• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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A Ghost Encounter

James and Luna had just left the Pokémon center and were now heading for Lavaridge Town so Luna could get her fourth badge but right now they were walking through a forest and were on the way to Falander Town and it was getting dark.

“It’s getting dark we should find a place for the night.” Said James.

“Are there any shack’s in the forest?” Luna asked him.

“Unfortunately there are none so we have to sleep in a tent tonight and I have only one tent.”

Luna groaned when she heard that. “We have to sleep on the ground? That just great.”

James raised an eyebrow of her words. “That’s your concerned? Sleeping on the ground? What about we in the same tent tonight?”

“Oh please, this is not the first night we have sleep in the same room or place together.”

“Right, I have forgotten about that.” He hadn’t forgotten about it but he didn’t let Luna know that.

It didn’t take them long before they found a nice place in forest to set up camp. James was busy setting up the tent while Luna had released Litleo so she could get fire and Lucario was also out from his Poké ball so he could sense if wild Pokémon was around them.

Luna looked at James who was busy with the tent. “Are you done soon?”

He looked at her with an annoyed face. “Excuses me princess, I’m sorry that your palace isn’t done yet. Please don’t send me to the dungeon.” She said with sarcasm and the he bowed, when Lucario saw that he just wondered why his trainer acted like that.

Luna just rolled her eyes of his behavior. “You don’t have to call ‘princess,’ were not in Equestria.”

James hit the last tent pole into the ground, he went over to the fire and sat down by it.

“What, you don’t miss other doing you dirty work for?” He asked.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She said with a little anger in her voice.

“You have servants doing all for you, cook for you, fixed your bed all that get up.”

“I don’t…”

She just remember that he’s right, there were servants that did things for her. She thought about the whole thing and she had never cook a meal in her entire life, never made her bed. Always servants.

“Then we have the common people.”

“What about them?”

“Oh come on, I know how royalty looked down on those are below you.”

“I don’t do that.” Now she was angry.

“Oh really? Then answered me this; how come you live in a palace and have everything served on a silver plate while others have to work for their food?”

Luna tried to come up with and answered but she had none.

“Thought so, I know royal types. You all live in luxury while others have to work for their money.”

It may be harsh but he was right, all her life she had everting serve on a silver plate. She had never had to work for anything before, until she arrived in this world. She was about say something but then Lucario got up and it looked like he was ready for a fight.

“What’s going on?” Luna asked James.

“Lucario sense something.” James answered her. “Where Lucario?”

Lucario pointed at some bushes and soon as did that the stared to move, James expected a ghost Pokémon come out but he got a surprise when at tiny bird came running out of them. The bird ran straight onto Luna’s lap.

“Hey little one, what’s the matter?”

“That’s a Rufflet and it looks like something scared him.”

Luna took out her Pokédex.

Rufflet the Eaglet Pokémon. They crush berries with their claws. They bravely stand up to any opponent, no matter how strong it is. Their frequent fights help them become stronger.

“And I’m guessing whatever that scared him is still around.”

“Why do you think that?” She asked with curiosity.

“Just look at Lucario.”

She did and Lucario was still looking in the forest searching for something.

“Have you fond the culprit?” Lucario nodded. “Then use dragon pulse.” Blue aura came out of Lucario and shout it towards some trees, out of the forest came a Pokémon that looked like a ghost. Luna pointed her Pokédex at the Pokémon.

Misdreavus the Screech Pokémon. Misdreavus frightens people with a creepy, sobbing cry. The Pokémon apparently uses its red spheres to absorb the fearful feeling of foes and turn them into nutrition.

Misdreavus stared to panic, it stared to fly around their camp like a mad man. The Pokémon flew into the forest again, James sets after it.

“Where are you going?” Luna asked him.

“I’m going to find out why a Misdreavus is freighting humans and Pokémon.” He looked at Lucario. “Lucario, stay here and watch over the camp.” Lucario nodded, James was satisfied with that so ran after Misdreavus.

“Wait, don’t leave me her alone.” It was no use James didn’t hear her. “Dame it, come on Litleo.” She ran after James with a terrified Rufflet in her arms.

She managed catch up with James who was crouching behind some bushes, she crouched beside him.

“Why did…” That was all she could say before he put hand on her mouth.


He pointed at something and it was four Pokémon, Luna recognized two of them, one was Misdreavus and a Gastly that Sunset used in the tournament in Slateport but she did not recognize the other two. She took out her Pokédex again.

Haunter the Gas Pokémon and the evolved form of Gastly. Haunter is a dangerous Pokémon. If one beckons you while floating in darkness, you must never approach it. This Pokémon will try to lick you with its tongue and steal your life away.

Gengar the Shadow Pokémon and evolved form of Haunter. Sometimes, on a dark night, your shadow thrown by a streetlight will suddenly and startlingly overtake you. It is actually a Gengar running past you, pretending to be your shadow.

She didn’t like what the Pokédex was saying about Haunter, James could see that on her face.

“Don’t worry, something like that has never happened.” He whispered to her.

“Then why did they put this information in the Pokédex?”

James just shrugged his shoulders. “Beats me, I didn’t put the information In the Pokédex.”

“Gengar, gen gen gen gengar.”

Both turned their heads towards the Pokémon who started talking, they could see that Gastly, Haunter and Gengar was very angry. Misdreavus was actually shaking.

“Gen, gengar gengar.”

Misdreavus shocked her head. “Misdreavus, mis mis misdreavus.”

Luna turned to James. “What do you think they are talking about?” She asked.

“I’m not sure but I think that Gastly, Haunter and Gengar are forcing Misdreavus to scare humans and Pokémon.”


James pointed at something. “Look behind them.” Luna did that and what she saw was food, a lot of food. “Misdreavus is scaring them away and those three are stealing the food of the victims.”

When Luna heard that she became furious and so did Rufflet, he couldn’t believe that they used Misdreavus like that and they were stealing his food. Rufflet tried to get out of Luna’s arms, she looked down at Rufflet.

“Rufflet, what are you doing?”

“I think he wants to get back at Gastly and the others, probably because they stole his food.” James answered.

Luna tried to hold Rufflet back put in the end he managed to break free and he ran straight to the four ghost Pokémon, he stopped in front of Gastly, Hanuter, and Gengar.

Rufflet stared to wave his arms. “Rufflet, ruf rufflet.” The three ghost Pokémon just stared at each other and then they stared to laugh, that made Rufflet even more angrier. Then his beak stared to glow, he then attacked Haunter.

“What is Rufflet doing?” Luna asked James.

“He is using peck on Haunter.”

James was right, Rufflet attacked Haunter repeatedly but it didn’t look like it did much damage. Haunter stared laughing again then his fist stared to spark, James’s eyes widened when he saw that.

“Oh no, Haunter is about use thunder punch om Rufflet.”

Haunter hit Rufflet so hard with his fist that Rufflet flew into a tree, Rufflet landed on the ground unconscious. Misdreavus flew over to Rufflet.

“Misdreavus?” Misdreavus nudge Rufflet but he didn’t move, this made Misdreavus see red. Misdreavus turned around to face the other ghost Pokémon who was laughing, Misdreavus send away a shadow ball towards them. Before the attack could hit Gengar fired his own shadow ball that was much stronger than Misdreavus and destroyed it, Gengar’s shadow ball hit Misdreavus so hard that she also hit the same tree as Rufflet and passed out.

From their hideout James and Luna saw everything and they were furious especially Luna, she couldn’t believe what she saw. There were three Pokémon who was laughing at somebody ells pain, she was about to go out and teach them a lesson but James hold her back.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“I’m going to teach them a lesson.”


She thought for a moment. “Well no, but I can’t sit by and let them get away with this.”

“’Don’t worry they won’t but do you think that you can take on all of them at the same time?”

Luna looked at them. “I guess not.”

“That’s was I thought but don’t worry I will help you, let me take care Haunter and Gengar, something tells me they are going to though for you. Just focus on Gastly, okay?”

She nodded. “You ready Litleo?”

Litleo answered with jumping out of the bushes the were hiding in and so did James and Luna, the three ghost Pokémon looked at the new arrival. James took out tow Poké ball’s.

“Come out Furret and Swellow, use iron tail and wing attack on Haunter and Gengar.”

As so as James’s Pokémon was out they used their attacks on Hanuter and Gengar, the attacks hit so hard that they became very scared, both ran away.

“Litleo, use ember on Gastly.” But Gastly doge it, then he sent out his own shadow ball that Litleo didn’t managed to doge. “You okay Litleo?” Littleo shocked his head and were ready. “Good, use ember again.

This time the attack hit but it didn’t look like it did much damage, Gastly was about to attack again but then all of sudden he was surrounded by flames. The pain was too much for him so he flew future into the forest, Luna looked over to James who had just chased off Haunter and Gastly.

“That takes care of that.” James turned his attention towards Rufflet and Misdreavus who was awake and had seen it all. “I guess we need some oran berry.” He closed his eyes.

“What are you doing?” She asked him.

“I’m contacting Lucario so he can come and bring use some berry’s.”

“How are you doing that?”

“It’s called telepathy.”

It didn’t take long before Lucario arrived whit two oran berry for Rufflet and Misdreavus.

“Nice work Lucario, head back to the camp we won’t be long.”

Lucario nodded and headed back to the camp, Luna just stared at where Lucario had disappeared into the forest. James noticed that.

“You are wondering how I did that, am I right?” Luna just nodded. “When a Lucario and its trainer really trust each other they can communicate telepathy, but not all can do it.”

He gave an oran berry’s to Rufflet and Misdreavus how stared to eat them right away, after they were finished they felt better. Rufflet went over to the food that Gastly and the others had stolen, he took some of it and gave it Misdreavus. She just looked at the food.

Luna walked over to James. “I don’t think that Misdreavus wont the food.”

“I can’t say that I blame Misdreavus, she helped Gastly and the others to steel the food. Come on, let’s get back to camp.” He stared to walk and Furret and Swellow followed him.

“Wait a minute, what about those two.” Luna pointed at the two Pokémon.

“What about them?” James asked.

“Are we just going to leave them here?”

“I’m sure they will be okay, they got a lot of food and I doubt that Gaslty and the other will come back.”

“How can you be so sure?” She asked with annoyance in her voice.

“Because they know the someone will stand up to them, look if you want to stay here a little longer then fine but I’m going back to camp.”

With that he walked back to camp with Furret and Swellow leaving Luna alone with Litleo, Rufflet and Misdreavus. It didn’t take long before she realized what he did. “Wait for me.” She ran after him.

The next morning Luna woke up at some Pokémon making noise outside the tent they were sleeping in, she looked over to James sleeping bag and saw that it was gone. ‘He’s probably up already.’ She stared to put on some clothes.

Once outside she could see James standing by the fire cooking, she sniffed in the air.

“It’s smells good, what is it?” She asked him.

“Common vegetable soup, nothing more. Sleep well?” She nodded. “Good, listen. Sorry about yesterday.”

That confused Luna. “Of what?”

“What I told you before Misdreavus appeared.”

“Oh, that?” She waved her hand. “Don’t worry about it, you were right. I never knew how the real world works.” She sat down by the fire. “Truth be told I never want to be a princess in the first place.”

“Then why did you became one?” He asked.

“According to my so wise sister it was OUR destine to rule Equstria together, she said that we could create a perfect world where everyone would be happy.”

“That’s just bullshit.” Said James.

“What do you mean?” She asked with curiosity.

“Do you really believe that your ‘destine’ is written on some piece of paper?”

“No…” She said with unsure in her voice.

“You.” He pointed at her. “You control your own destine, let me ask you something. Did you choose to go on this journey or did someone ells choose it for you?”

“I choose it myself, no one choose it for me.”

“There you have it and when it comes to me, I was the one that decide to go on a journey ten years ago. My mom or anyone else didn’t decide it, I did.”

Luna though about what he said. ‘He’s right, all my life my sister as told me what to do. When it comes to maters in Equestria she has never ask for my advice, I choose to go on this journey and no one told me to do it.’ She just smiled of that.

“Thanks James, I need that.”

“Your welcome, the food is finished so eat up.”

After they were done eating and had feed their Pokémon, they pack up the tent and were ready to leave.

“How long does it take to get to Falander Town?” Luna asked James.

James put a hand to his cheek. “About three maybe four days, we have to cross a dessert and another forest before we get there.”

That part with that dessert got Luna to groan. “We have to cross a dessert?”

“Afraid so.”

She sighed. “Let’s just get on with it.”

But before they could take one steps Rufflet and Misdreavus came out from some bushes, they looked kind of sad.

Luna looked at James. “What do you think those want?” She asked.

“I think both them want to travel with you.”

That confused Luna. “Why me? You help to.”

“That’s true but something tells me that they want to travel with you and not me.”

Luna wasn’t entirely sure if she believed him but she took out two empty Poké ball and walked over to Rufflet and Misdreavus.

“Do you two want to come with me?”

Both smiled and touch a ball, both Poké balls disappear and with that Luna had got two new Pokémon on her team. And with that they were on their way to Falander Town.

Author's Note:

There you have it, an new chapter and two new Pokémon for Luna. Until next time.

I would to explain something, if anyone remember in Slateport chapter that I wrote that Sunset had a Misdreavus. I have change that to a Gastly, I thougt that a Gastly better suited her.

If you have any thing bad to say about my gramma then keep it to yourself.

I have new story out if anyone is interested, it's called Star Falco.

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