• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Sunset vs Wattson

Author's Note:

I'm back and if any of you have anything to say about my gramman so keep it to yourself.

I though it was about time I wrote a gym battle that contained Sunset, hope you all like it.

James and Luna were headed to Mauville City so Luna could earn her third gym badge, right now James was standing on a hill looking over the city as the sun was setting.

“Wait up James.”

James looked over his shoulder and there came Luna who was waking a bit slow.

“It’s not my fault that you are slow.”

“Not your fault?” She answered with anger in her voice. “You said that the best way to get to Mauville was to use the cycling road, thanks to that I have a sore butt and some bikers almost kidnapped me. I’d say this IS your fault.”

“How would I know that you don’t have bikes where you came from.”

“I usually use my…. wow.”

As Luna caught up to James she looked over Mauville City as sun was going down, the sight was spectacular.

“That’s a big town.” Luna said with wonder in her voice.

“Well, Mauville is the largest city in Hoenn. It’s not as large as Celadon city.”

“There’s a town that’s larger than this one?” She said while pointed at Mauville.

“Celadon is about twice as large.”

Luna could not believe what she heard, all she could say was. “Wow.”

“Don’t you have any large city were you are from?”

“To be honest I’ve only been in two towns and none of them re so big as Mauville.” She sighted. “Let’s just get to the Pokémon center before it’s gets dark.”

With that they walked into the city. Well inside the city Luna tried to see everything around her, there was so much that was happening around her. There many different shops that as selling dress that she had to stop and looked at them, James thought that was kind of funny. Luna had never had so much funny in her life that was until she bumped into someone and fell on the ground.

“Hey, watch where you’re going.” Said the person.

“Sorry, I didn’t see where I was going.” Luna answered.

“That’s no excuse.”

James went over to help Luna up from the ground, when she got up she checked that her egg was ok and it was. The person she bumped into just walked away.

“You okay Luna?”

“Yeah, this town is not very friendly.”

“Some are but not all, come one let’s find the Pokémon center.”

With that out of the way James and Luna headed to the Pokémon center for a good night sleep so Luna could challenge gym in the morning, well inside the center a voice got their attention.

“Well. Well. Looked who it is.” They both turned in the direction of the voice and by a table sat Sunset drinking coffee. “I thought that you had given up already, I guess I was wrong.” Sunset then saw the Poké egg in Luna’s arms. “You know that egg is rightfully mine.”

When James heard that he walked over to her and slammed both of his hands down on the table scaring both Luna and Sunset

“You lost to Luna and ‘Celestia’ because they believed in there Pokémon and you did not so stop this crap and acknowledge that you lost fair and square.”

Sunset got up and looked James in the eyes. “That Luna and ‘Celestia’ believed in there Pokémon had nothing to that I lost it was luck nothing more,” She then looked at Luna. “the next time we battle you won’t be so lucky.” She then looked at James again. “Trust has nothing to with Pokémon battle just power.”

James had the urge to punch Sunset in the face but he knew better.

“Now if you both excuse me I must prepare myself for my battle with Wattson tomorrow.”

With that said Luna watched as Sunset went back to her room, she then looked at James how was breathing heavily.

“You okay James?”

“No, I’m not okay. I can’t believe her she thinks that power is everything but she wrong you must have trust in your Pokémon, if you don’t have that you don’t deserve to be called a Pokémon trainer. Why don’t you go and get two rooms for the night I need some air.”

James walked out the Pokémon while Luna walked over to the front desk, there stood nurse Joy typing something on a computer. Professor Birch had explained what a computer was but she has never used one. When nurse Joy saw Luna approach she gave her a smiled.

“Welcome to the Pokémon center her in Mauville City, what can I help you with.”

“Yes I need two rooms for the night.” Luna answered.

“Of course, let me just check the computer.” She stared to type on it again. “I’m sorry the we only have only one room left.”

When Luna heard that she groaned. “Do you mean I have to share room with James? Again.” She whispered that last part.

“It’s looked like it, I’m sure you and your boyfriend will be fine.”

“He’s not my boyfriend I wish he was it.”


Luna was about answered but then James entered the Pokémon center.

“Any available room?” He asked them.

“Just one, room 2.” Joy answered.

“Well I’m going to bed I need a good night sleep to forget my conversation with Sunset.”

James walked to room while Luna was left standing with nurse Joy.

“Boys.” Said Nurse Joy

Luna decide to stay up a little longer and read the book she just get to the human world, she found out that it was impossible to create a new one, the only spell that actually work was in this book and this made Luna very happy. That’s means that her sister can’t come to the human world and bring her back to Equestria, Luna was very surprised that she was happy for that but she just shrugged it off.

The next day at breakfast.

“Say James, what so we do today when I can’t challenge Wattson?”

“We can watch his battle with Sunset.”

After breakfast they went to the gym to watch the battle, when they arrived at the gym they could not see Sunset there so they walked in into the gym, the gym field looked like the ones in Rustboro and Dewford.

“Can I help you two?”

James and Luna looked in direction where the voice were coming from and there stood and old man.

James walked over to him. “It’s been while Wattson.” He held out a hand.

When Wattson saw who it was he shocked James hand. “Look at you James, you’ve grown since the last time you were her. How long as it been?”

“Ten years.”

“Is it been that long?” He then noticed Luna, he smiled. “I see you have gotten yourself a girlfriend.”

James just rolled his eyes. “She not my girlfriend, I’m just helping her with her Pokémon journey.”

Wattson walked over to Luna and held out a hand. “Hello, my name is Wattson and I’m the leader of Mauville gym.” Luna happily shocked his hand.

“My name is Luna and I was hoping for a gym battle.”

“Then you have to wait to tomorrow, I have already a challenger for today.”

“Actually, were to watch the battle if that’s okay with you.” James asked Wattson.

“I see no problem with that as long as my opponent don’t mind.”

As soon Wattson said that the doors open and Sunset walked into the gym, when she saw James and Luna she was not happy

“What are you two doing here? I’m supposed to have gym battle too day not you Luna.” Sunset said with anger in her voice.

“Take it easy Sunset, they want to watch our battle. Is that okay with you?” Wattson said while trying to calm her down.

“Fine by me as long they don’t get in my way.”

“That’s good, are you ready for our battle Sunset?”

“I’m ready and I will beat you.”

When Wattson heard that he stared to laughed. “That’s the spirit, come out Wade we are about to have a gym battle her.”

“Coming boss.” A new man came out he was wearing gray pants, a blue t-shirt with a white jacket and he had glasses. He has brown hair.

Sunset and Wattson took their position on each end of the battle field while Wade stood in the middle, James and Luna sat on the stands

“This gym battle between the gym leader Wattson and Sunset will now begin, each trainer will use three Pokémon but only the challenger can switch Pokémon. The battle is over when all three Pokémon is unable to battle, if you both are ready.” Both nodded. “Then begin..”

“Come out Electrike.” When Luna saw Electrike she took out her Pokédex.

Electrike The Lightning Pokémon. Electrike runs faster than the human eye can follow. The friction from running is converted into electricity, which is then stored in this Pokémon’s fur.

“Come out Sandshrew.” Out came something that looked like a mouse.

Sandshrew The Mouse Pokémon. Sandshrew has a very dry hide that is extremely though. This Pokémon can roll into a ball that repels any attack. At night, it burrows into the desert sand to sleep.

“A ground type versus an electric type, Sunset has done her homework that’s for sure.” Said James.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked him.

“Electric type moves has no effect on Sandshrew, Sunset has the upper hand her.”

Back on the battle field.

“You have the honor Sunset.” Wattson told her.

“Alright Sandshrew use rollout.” Sandshrew rolled up like a ball and began rolling towards Electrike.

“Use protect Electrike.” A green shield appeared around Electrike and Sandshrew pounced right off it. “Then followed up with a quick attack.” Electrike ran towards Sandshrew and made contact, Sandshrew rolled backwards by the attack.

“Crap, use dig.” Sandshrew stared to dig in the ground and then he was gone.

“Quickly Electrike run around on the battle field.” Electrike did has he was told.

“That won’t work, do it Sandehrew.” Sandehrew came up from the ground and send Electrike flying. “Now finished up with scratch.” The claws on Sandehrew hand stared to glow, he hit Electrike hard so he passed out.

“Electrike is unable to battle Sandshrew is the winner.” Wade announced.

Wattson called back Electrike back to his Poké ball. “You did a god job Electrike now take a god rest.” He took out a new Poké ball. “Come out Voltoreb.” Out came a Pokémon that looked like a Poké ball.

Luna took out her Pokédex again.

Voltorb The Ball Pokémon. Voltord is extremely sensitive it explodes at the slightest of shocks. It is rumored that is was first created when a Poké ball was exposed to a powerful pulse of energy.

“Use rollout Voltorb.” Voltorb stared to rolled towards Sandshrew.

“You use rollout too Sandshrew.” Again he rolled up like a ball headed towards Voltord.

Both Pokémon collided and neither of them wanted to give up, then it looked like Sandshrew stared to move Voltorb backwards. Before Wattson could react Sandshrew send Voltorb flying, Voltorb rolled backwards.

“Are you okay Voltorb?” Wattson asked him, Voltord got back up. “God, now use gyro ball.” Voltord started to spin very fast and headed towards Sandshrew.

“Dodge it Sandshrew.” Put it was too late, Voltorb hit him hard and Sandshrew landet hard on the ground. “Get up and use earthquake.” Sandshrew goot up on his feet and then he jumped up in the air and when he landed the entire battle field stared to shake, Voltorb sustained a lot of damaged. “Now use rollout.” Again Sandshrew rolled up like a ball and headed towards Voltorb.

“Get out the way Voltorb.” But it was too late he was hit hard and passed out.

“Voltorb is unable to battle Sandshrew is the winner.” Wade announced.

Wattson called Voltorb bac to his Poké ball “Nice work now take a long rest, I’m impressed Sunset. Now for my last Pokémon, let’s go Magnemite.” Out on the battle field came a Pokémon Luna knew too well.

Sunset held up Sandshrew Poké ball. “Sandshrew return.” Sandshrew disappeared into his Poké ball.

“Why did she call back Sandshrew?” Luna asked James.

“She is probably going to use a Pokémon that is more effective against a steel type, probably a fighting or a fire type.” James answered.

“Come out Combusken.”

That dod not surprised James. “Or both.”

Sunset was first. “Use bulk up.” Combusken stared to pump himself up.

“James, what is bulk up?”

“It’s a move that raises both attack and defense power.”

“Magnemite use thunder shock.” Magnemite unleashed electricity towards Combusken.

“Dodge it and use flamethrower.” Flames came out of Combusken mouth and hit Magnemite, it took a lot of damage. “Follow it up with double kick.” Combusken hit Magnemite two time and he pasted out.

“Magnemite is unable to battle Combusken wins, this victory goes to Sunset.” Wade announced.

Wattson called back Magnemite back. “You did a god job now take a good rest.” He then walked over to Sunset. “That was magnificent Sunset I think no one has beaten me this fast before, as proof that you have beaten me I give you the dynamo badge.” He handed the badge over to Sunset, he then looked at Luna. “I hope that’s okay for you Luna that we have our battle tomorrow.”

Luna just nodded, she was in shocked that Sunset won her battle without losing a single Pokémon. Talk about pressure.

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