• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Trouble on the Mountain

It’s been two days since Luna earn her third badge and they were one the way to Lavaridge town so she could earn her fourth badge, right now they were standing by a cliff. Luna and her Bagon was standing by it, she was trying to get Bagon to jump of it like it stood in the Pokédex.

“Come on Bagon, jump of it.”

Bagon looked over the edge and that was not good idea, as soon he did that he got scared, very scared. He ran to Luna hug her leg tight. “Bagon.”

Luna bent down. “What’s wrong?” Bagon just hug her leg.

“He’s afraid of heights.” Luna looked around where James sitting on a rock.

“Bagon is afraid of heights?” James got up from the rock and walk over to them.

“Don’t you remember where you caught him? You caught him in a cave, you usually find a Bagen jumping off a cliff, not banging his head on a rock in a cave. It’s strange that a Bagon is afraid of heights, that’s for sure.”

Luna looked at Bagon how was now crying, she could not help but feel bad for what she was trying to do. She but a hand on Bagon’s head, he looked up at her.

“I’m sorry Bagon, if you don’t want to I won’t pressure you to do it.” He jumped onto Luna and hug her, he cried again but this time it was tears of joy. “Come, let get going.” They gathered their things and were on their way.

They were waking on trial up the mountain to get to the next town, some rocks were falling down and that made Luna nervous.

“Are you sure this is the best way James?” She asked him.

“If we want to get to the next town, then yes.”

After that they walked in silence until they heard a sound above them, they looked up and what they saw was something that looked like rock and it was heading for James. Before he could get away he was hit by the rock, he landed on his stomach while the rock landed on his back.

“Luna, do I have a rock with legs on it on my back?” He asked her.


“Then I have Roggenrola on my back.”

Luna took out her Pokédex.

Roggenrola the Mantle Pokémon. Its ear is hexagonal in shape. Compressed underground, its body is as hard as steel. Roggenrola were discovered a hundred years ago in an earthquake fissure. Inside each one is an energy core.

“Where do think this Pokémon came from?” Shed asked James.

“I’m guessing from the top of the cliff.” He pointed up.

Roggenrola jump off James’s back and stared to jump up and down. “Roggenrola, roggen rola.”

“What’s with Roggenrola?” Luna asked.

“Beats me, I’m guessing it trying to tell us something.” James got up but his back was in pain. “A Roggenrola does not weight much but it still hurts.”

“What do think he’s trying to tell use?”

“I don’t know I don’t speak their language.” He said with annoying in his voice.

“You don’t have to take that tone.” She answered.

James looked at Luna with irritation. “You didn’t get a Roggenrola on your back.

Roggenrola ran a few meter and stared to hope up and down, then it run uphill.

“I think that he wants us to followed him.” Said Luna so she and Bagon followed him.

“What are you doing?” James asked her.

“What does it look like? I’m going to see what Roggenrola wants, come on Bagon.”

She and Bagon ran after Roggenrola while James just stood there with pain in his back. “Wait.” He tried to run but the pain was too much. “Damn it.” He stared to walk very slow after them.

After a while a lot of climbing they arrived at cave but this cave entrance was covert by many rocks, Roggenrola ran over to the entrance and stared to jump up and down.

“What’s wrong with Roggenrola now?” Luna wonder.

“I’m guessing that cave is his home.” James answered, he walked over to entrance and placed a hand on one of the rocks. “I’m also guessing that a Pokémon placed these stones here.”

“What kind of Pokémon is capable of doing this? These rocks are huge.” Luna asked him.

“My guess, a Machoke or…”

Before James could finish that sentence the ground stared shaking, out of the ground came five Pokémon that looked like giant snake that was made of rocks. One of them was bigger than the others and all of them was angry.

“Oh no, Onix.”

“Onix?” Luna took out her Pokédex again.

Onix The Rock Snake Pokémon. Onix has a magnet in its brain. It acts as a compass so that this Pokémon does not lose direction while it is tunneling. As it grows older, its body becomes increasingly rounder and smoother.

Luna and Bagon backed away a little. “They look angry.”

“They must have claimed this place as their own.” Sais James.

“So what do we do?”

“I suggest we RUN.”

With that said James, Luna, Bagon and Roggenrola stared to run but the five Onix followed them. After five minutes of running all of them was starting to get tired, special Luna.

“James, I don’t know if can keep going anymore.”

“Don’t stop Luna or they will get you.”

“I’m not good shape as you, I must stop or I’m going to pass out soon.”

James had to do something fast, he could stop and fight but they were surrounded by rocks and if they stared to battle they would certainly fall. He then saw an another cave.

“There’s a cave over there, follow me.”

He ran as fast as he could while Luna, Bagon and Roggenrola followed him, when they arrived at the cave they ran inside it. They were all lying on the ground to catch their breath.

“That was close.” James tried to stand up but then he felt pain in his back. “That was a mistake.”

Luna saw that he was in pain. “Are you ok?”

“No I’m not ok, don’t you remember? Roggenrolla fell on me.” He yelled back at her, Roggenrolla looked down on the ground I shame.

“Why are you yelling? It’s not Roggenrolla’s fault that he fell of the cliff, it was Onix.” She yelled back, when Luna saw Roggenrolla she patted him on the back. “Don’t worry Roggenrolla, I will help you get your home back.” She got up and headed for the exit but she did not get very far.

The five Onix had followed them was no blocking the opening, then the leader stared to ram his head into the opening. then rocks stared to fall down on their heads.

“This Is bad, if this keeps up we are going to get trapped.” Said James.

And he was right, Onix slammed his head on last time and cave opening was covert in rocks. It became pitch black.

“What do we do now?” Luna asked.

“Don’t worry I still have Manectric with me, let’s just hope I can find his Pokéball.” James took out one of his Pokéball and a Pokémon came out. “Manectric? Is that you?”

The answered het got was. “Manectric.”

He breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good, use flash.” Manectric stared to glow.

When they could see again they saw that the entrance had caved in.

“Well this is not good.” James examined the rocks. “We are trapped.”

“Well thank you captain obvious.” James just rolled his eyes by Luna answered. “Can we just smash the rocks?”

“Not a good idea, if do that there a chance that whole thing could cave inn and crush us. Our only choice is to go further into the mountains and find and another exit.”

Before they could do that Roggenrolla started to run and then started to jump up and down.

“What do you think Roggenrolla want?” Said Luna.

“I’m guessing that he knows the way out so I suggest we follow.”

And that they did. After a walking a while they wonder if they ever were going to get out.

‘Just how long is this cave.’ Luna wondered, she then looked at James how was making faces of his pain.

“How’s your back?”

“Better than before but it still hurts.”

“I’m sorry that I yelled at you before.”

“Don’t worry about it, something tells me that is Onix’s fault that Roggenrolla fell of the mountain.”

“You think so?”

He nodded. “I also think there’s more going on here than those five Onix destroying Roggenrolla home.”

“You think so? How?”

“Let’s just get out of here first then we can find out what’s really going on here.”

It was not long before they saw sunlight. As soon they were out Roggenrolla stared to run again, James and Luna and their Pokémon followed. After a while of running they were back at the cave entrance where Roggenrolla lead them the first time, he then stared to jump up and down again.

James put his ear on one of stones. “As I thought this is not Roggenrolla’s home, there are Roggenrollas trapped inside this cave and I think that the five Onix that attack us are the one that did it.”

“Why would they do that?” Luna asked.

“Your guess is as good as mine but before we can free the Roggenrolla in this cave we have to deal with the five Onix that did this.”

Right after he said that the ground stared to shake and the five Onix came out from the ground and they were mad.

“We must take out the leader first, if we do that then the rest will disband.”

Luna stepped forward with a Pokéball in her hand. “Can you distract the four others while I take on the leader?” She asked James.

“Yeah, I can do that. Are you sure you want to take on the leader?” She nodded. “Alright then, Manectric.” Manectric looked at James. “Are you ready to distract an Onix?” Manectric jump in front of one of them. “Come out Swellow, Arcanine and Lucario.” Everyone came out ready for action. “Alright guys you have to distract the four Onix so Luna can battle the leader, go.”

All of them did as James said and managed to lead them away, then it was only Luna and last Onix left.

“Come out Marill.” She was ready for battle. “Use water gun on Onix.” Water came out from Marill’s mouth and it hit Onix, the Onix cried out in pain. “Good, use water gun again.” But before Marill could do that Onix open his mouth and stared to scream.

Marill had to cover her ears so had Luna, James and Bagon while Roggenrolla was trying not get blown away.

“That’s one powerful screech.” James yelled out.

“Marill, if you can hear me use ice beam.” Marill could hardly hear Luna through the noise but she managed to the attack, sadly it missed because of Onix’s screech. ‘As long has Onix does that attack ice beam can’t hit, what can I do?’ She looked at the ground. ‘Got it.’

“Use ice beam on the ground Marill.” Luna shouted and Marill did exactly that, ice stared to appear on the ground and towards Onix. Soon there were ice under Onix and then he Onix had trouble standing up and soon he fell into the ground and the whole ground shook when that happen.

“Dame, I forgotten how heavy an Onix is.” James said to himself.

Luna could finally hear again. “Let’s finish this Marill, bubble beam.” Bubbles came out from Marill mouth and hit Onix hard, he passed out. “Go Pokéball.” Luna threw a ball at Onix and the ball hit Onix in the head and the giant Pokémon disappeared into the Pokéball, it wiggled a few times then the come the click Luna had caught Onix.

She went over to pick up Onix’s Pokéball put as soon as she did that it disappeared like last time, then she heard clapping behind her.

“Nice work Luna you handled perfect, special where you aimed that ice beam on the ground so Onix slipped on the ground.”

She blushed a little but James did not notice. “Thanks, I hope that Joshua can handle Onix when it arrives.”

Professor Birch Pokémon lad in Littleroot Town a giant Onix has burst through to the roof. “Oh, come on I just fixed the roof.” Screamed a frustrated Joshua.

Back with James and Luna.

“I’m sure is fine, now let’s destroy the rocks that’s blocking the cave entrance.”

As soon as James’s Pokémon came back his Lucario used mega punch to destroy the rocks, as soon the rocks was destroyed many Roggenrolla came out the cave. It was so many that Luna lost count.

“This is a lot of Roggenrolla.” Said Luna.

“You got that right, there must be hundreds of them.”

When all of the Roggenrolla were out of the cave and where spread over the mountain only one was left and it was same Roggenrolla that they help.

“There one left.” Luna turned to the Roggenrolla. “Why are you not running with other?”

The Roggenrolla run a few meter and started to jump up and down. “Roggen, rolla roggenrolla.”

“I think that Roggenrolla want to battle you.” James told her.

“Are you sure?” He nodded. “Okay, are you ready for another battle?”

Marill was about to get ready but then Bagon stepped in. “Bagon bagon.”

“Do you want to battle Bagon?”

Bagon nodded again. “Bagon.”

Luna looked at Marill. “It’s that okay with you Marill.” Marill just walked away letting Bagon have this battle. “Okay then, Bagon use head butt on Roggenrolla.” Bagon run towards Roggenrolla with his head down and he hit.

Roggenrolla rolled back a little but was up very fast, then Roggenrolla jump and when he came down sand stared to form around him.

“What’s happening.” Luna asked while covering her eyes.

“It’s sandstorm and a very powerful one to.” James answered.

“Use dragon breath.” Blue flames came out of Bagon mouth but the attack did not go very far because of sandstorm, Bagon stared to fell the effect of the sandstorm as he stared to get pushed back. ‘I gotta do something fast.’ Then all of sudden Bagon head stared to glow, Bagon stared to run towards Roggenrolla ignoring the sand.

He struck managed to struck Roggenrolla hard with the new attack, hard enough that Roggenrolla could not move.

“What just happened?” Luna wondered.

“Bagon just learned zen headbutt, it’s a very powerful psychic attack and it may make the opponent flinch.” James told her.

“Let’s finish it with another zen headbutt Bagon.”

Roggenrolla was hit again and had trouble getting up so Luna took this chance and threw a Pokéball on Roggenrolla and the ball hit its mark and Roggenrolla disappeared into Pokéball, the ball wiggled a few time and then came the click. Luna had caught Roggenrolla, as before the Pokéball disappeared in flash of light.

“Not bad Luna two Pokémon in one day.”

“Thanks James, now I just want to get of this mountain.”

With two new Pokémon caught James and Luna were they on to Lavaridge town, what will happen next?

Author's Note:

Two new Pokémon in one chapter not bad and yes Luna's Bagon is afraid of heights, I thought it might be fun. Until next time.

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