• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,611 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Battle In The Sky part 2

It was finally time, after a week of training Luna had challenge Winona to a battle to get her sixth badge and be one step closer to compete in in Hoenn Pokémon league. She was standing on the same platform that Lumi did in her battle and opposite of her was Winona. James, Lumi, Shadow and his Charmeleon was sitting on the bench to watch the battle and standing beside them was Luna’s Marowak. She wanted him to watch the battle so he could see how a gym battle work in Hoenn.

Then the judge step forward. “The gym battle between Winona, the Fortree gym leader and the challenger, Luna from Petalburg will now begging. Each trainer will use three Pokémon and the match will be over when all of either trainers Pokémon are unable to battle, only the challenger will be allowed to switch Pokémon.” The judge told them. “Are both trainers ready?” Both nodded. “Then begging.”

Winona was up first. “Let’s do this Swellow.” Out came the swallow Pokémon, floating before Winona.

Those who were watching was surprised, not James. “Why is she starting with Swellow? Wouldn’t it make sense to start with Altaria, like she did with me?” Lumi asked James.

“She is just trying to see how Luna handle it, that’s all.” James told her.

Lumi nodded. “I guess that makes sense.”

Back to the battle. “You’re up first Skarmory.” Out came the armor bird Pokémon ready for action.

Luna’s choice just confused Lumi and Shadow. “Wait a minute.” Lumi took out her Pokédex to check the data. “I didn’t know that Luna had a Skarmory and also, Skarmory wasn’t her original choice for this battle, was it?” She ask James while scratching her head.

“It wasn’t.” Lumi and Shadow look over to James. “The three Pokémon she chose for this battle was Onix, Gible which is now Gabite, the last one was Jolteon but he fell while training and he injured his leg. So, Luna chose Skarmory as a substitute.” He explained to them.

“Jolteon hurt himself while training?” Ask Shadow, James just nodded. “That couldn’t been fun for him.” James didn’t respond to that.

Two days ago.

“Use quick attack.” Jolteon started to run forwards very fast but unfortunately he didn’t see the rock that was lying in his way, he trip and fell face first on the ground. “Jolteon.” Luna ran over to him as fast has she could. “Jolteon, are you ok?” She ask him while bending down, she then saw the bruise on his left leg. “Are you hurt?” She ask in a concern voice, Jolteon tried to stand up fell right back down as soon he put pressure in his left foot.

“Luna, what happened?” James ask while approaching them.

“Jolteon fell and hurt his leg, I think it’s bad.”

“Let’s get him back to the Pokémon center.”

Luna didn’t hesitate, she lifted Jolteon up in her arms and ran towards the town. Once they got him to the Pokémon center, they got Jolteon to infirmary so Joy could help him.

Luna and James was standing on the other side of the glass to the infirmary, watching as Joy tended to Jolteon. Luna was leaning towards the glass while James just stood there with his arms crossed. Jolteon was lying on his stomach while Joy was rapping bandage around his leg.

“It’s my fault.” She whispered to herself.

James look at her. “What do you mean?”

“If I haven’t push Jolteon so hard he would probably not have hurt himself.”

James place a hand on her shoulder. “Luna, it wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t have known that there was a rock lying in the path where Jolteon was running. It was bad luck.”

“If it was bad luck, then why does it feel like my fault?” She ask him with tears in her eyes. Then a door open and Joy walk into the hall, Luna ran up to her. “Nurse Joy, is Jolteon going to be ok?”

Joy gave her a warmth smile. “Yes, he only hurt his leg.” Luna let out a sigh of relief. “But, he need rest and it will take at least a week before he can walk again.”

That news hit Luna right in the stomach. “A week?” Joy nodded. “But, I had planned to challenge Winona in two days.”

“That’s not going to happened with your Jolteon, he need rest.”

Luna hang her head. “Can I see him.” Joy nodded, Luna then walk through the door and up to the table where Jolteon was lying.

James watch as she walk up to Jolteon. ‘What are you going to do Luna? Are you going to wait until Jolteon is healthy or are going to challenge Winona as planed?’ He thought for himself while watch her.

Back to the battle.

“Use air cutter Skarmory.” Skarmory flap his wings and send away what look like wind razor blades.

“Doge them and use quick attack.” Swellow flew around them and rocket towards Skarmory.

“Use metal sound.” Skarmory open its mouth and started to scream, stopping Swellow dead in its track.

Back with the audience, Lumi was impressed by the attack. “Wow, that’s one powerful metal sound.” The boys agreed with that.

“Fly up Swellow.” The Swallow Pokémon took to the sky.

“After it Skarmory.” He flew after Swellow. Skarmory tried to catch up Winona’s Pokémon but it was just too fast. “Use air cutter again.” Skarmory send away razor blades.

“Counter it with air slash.” Swellow send away blades of air that collided with Skarmory’s attack and it created a small explosion. “Use quick attack and fly straight through the smoke.” Swellow flew through the smoke and on the other side was Skarmory who had no time to doge the attack, he was hit but lucky it didn’t hurt that much.

“Use swift.” Skarmory turned around and send away star shaped rays that managed to hit Swellow in the back, Swellow was heading towards the ground.

“Don’t give up, use air slash.” Swellow manage to turn around and attack, hitting Skarmory with the attack and then Swellow saved himself before he hit the ground. He then flew up meting Skarmory’s look, they just stared at each other. “You Skarmory is though, I’ll give you that, air slash.”

“Doge it and use slash.” As Swellow attack, Skarmory flew towards it. Skarmory managed to avoid the attack and then it’s claws started to glow, he then directed one of his claws straight towards his opponent who had no time to doge, Swellow was hit right in the face. “Let’s finished this, air cutter.” As soon as he had hit Swellow, Skarmory send away many razor blades from it wings and Swellow was hit by every one of them.

Swellow feel towards the ground and landed on the ground with a thumb, unconscious.

“Swellow is unable to battle, Skarmory is the winner.” The judge announced.

Luna pump her fist up in the air. “Yes, way to go Skarmory.” The armor bird flew up to her with a smile on his face.

Winona called back Swellow. “You did a good job, take a rest.” She put away the Pokéball and took out a new one. “You’re up Pelipper.” Out came the water bird Pokémon ready for battle.

Luna held out a Pokéball. “Return Skarmory.” He disappeared into the Pokéball, Luna put it away and threw a new one. “Let’s do this Gabite.” Out came the cave Pokémon ready for battle.

On the side line, Shadow and Lumi was surprised when they saw Gabite. “Wow, Gible has evolved.” Said Shadow has they both took out their Pokédex.”

“Yeah, he evolved while training. Luna was surprised that’s for sure.” James told them.

While they were talking, Luna was attacking. “Use dragon pulse.” Gabit send out a pulse from its mouth and towards it’s opponent.

“Counter it with water gun.” Pelipper send out water from its mouth and the attack collide with Gabite attack. At first it look like both attack was equally strong, then Gabite’s attack started to push Pelipper’s attack backwards. Eventually he managed to push Pelipper’s attack and the water bird Pokémon was hit by dragon pulse. “You ok Pelipper?” Pellipper nodded. “Good, water pulse.” Pelliper send away a ball of water.

“Doge it by using dig.” Gabite managed to dig a hole in the ground before he was hit. Winona wasn’t sure why Luna did that ground moves had no effect on flying Pokémon. “Do it Gabite.” The cave Pokémon came up right under Pelipper. “Dragon claw.” Gabite’s right claw started to glow and he struck Pelipper right in the stomach sending the Pokémon flying up in the air.

“Don’t give up Pelipper, use iron wing.” Pelipper managed to straighten himself up, then his wings started to glow and then he flew towards Gibite who had nowhere to go, he was hit hard and fell towards the ground.

“Quickly, use dig.” Gabite managed somehow to straighten himself so his face was facing down, as soon he was close to the ground he dug another hole and disappeared.

“Not this time, fly up higher Pelipper and use water gun in the hole Gabite disappeared into.” Pelipper did as Winona said, he flew higher up so he wouldn’t get hit again and the he fired off water towards the hole.

“Get up Gabite.” Before the water hit the hole, Gabite came up another place on the field near Luna. “Dragon pulse.” Gabite send out another pulse towards Pelipper.

“Doge it.” It was easier this time thanks to him being higher up, the attack missed. “Water pulse.” Pelipper send out a ball of water.

“Doge it Gabite.” He managed to doge it by jumping backwards. Luna look up, as long as Pelipper was flying high up Gabite couldn’t reach him, there was only one option. “Gabite, return.” She called him back and took out a new one. “You’re up again Skarmory.” Out came the armor bird Pokémon and he flew towards Pelipper. “Use air cutter.” While flying towards his opponent, he send out many razor blades. Pelipper did his best to avoid them but there were to many, eventually he was hit by them. “Use slash.” Skarmory’s claw started to glow and flew faster, he then hit Pelipper right in the upper jaw.

“PELIPPER.” Winona could only watch as her Pokémon was hit and started to fall towards the ground, he landed on the ground with a thump on the ground, unconscious.

“Pelipper is unable to battle, Skarmory is the winner.” The judge announced.

Luna pump her fists. “Yes, two down one to go.”

Winona called back Pelipper. “You did a good job.” She took out her last Pokémon. “Let’s do this Altaria.” Out came the humming Pokémon ready for battle. Luna was sticking with Skarmory.

Winona. “Use dragon dance.” It look like Altaria started to dance, then the Pokémon glow for a few seconds.

Luna had no idea what just happened she had never seen the move before, so she had no idea what it did. She could think about that later. “Use air cutter.” Skarmory flap it’s wings and send away razor blades.

“Doge them.” Altaria flew higher to avoid the attack, she flew so fast that Luna almost didn’t saw it. “Use dragon pulse.” Altaria attack with a purple pulse from its mouth, it was so fast that Luna or Skarmory couldn’t react in time, Skarmory was hit.

Luna was in shock by the speed. ‘Wow, that was fast. How did Altaria became so fast?’ She thought for a second when it dawn on her. ‘Dragon dance, something tells me that made Altaria faster.’ She knew that Skarmory couldn’t match the speed, so she had only one option, attack. “Use slash.” Skarmory’s claw started to glow as he flew towards his opponent.

“Doge it and use another dragon pulse.” Altaria flew up as Skarmory was about to attack, the humming Pokémon attack again and as last time, Skarmory wasn’t fast enough to doge, the attack send him towards the ground and he landed on the ground with thumb and dust came up, when the dust disappeared they could see Skarmory lying there unconscious.

“Skarmory is unable to battle, Altaria is the winner.” The judge announced.

Luna was stunned, she thought that Skarmory would last longer than that, she call him back and took out a new Pokéball. “Your turn Onix.” Out came the rock snake Pokémon and Winona was amazed by how big is was. “Use rock polish.” Onix glowed for a few seconds. “Now use slam.” Onix’s tail started to move towards Altaria and it was fast.

“Doge it.” Altaria managed to avoid the attack, almost.

Back to the gang, Lumi was confused. “What? Why is Onix so much faster? He wasn’t that fast when I battle him.”

James look at her with confusion. “Haven’t you heard about rock polish before?”

Lumi tilted her head. “Should I? look, I have never battle against a Onix who know that move.”

James nodded. “Right, rock polish increases the user’s speed.”

Lumi let out an ohh. “Ok, that makes sense.”

Back to the battle, Altaria was about to attack. “Use dragon breath.” Altaria attack with a purple mist.

“Doge it Onix.” The rock snake Pokémon managed to avoid the attack, barely.

“Keep using dragon breath.” Altaria keep on attacking and Onix keep on dogging.

Altaria’s attacks was relentless, the humming keep on attack and Onix was trying to his best to avoid the attacks and the worst part was that it didn’t give Luna any chance to counter them. Eventually Altaria managed to land a hit right in Onix’ face. “Quickly, use steel wing.” Altaria wings started to glow and started to fly towards the giant Pokémon.

“Get out of the way Oinx.” Luna cried out but there was no use, Oinx was still dazed after getting hit by dragon breath. He was hit right in the face and fell to the ground, when he landed he managed to shake the entire ground. Luna and Winona had to hold on, James the others feel of the bench they were sitting on, Marowak and Charmeleon had also trouble standing up.

When the ground had stop shaking, they saw that Oinx was lying on the ground, unconscious.

“Onix is unable to battle, Altaria is the winner.” The judge announced.

Everyone was just amazed that Altaira managed to knock out Onix just like that, James had seen it before, so he wasn’t surprised. Luna had called back Onix. “Well, that didn’t work.” She put away the Pokéball and took out her last Pokémon. “I’m counting on you Gabite.” She threw the ball. “Let’s do it.” Out came the cave Pokémon ready for another round, it was now or never. “Use dragon claw.” Gabite’s claw’s started to glow and the he dashed towards Altaira.

“Take to the sky.” Altaira flew upward as Gabite was about to slash the Pokémon. “Use dragon breath.” Altaria attack the purple mist.

“Block it.” Gabite crossed his arm to try and soften the attack, it work but he was still hurt. Luna was certain that Gabite wasn’t fast enough to doge Altaria’s attack and they didn’t leave much option.

“If you are not going to doge Altaria’s attack then we will keep on attacking. Dragon breath.” Altaria attack again.

Then Luna got an idea. “Doge it by using dig.” Gabite dug a new hole and Altaria’s attack missed.

Winona was just confused of Luna move. “You know that dig dosen’t work on flying Pokémon, right?” Then Luna just smile. “Why are you smiling?” Winona ask her.

“I know that dig dosen’t work on flying Pokémon, draco meteor.”

Winona eyes widen when she heard that and before she and Altaria could react, a ball of energy flew up from one of the holes in the ground, when the ball was over Altaria it explode, and then small comets feel down. “Move it Altaria.” The humming Pokémon started to fly around the field avoiding the comets.

Luna wasn’t done. “Keep using draco meteor.” Gabite send up more energy balls and they also explode and send away more comets that Altaria had to doge.

Altaira did her best to doge the comets but eventually there were too many of them and Altaria was hit in the back, she was hit once, twice and the third time, she was hit so many time that she started to lost altitude.

Altaria was eventually on ground level. “Dragon claw.” Then Gabite came out from one of the holes that was right under Altaria, Gabite then struck the humming Pokémon in the stomach so hard that she flew up a little, then she landed on the ground, unconscious.

“Altaria is unable to battle that means Gabite is the winner, that means that the victory in this battle is Luna.” Announced Max.

Luna pump her fist in the air as the platform descent to the ground. “Alright, we did Gabite.” Once the platform was on the ground she ran over to Gabite a big hug, he just smiled.

Luna then saw Winona walking towards her with a smile. “Congratulation Luna, that was an excite battle.” She then held out her hand and opened it. “And for beating me, here is the feather badge.”

Luna happily took it. “Thank you Winona.” She took her new badges with pride.

After the battle they went back to the Pokémon center. James, Shadow and Lumi congratulated her on the way. Marowak was excited after seeing the battle and also wanted to battle a gym leader, Luna told him it had to wait until the next one.

It was night in Celestic Town, and Luna had just step in the main lobby in the center, she was wondering where he was considering he wasn’t in his bedroom. She look around in the lobby and saw him sitting by the telephones, she walk over to him.

When she got closer she could hear that he was talking to someone. “Are you telling me Ash finally become the champion in Alola?”

“That’s exactly what I am saying James.” That was a male and it sounded old to Luna. When she arrived where James was sitting, she could see that he was talking to elderly man. “It looks like we have a guest James.”

James tilted his head to the side. “What are you talking about professor?” The professor nodded his head towards Luna, James turned around and was a little surprised to see Luna there. “Hey, what are you doing here?” He ask her.

“I was looking for you.” She then took a better look at who h was talking with. It was a man with light brown hair, he was wearing a red t-shirt and she could also see a white lab coat. He was a professor. “Who is that?” She ask James while pointing a finger at the screen.

“Luna, let me introduce you to professor Oak from Pallet town on Kanto, he is probably the most famous and the best when it comes to Pokémon research of all the professors.”

That made Oak blush. “You are to kind James.” Oak told him while rubbing the back of his neck.

“Just don’t let it go to your head.”

That made Oak roll his eyes. “Very funny James.”

James smiled. “Thanks, I try.” James knew that Oak was joking but he didn’t care.

Oak then look at Luna. “So, you must be Luna, the trainer from another world.”

That made Luna’s eyes widen, she look at James with anger. “You told him?”

James shook his head. “No, I didn’t.”

Luna was convinced and before she could yell at James, Oak spoke. “You have no reason to be mad at James, he didn’t tell me it was Birch and don’t worry, I am not going to tell anyone who you real are. Your secret are safe with me.”

Luna calmed down when she heard that. “That’s good to hear but I am going to have a talk with professor Birch when it comes to keeping a secret.”

Oak just smiled. “You do that. So, Luna. James just told me that you won your six badge.”

Luna nodded. “Yes, I did.” She took out her badge case, opened it and showed it to Oak. “See.”

In the case Oak could see all the gym badges she had won. “That’s just marvellous, I bet you are proud of them all.” Luna nodded. “That’s good to know, a trainers should feel proud after beating a gym leader and earning a badge.” Oak then look at James again. “As I was saying James…”

“I know, I know. Ash just became the Alola champion, you don’t have to mention it again.” James told him an annoying tone Oak just smiled.

“Ash, you mention him a few times. Haven’t you battle him before?” Luna ask James.

“Yes, when I started my journey I battle him a few times and it’s just weird that I finally won a championship considering how an air head he is.”

“Now James, that’s not very nice way to talk about Ash.” Oak told him.

“That’s because he is an air head.” James started to rub his forehead. “Don’t you have work to professor?” He ask Oak.

Oak nodded. “That I do, I guess I’ll talk to you another time James.” Oak look over to Luna. “It was nice meeting you Luna and I promise that your secret is safe with me.” He then disappeared from the screen.

Luna just look at the screen, she wasn’t convince of what Oak said to her. There was people out there that was trying to kidnap her, and she didn’t know why and that scared her.

She then felt a hand on her shoulder that made her jump, it was James. “Are you ok Luna? you spaced out there for a moment.”

Una nodded. “I am fine, just a little tired. I think I am going to bed.” She walk off leaving James alone.

Author's Note:

There you all have it, Luna new badges, six down two to go.

Here's some funny facts about this chapter, I wrote part of it wrong. I wrote Jolteon in the battle when he wasn't supposed be in it. I was done with the chapter yesterday but then I thought, why not publish it when Sword and Shield came out. I hope that you all took time away from the games to read the chapter.

Also, there will be Pokemon from Galar. I don't know when.

Shadow Moonrise belongs to Vakama95096

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