• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Abigail's Dilemma

The very next day Luna was training on the battlefield behind the Pokémon center, after seeing James win his first bag in Kalos without breaking a sweat, Luna had to prepare herself and her Pokémon. Fennekin and Spritzee was sparring and they were going at it, Spritzee attacked with fairy wind while Fenneking counter with flamethrower, the attacks canceled each other out.

“I can see that your Pokémon are strong.” Luna and her Pokémon look in the direction of the voice and it was James who was walking towards them. “Do you think your ready for your gym battle?” James asked her as he stop in front of her.

“I think so, I won’t know until I try and battle Viola.” James had to admit that she had a point.

Then they notice Abigail walking towards them, she stop in front of Luna. “Luna, can I battle you and your Deerling?”

Luna was surprised that Abigail wanted to challenge. “Sure, may I ask why?”

Abigail started to rub her arm. “I need to figure out something.” Luna decided not to ask anymore, she agreed to the battle. Fennekin and Spritzee decided to watch the match.

Both girls got ready and James was the judge. “Alright, this battle between Luna and Abigail will now begin, each trainer can only use one Pokémon and the battle wile be over when their Pokémon is unable to battle anymore. If both trainer are ready,” Both girls nodded their heads. “then begin.”

Luna was up first. “Come on out Deerling.” Luna threw the Pokéball and out came the season Pokémon.

Then it was Abigail, she had a little trouble taking out her ball, she almost dropped it on the ground but she managed to throw it. “Come out Buneary.” Out came the rabbit Pokémon.

Luna decided to attack first. “Use energy ball.” Deerling fired a green ball from its mouth.

“Jump over it.” Buneary did just that and the attack missed, James and Luna was impressed by how high Buneary could jump. “Use bounce.” Buneary then headed towards Deerling, legs first.

“Doge it.” Deerling jump back and the attack missed. “Use double kick.” Abigail eyes widen when she heard that, she didn’t know that Deerling could that attack. Deerling turned around managed to kick Buneary twice, it hurt.

Abigail had to do something. “Use quick attack.” Buneary managed to recover and ran very quickly, the rabbit Pokémon managed to tackle Deerling.

“Use energy ball.” Deerling managed also to recover fast and fired away another green ball with hit Buneary right in the face. “Use double kick.” Before the rabbit Pokémon could recover it was kick twice and Buneary fainted on the ground.

“Buneary is unable to battle, which mean Deerling is victorious, Luna is the winner.” James announced.

It took a few seconds before Abigail realized she had lost, she called back Buneray and walk back inside leaving a very confused Luna. “What’s just happened?” She asked James.

James crossed his arms. “Well, I think she is doubting herself as a trainer and she wants to quit. I heard once that two trainer in Kanto gave up after they got their second badge.”

Luna was shocked to hear that. “They just gave up?” James nodded. “Why?”

“Not everyone is cut out to be a Pokémon trainer, you want to quit a few time, right?”

James was right about that, Luna had thought about quitting many times but she keep on going. Maybe she should have a talk with Abigail, she didn’t want her to quit.

Later that evening. Luna was standing outside Abigail room hoping that she would talk with her, she knock on the door and waited for an answer.

“Who is it?” A fair question.

“It’s Luna, I just want to talk.”

Luna heard that Abigail step on the floor and walk to the door, then the door open and Luna could see Abigail open the door so she could walk in.

Once Luna was inside Abigail closed the door. “What is it you want to talk about?” She asked the princess of the night as she walk to the bed and sat down on it.

“I just want to know why you left in a hurry after our battle, you look a little upset.”

Abigail sat her back against the walk and pull her legs up to her chest. “Yeah, I lost after all.”

Luna didn’t buy it. “I don’t think that’s it.” She sat down on the bed. “You are think about quitting, aren’t you?” Abigail nodded. “Why? I think you’re a great trainer.”

“You may think that but I only won one battle since I started on my journey, that’s just pathetic.” Abigail almost started to cry.

Luna placed a hand on Abigail’s shoulder. “You are not pathetic, I know a boy who almost lost every battle he was in but he didn’t give up, he trained and got stronger. Did someone say that you were pathetic?”

Abigail shock her head. “No, I just know I am.”

Luna didn’t not like where this was going. “Abigail, look at me.” She did. “Let me tell you my reason why I started on my journey around four months ago, I wanted to step out of my sister shadow and challenge myself.” That intrigued Abigail. “I discovered that part of challenge myself after a while.”

Abigail couldn’t help but smile. “Why did you want to step out of your sister shadow? “

Luna had to think carefully for what to say. “I don’t want to go into details so let’s say that people adore my sister more than me, where we are from.”

Abigail got the feeling that there was more than Luna said but she didn’t want to pry. ”That good and all but it doesn’t help me.”

No it didn’t, then Luna deiced to ask her something. “Tell me, why did you wanted to be Pokémon trainer?”

Abigail had to think for a moment. “I want to see what kind of Pokémon that lived in the world but mostly I wanted to challenge myself, like you did, I have always been a coward.” She became sad again. “I was teased by it when I was younger.”

“Well, I think they are wrong.” Abigail was surprised to hear Luna say that. “I took guts to walk up at me and challenge me to a Pokémon battle, I thought you were brave to do it.”

Abigail blink a few times. “You really thinks so?” Luna nodded with a smile. “No one has ever called me brave, I was always called a coward because I was one.”

“I don’t think you are one. Look Abigail, I can’t tell you what to do or not. If you want to quit, then quit but if you do you will never know how strong you and your Pokémon will become and I think you will become strong enough to challenge the elite four one day.” After Luna said that she got up and walk to the door, she open it and walk out leaving Abigail alone.

Abigail was surprised again, she never thought she would hear that she could challenge the elite four, they are some of the strongest trainers in all of Kalos. But maybe, just maybe she shouldn’t quit, if Luna believe in her, then she should believe in herself.

Author's Note:

I'm actually happy with this chapter, yay me.

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