Groudon and Kyogre, if can get my hands on that data I can sell it for a fortune on the black market.” He then just disappeared.

Bart was leading the Luna and the other through the institute, they were currently walking in a hallway. “The computers here contain weather data that’s collected from all over the world, we are trying find out how Pokémon react to different weather situation.”

“Isn’t that a little cruel towards Pokémon?” Luna asked with some concern in her voice.

“Don’t worry, we don’t do it against their will.” He told her with a smile, which made her relax a little, she still didn’t like the idea that they tested on Pokémon.

They arrived at opened room with a lot equipment that Luna had never seen before, she recognised some off them when she was in professor Birch lab, but these she saw now was a lot bigger.

“This is the central computer room this is where we store all the of our data.” Bart told them.

“Please don’t tell me you keep the data for Groudon and Kyogre stored here.” James asked him.

“Oh no, after what happened last time, we keep the data in a private computer and only a few can access it.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Luna tilted her head when she heard them talking. “Groudon and Kyogre?”

“Groudon and Kyogre are two of three legendary Pokémon in Hoenn, the last one is Rayquaza. According to legend, these three Pokémon help shade Hoenn. It’s also said that Kyogre has dominion over hydrosphere, Groudon lithosphere and Rayquaza atmosphere.”

“I have no idea what you just said.” It all went over Luna’s head, she understood Rayquaza part but not the two others.

“Kyogre the weather, Grouden the earth, I think you understood Rayquaza part.” That she did, in some sense. She was about to ask what was so special about those three Pokémon, when her stomach made a noise signalling that it was time to eat.

Part couldn’t help but laugh. “Why don’t we go to the cafeteria and get something to eat, I could use some food myself.” They all agreed with that and they left for the cafeteria.

As soon as they left, a window high above open and shadowlike figure drop down. The figure looked around and smiled when he saw that it was empty. “This is to easy it’s barely a challenge.” The figure walked over to one of the computers and started it up. “Now, let’s see what kind of secrets they have here.” The figure started to go through the files.

Meanwhile in the security room, the local security guard was watching over the security cameras. Well, he was bored to death, he was leaning back in his chair and his feet was on the control panel, he let out a big yawn. “Man, I don’t understand why Bart want to make this place more secure, nothing has happened since the incident eight years ago.” The security guard almost fell asleep when he saw one of the buttons on his dashboard started to flash. “What the…? Someone is trying to steal the data in the computer room.” He hit the button and saw on one the monitor that there was someone there and he didn’t recognise the person. It was a man, that’s for sure and he was dressed in black overall. “I better alert Bart.” He grabbed his walkie talkie.

Bart, James and the others had just sat down to eat when Bart’s walkie talkie started to make some noise. “Bart, you there? You need to answer now.”

Bart grabbed his walkie that hanging from his pants. “What going Jim?” He answered.

“There is someone stealing data from the computer room.” Said the guard knows as Jim.

“Are you sure? We were just there.” James and the others looked at each other with worried looks.

“Yes, I am sure, I am looking at the screen right now and there is a man there stealing the data.”

Bart hesitated a little before answering. “Keep an eye on him, I will be right there.” He got up. “I have to deal with this.”

Them James stood up. “I am coming too, there no way I am going to let someone steal your data.” Luna and the boys agreed with that as they got up.

Bart smiled when he heard that. “Thanks, let’s hurry, I want to stop him before he steal important data.” They all ran towards the computer room.

“Oh, come on, I had just started to eat.” Said frustrated Ace, he grabbed a few sandwiches and ran after them.

“What the hell? There’s no data about Groudon and Kyogre.” The thief had been searching for data about the legendry Pokémon, but he had no luck. “Wait a minute.” He pressed a few buttons. “The data is on a different computer.” He let out a frustrated sigh. “I guess I have to steal the data about the weather, I hope I can get good price for it.” He reached for his pocket and took out disk, he then slide it into the computer to copy the data, it didn’t take long. He grabbed the disk when it came out. “There we go.” He was about to leave when a door opened, and five people came into the room. “That’s my cue to leave.” He was about to head out the window he came in but realized it was to high up, he ran for the nearest door.

Bart and the rest saw the thief ran out a door on the other side of the room. “Hey, get back her with that data.” They ran after him. Bart grabbed his walkie. “Where is he going Jim?” Bart asked him while running.

“It looks like he’s heading towards the back exit.” Jim answered. That was all the information Bart needed.

The thief burst out the back exit, she stopped for a moment to catch his breath. “I think I lost them.” He then heard footsteps behind him, he then looked back saw the same people running towards him. “I guess not.” The thief started to run again.

“We can’t let him get away with that data.” Bart said as soon as they were outside.

“I got it.” Said James while he took out four Pokéballs and threw them into the air. “Come out and stop that thief.” He told the Pokémon.

Out came Arcanine, Swellow, Manectric and Lucario, they all managed to block the thief way. “Shit.” Almost every way, he ran to his left which wasn’t block but he didn’t get far, a giant Onix was in his way. He halted in his tracks. “This is not good.” He looked around and saw that it was no way to escape. Pokémon and humans was blocking his path.

Bart step forward. “Give me the data and I won’t call the police.”

The thief smile under his mask. “I have a better idea.” He took out a Pokéball. “I’ll battle you for it, if I lose, I will give you the data but if I win you will let me go, refuse the offer and I will destroy the disk. Just so you know, I deleted the data you had so that means I have the only copy.” It was a lie but they didn’t know that.

Bart clench his fist, if the thief was telling the truth then he had no choice. “Fine, I accept your challenge.” Bart wasn’t the best trainer, but he could hold his own.

Before he could do anything, Shadow step forward. “Let me handle this one.” He told Bart.

“Are you sure about this Shadow? You don’t know which Pokémon he is going to use.”

“Don’t worry Bart, I will win and get your data back, if there’s one thing I hate and that’s a petty thief.” Shadow walk towards the thief. “I will be your opponent.”

The thief just shrugged his shoulders. “Fine by me, I don’t care who I battle.”

Luna looked at James with a worried look. “Do you think that Shadow can win considering he didn’t bring his Charmeleon with him?” Charmeleon wasn’t offend that Shadow didn’t pick him, he had fait in his trainer.

James crossed his arms. “That depends on which Pokémon the thief are using, and I am pretty sure which one, is he going to win? We’ll see.”

The thief threw the Pokéball. “Let’s go Ninjask.” Out came a Pokémon that looked like a flying bug, its body was black, and its head was golden, it had two red eyes. Luna and ace checked the data.

Ninjask the ninja Pokémon. Ninjask moves around at such a high speed that it cannot been seen, even while its crying can be clearly heard. For that reason, this Pokémon was long believed to be invisible.

“Wow, its sound like a fast Pokémon.” Said Ace with wonder in his voice.

“Yeah, the dex is right about it’s speed. Ninjask is possible the fast Pokémon to ever existed.” Said James.

“Are you saying that Shadow doesn’t stand a chance?” Luna asked James.

“That depends on which Pokémon he chooses.”

Shadow threw a Pokéball in the air. “Come on Druddigon.” Out came a blue Pokémon with red tags on its body, its head as also red. They check the data again.

Druddigon the cave Pokémon. it races through caves, using its sharp claws to catch prey. The skin on its face is harder than a rock.

James was surprised by Shadow’s choice. “Well, this should be interesting.” He said while crossing his arms.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked him.

“It’s drawn against speed.”

When the thief laughed when he saw Shadow’s choice. “Oh man, you aren’t pretty smart, are you?” He teats Shadow.

It didn’t even face Shadow. “Let’s just battle.”

“Fine by me, use fury cutter.” One of Ninjask claws started to glow, it then started to fly towards Druddigon. The attack hit.

“Why would Shadow let the attack hit? It doesn’t make sense.” Said Luna while trying to figure it out.

“It does, look at Ninjask.” Luna did and it looked like Ninjask was in pain. “Druddigon’s abilitie it’s called rough skin, when a Pokémon use a physical attack against Druddigon, that Pokémon gets hurt.” Luna was amazed when she heard that, she had been on the road for almost three months and she still learn something new about Pokémon.

Back to the battle.

“Your telling me that I aren’t that smart when you use a physical attack against a Druddigon. Now, it’s my turn, use dragon claw.” Giant green claws started to grow on its hand, Druddigon started to run towards Ninjask.

The thief just smiled. “Use agility.” When Druddigon was about to hit the ninja Pokémon, it disappeared.

Both Luna and Ace was shocked when they saw what happened. “What did just happened? Where did Ninjask go?” Ace asked while looking around after the ninja Pokémon.

“I was afraid of this.” Both them looked at James. “Ninjask IS one of the fastest Pokémon and combined with agility, you saw what happened. It’s tough one to beat.”

“Is there a way to beat it?” Luna asked him.

“Yes, it is. Let’s hope that Shadow figure it out before it’s too late.”

While they were talking, Ninjask was flying around Druddigon in an incredible speed. “If you think that physical attacks it’s all Ninjask can, you are wrong. Use Shadow ball.” Then it looked like a black ball came out of nowhere and it hit Druddigon right in the face, he staggered back a little.

Luna was trying to find out where the attack was coming from, but Ninjask was just too fast. “Wow, the Pokédex wasn’t lying, Ninjask is fast.”

“Yeah, it… sure is.” It was Ace but, something sounded not right it sounded like he was eating. James and Luna looked at him and saw that he was eating, they both gave him deadpan stare. He saw that. “What? I’m hungry.” James rolled his eyes while Luna just shook her head of Ace behaviour.

Back to the battle. Druddigon was hit by multiply of shadow balls. ‘I have to do something, or I am going to lose, there have to be a way to find out where Ninjask is.’ Shadow started to think, Ninjask was a bug that could fly. He then got an idea. “Druddigon.” The cave Pokémon looked back at its trainer. “Close your eyes, listen to its wing beat and find out where Ninjask is.” Druddigon nodded, he closed his eyes and listen.

The thief on the other hand, didn’t think it would work. “If you really think you can find Ninjask like that? You are wrong. Keep using shadow ball.” Ninjask zoomed around Druddigon and attack him with shadow ball after shadow ball.

Druddigon was starting to feel the many attacks but he had to endure them, losing was not an option. He listen to Ninjask wing beat and eventually he managed to figure out where the ninja Pokémon was, he opened his eye. “Use dragon pulls.” Druddigon let out a purple beam from its mouth and the attack managed to hit one of Ninjask wings.

The thief was in shock when he saw that. “How the…?” Was all he managed to say. “Use dragon claw and end this.” Giant green claws appeared again on Druddigon hands, he the struck Ninjask so hard that the Pokémon flew back so into its trainer and knocking them both out.

As the thief feel backwards, the disk slip out of his hand and landed on in the grass. Shadow went over and picket it, he then want to Bart and gave him the disk. “I believe this is yours.”

Bart couldn’t help but smile as he was handed the disk. “Thank you, Shadow, you have no idea what this mean.”

Shadow just waved it off. “Don’t mention it, I am just glad I got the data back.”

Bart put the disk in one of his pockets on his coat. “And I am glad I got it back. Now, if you will all excuse me, I have to go and call the police so they can arrest the thief.” Bart head towards the institute.

While Bart was going to call the police, James and the others was walking towards Shadow and his Druddigon. “Nice work beating that Ninjask, using it wing beat to beat it, not bad.” James praised him.

“Thanks James, I wasn’t sure if it work but I had faith in Druddigon.” Druddigon just smiled.

“Speaking about Druddgion, where the heck did you find one? They usually stay inside caves they don’t venture outside them.” James asked Shadow.

“They don’t?” Luna asked them.

“No, normally they don’t venture outside, I just happened to come across this Druddgion when he was outside, so I caught him.” After Shadow’s explanation, the police showed up and arrested the thief.

“I can’t thank you all enough, especially you Shadow.” After the police had left, James and the gang had gathered outside the institute to venture towards the summer school.

“As I said before, don’t mention it, I was just happy to help.”

Bart couldn’t help but smile of Shadow’s modesty. “I am guessing you are heading to the professor Birch summer school?” He asked them.

“That’s right.” Said James.

“Well, tell the professor I said hi.”

“I will Bart, I will.”

They all shock hands with Bart and then left towards the school.

Author's Note:

I would like to apologize crappy ending, I just wanted to be done with it.

The next chapter; going back to school.

Artic Ace belongs to MLPFan1
Shadow Moonrise belongs to Vakama95096

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