• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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The Forbidden Forest part 2

Author's Note:

I just want to let you guys know that the Pokémon are ‘talking’ in this chapter, I thought that it was wise to see it from their side. I hope you all think it’s okay, this will be the only time, I hope.

Bulbasaur could only watch as they attacks hit the ground and send the human and Grovyle into the air and down the waterfall, he did understand why the other grass Pokémon attacked her, she didn’t do anything wrong.

“What are you doing Sunflora? Why did you attack that human?” He asked the flower.

Sunflora, who was standing with it’s back to Bulbasaur. “We did to save you Bulbasaur.”

Bulbasaur wasn’t sure if heard tight. “Save me? You didn’t save me, that human did.”

Sunflora turned around to face Bulbasaur. “And just how did that human save you?”

“I tried to pick a flower and lost my footing, I was hanging off a cliff then the human pulled me up. She saved me not you and the other’s.”

Sunflora did not by it. “Yeah right, how do know that that it wasn’t the human that pushed you off the cliff and saved you, so she could capture you.”

Bulbasaur couldn’t believe what he heard. “She did NOT push me of the cliff, I lost my footing. Not all humans are bad.”

Sunflora had enough. “All humans are bad, they act nice at first and then they capture us to use us. That’s the human nature.”

Bulbasaur was about to respond but he never got the chance. “Sunflora.”

Sunflora turned to the other grass Pokémon. “What is it Gloom?”

“The human, she survived.”

Sunflora walked over to where Gloom and the other where standing, he looked down the cliff and looked down. He could see that a Grovyle pulled the human up from the river, he frowned when he saw that. “This human wont died.” Sunflora look at the rest of the grass Pokémon. “Let’s go, we have to deal with this human before she capture any of our friends.” They all nodded in agreement.

They were about to leave but Bulbasaur wasn’t about to let then go, he stood in front of them, blocking their way.

“Get out of the way Bulbasaur.” Sunflora said in a threatening voice.

Bulbasaur shocked his head. “No, the human hasn’t done anything wrong and I won’t let you hurt her.”

Sunflora saw in Bulbasaur’s eyes that he would not move, he then looked to his right. “Weepinbell, if you would.” A bell shaped Pokémon understood, two wines came out from its body and lifted Bulbasaur in the air, and then threw the seed Pokémon in some bushes. “Good work, now let’s go and find that human.” All off them nodded on agreement, they started to walk to find a way safe way down the cliff.

When they were gone Bulbasaur pop his head out from the bush. “If you won’t listen to me, I know someone who you will listen to,” He jumped out of the bush and ran deeper into the forest.

Luna could only see the sky as she fell down the cliff, she didn’t understand why the Pokémon attack her, she had done anything wrong. She then hit the water hard with her back, it hurt a lot. Once under water, she tried to swim to the surface, but it wasn’t easy when you can’t swim. When she reached the surface, she gasp for air and the only thing she could say was… “Help, I can’t swim.”

After lading in the water, Grovyle surface and the first thing he saw was his trainer who had trouble holding her head above the water, he also heard that she could not swim. He started to swim towards her, so he could save her, he manged to grabbed her by the waist and started to swim towards the land. Once there he got up and pulled her to safety.

Once Luna could fell ground under her she gasp for air, she was sitting on her knees and her arms was holding her upper body up, so she wouldn’t fell face first to the ground, she tried to throw up the water she had swallowed. Grovyle just watch as his trainer gasping for air. Once Luna was done she laid on her back looking up at the sky, still trying to regarding her breath.

Once she had her pulse under control she lay on her back, just looking at the sky. She looked over to Grovyle who had a worried face. “Don’t worry Grovyle, I’m fine.” He wasn’t convinced. ‘As fine as I am.’ She sat up and looked that she was soaking wet. ‘Great, my clothes are wet.’ She then looked up the waterfall and she could see that same Pokémon that attack her looking down at her and they were not happy, they probably didn’t expect her to survive the fall. Then they disappeared, probably to finished to the job. But Luna wasn’t about to find out. “We got to move Grovyle.” She got up and ran into the closest trees, Grovyle followed her.

James in meantime had arrived at the gate to the forbidden forest, he just started up at the giant fence, trying to figure out how to get in. The fence had to be at least ten metes high, he didn’t have his Onix or Steelix with him, so they couldn’t help him. He looked over to Swellow, who was standing beside him, he was to small. “To bad that you are to small to carry me over the fence.” After hearing that, Swellow gave him an annoying look. “I was just joking, I had forgotten that you are the sensitive type.” He went back to the fence will Swellow just smiled.

James saw some wines that had grown on the fence, but they looked to dangerous to clime on. “Alright, I can’t gey inn here.” He look at Swellow again. “Take to the sky Swellow and see if you can find me another entrance while I’m going to take look around.” Swellow nodded and took to the sky while James started to walk next to the fence to find another place to entered.

After some walking he finally saw something on the ground, tire tracks. “What the hell?” He saw that the tracks coming in the direction from the forest around the fence, the rest of the tracks going into the forbidden forest, he decided to see where tracks went. It didn’t take long before he found out, there was a big hole in the fence and it was big enough so that giant truck could drive in. James knew right away what had driven inn. “This is just great, it’s enough that I have to deal with angry grass Pokémon, now I have to deal with a Pokémon hunter.” He rubbed his forehead and let out a heavy sigh. “I have not missed this crap, that’s for sure.” He walk through the hole and took out a Pokéball and threw it up in the air and out came Arcanine, ready for action. “Okay Arcanine, we are in a forest with a bunch of angry grass Pokémon and a hunter. Be ready for anything.” Arcanine just barked and James took that as a yes, he then whistle so to call Swellow. The swallow Pokémon came and hover not far from him. “Swellow, I want you to look for Luna again and this time keep her safe at all cost, got it?” Swellow nodded and flew future into the forbidden forest. “Alright Arcanine, let’s do this. Let’s save Luna” They walked into the forest.

Luna and Grovyle was running, running as fast as they could, they just wanted to get away from their attackers. Eventually, Luna had to stop. “I can’t keep running Grovyle, I need to rest.” She told him in a tired voice, she found the nearest tree and leaned against it to catch her breath. She then leaned her back to the tree and sank to the ground, tucking her legs to her chest. She then did something that surprised Grovyle, she started to cry. “I can’t do this anymore Grovyle, I have almost died three time in two days. I thought that becoming a Pokémon trainer would be fun, I didn’t think this would happened.” She look at Grovyle with tears in her eyes. “I quit, I don’t want to be trainer anymore.” Grovyle couldn’t help but feel bad her, but what could he do? If he tried to say something only his name would come out, so he did the only thing he could do. He bent down and gave her a hug.

Luna cried on Grovyle shoulder, this was the only thing he could do, comfort her and he was happy to help his trainer anyway he could, even know he couldn’t talk to her without saying his name to her. Eventually she broke the hug. “Thanks, Grovyle. I need that.” She leaned against the tree again and pulled her legs against her chest again, Grovyle looked at her with concerned. Luna saw that. “Don’t give me that look Grovyle, I am still going to quit, I can’t take it anymore.” This time Grovyle decided to talk but he didn’t get chance to, both of them heard some noises in some bushes.
Out of the bushes came the same Pokémon that attacked them before, Grovyle stood in front of Luna, protecting her from them.

“Why are you protecting that human? You are a grass Pokémon, you should be angry at her.” Sunflora asked Grovyle.

“I don’t know what your problem is Sunflora, but I am not going to let you hurt her again. She is my trainer and my friend.”

Sunflora couldn’t help but snort when he heard that. “She is your ‘friend’? Don’t make laugh. Humans are cruel beings that only want’s to make us their slaves.”

Grovyle was disgusted of what he heard. “I don’t know what you have heard about humans, but my trainer is the kindness human I have ever meet and I am not going to let you hurt her. So back away, now.” He said the last part in a threatening voice.

Sunflora started to laugh. “No human are ‘kind’, they want to capture us and us use as slaves. All humans are evil, and they must be punished.”

Grovyle wasn’t going to let that happened. “Look at her.” He gesture his hand towards Luna who was hugging her legs, they could also she some tears in her eyes. “Does that look like evil to you?”

Sunflora just snorted. “It’s all an act and I am done talking.”

Sunflora and the other grass Pokémon was about to attack but before they do that another attack hit the ground in front of them, they had to stop their attacks. “Don’t you dare attack Luna.” Said another voice.

Landing beside Grovyle was a bird that Sunflora and the rest haven’t seen before, Grovyle had seen the bird before. “Swellow, I am so happy to see you.” He said with a smile in his face.

Swellow smiled back. “Sorry I am late Grovyle, it’s big forest.” He look back at Luna who was looking at him, she was surprised and happy to see him. “Is she doing alright?”

Grovyle look at his trainer. “She could have been better.” Swellow just nodded, his attention went back to Sunflora and the rest of the Pokémon who had recovered from his attack.

Luna had just watch it all, from the moment the grass Pokémon showing up and when Swellow landed beside Grovyle. She heard them talk but didn’t understand anything, which suck. She just could sit and wait and see what happened. After Swellow landed she could tell that the tension between the Pokémon escalated, the grass Pokémon was not happy that Swellow attack them, she could see that. She did not fell sorry for them, they had it coming.

The giant flower and the rest was about to attack again when a big voice interrupted them. “VENUSAUR.” Luna had to cover her ears because it was SO loud. When she could hear again she look at who made that voice, what she saw was something that look like a bigger version of Bulbasaur coming towards them. Out of curiosity she took out her Pokédex.

Venusaur the Seed Pokémon and the final evolution of Bulbasaur. There is a large flower on Venusaur’s back. The flower is said to take in vivid colors if it gets plenty of nutrition and sunlight. The flower’s aroma soothes the emotions of people.

Luna was just amazed that a little guy like Bulbasaur could become that hug, she didn’t understand Pokémon at all.

Back with the Pokémon, Sunflora was outrage that Venusaur had shown up. “What are you doing her Venusaur? This doesn’t concern you.”

“Oh no? from what I have heard, you and the other have been busy. You have attack a human that save Bulbasaur from his death.” As on cue, Bulbasaur step forward from Venuasaur’s shadow.

Every Pokémon and human watch as Bulbasaur walked over to Luna, once there he used one of his vines to give her the floor that Grovyle had picked for him. “Are you giving this flower to me?” Bulbasaur just gave her the biggest smile he could mustered. “Thank you.” Luna just gave him a small smile back. Bulbasaur tilted his head to his side, he could swear that she was more cheerful before.

Venusaur couldn’t help but smile of what he saw, he looked at Sunflora who wasn’t convinced. “Does that look like a bad human to you Sunflora?”

“It’s all a trick, attack” They were about to attack when some black orbs appeared around them. “What’s this?” Then the orbs emitted some sort of black energy surrounding Sunflora and the other Pokémon scream out in agony.

Venusaur was about to help when the more orbs surrounded him, and the same black energy surrounded him, he scream out in agony.

Then more orbs surrounded Grovyle and Swellow, the same happened to them.

Luna and Bulbasaur could only look in horror of what just happened. “Well, that went better than I expected.” Said a new voice.

Up on a giant truck stood a man Luna had never seen before, she also saw two unknown Pokémon. One was green with spikes on its back and was lager then herself. The second one look like a guard, it had armour and two lance as hands, there were two of them. Normally Luna would find out what kind of Pokémon they were, but right now, she was terrified. “Who are you?” She asked him in a shaky voice.

“Where are my manners.” He jump of the truck. “My name is Dirk and I am a mercenary, I hunt rear Pokémon.” Luna was horrified when she heard that, she can’t believe she ran into another one. “I usually hunt Pokémon but this time, my employer is paying me to hunt you, princess Luna.”

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