• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Hoenn League part 3

Luna and Celestia was currently following Arcanine to the café where Twilight and the others was, or so they hoped. Luna was telling her sister what she had experience for the last three months, Celestia had listen to her every word.

“I can’t believe you got to meet Libre, I remember our father telling stories about him, the alicorn of chaos and harmony.” Celestia then crossed her arms and started to pout. “I’m so jealous at you right now.”

Luna just rolled her eyes of her sister behaviour. “He isn’t actually an alicorn, I think he is a human and he told that he got his powers from a different version of you but had the felling he was not telling me everything, I think it’s more to his story.” She told her sister.

Celestia was shocked when she hear that. “A different version of me gave him his power? I’m not sure if I’m angry at her or not.” Luna couldn’t help but smile.

They finally arrived at the café James mention, Salt and Pepper. The café look like your ordinary café, tables and chair outside and inside, the colour was a mix of black and white which actually fit the café. They saw the main 6 sitting outside enjoying some cake and muffins, with some soba but they weren’t sitting together.

Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie was sitting by one table, Dash and Twilight on another one, it didn’t look they were friends right now.

Rarity was the first one to see the two princess arrived with Arcanine and Pyroar. “Celestia, Luna, did you two managed to sort thing out?” She asked them.

“In a way, I’m not mad at my sister anymore if that’s what you are asking.” Luna told her, she then look around. “Where is James?”

“He said he had something to do, he told us order what we wanted and that he would pay the bill when he return, which was very generous of him.” Rarity told Luna.

Luna nodded, then it was time. “If I could everyone attention.” The girls stop eating to look at Luna. “Let’s get this out of the way, I’m not happy that you six are her at all. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for what you did to me, something I wish my sister would have done but I understand why she couldn’t. But, we are not talking about the past but about the present. I also understand that some of you were forced to be her by Twilight.” The pony formerly a unicorn now an alicorn could fell every eyes were on her, she wanted to disappeared right now. “I’m guessing that someone of aren’t on terms with her at the moment, considering you are not sitting on the same table as her.”

Luna closed her eyes and then she took a deep breath. “If you six ant’s to stay then it will be on my terms, I know more about this world then you six does, I know more than Twilight considering she only was in the human world for three days.” She open her eyes and look at the girls. “If you girls want to stay here then you will behave, that means not to question everything they do here, act normal.” That was directed at Pinkie who agreed with that. “Try and speak like they do here, that means don’t say the word pony and don’t say that you’re from a world where magic exists, they will only think that you’re crazy.”

Then she look at Twilight, who became very nervous. “You Twilight have one thing to do if you want to stay here which that the others don’t and that’s your wings, if you want to stay here then you have to give up your tittle as princess.”

That got Twilight to react. “What? Princess Celestia gave me that tittle you can’t just take it away.”

Luna slammed her hands on the table which made Twilight flinched. “I can Twilight because I’m still one of the rulers of Equestria and if you don’t I can banish you, Cadance and my sister to the Badlands because she used an illegal spell my sister used on you and Cadance. ”

Twilight started to panic a little. “No, you’re lying, princess Celestia wouldn’t do that to me.”

Luna let out a sighed. “I thought you would say that,” She turned to her sister. “you can tell her.”

Celestia step forward. “It’s true Twilight, the spell I used on is illegal spell which our partners banned when it was create by Star Swirl.” Celestia said in a sad tone.

Twilight was lost for words, her own mentor used an illegal spell on her. “Why? Why would you do that?”

“That’s something I would like to talk with you alone, not with others.”

Twilight wanted to protest but Luna spoke before she could. “What will it be Twilight Sparkle? Are you going to give up the tittle or are you going to be banish to Badlands with my sister and Cadance.” Twilight look down on the ground, she didn’t know what to at the moment.

Then Rarity spoke up. “You know that you will be banishing your own sister if she doesn’t say yes, right?” She asked Luna.

“I know Rarity and I don’t like the idea, we may be the rulers of Equestria but that doesn’t mean we are above the law, we have to follow it like everyone ells. Tell you what Twilight,” She look up at Luna. “if you say yes then I will not remove Cadance tittle as princess of love and she can stay as the ruler of the Crystal empire, if you say no you know what will happened. What will it be?”

Right now, Twilight had a knife on the throat. If she said no then she, Celestia and Cadance would be banishes to the badlands, if said yes then she would lose her title as princess of friendship. She had only one choice.

“Alright, will do it, I will give up my title as princess.”

There was no way Twilight’s friends could fell how Twilight felt right now, Celestia gave her that title by using a forbidden spell on her. Her trust in her mentor had to be shattered, that’s for sure and she had no other choice, Luna had placed a knife on her throat.

Luna was happy at Twilight’s answer. “Excellence, there one more thing.” Before anyone could react, Dash got a fist to the face which made her fall to the ground. “If you ever accuse my boyfriend for anything ever again Rainbow Dash, you are going to feel my wrath. If you thought I was scarry as Nightmare Moon, then think again.” She then grabbed Dash by her shirt and lift her up, so they were face to face. “If you so much look at him wrong you will end up in the hospital, do I make myself clear?” Dash nodded in agreement while sweat was running down her face. “Good.” Luna then let of the terrified Dash who fell on the ground.

Then James approached them, and he noticed something was wrong, their mood was different. Whatever it was it wasn’t his problem, he didn’t come from a magical world filled with ponies. He saw that Skittles was on the ground and she was shaking with fear as she got up, he could only wonder.

“Is everything alright here?” He asked Luna as he approached her.

“For the moment.” Luna answered him.

James nodded. “Then I’m guessing that they are staying?” He asked while looking at the main 6.

“Yes, if they behave.”

“That was what I thought so I have some good news and bad news, I made some calls to the local hotels and one of them have some spare rooms, the bad news is they only have three, that means that some of you have to share.” He then look at Luna. “Do you want your sister to stay with you? I can find somewhere ells to stay.” He asked her.

Luna look at her sister who knew what she would say. “No, our relationship is shaky at the moment, I think it would best if didn’t share a room.” Celestia agreed.

James understood what she meant. “Very well, I don’t think you are going to train today.” Luna shook her head. “That I can understand. Why don’t you head back to your room while I will show them where they will be staying after I have paid for what they have order, are you girls done eating?” He asked Twilight and friends.

“Yes darling, we are done.” Said Rarity as she got up, so did the rest of her friends.

“Alright then, let me just pay for you all and then will be on our way.” He then walk into the café.

While he did that, Twilight walk over to Luna, she was about to call her princess but manged to stop herself. “Luna, I don’t know if this mean anything to you but I’m REALLY sorry, I didn’t mean to cause trouble between you and Celestia, I just wanted to help.” She told her while rubbing her right arm.

Luna was a little shock by Twilight’s action, she didn’t expect and apology this fast. “I understand that you wanted to help Twilight and I appreciate you apology but I’m not ready to forgive you yet. Let’s see how behave.” She then crossed her arms. “I’m surprised that you haven’t asked about Pokémon yes, considering how much you love to learn new things.” She said while joyful smile.

Twilight actually blushed. “Believe me, it’s been difficult but learning about these creatures hasn’t been on my mind at the moment.” She let out a heavy sighed. “all I want to do now is rest, I’m exhausted.” Luna agreed on that last part.

Then James step out of the café. “Alright, would you seven girls follow me, and I will show you to your hotel and Luna, you are probably heading back to your room?” Luna gave him a thumbs up on that. With that, James the girls started to walk.

After some walking, Fluttershy decided to ask James. “So, mister James, just what do you do?” The other also became interested.

“First, I’s just James, drop that mister crap. As for what I do, I’m a Pokémon trainer just like Luna, which means I travel around the world challenging other trainers, but I haven’t done that for a while.”

Then Rarity spoke. “Just what are these Pokémon? Are your Arcanine one of these Pokémon.”

James look over to her. “Your Rarity, right?” She nodded with a smile. “Right. Well, Pokémon is creatures that live with humans and have done that for as long as I can remember, there are currently over 900 Pokémon in this world.” All seven was amazed by that.

“Are you telling me that there are over 900 different Pokémon and your Arcanine is just one of them?” Twilight asked him which James nodded his head to. “I think my brain just shut down.”

That made Dash smirk. “I would love to see that.” The girls couldn’t help but giggle of that, even Celestia couldn’t contain her laughter either.

James look over to Applejack. “Am I missing something?” He asked her.

“Twilight just like to learn new things.” James understood that.

Then they saw a boy with purple hair and standing beside him was a bug like Pokémon with leaf on its head, the girls had no idea who he was, but James knew.

“Hey Ace.”

They book look up from the map he was holding. “Hey James, I’m glad to see you, I’m lost.”

They stood by him. “Your lost? Are you looking for the Pokémon center?” Ace nodded. “Just head straight and you will find it.” Ace was happy by that. “I can see that you Swadloon has evolved into Leavanny.”

“Yeah, she evolved under my match with Juan.”

“Sorry I didn’t see you win your last badge.”

Ace just gave him a warm smile. “Don’t worry about it.” Then all off sudden Pinkie was right in his face. “Can I help you?” He asked in a worry voice.

Then Pinkie started to study him which made him very nervous. “Do I know you from somewhere?”

Ace wasn’t sure what to say. “No? This is the first time I have ever seen you.” Pinkie then just shrugged her shoulders and bounced back to her friends. “I think I will be going now.” And with that said, Ace walk off very fast, Leavanny followed him.

James look over at Pinkie with confusion. “What the hell was that?” Pinkie just gave him a blank stare. “I don’t know what is allowed in your world but here you can’t just go up to someone and ask them questions like that, it can get you into trouble.”

Then Rarity spoke. “Your joking, right?”

Then James face became serious. “Does it look I’m joking?” His face didn’t move an inch, he wasn’t joking.

Then Celestia spoke. “Girls, I think we should listen to James, he is from this world and we are not.” They agreed on that, even Dash and Pinkie, they didn’t want to get into trouble.

They finally arrived at the hotel, Gentle Jungle, James got the keys to their room, he then showed them how they work. Then they had to decide who was sharing a room, Celestia asked Applejack who was surprised but agreed. Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy took the other room while Dash and Twilight took the last one.

The rooms was like a normal room, two beds, a door to the bathroom but there was one thing they didn’t knew what was and the as the tv that hanging on the wall.

Celestia sat down on the nearest bed and let out a sad sigh. “Do you have any siblings Applejack?” She asked the farmer.

“Yes, I have a big brother and a little sister.” Applejack answered as she walk over to the other bed.

“Do you argue with them?”

Applejack sat down with a smile on her face. “From time to time, mostly Apple Bloom, it’s almost impossible to argue with Mac, he almost never talk.” She said with a little frustration in her voice.

Celestia couldn’t help but smile a little. “I bet you never have ignored them for almost three years, like did with Luna.”

Applejack didn’t like were this was going. “No, I haven’t. Is it really true, you ignored Luna for almost three years?” Celestia just nodded. “Why? She is your sister.”

Celestia look at the farm with tears in her eyes. “I know alright and that’s what makes it so hard, I was so focus on Twilight, you and the others that just ignored her and it makes me sick. What kind of sister ignores her little sister twice? I hate myself.”

Celestia broke down on the floor, crying. Applejack ran over to comfort her and she did that for the rest of the night.

Author's Note:

Well, this chapter didn't go as plan. This chapter was supposed to about Luna and her traning, that didn't happen. Only more drama. I will try and get some traning in the next chapter.

Arctic Ace belongs to MLPFan 1

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