• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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After the incidence in the forest, James and Luna had finally arrived in the next town. It was almost nightfall when they had arrive and they headed to the Pokémon center, Luna just wanted to go to bed and try and forget the last two days. There was one positive thing, Bulbasaur had decide to join Luna on her journey, he was currently in her arms looking around. When they arrived in the in the city, Bulbasaur was a little afraid when he saw so many humans in one city, he managed to relax when Luna told him that they won’t hurt him.

When it came to her and James, they hadn’t spoken much since the left the forest. He had asked her if she was okay and she just answered him yes, he didn’t believe her. After almost died two times and that someone ells knew who she really was had taken a toll on her, Luna was mentally broken and just want to go to sleep.

Once they had gotten their rooms, Luna headed straight to hers while James decided it was time to do some shopping, they were running low on almost everything.

Luna walked to her room whit Bulbasaur still in her arms, why wasn’t he in Pokéball? Luna hasn’t technically ‘caught’ him yet, she want to tell Joshua that the seed Pokémon was afraid of humans, so he was prepare. But that has to wait until next day, she just wanted to sleep.

Luna walked with heavy feet’s as headed towards her room, Bulbasaur who was in her arms, looked up at her with a worried face. She didn’t even notice the look, she was to spaced out to notice. She didn’t even notice the man who was leaning against the wall.

As she walked past him, Bulbasaur couldn’t help question his hair, it was black and white. “Going somewhere princess Luna?” Luna froze in her tracks when the man spoke, she turned around very slowly and had a very horrified look on her face. “What? Was it something I said?”

Before Bulbasaur could react, Luna drop him on the floor and then she flew over to the man, she then grabbed him by his jacket and pinned him to the wall. “Who are you? Are you working for the same man that Dirk is working for? Why do you want to kidnap me? And…” She then noticed his hair, his left side was black while his right was white. “…why is your hair black and white?” She was used to see colourful hair in Equestria but not in the human world.

The man but up his arms in defence. “Easy there Luna, to answer your questions. One, I don’t know who Dirk is. Two, I am not here to kidnap you. And three, what’s wrong with my hair?” He said that last one in an offended tone. “I know that black and white isn’t common around here but come on.” He then crossed his arms and started to pout. “It’s not my fault is like this now.” He said with a pout on his face.

Right now, Luna wasn’t sure what to believe about this man. Was he crazy or was he normal? She had no idea. “Okay, if you are not her to kidnap me, what do you want with me?”

“Can we talk in your room? It’s kind of awkward talking like this.” He pointed at her arms.

Luna hesitated for a moment. She wasn’t sure if this man was telling the truth or not, she decide to go with her guts on this one. “Alright.” She let go of him and took a step back.

She then saw him straighten out his jacket, that was also black. “Thank you, this is my favourite jacket and I hate to see it get destroyed.” Luna could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

She walk to the door to her room and opened it and walked in, the man and Bulbasaur followed her. Luna picked up Bulbasaur and place him on the bed, the man walked to the window with his hands folded behind his back. Luna leaned closer to Bulbasaur and whispered to him. “Keep a close eye on him Bulbasaur, there’s something funny about him.” Bulbasaur nodded. Luna stood up and looked the strange man. “Alright, I am going to ask you again; what do you want with me?”

The man didn’t turn around, he just looked through the window. “I just want to talk, that’s all.”

Luna crossed her arms. “About what?” She asked with annoyance in her voice.

“About what’s happening in Equestria, with your sister, Celestia.”

Luna had enough after he mentioned her sister. “That’s it, who the hell are you and how do you know who I am and who my sister is?” Luna was very frustrated right now, this man knew who she was and more and it scaring her.

“Where are my manners, I haven’t given you my name yet.” He turned around. “I go by many names, but you ponies know me as Liber the alicorn of chaos and harmony, a pleasure to meet you Luna.” He then took a bow.

Luna raised an eye brown when he said his name. “Libre? My father told me stories about you when I was younger, you are supposed to be a myth.”

He stood up. “I am no myth, I am real, and I have travel to many dimensions to find you.”

“For what? Bring me home? Because that’s not happening.”

Libre then smile. “Trust me, if I want to bring you home, you hade been home right now.” He then snapped his fingers and chair appeared right behind him, he then sat down on it. “Like is said, I just want to talk.”

Both Luna and Bulbasaur’s eyes went wide when they saw the chair appeared, Luna didn’t think there was any magic in the human world while Bulbasaur was wondering what kind of move it was, and could he learn it?

“Have a seat.” He snapped his fingers again and a chair appeared in front of her, she eyed it suspiciously. “Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe.” She didn’t trust him at all, that’s for sure. But her guts told her to trust him, so she sat down on the chair. “You can ask me anything you want.”

“Alright, first. Did my sister send you?”

Libre smiled while shaking his head. “No, your sister did not send me. She is to busy trying to find a way to here.”

Luna wasn’t surprised when she heard that. “That’s going to be difficult, considering I have the book I used. There’s a chance she could use Discord to find me.” She became worried when she said that.

Then Libra laugh a little. “Don’t worry about him, I made sure that he won’t be helping her for a while. I can handle Discord.” He said that part with confident.

Luna wasn’t sure if she believe him or not but there was something in his voice that he might be telling the truth. “IF you are not here to bring me back, then why are you here?”

“I am here to ask you if you want to know how your sister is doing.”

That catch Luna by surprised, she haven’t thought about that for weeks. When she first arrived in the human world she wondered if she did the right choice, but then she remember how her sister treated her. Always talking about how Twilight Sparkle managed to learn something new when it came to friendship and when she made her an alicorn, that part really pissed her off, she didn’t even bother to ask her opinion. Even when Celestia knew that the spell she used on Twilight was forbidden. Did she want to know what her sister was doing?

“No, I don’t want to know.” That caught Libra a little off guard, he knew what her answer was, what caught him off guard was that she answered him quick. “Because I know already know what she is doing, she trying to find out where I am and try to bring me back.” She crossed her arms and she put her left leg over her right. “She can try but she will fail, I am not going back there so she can go back to ignoring me again.”

Libre had gotten his answer. “Well, I guess my ‘work’ here are finished.” He stood up from the chair. “Is there anything you want me to do before I go?”

She thought for a moment. “Yes, is possible that you can slow my sister down?” He raised an eye brown of that. “I really don’t want her to find me.”

He gave her a smile. “Sure, I can do that. But, I can only delay her for so long, she eventually find a way.”

“Fine by me, as long as it’s not now.” Libre wasn’t sure why she said that, he just shrugged it off and walked to the door. He was about to opened it. “Have you ever been near a death experience?” Now he understand.

“Yes, I have.”

“How did you deal with it?”

“I not the one you should be talking to.” He didn’t turned around when he said that. he just opened the door and walked out leaving Luna alone with Bulbasaur, who was totally clueless for what just happened.

James was lying in his bed, staring at the celling. He was worried about Luna, three times in the two days she had almost died, but what concerned him the most is that she have kept it to herself. James knew how she felt, he have been near death many time. He want to help her, but she didn’t want hia help and he didn’t want to push her.

He let out a heavy sigh, he was about to get up and take a walk when someone knock on the door. “Who is it?” He knew who it was, but the question came out.
“It’s Luna, can I come in?”

“The door is unlocked.” He watch as the door opened very slowly, and Luna walked in, he sat up, so he could see her better. ”Hey, how are you feeling?”

She closed the door and sat down on the bed. “I have been better.” Then the silence came and last for a little while until Luna spoke again. “Have it happened to you?” She looked at him. “A near death experience?”

He answered her with a simple answer. “Yes.”

“How do you handle it?” Tears started to form on her eyes. “Every time I closed my eyes I see that Magnezone and it scares me.”

James moved closer to her and but both hands on her shoulders. “You can’t keep this stuff inside you, you have to talk someone.” Then she did something that surprised him a little, she put both hands around him and started to cry into his chest. James put both hands around her hand returned the hug and he let her cry.

Author's Note:

What was the ponited of this chapter? I just wanted to have someone to tell Luna what was happening with her sister, I hope that you guys didn’t hate this chapter. it’s not my best. I think I will write a Pokémon Battle in the next one.

Also, Libre is my own OC.

Until next time.

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