• Published 15th Apr 2015
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Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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A Sleeping Snorlax

James and Luna were headed to Mauville city so Luna could earn her third badge, right now they were in the woods trying to find James’s aunt who lives in there. But they were lost.

“We are lost.”

“For the tenth time Luna we are not lost.” James stared to get frustrated by her complaining.

“You are the one holding the map and you still can’t locate where your aunt lives, we should have asked for direction by the people we met on the way into the woods but no you said we didn’t need it. Why do you boys have trouble asking for help?” Luna asked him.

James just rolled his eyes. “I didn’t ask for direction because I know where she lives.” He looked at the map again. ‘Although it’s been a while since I visited her.’ He thought to himself, suddenly he stood and so did Luna.

“Are you ready to admit that we are lost.” She asked him he did not answer him. “Did you hear me?” He hushes her.

“Can you be quiet I’m trying to listen.”

“Listen? After what?”

“A river, she lives near one.”

Both were quiet so they could hear a river but they heard nothing.

“Ok this is strange, we should have heard a river flow she lives next to one.” Luna did not hear what James said she just went further into the woods. “Luna, where are you going.” She did not answer him. “So how did you lose a pony from another world James? She just wandered into the woods alone professor Birch.” He sighted. “Why me.” He then followed her.

Luna followed the sound she heard, it sounded like someone was breathing heavily. When she arrived she saw a Pokémon she had never seen before it sat on the ground while leaning against a tree, it looked like a giant bug and it was green, it had blades for hands it had a scar on it’s right eye and it was hurt.

“Scyther scyt.”

“It’s a Scyther.” She looked behind her and there stood James. “And judging by the damage it has received, he has been in a battle and lost.”

She took out her Pokédex.

Scyther the Mantis Pokémon. Scyther is blindingly fast. It’s blazing speed enhances the effectiveness of the twin scythes on its forearms. This Pokémon’s scythes are so effective they can slice through thick logs in one wicked strokes.

“Why was in a battle.” Luna asked him.

“You see Scyther usually travel in flock and they always have a leader, I guess that this Scyther WAS the leader.” She looked at him with a puzzled expression. “When a Scyther gets to old a younger Scyther may challenge the leader for the leadership, loser must leave the flock.”

Luna could not believe what she just heard.

“That’s just awful.”

“This is the way the world work, come on I want to find my aunt’s house before it gets dark.”

Luna did not like to admit it but he was right but that did not mean she had to like it, she gave James her Poké egg. “Here hold this.” She took off her backpack and took out an oran berry and started to walk very carefully towards Scyther.

“What are you doing?” James asked her.

“I’m going to help Schyter.”

“Are you crazy? He doesn’t want your help, he just lost to much younger Scyther and last thing he want is your help.”

Luna did not listen to what James said all she cared about was to the injured Schyter.

Schyter just sat there under the tree breathing heavily, he could not believe he lost to a younger Schyter so easily. Suddenly he heard footsteps he looked up and there and what he saw was a human, female and she was walking towards him and she had a oran berry with her. The last thing he wanted now was help especially from a human, he swung his arm toward the human to keep her away.

Luna barley managed to dodge the attach, it was clear that this Schyter did not want her help but she did not care.

“Let him be Luna he does not want your help.”

“No, he’s hurt and I’m helping him.”

Schyter tried to attack again but the pain was too much. Luna sat down on her knees a few meters from him, she put the oran berry down right in front of him. Schyter looked at the berry then at her.

“I’m not here to hurt you I am trying to help.”

“Schyter.” Was the answer she got.

“Your hurt and need help.”

He tried to attack her again but the pain was just too much, Luna saw this.

“Listen you don’t need to accept this berry from me, you can pretend it fell down from a tree. Nevertheless, I let it lie there so you can eat it later.”

And with that she got up and walked back to James, he gave her back the egg.

“You are really weird.” James said to her.

“I know.” Luna answered.

And with that out the way, they went on to find James’s aunt while Schyter just sat there and looked at the berry Luna had left him, he wondered why the human was so kind to him.

After a while they finally found the house but it looked more like a cabin, it had door with two windows with a campfire and a cooking pot hanging over it, the cabin was in an opening with tree which had a lot of food and it was also a river there but it was dry. Luna also noticed was all the Pokémon that were there, many were playing while some ate. Once they saw Luna and James they stopped what they were doing and then they ran into the woods.

A woman came out of the cabin, she had long black hair that reached to the middle of her back and she was wearing something that looked like overalls.

“Wait, where are you all going?” She asked the Pokémon that ran away.

“Aunt Sara.”

Sara looked behind her and when she saw who was spoke, she could only smile.

“Well look who it is my nephew James.” They gave each other a hug. “How’s your mother? Still the same?”

“You have no idea.”

Sara could only laugh at what her nephew said. “That bad?” James just nodded. “She never change.” Then she saw Luna. “How’s the girl? Your girlfriend?” James blushed.

“Why does everyone say that?”

Sara rubbed his head. “I’m just having a little fun with you.” She walked over to Luna and held out a hand to greet, Luna gladly shook her hand. “So you’re the trainer that James are helping.”

“Yes my name is Luna, nice to meet you.”

“Likewise, it was about time that my nephew got out on a journey again. Where are you from Luna?”


“Never heard about it.”

“It’s a country very long away from her, you can say that I need a vacation.”

Before Sara could say anything else James interrupted her.

“Hey aunt Sara, what happened to the to the river?”

Luna and Sara walked over to James who was standing by the dry river.

“I don’t know it was like this when I woke up this morning.”

“If I remember correctly the source comes from a mountain farther into the forest.”

“That’s correct but I have not dare to go and find out it’s dry, there are too many vile Pokémon that can attack you in the forest. You can see the mountain from her.”

Sara pointed in a direction into the forest, James and Luna looked in that direction and what they saw was a mountain.

“Alright then.”

James started to walked up the dry river, both girls was shocked by what he did.

“Where are you going?” Luna asked him.

“I’m going to find out why the river is dry.” He answered her.

“Did you not hear what your aunt said? There are many wild Pokémon in the forest.”

“Yes I heard her but we are both Pokémon trainers so wild Pokémon will not be a problem for us.”

Both Luna and Sara looked at each other, they just shrug they shoulders and followed James. After while of walking they were deep inside the forest, James and Luna had released Lucario and Poochyena form their Pokéballs. James was waking in front with Lucario and Poochyena while Luna and Sara walked behind them, no one had said anything since they left the cabin.

“So Sara, why do you live out in the woods instead of in town?” Luna asked her.

“I’ve never felt comfortable in the city, I tried to become a Pokémon doctor but I never managed to take the exam so I moved out in the woods, out here I can help Pokémon without others telling me what to do.”

“So what are you then?”

“You can call me a Pokémon care taker.”

After a while finally arrived at the mountain without any problems and there lay the biggest Pokémon Luna had seen yet.

“There is the problem, a Snorlax.” James told them, Luna took out her Pokédex.

Snorlax the sleeping Pokémon and evolved form of Munchlax. Snorlax’s typical day consists of nothing of more than eating and sleeping. It is such a docile Pokémon that there are children who use its expansive belly as a place to play.

Snorlax lay exactly where the water came out and there the river began.

“Can’t we just wake it up?” Luna asked.

“Rule number 1, you never wake up a sleeping Snorlax without a Pokéflut.”

“What’s that?“ Luna asked Sara

“A Pokéflut is an instrument you use to wake up sleeping Pokémon, especially Snorlax.”

“How do we get one.”

Sara put hand on her cheek to think, she snapped her fingers.

“The hermit.”

“What hermit?” James asked his aunt.

“If I remember correctly a hermit lives near the mountain, come on followed me.”

Sara started walking along the mountainside, James and Luna followed her.

“Why are we going to this hermit aunt Sara?”

“A while back a man came by my cabin with an injured Sneasel so I treated its injuries, after I was finish he gave me some money for the job but I told him that I would not take them because heling a Pokémon was all the reward I needed but he insisted so I took the money. When he stared to walk back into the forest my curiosity took over so I followed him I keep my distance of course. After a while we finally arrived where he lives, there were nothing abnormal with the place so I left him alone.”

“That does not explain why we are going to him.”

“I’m getting to that part James.” Sara answered her nephew. “I was about to leave when I heard music, I turned around and he was playing a Pokéflut. The music made me feel relaxed, then many different Pokémon came out the bushes and gathered around the hermit they just sat there listening to him play. It was such a peaceful melody.”

When they finally arrived at the hermit’s place it was just as Sara had said there was nothing special about the place, it looked almost like Sara’s cabin except for a chair, it looked like no one was home. Sara walked over to the door and knocked on the door a few times but no one answered.

“It looks like he is not home.” Said Sara.

“What now? We can’t just walk around in the woods and look for him.” James asked.

“What are you three doing at my cabin.”

All three turned toward the direction where the voice came from and there stood the hermit with two buckets one in each hand, he wore a hood over his head so they could not see his face. Sara step forward.

“I’m sorry to bother you sir but we need to borrow your Pokéflut.”

“Why must you borrow it and how do you know that I have one?” The hermit asked with anger in his voice.

“We need it to wake up a Snorlax that’s blocking water coming out of the mountain and the time you came with your injured Sneasel I followed you back to your place out of curiosity, I saw that you used the Pokéflut.”


When they heart what he said they were shocked.

“Why not?”

The hermit walked past them and put the bucket on the ground near the campfire he turned to face James and the others.

“Why should I wake up a Snorlax? If a Snorlax want to sleep by side of a mountain the who am I to argue?”

“But sir, what about the Pokémon that lives in this forest? They need water to live.”

“Not my problem.”

Luna could not believe what she heard here was a man who could help them with Snorlax and he would not do it, he did not even have a reason and that mad her angry.

“I challenge you to a battle.” Thy all looked at Luna.

“What did you just said?” He asked her.

“I said, I challenge you to a battle. If I win then you use your Pokéflut to wake up Snorlax if you win we leave you alone, do you accept my challenge?”

“If it gets you to leave me alone then fine.”

Luna turned to Sara and gave her the egg. “Can you hold this?” Sara just nodded

The hermit and Luna stood some distance from each other while James stood in the middle.

“How many Pokémon will you use.” James asked them.

“I have only one.” Said the hermit, James looked at Luna. “Is that okay for you?” Luna nodded.

“Alright then, this will be a one on one when your Pokémon is unable to battle anymore you have lost. Are you both ready?” Luna and the hermit nodded their heads. “Then begin.”

“Come out Sneasel.”

'What kind of Pokémon is that.’ Luna thought while she took out her Pokédex.

Sneasel the Sharp claw Pokémon. Sneasel scales trees by punching its hooked claws into the bark. This Pokémon seeks out unguarded nests and steals eggs for food while the parents are away.

it’s ice and dark.’ Luna took out a Pokéball.

“Let’s go Riolu.” Out came Riolu ready for battle. “Use force palm Riolu.” Riolu started to run towards Sneasel ready to hit him.

“I don’t think so, Sneasel use quick attack.” Sneasel ran so fast that Riolu had no time to get away, he was hit so hard that he rolled backwards.

“Are you ok Riolu?” Luna asked, he got up and nodded.

“Is that all you got? Because I’m not impressed.” The hermit said to her. “Use icy wind.” Suddenly ice came out Sneasel mouth and hit Riolu hard, he fell down on one knee.

“Get up Riolu and use force palm again.” He got up and got ready to try and hit Sneasel again.

“Just give up, Sneasel use quick attack.” Sneasel ran towards Riolu.

“I don’t think so, use force palm on the ground Riolu.” He hit the ground so hard that Sneasel fell on his face, then Riolu hand stared to glow and he hit Sneasel in the head.

“What was that?” Luna asked no one particular.

“Riolu just learned brick break.” James told her.

“Cool, use brick break again.”

“I don’t think so, Sneasel use metal claw on Riolu’s feet.” Sneasel right hand started to glow and knocked Riolu of his feet. “Now use ice wind.”

“Quickly Riolu use double team.” Then all of sudden there were many Riolu, Sneasel started to panic.

“Pull yourself together Sneasel and use ice wind on all of the Riolu.” Again snow came out of Sneasel mouth and hit all of the Riolu around him, when he was done he saw that he missed the original. “What the…”

“Use brick break.”

“Look up Sneasel.” But it was too late, Riolu hit Sneasel so hard in the head that he passed out.

“Sneasel is not able to battle anymore that means that Riolu is the winner.”

Luna called back Riolu back to his Pokéball. “Now you are going to use your Pokéflut to wake up Snorlax.”

“Fine, let’s get this over with.”

And with that they were of too wake up Snorlax. When then arrived where Snorlax was sleeping the hermit took out his Pokéflut and started to play, it was the most lovely melody Luna had ever heard she was going to close her eyes but then suddenly Snorlax began to stir. Snorlax actually began to dance and Luna was amazed that a Pokémon that big could dance, when he was finished he wandered into the woods looking for food.

“There, I did what you wanted now leave me alone.” And with that the hermit walked back to his cabin.

“He’s not very social.” Said James.

“Oh no, the opening is still blocked.” Said Sara and she was right blocking the opening was rocks. “It must have happened last night, now what?”

“Don’t worry aunt Sara, I got this.” James looked at Lucario. “Lucario use aura sphere on the rocks but not full power.”

Lucario step forward, he held up his right arm a little blue orb appeared in his palm and he send the orb straight towards the rocks, as son the orb hit the rocks it created a small explosion. When the dust finally cleared the rocks was gone and the water was running again.

When Sara saw the river run again she gave James and Luna a hug each.

“Thank you both of you, now the Pokémon in the forest have water again.”

All three stood and watched the water run again little did they know that someone had seen it all.


Later that evening all three sat around the campfire eating supper discussing what has happened today.

“I must say Luna you’re a good trainer.”

When Luna heard that she blushed. “Thanks but I had good teacher.” Luna and Sara looked over at James who was busy eating a sandwich.

He stopped eating. “What? Why are you two looking at me?”

“Luna just said that she had a good teacher.” Sara answered.

James just shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t mention it, I did just what a normal trainer would do.” He went back to eating.

“If it not been for James I had given up when I we were in Dewford.”

That got Sara’s attention. “What happened?”

“She made a rookie mistake and got to cocky.” James told her.

Sara nodded. “Let me guess, you won your first badge and then you though that you could take on any gym without trainer your Pokémon.”

“That about right.” Luna said.

“You now, James did the exactly same thing.”

Luna looked at James with shocked expression. “You never told me that.”

“You never asked.”

Luna just rolled her eyes. “I guess you’re right.”

James stood up from table and headed toward the woods.

“Where are you going?” Sara asked him.

“Where do you think I’m going.” And with that he disappeared into the bushes.

Sara just shook her head. “That boy.” Then she noticed that Luna was looking at where James was sitting.

“You like him don’t you?”

Luna blushed. “Maybe, but every time something happens between us he freaks out. Maybe it’s not meant to be.” She looked down at the table with sad eyes.

“Don’t give up.”

Luna lifted her head from the table and looked at Sara who just smiled.

“Listen Luna I know that my nephew is a little weird when it comes to romance but that’s only because he has concentrated on Pokémon the last ten years and nothing else, perhaps you can reached out to him.”

After James got back they got ready of the night, James was busy putting up a tent he had bought tents in Slateport City when his aunt came out of the cabin.

“Need some help?” She asked him.

“Yes, can you hold the rope while I take care of the tent pole.”

Sara nodded and did as James said, no one said anything while they worked until Sara broke the silence.

“Are you sure do not want to sleep indoors?”

“Sleep indoors with two women one happened to my aunt, yeah right. I take my chance outside.”

“Are you sure? You’re going to sleep next to beautiful girl.”

When James heard that he missed tent pole and almost struck his hand.

“Aunt Sara cut it out, you’re as bad as mom.” He thought about what he just said. “Scratch that, she’s worse. Why are you so concerned with my love life?”

“We are just worried about James.”

“Well don’t be I don’t need a girlfriend, I have done just fine until now and I like it this way.”

“Who are you trying to trying to convince? Other or yourself?”

After she said that she walked into the cabin leaving James alone with his thoughts. The next morning after eating breakfast both James and Luna were ready to head to Mauville city, Sara had led them to a trail.

“This road will lead you two out of the woods and to Seaside cycling road and I have a gift for you Luna.” Sara took out a stone out of her backpack, it was round, green with something that looked like a lightning bolt inside. “It’s a thunder stone you can use it to evolve some Pokémon with it, it’s my thank you for helping.”

“Thanks Sara but what about James?” Luna asked them while she took the stone.

“Don’t worry about me I have many stones back home.”

They were about to leave when all of sudden a Schyter step out in the road, this Schyter had scar on his right eye it was same Schyter Luan and James had encountered before. He took up fighting stand.

“He want to battle you Luna.”

Luna looked at James with confused expression. “Me? Why me?”

“My guess is that you help him and he want to know how strong you are, so I suggest that you battle him now or he is not going to leave you alone.”

“If you say so.” Luna gave James her Poké egg and took out a Pokéball. “Come out Grovyle.” Grovyle came out his Pokéball ready for battle. “Use quick attack.” Grovyle ran towards Schyter and hit him before he got out of the way.

Then Schyter’s twin scythes started to glow. “Careful Luna, that’s fury cutter a bug type move.”

“Quickly Grovyle doge them.”

Schyter raised his arms and let out a battle cry. “SCHYTER.” He dash towards Grovyle with incredible speed he swung his arms with rage trying to hit Grovyle, Grovyle managed to dodge all of them. Schyter became even more angry.

“Counter them with leaf blade.”

The leaves on Grovyle’s arms started to glow until they were like knives, he traded blows with Schyter’s fury cutter until they both moves were locked with each other.

“Now use bullet seed.” Grovyle open its mouth and seeds came out of it and hit Schyter in the face, schyter staggered back. “Finish it with leaf blade.”

Grovyle hit Schyter so hard in the stomach that he passed out, Luna took out an empty Pokéball and threw it on Schyter and he disappeared into the ball. The ball landed on the ground it started to wiggle a couple of times and then came the pling, Luna had caught Schyter. Luna went over to picked up the Pokéball, well in her hand the Pokéball stared to glow and the light was gone the Pokéball was gone, when Luna saw this she stared to panic.

“Where did Schyter’s Pokéball go? Did I lose it?”

James walked over to her and puta hand on her shoulder to try to calm her down.

“Take it easy Luna.” James told her with a calm voice

“Take it easy? Schyter’s Pokéball just disappeared and I have no idea where it is.”

“It was transported to professor Birch lab, a Pokémon trainer can only have six at a time if you catch a new Pokémon that will be transported to where you got your Pokédex and that’s professor Birch lab.”

“You could have told me.” She said with some anger in her voice.

“Did you not read about in the book you were reading when I first saw you?”

“No, I did not get that far. So you are saying that Schyter is fine?”

“Yes, as soon we find a telephone we can call professor Birch lab so you can see for yourself.”

Sara walk over to them. “Now you have a new Pokémon, I wish you luck on you journey Luna.” She gave James a hug. “Don’t be a strange ok.”

He returned the hug. “I won’t.”

And with a new Pokémon on Luna’s team they were on the way to their next destination which was Seaside cycling road.

Author's Note:

I hope you all like the new chapter and Luna's new Pokémon, I don't now if there is a forest between Slateport and Seaside cycling road. Until next time.

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