• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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The Forbidden Forest part 3

Luna just sat there, in utter shock. Standing in front of here was a man she had never seen before and he knew who she really was, only three people knew who she really was so how could this Dirk knew?

“Iiiiii don’t know what you are talking about, I am no princess.” She said in a shaky voice.

Dirk just gave her a smug smile. “I don’t really care if say that you are not a princess or not, I was pay a lot of money to capture you alive and bring you inn to my employer.”

“And what about the Pokémon? If you are after me, why are you catching them?”

He just gave her an evil smile. “I’m going to sell them on the black mark of course, they will bay a lot of money.” He looked over to Venusaur. “Especially for a Venusaur, I never thought I would see one.” He then look at Luna’s first Pokémon.” I also never thought I would see Grovyle.”

Luna didn’t like to hear that. “You stay the hell away from my Grovyle.”

Dirk didn’t pay any attention of what she said, he just pressed some button on the device on his wrist and some more black orbs came out from the truck, the orbs then flew towards Luna. When she saw the orbs coming towards her, her brain told her to run but the rest of her body didn’t listen.

The orbs never touched her. Before they could do that, bunch of leaf destroyed them. Standing between them and Luna was Bulbasaur, he didn’t understand what was going on, but he was not going to let human male kidnap Luna.

“Aww, isn’t this cute. Little Bulbasaur want to be the hero.” Dirk looked over to the Pokémon to his right. ”Tyranitar, use hyper beam on Bulbasaur.” A beam came out from Tyranitar mouth and managed to hit the seed Pokémon, he flew through the air and landed not far from Luna.

Luna was in completely shocked when she saw what Dirk did. “What’s the matter with you?” She crawled over to Bulbasaur to see if he was ok. “You can’t threat Pokémon like that.” Bulbasaur was hurt and had trouble getting up.

Dirk just shrugged of what she said. “Why not? Pokémon are just tools for us humans to use, why should I care if one gets hurt?”

Luna wasn’t afraid anymore, she was pissed off. She looked at Dirk with hatred in her eyes. “You disgusting man, have you no heart?”

Dirk put a hand on his chin to ‘think’. “No, let’s finished this.” Dirk made more drones fly up from his truck and head towards Luna, they didn’t get very far. The drones were destroyed by some flames. “Now what? Dirk said in a frustrated voice.

“That’s no way to threat a lady.” Said a new voice Dirk didn’t know, Luna knew who’s voice it was.

Luna looked at tree lines and there stood James with his Arcanine, she was very happy to see him. ”James.” She said in a happy tone.

He just gave her a smile back. “Sorry I’m late.”

Dirk wasn’t very happy to see him, he was hoping to kidnap Luna before the ex-champion arrived. “This was not part of my plan.”

James looked over to him. ”Plan? You left a giant hole in the fence, was that part of your big plan?” James said that last part with sarcasm. “Not a good plan.”

Dirk was not in the mood, he had a job to do and he wasn’t to let a washed up champion ruined for him. He decided to call up more drones, a loot more. out of his truck came hundred od drones. Way too many for James’s Arcanine to handle.

James eyes widen when he saw them all. “That’s not good.” Then the drones flew towards them. “Flamethrower.” Flames came out from Arcanine’s mouth and he managed to destroy most of them but there were to many of them.

It didn’t take long before James and Arcanine was caught like the rest of them, they both fell on the ground, twisting in pain. Dirk let put a sinister smile. “This is going well.” He then turned his attention towards Luna. “Now for the main price.” He pressed on the panel on his write and directed the drones towards Luna.

Luna could only watch as the drones approach her, she was again to afraid to move. She had hope when James had arrived but that disappeared when he also was caught, she just closet her eyes.

Before the drones could reach her, they were destroyed, again. This time by lighting. Dirk et out a frustrated growl. “Now what?” Before he could figure out what happened, he and Luna heard a roar and thunder.

They look up on a hill not far from them and up on it was a giant Pokémon, it was Raikou. Luna was in awe when she saw the Pokémon, this was the second time she had seen it and it was still amazing.

Dirk on the other hand wasn’t in awe, he saw money opportunities. He could sell Raikou on the black marked and live like a king. “Tyranitar, Escavalier, attack Raikou.” All three Pokémon started to run towards the thunder Pokémon, they didn’t get far.

Raikou jumped down of the hill and started to run towards Dirk and his Pokémon. As he ran, lighting started to form around his body and each step felt like a little earthquake. Raikou started to run faster and faster and when he reach Dirk’s Pokémon, he send them flying.

Dirk’s eyes widen in horror when he saw that. “Shit.” He tried to send out some drones to catch Raikou, but he never got the chance. Raikou ran past him, knocking him on the ground and also short circuited the panel on Dirk’s wrist, he also took out Dirk’s truck. Dirk landed on the ground in pain. “Fuck, that hurt.” Raikou keep running into the forest and disappeared.

While he was on ground, the orbs that was holding James and the he Pokémon stopped working. James was happy that happened. “That’s better.” He and Arcanine got up pretty fast. “Let’s finished this.” James took out another Pokéball and threw it up in the air and out came Lucario. Arcanine, use flamethrower on Escavalier. Lucario, use mach punch on Tyranitar.” Both Pokémon attack Dirk’s Pokémon who was getting up from Raikou’s attack, all attacks hit, and all three Pokémon went down for the count.

While James was busy with Dirk’s Pokémon, Dirk himself was trying to escape. “Time for me to disappear.” He didn’t get very far, he was caught by some vines and lifted up in the air. “What the hell?” He looked back and saw that it was Venusaur who had caught him.

While Dirk struggled to escape, which he didn’t. James walked over to him with a smug smile on his face. “What’s the rush Dirk, why not ‘hang’ around little more.” Dirk just gave a deadpan stare after that comment, James just kept on smiling. He then look over to Luna who was just sitting there, she was glad it all was over.

It didn’t take long before guardians of the forest to show up and contact the police, so they could apprehend Dirk and sett lose his Pokémon.

James could only watch as officer Jenny place him in police car, he hope that he would in jail a long time. When it came to Obee and the rest, they weren’t to happy that James had run on his own without their permission. James couldn’t care less of what they said, the only thing he cared about was to rescue Luna, which he did poorly. He did give Obee a piece of his mind when it came to recuse Luna, he wasn’t happy that he had to wait while Luna’s life was in danger. They weren’t happy by his lecture, but he couldn’t care less.

James looked over to Luna who was sitting on a rock with a blanket, looking down on the ground. Bulbasaur and Grovyle was beside her with worried faces. She as pretty shocked up from the hole experience.

James walk over t her to talk to her. “How are you holding up Luna?”

“Not good James.” She told him. “He knew.”

“Who knew?” James asked her.

“Dirk.” She look up at him, he could see that she was ready to have a breakdown. “He knows who I really am, that’s means that someone ells knows how I am, and they want to kidnap me.”

Further into the forest, a shadowlike figure wat watching the hole thing with binoculars. He eventually but them away and took out a walkie-talkie and active it. “This is grunt 807, Dirk has failed in capturing the subject. Awaiting orders.”

It didn’t take long before someone answer. “Come back to base, the boss while deal with this personally.”

“Understood.” The grunt put away the walkie-talkie and disappeared.

Author's Note:

Well, I hope that you guys liked the last part. It’s shorter than the two first, I just wanted to be done with. The next chapter will be up when it’s done.

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