• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Author's Note:

If you haven’t read the chapter ‘The sleeping Snorlax,’ then this chapter can be a little confusing. Also, I have wanted to write this chapter for a while. I’m also editing my previous chapters.

Enjoy the chapter.

After their training outside Foothill town, James and Luna were still on their way to Petalburg town. Unfortunately, after what happened with Rufflet the tension has been a little weird. Luna has apologies the entire time while James has told her there’s nothing to apologies for. Right now, they were walking through a forest that they had to cross to get to Petalburg.

“Would you stop apologies Luna, you have done that for last three days. I’m not mad at you.”

“You should be, I wasn’t very nice to you.”

James stopped and so did she. “Would you stop this, I’m only going to say this one more time; I’m not mad at you. You were concerned about Rufflet, there’s nothing wrong with that. Trust me when I say this, I have been in the same situation.”

Luna wasn’t sure if she heard what he said was right, for an entire day she was rube to him. She blamed him that Rufflet was hurt, she blamed him that Rufflet walked out into the forest to train and got more hurt. The worst part that it was his fault and now, now he’s telling her that is alright. He’s not mad at her and he should.

“I wish that my sister was like you.” She said while she hung her head.

Those words got his attention. “What do you mean?”

She lifted her head and took a deep breath. “Every time I did something wrong my sister would yell at me, one time I accidentally ordered meat instead of vegetables. I managed to correct the mistake but one of our chefs ratted me out, she was angry at for a month. Truth be told, this was early in our regime.”

James wasn’t sure if he heard that right. “Let me get this straight, your sister gets mad at just because you order the wrong food and you two was newbies when it came to ruling a country?” Luna just nodded, James couldn’t help but slap a hand on his face. “That might be the stupide thing I have ever heard.”

“You got that right.” Luna didn’t like to think about the past, so she decided to chance the topic. “Say James, which forest are we in?” She asked him.

“We are in the same forest that my aunt lives in but, we are in different part of it. We are close to Petalburg.”

Luna groaned when she heard that. “Are you telling me that we are going to get lost, again?” She asked James with annoyance in her voice.

“That’s not fair, I know where we are going this time. I think so.” He looked down on the map he had in his hands.

He had whispered that last part, but unfortunately for him Luna heard him. “That might be great an all but I have no intension to get lost again.”

“Oh yeah, do you have a better idea?” He asked her.

“I do actually.” She took out a Pokéball and threw it up in the air. “Come out Scyther.” Out from the Pokéball came the mantis Pokémon, Luna had a smug smile on her face.

“Did you plan this?” He asked her.

“In a way, yes. Something told that me we had to walk through the same forest that we walked in last time. So, in Mauville City I got Joshua to fetch Scyther for me. In case this would happened.” She said with pride in her voice.

“Aren’t you clever.” James said while he put away the map, he was a little angry that she did that but truth be told, he was proud of her. “Well then, lead the way.” He gestured with his hand towards the forest.

“It won’t be me.” She turned toward Scyther. “Scyther, would be so kind and lead us to Petalburg?” Scyther just nodded, he stared to walk and they followed him.

After walking a wile Luna decide to ask something that as bugging her for a while. “How long is this stupide forest? It feels like we have walked for hours.”

James just shrugged his shoulder. “Don’t know, but here’s a tip; never go into an unknown forest unprepared. I got lost for days once.”

“I know that felling, I got lost in Everfree forest once.”

“Didn’t you have wings back then?”

“I was a kid back then, I didn’t know better. I was lucky my mother found me otherwise I would have starved to death.”

Then all off sudden Scyther stop dead in his track, he stared to looked around. Luna gave James worried look.

“What’s wrong with Scyther?” She asked him.

“I don’t know, maybe he heard something.” Said James.

As soon as James said that, Scyther took off and flew deeper into the forest.

“Scyther, where are you going?” Luna ran after the mantis Pokémon, James was right behind her.

After some running they managed to catch up with Scyther, he was standing by some trees. Luna walked over to him. “What’s wrong with you Scyther? You can’t just…” She felt a hand on her mouth, it was James who hold a finger on his mouth that told her to be quiet.

“What’s the meaning of this?” She asked in a quiet tone.

James pointed at something, so she decided to see what it was, in a clearing she could see a flock of Syther’s. Luna could see at least twenty of them, some were fighting each other, some were playing and resting in the sun. By a tree she could see a Pokémon that looked like red version of Scyther, but it looks like it was mead of metal and that it hands had eyes. Those were creping her out.

“It’s a Scizor.” James whispered to her, Luna took out her Pokédex.

Scizor the Pincer Pokémon and the evolved form of Scyther. Scizor has a body with the hardness of steel. it is not easy easily fazed by ordinary sorts of attacks. This Pokémon flaps its wings to regulate its body temperature.

“Scyther can evolved into that, those hands are kind of creepy.” She told James.

James laughed when her heard that. “You are not the first one to say that.”

“I don’t understand why Scyther ran here?”

“Do you remember the day we first meet Scyther.” Luna nodded. “I’m guessing that your Scyther was the leader of this flock and that he lost to the Scizor by the tree.”

Luna couldn’t help but question what James just said. “And how can you possible know all that?” She asked him.

“Well, considering that your Scyther has been staring at Scizor ever since we got here.”

Luna looked at Scyther and James was right, Scyther was staring at Scizor and Luna could see hatred in his eyes. The last time she saw so much hate was in her own eyes in a mirror, the time she was angry at her sister for not listing to her. She shook her head. ‘It’s in the past.’ Luna looked back at the flock and she saw a much younger Scyther approaching Scizor, the younger one had a oran berry between its scythes.

“Hey James.” He looked at her, she pointed at the young Scyther. “Why does that one look so different from my Scyther? It looks a little smaller.”

James looked where she was pointing. “I think that Scyther is female, they are a little smaller that a male Scyther.” Luna nodded.

All three of them watch as the female Scyther approached Scizor, especially Luna’s Scyther. The female gave the oran berry to Scizor and he took it with its claws, he took a bite of it but then he spited out the bite and threw the oran on the ground. He then decided to hit the female in the face with his claws, the female Scyther fell on the ground.

This shocked both of the humans but Scyther, he saw red. Then Scizor was about the hit the female Scyther on more time, but Scyther wasn’t about to let that happened. He flew out from where he was watching and stood in between them both, he crossed his scythes and managed to block the attack.

Scizor and the female Scyther was shocked when they saw who it was, then Scizor smiled.

“Scizor, sci sci Scizor.” Luna and James didn’t understand anything but the figure out that they were talking and that they knew each other.

“Scyther scyther.” Scyther bush back the attack and made Scizor stagger back a little. “Scy scy scyther.”

“What do you think they are talking about James?”

“I have no clue but, this is just a hunch. I think that your Scyther knows the female one.”

Luna was about to say something when she noticed that Scizor was about the attack her Scyther, one of his claws stared to glow. He was about to hit Scyther when… “Get out of the was Scyther.” Luna didn’t mean to say that but she was about to let her Pokémon get hurt like that, Scyther listen to her and managed to doge the attack.

After that outburst every Scyther and Scizor was looking in their direction, this made James very nervous. “This is not good.” He didn’t know what would happened but it’s okay to be careful. But not Luna, she was furious.

She walked out from where they were hiding and she walked straight to Scizor. “What is your problem Scizor? You don’t hit someone when they bring you bad food and you don’t attack other when they are trying to defend other’s.” She was right in his face. “You are no leader, you are a coward.”

Scizor wasn’t sure if he was hearing things right, a human was telling him that he was doing things the wrong way. He wasn’t to let the human talk him down, his claw stared to glow again and then everything was in slow motion.

Luna saw Scizor claw coming towards her, she failed to get away in time and she got hit in her left arm. She fell down on the ground holding her arm, her sleeve was rip open. James and Scyther ran to her to check if she was hurt.

“Luna, you okay?” James asked her.

“My arm, it hurt.”

“Don’t worry, I have bandages in my backpack.” He took it off and found some bandages. “You have remove the sleeve.

Luna did as he said, James stared to wrapped bandages around her arm. Scyther had watch everything, first Scizor had hurt his little sister and then his trainer, he wasn’t mad he was furious. He faced Scizor and pointed a scythe at him.

“Scyther scyther scy scyther.” Scizor just nodded and they got into an attacking position, James and Luna was watching the whole thing. “This can’t be good.” Said James.

Both Pokémon just stared at each other which felt like an eternity, then both of their hand started to glow and then they attack. Scyther’s scythe clashed with Scizor’s claw, at first, they looked evenly match but then Scizor stared to push Scyther back. Scyther stared to panic, he tried to push back but Scizor was to strong.

Meanwhile with the humans, James had finished wrapping Luna arm. Now, they were watching the battle and Luna didn’t like what she saw. “Jump back Scyther.” Out of instinct he did as Luna did.

“What the hell are you doing?” James asked her.

“What does it look I’m doing, I’m helping Scyther.” Was the answer he got.

“This is not your battle.”

Luna got up “The hell is it, Scyther is my partner and I’m not going to let him battle alone. And besides, he’s is my friend.” When Scyther heard that he could help but smile, he went back to face Scizor knowing that he had his train beside him.

They stared at each other, it felt like hours. All of sudden Scizor hands stared to glow and flew towards Scyther, Luna knew what kind of attack it was. “Counter with fury cutter Scyther.” He’s scythes stared to glow he just managed to block the first attack.

They traded blow for blow, it didn’t look like anyone of the two Pokémon was getting the upper hand, but both Luna and James could see that Scizor didn’t get tired. Scyther tried to hit Scizor but when he did he lost his footing and almost fell, that opportunity took Scizor and managed to hit Scyther hard enough the he staggered back a little.

Then Scizor’s claws open and stars came out from them, when James saw that his eyes widen. “Oh no, that’s swift.”

Luna did not know what that was, and she didn’t care.” Doge it Scyther.” He did that and managed to not to get hit, but it wasn’t over. The attack turned in the air and hit Scyther in the back, Luna wasn’t sure what she saw was right. “What happened? The attack came back.” She said to herself.

“That’s what swift does, the attack while always hit the target.” James told her.

Now it was Luna’s eyes turned to widen. “You got to be kidding me.” While they talk Scyther got up from the ground and he was in pain.

Then Scizor attack again with swift. “Fly away Scyther.” He did as Luna said and flew up in the air while the attack followed him as James said.

Scyther tried his best to get rid of swift but whatever he tried he could not shake it off, on the ground Luna and James watch as Scyther flew around trying to avoid the attack.

Then Luna noticed something. “There’s something wrong with Scyther.” They both looked closer and she was right, Scyther had trouble staying in the air.

“It must be the last attack, the one he got in the back. It must have hurt his wings.” James told her.

James was right, Scyther was losing attuite and speed. She had to do something and that fast. ‘What can I do? If this keeps up Scyther is going to get hit soon. ’Then she remembered what James told her about swift. “The attack while always hit the target.” She looked at Scizor and that gave her an idea.

“Scyther, fly towards Scizor.”

Scyther was a little confused off what she said but then he looked back and then realized what she meant, he stared to fly towards Scizor. Meanwhile on the ground was Scizor confused, he didn’t understand why. But he wasn’t to let Scyther attack him up front, so he got ready an iron claw.

Scyther flew closer and closer and when he was a few inches away from Scyther. “Use agility.” And in a blink of an eye Scyther disappeared.

Scizor eyes widen when he saw his own attack came towards him and before he could react, he was hit by his own swift. The attack didn’t do much damaged, but it made him take a few steps back, then Scyther appeared in front of him.

“Alright Scyther, use fury cutter back to back.”

Scyther’s scythes stared to glow again and Scizor was hit, he was hit again and again by Scyther’s attack and every time the attack became stronger and Scizor took more and more damage. Scizor tried to get away but Scyther’s attacks prevented him to do that.

“Time to finished it Scyther.” Scyther couldn’t agree more with Luna’s word, he stop the attack and crossed his scythes, then they stared to glow. Luna knew right away which move he learn. “Finished it x-scissor.” Scyther attack Scizor so hard that the pincer Pokémon fell to the ground unconscious.

Scyther just stood there over the unconscious Scizor breathing heavily, Luna was about to run over to him when she noticed that the rest of the Scyther’s started to gather around her Scyther. Then Scizor stared to wake up, when he opened his eyes he looked straight into Scyther’s eyes, they just stared at each other. Then Scyther pointed at the forest. “Scyther scyther scyther.” Scizor got up and just flew away in shame.

Luna and James just watch as Scizor flew away, then they saw that the rest of the flock gather around Scyther.

“James, what’s going on?” She asked him.

“Your Scyther defeat Scizor who was the leader of the flock and they considering him as the new leader.” He explained to her.

“Those that mean that I’m going to lose Scyther?” She asked with some concern in her voice.

“Maybe, but I think that we should let Scyther decide that. let’s give him some room for that.”

Luna didn’t want to do that, but she also trusted Scyther so she and James walked away from the flock, so he could deice with them interfering. The waiting was infuriating, Luna was sitting under a tree while James was leaning towards it with arms crossed. She looked at him.

“How long have we waiting?” She asked him.

James took out his Pokédex. “About five minutes.”

Luna was surprised by that. “No longer?” James just nodded. “It feels like forever.” She said while whining. “I hope that Scyther don’t leave.”

“Do you trust him?” James asked her.

“Of course I do, I trust all my Pokémon.” She answered.

“Then you have nothing to worried about.”

James was right, as soon he said that the bushes stared to move and Scyther step out. He was smiling. Luna got up and walked over to him and gave him a hug. “I knew that you would come.” He returned the hug. “Did it go well with the rest of the Scyther’s.” He nodded. “Good, now you can lead us out of this forest.” She let go of him.

Scyther looked over his shoulder just as the flock was about leave, the female noticed that and waved at him and he waved back. He turned around and stared to lead Luna and James out of the forest.

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