• Published 15th Apr 2015
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Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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The Light Stone and the Grunt

After their tag battle with Ace and Shadow, Luna and James were on their way to Petalburg so Luna could get her fifth badge. They were now walking in the valley of mist. James had suggested that they should take the cycling road again but Luna refused, she didn’t want to ride there again after what happened last time. And besides, her butt is still sore after riding the bicycle.

While walking on path Luna kept looking around wondering if anyone or anything would jump out and scare her, James notice that.

“Would you relax Luna, there’s nothing here that is going to scare you.” He told her.

“You don’t know that, the fog here is so thick that I can’t see what’s in front of me.” She said with a worried voice.

“That’s why this valley has that.” He answered her.

He pointed at something in the mist, Luna tried to see what he was potting at but she couldn’t see anything thanks to the fog. She was about to scold him but then she saw a light in the distant and a lighthouse.

“What’s that?” He asked James.

“That’s the light stone and it light the path so travels can see path they are walking.” He explained to her.

Then the light became even more stronger and the fog disappeared letting them see the path in front of them, Luna was just amazed of what she saw.

“This is incredible.” She said with awe in her voice.

“You can say that again, let’s go and visit.”

They head towards the lighthouse. When they arrived, they saw a boy exit the lighthouse, he had brown hair and was wearing a green short and orange t-shirt. Luna notice two Pokémon she had never seen before, both looked like yellow mouse but they looked different from each other.

“Hey Thatcher.”

The boy named Thatcher turned to see who called his name, he got a smile on his face when he saw who it was.

“Hey James, long time no see.” They shook hands. “What are you doing here? I thought your travel time was over.”

“I was but I’m helping a Luna here on her journey.” He ponied at her.

Thatcher walked over to her to say hello. “Hey, my name is Thatcher and I’m the guardian of this lighthouse and the light stone and this are my partners Pulse and Minun. Say hello you two.”

The two Pokémon stood in front Luna. “Plusle.” Said the one that was red.

“Minun.” Said the other one.

Luna took out het Pokédex and pointed at the one with red ears and tail, and the red plus sign on its cheeks.

Plusle the Cheering Pokémon. Plusle always acts as a cheerleader for its partners. Whenever a teammate puts out a good effort in battle, this Pokémon shorts out its body to create the crackling noises of sparks to show its joy.

And she ponied at the one with blue ears and tail, it had a minus sign on its cheeks.

Minun the Cheering Pokémon. Minun is more concerned about cheering on its partners that its own safety. It shouts out the electricity in its body to create brilliant showers of sparks to cheer on its teammates.

“They look like brothers.” She pointed out to the guys.

“You are right there, you can always see them together.” James told her. “Hey Thatcher, where’s your sister?” He asked the boy.

“She at the village, I can take you there if you want.”

James smiled of that. “That would be nice, we are running low on food and I was hoping that we could by some.” He looked at Luna. “Is this okay with you?” She just shrugged her shoulders. “Alright then.”

“No problem, just follow me and I will take you there. Come one Plusle and Minun.”

Both Pokémon took the lead and they were on their way to Thatcher village. Little did they know that someone was watching them form the shadows.

“So, the former champion of Hoenn is here.” The figure smiled. “This is going to be fun.”

While walking Luna couldn’t help but ask Thatcher about the light stone.

“Just how does this light stone work Thatcher?”

“It’s really simple actually, all you ned is electricity and all that is stored in the light stone for a few seconds, and then the electricity is spread in a light that remove the fog.”

“That’s just amazing, we have nothing like that back home.”

“Where are you from Luna, if you don’t mind me asking.”

James who was walking behind them payed close attention of this conversation. ‘Let’s see if she can handle this.’

“I’m from a place called Equestria but at the moment I’m living with professor Birch.”

Thatcher was impressed by that. “You’re living with professor Birch? That’s so awesome, I always wanted to meet him. He’s one of the most famous Pokémon professor there is.”

They talk some until they arrived at Thatcher’s village and the first thing Luna noticed that the villagers that lived there looked like farmers and it kind of looked like Ponyville, she didn’t see any Pokémon center. ‘I guess this villages don’t have electricity.’ She thought while they walked through the village. She saw that the villagers were very friendly, they were waving at her and James, she waved back at them.

Then they arrived at house that Luna assumed was Thatcher’s house, in the door opening stood a girl who Luna figured out that was Thatcher’s sister. She looked like she was older then James and Luna, she had red hair and she was wearing a green shirt with a pink skirt whit some small black pants. Beside was a Pokémon Luna had not seen before, it looked like three Magnemite fused together. She took out her Pokédex and pointed at the Pokémon.

Magneton the Magnet Pokémon and the evolved form of Magnemite. Magneton emits a powerful magnetic force that is fatal to electronics and precision instrument. Because if this, it is said some towns warn people to keep this Pokémon inside a Poké ball.

“Bringing home strangers again Thatcher.” The girl said in a mocking tone.

“Very funny Alyssa.” Thatcher just rolled his eyes.

Then Alyssa saw the two who was following him. “Hello James, it’s been a while.” James just nodded. “Who’s the girl?”

“My name is Luna and I’m on my way to compete in the Pokémon league.” She told Alyssa.

Alyssa gave her a smile. “Nice to meet you Luna, my name Alyssa and I’m Thatcher’s big sister and the former protector of the light stone. And this my partner Magneton, say hello Magneton.”

The Pokémon floated to Luna. “Magneton.” Luna became a little nervous when it approached her.

“Come back Magneton, I think you making her nervous.” The magnet Pokémon listen to its trainer. “So James, what can we do for you?” She asked him.

“We just need to buy some more food, that’s all.”

Alyssa just waved her hand. “We have plenty of food, we would be happy to give them to you.”

Luna was surprised when she heard that. ‘She is very nice, unlike my sister. Who just like to manipulate others.’ She thought for herself.

James and Alyssa went to find some food leaving Luna alone with Thatcher. “Your sister is very nice.”

Thatcher smiled of what Luna said. “That she is, do you have a sister?” He asked her.

Luna looked down on the ground. “Yes, but I haven’t spoken to her for a while. She has been ignoring me so I decide to go on this journey to get away from her and do some thinking.”

“I see, well no matter what the problem is you have to remember that family is important. No matter what the problem is.”

That made Luna a little angry. “You don’t know my sister, she put everything ells before family.” She sighed. “I don’t want to talk about her, tell James that I’m waiting on the edge of the villages.” She walked away leaving Thatcher with his Pokémon.

Thatcher felt bad for her. “Poor girl.” Plusle and Minun agreed with their trainer.

It didn’t take long before James came back with some food, he then noticed that Luna was wasn’t with Thatcher. “Where’s Luna?” He asked Thatcher.

“We stared to talk about family and then I asked if she had a sister and I think I offended her or something, I don’t know what happened.”

“Yeah, Luna’s sister is a touchy subject. Come one, let’s see if she is alright.” Thatcher just nodded.

When they arrived at edge at villages the could see that Luna just stood there, looking out into the fog. Thatcher went over to her.

“Luna.” She turned around. “I’m sorry if I said something wrong.”

She just waved her hand. “Don’t worry about it, you could not have known.” Thatcher was relieved when he heard that. “By the way, the fog is getting thicker again.”

They all looked towards the lighthouse and she was right, the fog was setting in. “You are right, I guess I have to clear the fog again.” Said Thatcher. “Do you two want to see how it’s works?” That they wanted.

Meanwhile at the lighthouse a dark shadow had made his way up the stairs, when he reacted the top he could see the light stone just lying there. “This is to easy.” He said while took the stone. “Now I have to get back to base and sell it.” He took the stone under his arm and headed down the stairs.

When James and the others arrived back at the lighthouse they saw that the light stone was gone. “Oh no, the stone is gone. This is bad without it the travels won’t be able to see where they are going.” Thatcher said in a panic voice.

James walked over to him and put his hands on his shoulders. “Calm down Thatcher, panicking won’t help get stone back.” James told his friend.

“I know that James but I was supposed to protect it and I have failed.”

“You haven’t failed, not yet.” James took out Pokéball, he threw it up in the air. “Come out Mightyena.” Out came a Pokémon that Luna hadn’t seen before.

It looked like a giant dog and its fur was a mix with black and grey, she took out her Pokédex.

Mightyena the Bite Pokémon and the evolved form of Poochyena. Mightyena gives obvious signals when it is preparing to attack. It starts to growl deeply and then flattens its body. This Pokémon will bite savagely with its sharply pointed fangs.

She looked closer at her Pokédex. ‘My Poochyena will evolved into this Pokémon, that’s so cool.’ She put away the Pokédex.

“Alright Mightyena, someone has been in here recently and the person has stolen the light stone. I want you to sniff around the lighthouse and see if you can find that person smell.”

Mightyena did as James said and stared to sniff on the ground around where the stone should be, he then stared to sniff in the air.

“Did you find something?” James asked his Pokémon, Mightyena howl and ran down the stairs. “I’ll take that as a yes, let’s follow.” They did that.

They kept running through the fog trying to keep up with Mightyena, Luna looked over to James.

“Are you sure that Mightyena knows where it’s going?” She asked him.

“Don’t worry, Mightyena nose has never let me down before and I doubt it will it now.” He told her.

Meanwhile the thief had manged to get lost in the fog. “This fucking fog, I don’t know where I am.”

“That happened when you steal the only thing the only thing that can clear the fog.”

The thief turned towards where the voice and he saw three kids with three Pokémon. “Shit, how did you find me?”

James pointed at Mightyena. “When you have a Pokémon with a good nose it is a little difficult to hide.” Then James manged to see the thief through the fog and what he saw made his eyes widen, on the shirt of the thief was a big R. “You’re with Team Rocket, how is that possible?”

The them Rocket grunt just smiled. “We may not be as active as before but we still like to steal things and sell them on black marked, I suggest that you three kids just run along and let me be on my way.”

Then Thatcher stepped forward. “If you think I’m going to let you get away with the light stone you are wrong, I’m the protector of the stone and I’m not letting you get away with it. Plusle and Minun.” Both moved in front of their trainer ready to fight.

The grunt stared to laugh. “Didn’t you parents learn you to pick your fights?” The grunt took out an Pokéball, he threw it up in the air. “Come out Houndoom.” Out came a Pokémon that looked like the devil on four legs and it was very scary.

Luna took out her Pokédex again and pointed at the new Pokémon.

Houndoom the Dark Pokémon and the evolved form of Houndour. In a Houndoom pack, the one with its horns raked sharply towards the back serves a leadership role. These Pokémon choose their leader by fighting among themselves.

“Use flamethrower on the two Pokémon.” Flames came out from Houndoom’s mouth and hit Thatcher Pokémon knocking them both out, the grunt laugh when he saw that. “That was pathetic kid, you are supposed to be the protector of the light stone? Get a new job.”

Thatcher ran to Plusle and Minun, he took them in his arms. “You two okay?” None of them could answer, they were both out.

When Luna saw what happened she became furious. “How dare you?” All eyes were on her. “How dare you treat Pokémon like that? To benefit your own selfie goal?”

The grunt just snorted. “Listen lady, as long as I make money I don’t really care.”

At first Luna was mad, but now she was pissed off. She took out a Pokéball and pointed at the grunt. “If you want to have the stone then you have to defeat me first.”

The grunt just smiled. “Bring it on kid.”

Luna threw the Pokéball. “Come out Riolu.” Out came the emanation Pokémon ready or battle but when he saw Houndoom she back away.

The grunt just smiled of what he saw. “IS that your choice? Your Pokémon is pathetic, you better switch.”

“Unlike you I have faith in my Pokémon, use quick attack.” Riolu ran as fast as she could towards Houndoom.

“Use flamethrower.” Flames came out from its mouth.

“Doge the attack.” Riolu manged to doge the attack, she then tackled Houndoom.

It didn’t look like Houndoom was affected by the attack at all. “Use Shadow ball.” Houndoom send out a dark ball from its mouth and this time Riolu didn’t have time to doge the attack, Riolu was send flying back and land in front of Luna badly hurt.

Luna became worried while James was shocked of what he saw. ‘That Houndoom is strong.’ He looked at Mightyena. “Come on boy, let make sure that the grunt doesn’t get away. Luna can handle him.” Mightyena nodded and followed his trainer.

Meanwhile was Luna worrying about Riolu how had trouble getting up. “You okay Riolu?” She was resting on her knee breathing heavily.

The grunt just laughed of the scene in front of him. “This is hilarious but, as much fun this is let’s finished this. Use flamethrower and end this.” Flames came out from its mouth again towards Riolu.

“Get up Riolu, I believe in you.” That was all she need to hear.

The flames collide with the ground and created a small explosion, they all had to cover their eyes. When the smoke cleared they saw that Riolu was gone, this shocked the grunt.

“What happened? Where’s Riolu?”

“Look up.” Luna told him.

The grunt was confused by what Luna said but he did and what he saw shocked him again, high above them was Riolu. “Use brick break.” Her hand stared to glow and then Houndoom was hit in head so hard that it passed out.

The grunt was in shook of what he saw. ‘What power.’ He called back Houndoom. “Time for me to leave.” He turned around and stared to run but he didn’t get very far.

In front of him stood James and Mightyena. “Going somewhere?” They were blocking his path. “Hand over the light stone and I’ll let you go.”

The grunt was about fight back but remembered that he hasn’t any more Pokémon, he looked back and forth and saw that he didn’t have any choice. “Fine.” He threw the stone to James who manged to catch it. “This isn’t over.” The grunt disappeared into the fog.

James walked over to Thatcher who had watch the whole thing, he was looked down on the ground. “Here you go Thatcher, one light stone.” Thatcher didn’t even move. “What’s wrong?” James asked him.

Then Thatcher stared to cry. “I’m supposed to be the protector of the light stone and I failed again, I failed ten years ago and again today. I’m not worthy to be the light stone guardian anymore.”

Luna felt bad for because she has been in the same situation as him before and she knew what to do, she walked over to him and slapped him in the face.

“Pull yourself together, you are a Pokémon trainer when a trainer is down he gets up and train some more. You lost one battle and you are going to give up? I have lost more time then you and I haven’t given up yet, I have thought about more than twice but then I remember how fun it is to travel and to battle with my Pokémon.”

Thatcher took in every word Luna said and she was right, every time he has smile and laugh he have been with Plusle and Minun. And he wasn’t about to give up just because he lost.

“You are right Luna.” He stood up with Plusle and Minun in his arms. “I’m going to get up and train some more, me an Plusle and Minun are going to get stronger.”

Luna smiled of that while James walked to him holding the light stone. “I’m glad to her that Thatcher, I think this is your.” James handed him the stone.

“Thanks James but you can hold on to it a little longer, I need to get back to the village and heal Plusle and Minun.” With that said they headed to the village.

Back at the village Thatcher went to his house to tend to Plusle and Minun, James and Luna was talking with her sister.

“Let me get this right, my brother lost against a member of team Rocket?” James and Luna nodded, Alyssa stared to rube her forehead. “I thought I was done with them.”

“You have meet them before?” Luna asked her.

Alyssa sighed. “A couple of years ago, I don’t want to talk about it.” Luna decide not to ask about it. “But, the fog still need to be cleared so I guess I have to do it.”

They headed towards the lighthouse, again. Once at the top James place the light stone where it should be.

Alyssa turned to Luna. “Do you want to do it?”

Luna was shocked when she heard that. “Me?” Alyssa nodded. “But, isn’t it your villages responsible to clear the fog?”

“That may be true but I think that is just stupide and besides, you were the one that defeated the grunt and got the light stone back. Do you have an electric Pokémon?”

“I have an Jolteon.” She answered.

Alyssa clapped her hands together. “That’s perfect, what are you waiting for?”

Luna looked at James for advice, he just shrugged his shoulders. Luna Poké ball and opened it and out came the Jolteon, when Jolteon saw Alyssa he hid behind Luna.

“What’s going on? What’s wrong with Jolteon?” Alyssa asked with confuse in her voice.

“We think that something happened to Jolteon when he was an Eevee and now he’s afraid of other humans, except Luna.”

Alyssa nodded in understanding, she had heard that some scientists has done some awful thing to Pokémon. Meanwhile was Luna trying to calm down Jolteon.

“Relax Jolteon, Alyssa isn’t going to hurt you.” She said while bending down.

Jolteon who was still hiding behind Luna looked over to Alyssa who had kind smile on her face, then he looked at Luna who had the same facial expression. He stepped forward but still hesitated a little.

“What do want Jolteon to do?” Luna asked while getting up.

“Simple, just Jolteon to use an electric attack on the light stone.” Alyssa answered her.

“That’s it?” Alyssa answered with smile. “Alright, you heard her Jolteon. Use thunderbolt on the stone but take it easy.”

Jolteon did as Luna said, he closed his eyes and let out electricity from his body it hit the light stone. Then the stone stared to shine with a bright light, the light shone out in to the wally clearing the fog. Luna and Jolteon was amazed of what they saw, even James was impressed.

“This is amazing.” Luna said with awe in her voce while looking out from one of the windows, Jolteon agreed.

James walked up to her. “Now as it’s gone why don’t we continued our journey to Petalburg.”

Luna nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I’m getting sick of this fog.” They laugh a little of what she said.

Well outside they said goodbye to Alyssa and were on their way to Petalburg.

Author's Note:

You guys can be glad that I came up with an idea for a new chapter or this storie would be dead.

I’m not sure if Luna has seen a Mightyena yet, can’t remember. And the team Rocket, why not.

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