• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Pokémon Summer School part 1

It was finally time, for Pokémon summer academy to started James, Luna and others had gathered in front of the school where they saw bunch off other kids that were younger and them.

“Wow, there’s a lot of people here.” Said Luna while looking at the crowd.

“Yeah and they are all younger then use.” They all looked at Ace. “Well, it looks like it.”

“How old are you anyway?” James asked him.

“I’m 17.” He told them.

“Then you are probably about two maybe three years older than the rest.”

“Oh, yeah. Just how old are you guys?” He asked them all.

Lumi. “I’m 18.”

Shadow. “19”

James. “20.”

Luna wasn’t entirely sure how old she was, but the professor thought about 20, so that was she said.

Ace threw his hand up in frustration. “Great, you are all older than me.” James and the other just laugh of his behaviour.

Luna hadn’t laugh for a while and it felt great. She then notice a boy walking towards her, a young boy with brown shorts, white t-shirt and a blue cap. “Jack, did you also get invited?”

Jack stop not far from them “You beat, professor Birch called my mom a week ago and asked if I was interested, I said yes right away.” He then looked at others. “Are these your friends?” He asked her.

“You could say that Ace and Shadow are friends/rivals, I just meet Lumi so I can’t say I know here that well. No offence Lumi.” Lumi just shrugged and waved it off.

Then Ace walked over to Jack. “How old are you?” He asked with his eyes narrowed.

Jack wasn’t sure if he should answer or not. “15?”

Ace was satisfied with the answer he got. “Good, at least I am older then someone here.”

The other just gave him a confusing look. “What’s wrong with you? First you complain that other people here are too young, then you complain that we are older then you and now you are glad that you are older than Jack. Why?” James asked him.

Ace blinked a couple of times. “I am not sure.” James just shook his head.

While they were talking, Luna decided to have a look around. She didn’t see anyone she knew and how could she, Luna just knew a few people in this world and that was fine with her. then she spotted a kid she knew, Spike. It was human Spike she meet in Rustboro City, at the Pokémon school. If this had been two months ago, she would probably had freaked out, not now, she knew that was not the Spike she knew. She also saw Gary and Sunset was here, she really wanted to slap Gary in the face because the way he acted yesterday.

She then saw professor Birch, Joshua and some others people she didn’t know, walking towards them. The professor stood on a box.

Then Birch started to speak. “Can I get everyone’s attention.” That got everyone to look the professor. “I like to welcome you all Pokémon summer school, I like you to have a looked at the board over there to see witch team you are on.” He gestured his hand to a green board.

James and the others walked over there to see with team they were on. There was three teams, red, blue and green. James, Ace, Shadow and Jack was in the red team. Ace and Shadow gave each other a high five for that. Spike was also on the red team. Luna and Lumi was on the blue team, which was mostly girls for some reason, while Gary and Sunset was on the green.

“Alright, just as there are various kind of Pokémon in various part of the world, buting young trainers are no different. Today, you young people of different ages and birth places has gathered for a week of fun and excitement, destiny has brought you all together as you meet and work your fellow students and their Pokémon in their classes. So, get to know each other this next week and well you are at it, have some fun.”

Then Joshua step forward with a box that contained Pokéball’s, a lot of Pokéball’s. “I think this will be the perfect time to let the Pokémon to introduce themselves.” He looked at Birch. “And the best way is…”

“A Pokémon battle.” Birch finished for him.

That got the kids to cheer, Joshua placed the box on the ground. “Each and every one will use these Pokéball’s, one Pokéball per student.”

Luna was a little surprised that they weren’t going to use their own Pokémon. “This means we don’t know which Pokémon we are going to get.”

“I think that’s the pointed, they want to see if we can handle different Pokémon.” James told her.

Luna nodded. “That makes sense.”

They went over to pick their Pokéball, after their had picked one they decided to see which Pokémon they got. James was up first.

“Alright, let’s see.” He threw it up in the air and his mouth almost fell to the ground when he saw which Pokémon he got. It was blue, it had a black tail and it’s eyes were closed. “Not what I expected.”

Luna took out the dex to see what kind of Pokémon it was.

Wobbuffet the patient Pokémon. Wobbuffet does nothing but endure attacks, it won’t attack on its own. However, it won’t endure an attack on its tail. When that happens, the Pokémon will try to take the foe with it using destiny bomb.

She wasn’t sure if she read the data right. “Wait, it can’t attack?”

James study his Pokémon. “It’s called the patient Pokémon for a reason, I never got one for myself, so I don’t know how to battle with one, but I am always up for a challenge.”

Then they heard laughter, it was Gary and Sunset. “Oh man, I can’t believe you got a Wobbuffet, it one of the most useless Pokémon there is.” Said Sunset between the laugher.

That made Wobbuffet to look down on the ground in sadness. James patted it on his head. “Don’t listen to her Wobbuffet, I haven’t meet a Pokémon that didn’t like, and I don’t think you are useless.” That made Wobbuffet smile. “Wobbe.” It said. James then looked at Luna. “Which one did you get?”

Luna had no idea, she threw the Pokéball up in the air and out came a butterfly, it’s body was purple with to small blue hands and feet, it had two red eyes with white wings. “It’s beautifully.” She checked the data.

Butterfree the butterfly Pokémon. Butterfree has a superior ability to search for delicious honey from flowers. It can even search out, extract, and carry honey from flowers that are blooming over six miles from its nest.

Butterfree flew around Luna a few times and then it rest on her head. “I think Butterfree likes you.” Said James and Luna agreed with that.

Ace. “Alright, my turn.” He threw the Pokéball and out came a Pokémon that looked like it was made of fire. “Wow, I got a Magmar.” Luna pointed the dex on the Pokémon.

Magmar the spitfire Pokémon. in battle, Magmar blows intensely hot flames from all over its body to intimidate its opponent. This Pokémon’s fiery burst create heat waves that ignite grass and trees in its surrounding.

Ace walked over to the spitfire Pokémon. “Nice to meet you Magmar.” The answer he got was fire in his face, his hole face turned black and he breath out smoke from his nose. “Feisty, I like it.” That made the rest of them laugh.

Lumi. “My turn.” She threw her Pokéball and out came a Pokémon that right away started to kick in the air. “Cool, a Hitmonlee.” Luna checked the data, again.

Hitmonlee the kicking Pokémon. Hitmonlee’s legs freely contract and stretch. Using these spring like legs, it bowls over foes with devasting kicks. After battle, it rubs down its legs and loosens the muscles to overcome fatigue.

Shadow was about to see witch Pokémon he had gotten, when the heard Sunset cried out something. “You got to be kidding me.” They all looked in her direction and what they saw was a Pokémon that as pink with some white on its tail. But what catch Luna attention was it gaze, it looked like the Pokémon didn’t even cared what just happened.

Then Ace started to laugh. “Oh man, you may have joked about James Pokémon, but you just got yourself a Slowpoke.”

Sunset eyes started to twitch, she was not happy with her Pokémon or that Ace made fun of her. “Shut up you amateur.”

While they started to fight, Luna wanted to see what the big deal was.

Slowpoke the dopey Pokémon. Slowpoke uses its tail to catch prey by dipping it in water at the side of a river. However, this Pokémon often forgets what it’s doing and often spends entire days just loafing at the water’s edge.

“So, it’s a slow Pokémon?” She asked James.

“Pretty much, Slowpoke is famous for being the slowest Pokémon to understand what is happening around it, it’s not a bad Pokémon. I have one and a Slowbrow.”

Then it was Shadow’s turn, he threw the Pokéball up in the air. Out came a small cray Pokémon with big ears. “Hey, I got a Whismur.” Luna looked at the data.

Whismur the whisper Pokémon. Whismur is very timid. If it starts to cry loudly, it becomes startled by its own crying and cries even harder. When it finally stops crying, the Pokémon goes to sleep, all tired up.

Luna couldn’t help but smile. “It’s cute.”

Shadow leaned down. “Hello Whismur, nice to meet you.” Whismur gave a small smile too Shadow but that disappeared when Whismur saw Charmeleon. Shadow saw that Whismur was about to scream. “Calm down Whismur, Charmeleon won’t hurt.” He looked over to the flame Pokémon. “He better not if he know what good for him.” Charmeleon just rolled his eyes, he knew better than anger his trainer.

Ace walked over to them, finally done arguing with Sunset. “Man, she can really a b…” The words died in his mouth when he saw the looks the girls gave him.

“You got to be kidding me.” Again, they heard those word but this time it was Gary. They all looked over to see witch Pokémon he had gotten it was a little yellow bug.

Joltik the attaching Pokémon. Since it can’t generate its own electricity, it sticks onto large bodied Pokémon and absorbs static electricity.

Luna’s eyes widen when she saw the data. “Wow, an electricity Pokémon that can’t store electricity.”

“Yeah, it a shame. But, Joltik evolved form is pretty good.” James told her.

They then watch as Gary walked over to Joshua. “I demand to pick a new Pokémon.”

Joshua shook his head. “Sorry Gary, once you have chosen a Pokémon you can’t chose another one.”

“You can’t expect me to use a Joltik?” He said with anger in his voice. “It’s humiliated.”

“Give it a rest Gary. You got a Joltik, just accepted it.” James told him.

Gary pointed a finger at him. “Shut it James, this doesn’t concern you at all.”

“It concern me when you are talking bad thing about Joltik, every Pokémon is usable in their own way, you just have to find it.”

Joshua decided to speak before Gary had the chance. “James is right and beside, you can’t chance Pokémon, that’s the rules.” Gary decided it was a lost cause, he walked over to Joltik, he picked it up and just walked off.

“Man, what an ego.” Luna agreed with James on that one.

After that had happened, Luna decided to see what kind of Pokémon Jack and Spike had gotten. They both had gotten Pokémon she had seen before. Spike had a Slakoth and Jack had a Houndoom.

Then Birch started to speak again. “Alright, for the rest of the day I want to all to get to know your Pokémon and tomorrow’s battle, I will judge how you befriend your Pokémon and adware pointes accordingly.”

Luna and the others knew that already. Each time there were a new activity, they would give out pointes after each activity and the team witch the most pointe at the end of the week would win.

Then it was time to head into one of the many classroom, Luna and the gang were in the same rom as Joshua. Unfortunately, so was Sunset and she had been in a bad mood ever since she got Slowpoke. They were all sitting on school desk.

“Now, as we are moving on, I want you all to work on to get closer to your new Pokémon, understand?”

Everyone said ‘right’ at almost at same time, except Sunset. She couldn’t help but rolled her eyes, she had gotten one of the slowest Pokémon when it comes to movement and register things.

Luna’s Butterfree flew of her head and landed on her desk. “Let’s see here.” She wanted to see what kind of moves her Pokémon could use, so she took out her Pokédex again. “Your moves are, confusion, stun spore, sleep powder and silver wind.” She had hear about three of the moves but not silver wind. She put away her dex and saw wondering how she could befriend Butterfree, then she got an idea, she took her bag she had with her and started to search it. Butterfree watch in curiosity what she was doing, the butterfly Pokémon watch as she took out a metal box. Luna opened it and took something that looked like food. “Here you go Butterfree, this is Pokéfood that I have made, and I want you to have it.

Butterfree wasn’t sure if he wanted to eat it, for all he knew it could be bad for him. He then looked at Luna who just gave the Pokémon an assuring smile, he decided to try the food. He took it with his hands, he nipple a little on it to make sure it tasted good, it did. He eat the hole ting and then he gave Luna the biggest smile he could. Luna was glad that Butterfree like the food, it had taken a lot of tries and fails to make it good.

The rest of group also tried to befriend their Pokémon. Ace had some trouble with Magmar, considering it had a hot temper. They became friends, sort of, Ace still had a black face. Shadow didn’t have any trouble with Whismur, as long as he didn’t frightened it, so he just talk to it in a calm voice. Like Ace, Lumi had also some trouble with Hitmonlee, considering all it wanted was to kick, she had to take the kicking Pokémon out for a run so it could let out some steam. James knew what he was doing, considering he was a former champion, he said nice things to Wobbuffet and they became friends very fast.

When it came to Sunset, she didn’t even bother. She thought the whole thing was a waste of her time, she had gotten the slowest Pokémon and therefore she thought it was no pointed at all.

Then it was time for lunch, they gave the Pokémon some food while the humans also eat. Luna and Lumi sat with the boys and surprisingly enough, Sunset and Gary was sitting together at the same table in the cafeteria.

“I can’t believe that those two are getting along, considering how they act.” Said Ace while looking at them.

“They both have an ego and think highly of themselves, that’s why.” James answered him while eating.

Then Lumi decided to say something. “I heard from that boy Jack, that Gary didn’t even bother to do anything with his Joltik, just as Sunset and Slowpoke.”

That shocked the rest. “Are you serious?” Luna asked her, Lumi just nodded. “Then they are going to do it poorly when we are going to battle tomorrow.” They all agreed with that.

The rest of the day was fun and boring, for some. They did some tug and war, which the girls team won. Then they lesson about Pokémon battling and their habitats, Sunset thought that this was a waist a of time, so she didn’t even bother listing at all.

Then it was dark outside and that meant time for bed. The boys were in their rooms. “Man, I’m beat.” Ace said as he laid on his bed, he had his arms behind his head while staring at the celling. “I never knew going to school would be so exhausting.”

“Didn’t you go to school before you went on a journey?” James asked him

“Not really, my mom taught me at home other than that, I went to Pokémon school before I left.”

James couldn’t help but looked up. “If you went to Pokémon school that means you went to school.”

Ace blinked a few time. “Huh, you have a ponied there.”

James couldn’t help but groan of Ace’s answer. Shadow, who was reading a book with that help of Charmeleon tail, just chuckled.

“Is it possible you can put that book away Shadow? I want to get some rest for the battles tomorrow.” James asked him. Shadow didn’t mind, he was about to put it away anyway.

Then Ace looked down at the former champion. “Do we get some time with our Pokémon tomorrow? I want to see what Magmar can do before we battle.”

“I think so, the battles isn’t before midday.”

“I really hope I wont have to battle any of you, I would probably lose if I did.”

“it’s a possibility.” Ace and James looked over to Shadow who was putting away the book. “We are going to get’s points on how we battle so there’s a chance that we are going up against each other.”

Ace didn’t like that. “Great, so I’m screwed either way.” He said while lay back in his bed.

James stood up and looked at Ace. “Why are you so negative? Losing or wining has nothing do with the battling tomorrow, it depends on how well you bonded with you Magmar.”

“It’s not easy to stay positive when you lose more than you win.” Ace said with sadness in his voice.

“That’s you fault.” Ace wanted to say something, but James cut him off. “A Pokémon is as good as it’s trainer, if you are losing more than you are wining then you aren’t training good enough. You can’t only train your Pokémon you have to train yourself mentally and psychic, everyone knows that, even Luna. She hadn’t heard or seen a Pokémon before she came to Hoenn but she gave it a shoot and she might been one of the best novice trainers I have seen, you to Ace.” James waited to let the words sink in before talking again. “So, don’t give up before you have tried, you might regret it.” He then went back to his bed. “Try and get some sleep.” James and Shadow did that while Ace just keep staring at the celling, pondering of what James just said.

Ace hate to admit it, James was right. He had been slacking and that was going to chance tomorrow and the rest of his journey to the Pokémon league, he was going to train, and he eventually win the whole thing.

The next day after breakfast, James and the other went out to see just how strong the Pokémon they got was. James had it a little tougher than the rest, considering he had a Woobbuffet but he got help from his own Pokémon. Luna wanted to test just how strong Butterfree’s silver wind, so she found a rock outside of the school. The move split the rock in half, she was shock that’s for sure.

Then it was time for battling and everyone had gathered in front of the school but fist, Birch had something to say. “Attention everyone, the Pokémon battle are about to begging. I want you all to keep in mind to bring out the best in your Pokémon.” All agreed on that, expect two, Sunset and Gary. Sunset thought the hold thing was a waist of her time while Gary was just annoyed that he had gotten a Joltik.

Then the battling started.

Luna’s opponent was Spike, which she thought was a little funny. They both battle with all they had, and they were both in sync with their Pokémon. Then it was Gary’s turn and he was paired up with one of the female student, but he didn’t even bother to do anything, so he’s opened won. Ace opponent was none other then Sunset. Unlike Gary, Sunset decided to at least try to battle but it didn’t go so well, she was not in sync with her Slowpoke, at all. Ace on the other hand was doing well, he was in total sync with Magmar and it looked like they had been partners for years. They also had fun. Shadow’s opponent was Jack and like the others, they were also in sync in with their Pokémon. The same was for James and Lumi, they battle with all of their heart and they had fun, like the others.

Birch couldn’t help but smile of what he saw, this was exactly what he was hoping for, humans and Pokémon having fun while battling. But he wasn’t happy when it came to Sunset and Gary, he could see that they hadn’t done anything when it came to their Pokémon. At least Sunset tried, that was something.

After they were done battling, they all gathered in front of the professor and his helpers. “You all have done very well working and battling with your new Pokémon and for this moment on I would like all of you to make and meting with the rest of the Pokémon. And now, it’s time to announce the student who most developed his or her relationship with their Pokémon and that’s from the red team, Ace.”

Ace was in utter shock when he heard that, he had never thought that he would win. The rest of the group congratulated him with the victory, which he didn’t register at all. He was completely in shock.

“And after counting up the points for the past two days, the team with the highest score is the blue team.” When Luna and Lumi, with the rest of the team heard that, they couldn’t help but cheer. “Second is the red team.” The boys gave each other a high five for second place. “And dead last is the green team.” The green team wasn’t happy about that. “I know that you aren’t happy with that and you can thank those who didn’t bother to do anything when it came to become better acquainted with their Pokémon.” Sunset and Gary knew that part was for them, but they didn’t care very much about it.

Then Birch talked again. “And that raps up the first two days here at the academy, I hope that you all will have as much fun the rest of the week.” They were all hoping that too.

Author's Note:

There you all have it, the first part of the summer school. If you all are disappointed that there were no Pokémon battles in the chapter, I don't care. There we too many to write in this chapter, and I wasn't sure how to write them.

Artic Ace belongs to MLPFan1
Shadow Moonrise belongs to Vakama95096
Lumi Koude is an OC created by me and FrostTheWolf

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