• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,611 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Ash and Goh

It was the last day in Pacifidlog town before the group was heading to Ever Grande city and Luna decided to get some training with her Sandshrew before they left, considering she haven’t used the mouse Pokémon that much.

She decided to the training act in a small forest just outside the town, she threw a Pokéball into to the air. “Come out Sandshrew.” Out came the Alola Pokémon. “Alright, ready to some training?” The mouse Pokémon just jump up and down in excitement, as high he could which wasn’t much. “Great. Let’s see here, what can we use?” She look around and saw a giant rock not far from them which they could use. “Sandshrew, use slash on the rock.” She said while pointing at it.

Sandshrew started to run towards the rock and then he jump into to the air, his claws started to glow and then he hit the rock, it shared into pieces. “Way to go Shandshrew.” Luna praised her Pokémon which made the mouse Pokémon to jump up and down on joy.

Before they could continue a Pokéball flew out from the forest and hit Sandshrew, for a moment it look like Luna’s Sandshrew was about to disappeared into the Pokéball, but it didn’t happened, the ball just bounced back to where it came from.

Luna wasn’t happy of what she saw. “Hey, who threw that Pokéball? Who tried to steal my Sandshrew?” She asked with anger in her voice. In the three months since Luna had become a trainer, no one had ever tried to catch her Pokémon before like that before.

Then a male voice spoke up. “Aw man, it didn’t work.” Out of the forest came a boy with black hair, he was wearing a black shirt with a red mark on it chest, a pair of black pants, black sneakers and brown backpack, he held a Pokéball in his right hand while scratching his head with his left. “I wonder why.” A red/black Pokémon that look like a rabbit walk up beside him.

Luna didn’t care about the Pokémon right now, all she cared about was that this guy tried to catch her Sandshrew. “Hey.” The boy look at Luna. “Was it you?” The boy look confused. “Was it you who tried to steal my Sandshrew?”

The boy was still a little confused. “Your Sandshrew?” The boy look at the Pokémon and then back Luna. “You mean…? His eyes then widen. “Oh crap, I didn’t mean it, I thought it was a wild Sandshrew.”

Luna didn’t believe him, she started to walk towards him with anger in her eyes which scared the boy. She grabbed him by the collar of his sweater. “You didn’t mean it? I just gave Sandshrew order to use slash just before you threw that Pokéball at him, which mean I catch him.” She almost shout at him but she managed not to, the boy was still scared.

“I’m sorry, alright. Is just, I have never seen a blue Sandshrew before and I got a little carried away, I swear I didn’t mean to steal it, if I have known it was yours I wouldn’t have done it.” The boy explained in a shaky voice.

Luna wasn’t sure if she believe him or not, she did let him go. “Whatever, maybe next time to are trying to catch a Pokémon, make sure that it has a trainer.” Luna walk over to Sandshrew and pick him up. “Jerk.” As she started to walk back to town, Sandshrew just stuck out its tongue to the trainer and his Pokémon.

The Pokémon look up at it trainer with disappointment. “Wait.” The boy walk after Luna. “I swear, I didn’t mean it.” His Pokémon just walk after them.

Outside the center sat James and Ace by a table enjoying some food when then notice Luna walking towards them with Sandshrew in her arms and she didn’t look happy.

“Hey Luna, why the angry face?” James asked his girlfriend. “I thought you were out training with your Sandshrew.”

She stop by their table. “I was until some guy tried to steak Sandshrew.”

The boys was shocked when they heard that. “Someone tried to steal your Sandshrew?” Luna nodded to James question. “Who?”

“I don’t know, it was boy with black hair and a Pokémon I hadn’t seen before, I didn’t catch his name.” She then happened to look behind her and she saw the boy running towards her. “Great, he followed me here.” She look back the boys. “is possible one of you can handle him? I’m not in the mood.” She decided to head inside.

“Sure, I handle him.” James told her as she walk into the center. James got up and so did Ace as the boy approached them, James decided to block his path. “That’s far as you go buddy.” He told the boy while holding up a hand, Ace stood beside James to also block the boys path.

The boy stop in front of them. “Move out of the away, I have to apologize to the girl who just walk into the Pokémon center.” He told them.

“Hell no, Luna just told me what you did and there no way I’m letting you talk to her after what you did.” James told him while placing a hand on his chest, stopping him. “Who are you by the way?”

“If you must know, Goh and I’m on a journey to catch every Pokémon.” Goh told him while pushing away James hand

James couldn’t help but question what he said. “I’m sorry, did you just say you are going to catch every Pokémon?”

“That’s right.” Goh said with a straight face.

James couldn’t help but question the logic in what this Goh said, catching every Pokémon? “So, you are on a journey that is impossible.”

Goh was actually offended by that. “What do you mean it’s impossible? It is possible to catch every Pokémon.”

“Alright then. Then tell me how you are going to catch Dialga and Palkia, two Pokémon who moves through space and time.” Goh didn’t have an answer for that. “And what about Rayquaza? A Pokémon that live in our ozone layer, how are you going to catch him?” James asked him.

“Iiiii don’t know but I know there a way.”

Then Ace decided to speak. “I think you should listen to James, it is impossible to catch every Pokémon.”

Before Goh could answer, a boy with a Pikachu on his shoulder decided to speak. “There you are Goh, I have been looking for you.” Said the boy as he walk towards them, then he saw a family person. “Oh, hello James. It’s been a while.”

James gave him a nod. “Not long enough Ash.” James then look at the Pokémon on his shoulder. “What’s up Pikachu, are you still looking after this dork?”

“Pika pika.” Pikachu said whit a smile on his face.

That made James smile. “That’s what I thought.”

“Hey, I’m not a dork, I’m the Pokémon champion of Alola.”

“That you are, and it only took you around 19 years to become a champion.”

Ash just crossed his arms and started to pout. “Whatever.” James just rolled his eyes. “What going on her by the way?” Ash asked them.

“I’ll tell you what’s going on, you friend her tried to steal my girlfriends Pokémon.” James told Ash while pointing at Goh.

“I didn’t mean, I thought it was a wild Alola Sandshrew, alright?” Goh said in frustration, he was a little tired of explain himself.

James step away from him. “Whatever you say pal.”

Then Ash spoke. “You have a girlfriend?” Everyone look at him as he had said something stupid, which he did. “What? Did I say something stupid?” Pikachu just smack his hand on his face.

Then eventually James just shook his head. “You haven’t change at all, that’s for sure.” He then look at Goh. “And you, I want you to leave before I call officer Jenny and tell her what you did.”

Goh had almost had enough. “For the last time, I didn’t mean it.”

Before James could say something, Ace spoke. “Hold on James, before you get this boy arrested I want to battle him.” Ace said as he walk to them.

James look at his friend with confusion. “Come again?”

“If Goh here wants to catch every Pokémon then it means he’s a trainer, he even has a Pokémon with him.” Ace said while pointing at Rabbot. “And I want to test him just how good he is.”

Goh just turned his back to Ace. “I don’t battle others, I think it’s a waste of time, I’m only interested in catching Pokémon.”

Ace just crossed his arms and smile. “So, you’re a coward and your weak.”

Goh turned his head and he too happy right now. “Excuse me, did you just call me a coward and weak?”

Ace just smiled. “That I did, that’s the only reason you don’t want to battle, because you’re a coward and weak. Well, mostly weak. If you are weak then how are you going to catch every Pokémon in the world?”

Goh turned to face Ace. “Nobody calls me weak, if you want to battle then let’s battle.” He said with anger in his voice.

And with that they all headed to back of the center where there was a battle field. Goh and Ace got ready to battle while James was the referee. Ash stood on the side line to watch. “Alright, the battle between Goh and Ace will now begin, each trainer will use one Pokémon and when either of the trainers Pokémon are unable to battle, then they have lost. Bring out your Pokémon.” James told them both.

Goh look down on the rabbit Pokémon. “You’re up Rabbot.” The Pokémon walk out with hands in his pockets?

James took out his Pokédex to see the data of this new Pokémon, so did Ace.

Rabbot the rabbit Pokémon. It kicks berries right off the branches of trees and then juggles them with it feet, practicing its footwork.

James was impressed by what he read. ‘Not bad, let’s see what’s Ace choice.’ He thought while putting away the dex.

Ace took out a Pokéball. “Let’s go Sylveon.” Out came the intertwining Pokémon, ready for battle.

James was surprised by Ace’s choice. ‘A Sylveon, I didn’t know he had one. This should be interesting.’ He then focus on the match. “Alright trainers, begging.”

Goh was first up. “Rabbot, use double kick.” Rabbot just shrugged of what Goh said and started to run towards Sylveon. “Wait Rabbot, I said double kick not quick attack.”

“Use disarming voice Sylveon.” The intertwining pikeman open its mouth and started to scream which made Rabbot stop dead in its track to cover its ears. “Let’s use quick attack.” Sylveon closed its mouth and ran towards Rabbot.

“Move it Rabbot.” The rabbit pikeman was still covering from the last attack and had no time to doge the attack, he was hit and flew backwards. Rabbot then landed on the ground unconscious.

It took a few sounds before James reacted. “Rabbot is unable to battle, Ace is the winner.” He announced.

Everyone was surprised by the outfall, they didn’t think that Rabbot would go down that easy. Goh didn’t care what they thought, he was more concern about hit Pokémon. Goh ran over to Gabbot and scooped him up in his arms and ran to the center to get him healed.

Then James spoke. “Wow, I didn’t expect that.” He look at Ash. “Don’t Goh how to train his Pokémon?”

Ash rubbed his neck. “Is not that he’s bad at it, he just so focus on catching Pokémon."

James nodded in understanding. “I understand that catching a new Pokémon is a great thing,” He look at the center. “but still.” Then he look at Ace. “Why did you battle so hard? Couldn’t you have taking easy on him?”

Ace tilted his head to the side on confusion. “Why would I do that? One should always battle with full power and besides, it look like Rabbot didn’t listen to Goh. Instead of using double kick, Rabbot was about us quick attack. If there anyone to blame it’s Goh who isn’t a very good trainer when his own Pokémon won’t listen to him.

James had to admit it, Ace had a point. “Maybe your right.” then James noticed that Ash was still here. “Why aren’t you going after Goh? Aren’t you two friends?” He asked Ash.

“I think it’s best he cool down a little before I talk to him.” James nodded. “Now that they are down with their battle,” Ash pointed a finger at James. “how about a battle? It’s been a while since we battle, and I want to see if you have become any stronger.”

James couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow of that. “You want to have a match after what just happened?” Ash just nodded while Pikachu rolled his eyes, James couldn’t help but shook his while smiling. “You haven’t change a bit Ash.” James let out a sighed. “Alright, if you want to battle then let’s battle.”

Both of them got ready and Ace asked if he could be the refer, they told him they didn’t need one.

Ash was first up. “I chose you Pikachu.” The mouse Pokémon jump of his shoulder and got ready.

“I knew you would chose Pikachu, you are predictable.” James took out a Pokéball and threw it up in the air. “Then I chose Swampert.” Out came the mud fish Pokémon ready for battle.

Ash was the first one to attack. “Pikachu, use thunderbolt.” Ace was a little surprised when he heard that while James kind of knew he would do that. Pikachu jump up in the air let out electric from its body which headed towards Swampert.

“Just stand there Swampert.” He did as his trainer told him and when the attack hit it did nothing.

Ash wasn’t sure what just happened. “Wait, Swampert is a water type, he should have taken damage.”

James couldn’t help but slap a hand on his face. “Did you brain reset or something? Swampert is also a ground type, electric doesn’t work on him.”

Ash rub his neck in embarrassment when he heard that. “Oh right, I forgot.”

Ace just gave Ash ‘what the fuck’ look while James buried his face in his hands. ‘He is so stupide at times.’ He thought for himself.

“Let’s try another attack, iron tail.” Pikachu jump up in the air while his tail started to change colour, yellow to silver.

“Grabbed Pikachu’s tail with both hands.” Swampert waited for Pikachu to right over him and then he slammed his hands around the tail which surprised Ash. “Let’s use mud shot.” Swampert open it’s mouth and mud came out of it’s mouth hitting Pikachu point blank which made him fly backwards, Pikachu landed on the ground hard and was in pain. James was about to let him recover. “Use hydro pump.” Swampert shout out water from it mouth which hit Pikachu hard and it knock him out. James walk over to Swampert and patted him on the head. “Nice work Swampert.” The mud fish Pokémon just smiled.

Ash was busy with checking if Pikachu was okay, he was. “I have to say James, you have gotten stronger since I last battle you.”

“I take that as a compliment, I suggest you get Pikachu to nurse Joy.”

Ash wasn’t about to say no to that, he ran inside the center. While he did that, Ace walk over to James.

“That wasn’t the battle I had expect, I thought Ash was more stronger than that.”

“The trick with Ash that you have to take out his Pokémon before he gets one of his ideas, then he’s almost impossible to beat.” James then stretch his arms over his head. “I’m heading back to the center to see if Luna have calm down a little. Just be ready to leave tomorrow.” He told Ace before he walk inn.

James was standing outside Luna’s room, he knock very carefully. “Luna, can I come inn?” He didn’t have to wait long before she answered. “Yes.” He opened the door and walked inn. He saw that Luna was lying on her bed while looking up at the celling, her Sandshrew lying on the bed sleeping. “How do you fell?” He asked her while sitting down on a chair near the bed.

“Good, I’m not so angry anymore.” She let out a sighed. “Please tell me that boy is gone.” She asked her boyfriend.

“No, but I think he will leave as soon as his Rabbot is healed.”

“Rabbot? Is that the name of his Pokémon?” Luna asked James without looking at him, James nodded. “How did it get hurt.”

“Ace battle him and it look like Rabbot didn’t listen to him, it kind of look like the same trouble you had with your Scyther.”

“Huh, maybe he should slap Rabbot in the face, I did that.”

James couldn’t help but chuckle of what she said. “Maybe.” He then leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms. “What about you? Are you ready to get some training before we leave tomorrow?”

Luna let out another sighed. “I don’t know, after what that guy did I kind of don’t want to anymore.”

James knew how she felt but she shouldn’t let this get her down, then he got an idea. “Alright, if you don’t want to train then it’s ok. If you don’t then there’s a change you will be out of the championship pretty fast if you are weak.

That made Luna sit up. “Excuse me? I am not weak, I have all the badges, I have proven myself.

James just shrugged his shoulders. “If you say so.”

Luna was a little pissed of right now. “I’ll show you.” She got up from the bed, took Sandshrew under har arms, he woke up when she did that, and headed out the door. She was going to show James who was weak.

Author's Note:

It was about time I wrote Ash in a chapter.

They way Ash and Goh was acting, it's what I think about them. Also, I'm not a big fan of Goh, I think he's a dumb character.

Alright, down to business. I'm going to try and write three more chapters before Luna is entering the Hoenn championship. I will also try and get this story done this year, I hope.

Arctic Ace belongs to MLPFan 1.

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