• Published 15th Apr 2015
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Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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A Rival From Sinnoh

After the event in the forest with Scizor, Luna and James were finally in Petalburg town so she could earn her fifth badge. After getting a room at Pokémon center they were on their way to the gym.

“James? Is the gym leader here though?” Luna asked him while they were walking to the gym.

“You could say that, but that’s not the problem. The problem if you are even going to meet him or not.”

That just confused Luna. “Aren’t I’m allowed to battle him?”

“Don’t worry, you are allowed to battle him.” He assured her. “It’s this town, they can be a little hostile when someone is challenging Norman.” Now Luna was worried and James saw that. “Don’t worry, the people of this town have been warned several times. And as long you’re with me you are fine.” That made Luna relax.

They arrived at the gym without any trouble, no one challenge Luna to Pokémon battle. She didn’t mind a challenge, but if she was to battle an entire town. She would rather not do that. The gym didn’t look anything out of the ordinary.

The inside, where battle arena was. Didn’t look any different than the other gym she has been to, except Flannery’s arena which was outside. There was one thing, it was empty.

“There nobody her.” She said to James.

“They are probably out in the garden behind the gym, let check it out.”

James stared to walk further into the gym and Luna followed him, when they arrived outside again, Luna wasn’t sure if she saw thing right. Behind the gym was something that looked like greenhouse, there flower and threes as fare as she could see. Then she saw a Pokémon that looked like a butterfly fly out from the threes, the Pokémon landed on James’s head.

“Hello there Beautifly, is your trainer around?” He asked the Pokémon.

“Beautifly?” Luna took out her Pokédex and pointed it at the butterfly.

Beautifly the Butterfly Pokémon. Beautifly’s favorite food is the sweet pollen of flowers. If you want to see this Pokémon, just leave a potted flower by an open window. Beautifly is sure to come looking for pollen.

“It’s beautiful.” She said with awe in her voice.

Beautifly took off and flew in to the forest and it didn’t take long before the Pokémon came back, and a girl was following it. Beautifly landed on James headed again.

“Beautifly, what the matter?” The girl then noticed the two trainers. “James, is so good to see you again.” She went over and gave him a hug, Luan became a little jealous of that. The girl broke the hug. “What are you doing her? After what happened to you at the championship I heard that you had given up begin a trainer.”

That was not the first time Luna had heard that and she still don’t know what happened to him, she really wanted to know what happened between him and Tobias. But that is for another time.

“I’m just helping a Luna here with her journey, she is new to Hoenn.”

When the girl saw Luna, she gave her a warming smile. “Hello Luna, my name is May and I’m a Pokémon coordinator.” May reached out a hand, Luna was a little hesitant at first, but she shook her hand. “I’m guessing you are her to challenge my father to get your fifth badge.” She asked Luna.

“That was the plan, where is he`” She asked May

“I’m sorry to say that you are a little too late, a trainer challenged my dad like an hour ago. He’s at the Pokémon center right now with his Pokémon.” May told them.

“Huh, we just missed him.” Said James.

“Who was the challenger?” Luna asked May.

“A girl named Sunset Shimmer.” Luna couldn’t help but throw her arms up in frustration when she heard that, Mat leaned closer to James. “Did I say something wrong?” She whispered to him.

“Sunset is Luna’s rival and they don’t get along with each other very much.” May nodded in agreement, she knew that felling all too well. “I’m guessing that your father won’t take any new challenger today.”

May just nodded. “Yeah, Sunset did a number on my father’s Pokémon, so you have to wat until tomorrow.”

“Alright then, come on Luna. Let’s go and find somewhere to eat.”

James and Luna waved goodbye to May and headed to the exit, back in the battle arena James notice that she was a little upset.

“You okay? Are you mad that you couldn’t challenge Norman?” He asked her.

She nodded. “A little.”

He put a hand on her shoulder. “Sometimes a trainer will come and challenge the gym leader before you, you know that already, right?”

“Of course, I know that, but it just had to be Sunset.” Luna said with some anger in her voice.

James was about to say something when the doors the gym burst open and a girl came in, she stopped just before them. She but her hands on her knees and was trying to catch her breath. She was about their age, her was violet and her hair tied into a ponytail with a red ribbon. She was wearing a light-brown colored shirt with a brown skirt and maroon tie, she had a pair of O shaped Unown earrings.

“Norman, I challenge you to a Pokémon battle.” She stood up and pointed a finger at James, she blinked a couple of times when she who she was challenging. “Wait a minute, you are not Norman.”

“No, I’m not. My name is James.”

The girl looked around. “Then where is he? I want to challenge him and get my fifth badge.”

That got Luna attention.” Hey, I was here first.”

The girl crossed her arms. “So what, that doesn’t mean that you get to challenge him first. Who are you anyway?” She looked closer at Luna.

“My name is Luna and I’m going to challenge Norman.” Luna walked over to the girl. “Who are YOU anyway?”

“My name is Aura Ellison and I’m from Sinnoh, and I’M the one who is going to challenge Norman.”

At this point both girls were facing each other, and they were both angry. James was standing on the side line, he knew better than to go between two girls that were auguring. Then the doors to the gym open and a man stepped in.

It was Norman the gym leader, he saw the two girls arguing. “What’s going on here? And why are you two arguing in my gym?”

Both girls looked at him, but Aura was the first to approach him, she pointed a finger at him. “Norman, I challenge you to a gym battle.”

Then came Luna. “Wait a minute, I was here first so I get to challenge him to a battle.”

“So what? That doesn’t mean that you get to battle him first, I was the one that challenge him first.” Aura said with a grin on her face.

Luna was about to punch Aura in the face but lucky for her Norman decide to speak first. “I’m flattered that both of you want to battle me but at the moment I can’t, so this is what we are going to do. Why can’t you two have a Pokémon battle and the winner get to challenge me first. Does that work for you two?” He asked both girls.

Aura and Luna looked at Norman and then each other, both nodded in agreement. “Sure, that works for me.”” Said Aura.

“Then let’s battle.” Said Luna as she walked to right side of the battle field.

Aura walked to the other side while James sat down in the bench to watch, Norman stood in the middle of the battle field to be the judge. “Let’s get this battle stared, each trainer can use tree Pokémon each and are allowed to switch out their Pokémon as much as they like. The battle will be over when all tree Pokémon is unable to battle, are both trainers ready?” Both girls nodded. Then begging.”

As Norman explained the rules May had come out into the gym and sat down beside James. “I thought that I heard my father here, what’s going on and who is the new girl?” She said while looking at battle arena.

“Here name Aura Ellison and she also want to challenge your father as much as Luna, so your father suggested that they should have a Pokémon battle. The winner can battle your father first.” James explained to May, she just nodded and decide to watch the battle.

Back at the arena, Aura was wondered which of her Pokémon she was going to use. ‘I don’t want to use any of my Pokémon that I’m going to use against Norman, so I’m going with this.’ She took out a Pokéball and threw it. “Let’s go Axew.”

Out came a Pokémon Luna had never seen before, it had to giant tusk in its mouth. ‘What kind of Pokémon is that?’ She took out her Pokédex.

Axew the Tusk Pokémon. They mark their territory be leaving gashes in trees with their tusks. If a tusk breaks, a new one grows in quickly.

She took a closer look at the data. ‘It’s a dragon, then I going to use…’ She put away her Pokédex and took out a Pokéball. “Come out Bagon.” Out came the rock head Pokémon and he was ready for a battle. When Aura saw Bagon, she took out her own Pokédex.

On the bench, both James and May were surprised by Luna choice. “She chose a Bagon? A little odd choice, doesn’t she have any other Pokémon she can choice?” May asked James.

“Probably, three of them could be a better choice but she wants to use them against your father and the other two isn’t that effective against a dragon Pokémon.” James told her.

In the meantime, Luna was about to call out the first attack. “Use dragon breath on Axew, Bagon.” Bagon open his mouth and blue flames came out from it.

“Doge it Axew and use dragon claw.” Axew managed to step aside in time, then his hand stared to glow he then stared to run towards Bagon.

“Block the attack with you head.”

Aura was confused at first but then she understood what Luna was planning. “Stop Axew.” It was too late, Axew’s hand connected with Bagon’s head and it hurt.

Axew stared to jump up and down in pain. “Use zen headbutt.” Bagon’s head stared to glow and he managed to strike Axew pretty hard.

Axew flew backwards and land hard on the ground. “You okay Axew.” Axew got up and nodded. “Good, use slash.” Axew hand stared to glow and he ran towards Bagon, this time Bagon didn’t have the time to counter it, he was hit.

“Shake it off Bagon, use dragon breath again.” Blur flames came out from Bagon mouth again, Axew managed to doge the attack again. “Keep using dragon breath.” Bagon did as Luna said, he keep attacking Axew.

Axew was trying his best to doge the attack but it was not easy when Bagon keep attacking the entire time. “Try using dragon claw Axew.” He tried but unfortunately, he was hit by Bagon’s attack and knock out.

“Axew is unable to battle, that means that Bagon is the winner.” Norman announced.

Bagon stared to jump up and down with joy while Aura called back Axew back to his Pokéball. “Good work Axew, take a good rest.” She didn’t like to lose but seeing Bagon jumping up and down, smiling. She couldn’t help but smile herself.

Then Bagon stopped jumping, then he stared to glow and get bigger. When he stopped glowing a brand new Pokémon, it kind of looked like Bagon was in an armor. Luna took out her Pokédex, so did Aura.

Shelgon the Endurance Pokémon and evolved form of Bagon. Inside Shelgon’s armor like shell, cells are in the midst of transformation to create an entirely new body. This Pokémon’s shell is extremely heavy, making its movements sluggish.

On the bench May was amazed that Luna’s Bagon had evolved while James was worried if Shelgon evolved again, meanwhile Luan was just happy that Bagon had evolved. ‘That’s so cool.’ She thought while looking at her Pokédex.

Aura was not that happy. ‘That’s not good but lucky I have a Pokémon that can handle Shelgon.’ She took out a new Pokéball and threw it. “Came out Buneary.” Out came a Pokémon that looked like a bunny, Luna pointed her Pokédex at it.

Buneary the Rabbit Pokémon. Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully extended to shatter even a large boulder. When it senses danger, it perks up its ears. On colds night, it sleeps with its head tucked into its fur.

“Use ice beam Buneary.”

Luna’s eyes widen when she heard that, ice attack was very effective against dragon Pokémon. Buneary jump up in the air and fire ice from its mouth, the attack hit Shelgon and hit took a lot of damaged.

Luna held out his Pokéball. “Shelgon, return.” Shelgon returned to his Pokéball, she put it away and took out a new one. “Let’s go Jolteon.” Out came the lightning Pokémon. “Use quick attack.” Jolteon ran so fast that Aura and Buneary didn’t have time to react, Buneary was hit and flew backwards.

‘Wow, her Jolteon is fast. Let’s do something about that.’ Buneary got up. “Use agility Buneary.” In a flash Buneary disappeared.

Jolteon and Luna looked all over the battle field but there was no sign of the rabbit Pokémon. “Use bounce.” Then Buneary appeared right on top of Jolteon and stared to bounce on its head, it wasn’t the most effective attack, but Jolteon felt the pain in his head.

“Don’t give up Jolteon, use thunderbolt.” Eelectricity stared to from around Jolteon.

“Get away Buneary.” It was to late, Jolteon let out a lot of electricity and Buneary was catch in the attack. Buneary flew backwards and landed in front of Aura. “You okay Buneary managed to get up but was breathing heavily. “Don’t give up, use ice beam.” Ice came out from it’s mouth and headed towards Jolteon.

“Use Dig to doge the attack.” Jolteon dug a hole in the ground and thanks to that Buneary attack missed.

“Quickly Buneary, stared to jump around. Make it difficult for Jolteon to hit you.” Buneary did as Aura told her and stared to jump around. Everyone, on and of the battle field waited. When Jolteon came up again he just missed Buneary. “Use ice beam.” Buneary stopped and turned to face Jolteon who was in the air, then Buneary fire ice towards the defenseless Pokémon hat was in the air.

“Counter it thunderbolt.” Jolteon fired electricity in the air towards Buneary’s attack.

Both attacks met in the middle and didn’t looked like either was winning, then all off sudden Jolteon stared to push back Buneary’s attack. “Get out of the way Buneary.” It was to late, Buneary couldn’t do anything as electricity headed towards her. The impact created an explosion and when the dust cleared they saw Buneary lying unconscious on the floor.

“Buneary is unable to battle, that means that Jolteon is the winner.” Norman announced.

Jolteon landed on the ground and walked back to Luna while Aura called back Buneary. “Nice work Buneary, take a good rest.” She looked over to Luna who was crouching down and patting Jolteon on the head. ‘She is strong, that’s for sure.’ She put away Buneary’s Pokéball and took out her last one. ‘The odds are against me but I’m not going to give up.’ She looked at the Pokéball. “I’m counting on you.” She threw it. “Let’s go Roselia.” Out came a Pokémon that had a flower as hands, Luna took out her Pokédex for the last time.

Roselia the Thorn Pokémon. Roselia shoots thorns as projectiles at any opponent that tries to steal the flowers on its arms. The aroma of this Pokémon brings serenity to living things.

“A grass and poison type, I’m still sticking with Jolteon.” She looked at her Pokémon. “Ready for another round?” Jolteon just walked out on the battle filed. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Luna stood up. “Use shadow ball.” Jolteon send out a dark ball.

“Counter it with your own shadow ball Roselia.” Roselia also send out a dark ball, both attack meet in the middle creating a small explosion, everyone around the battle field had to cover up their eyes. “Use magical leaf.” Leaves came out from Roselia’s hands and headed towards the smoke.

Jolteon saw leaves coming towards him. “Jump Jolteon.” He jumped up in the air to avoid that, then the attack followed him up in the air surprising both him and Luna. He was hit hard and landed on the ground hard. “You okay Jolteon?” Luna asked with concern in her voice, Jolteon was trying to get up but it was difficult thanks to the damage he took.

Aura wasn’t finished yet. “Use magical leaf again.” More leaves came straight towards Jolteon and this time he was to hurt to doge them, he was hit so hard that flew backward, he landed on the ground with a thump, he was out.

“Jolteon is unable to battle, that means that Roselia is the winner.” Norman announced.

That made Aura very happy. “Way to go Roselia.” Roselia just threw her arms up in the air.

Luna called back Jolteon. “Good work, just rest.” She put away Jolteon’s Pokéball and took out a new one. “Let’s win this Grovyle.” She threw the ball and out came the gecko Pokémon ready for battle. “Use bullet seed.” Grovyle open its mouth and seed came out from it and headed towards Roselia.

“Counter it with magical leaf.” Roselia send out leaves again and the two attack’s meet in the middle creating a small explosion. “Use poison sting and aim the attack towards the middle of the smoke.” Roselia did as Aura said, poison needles came out from it’s roses and headed towards the smoke. Both of them wait as the smoke cleared to find out that Grovyle was gone. “What? Where is he?” Aura asked as she looked around the battle field.

“Try looking up.” Luna told her and Aura did that. Up in the air was Grovyle, hovering in the air. “Use bullet seed.” Grovyle did the attack again and this time Roselia didn’t have time to doge the attack, she was hit several times. “Time to finish this, use x-scissor.” Grovyle crossed his arms and they stared to glow, he then ‘flew’ towards Roselia who was still dazed by the previous attack.

“Get out away Roselia.” It was to late, Aura could only watch as Grovyle came close and closer. When the attack hit it send Roselia flying back, she landed hard on the ground. “Get up Roselia, I know that you can do it.” Roselia tried to stand up but in the end, she passed out.

“Roselia is unable to battle, Grovyle is the winner. That means the Luna is victorious.” Norman announced.

Aura called back Roselia. “You did a good job, take a good rest.” She breath out a heavy sigh, it was never fun to lose, and Aura knew that. she then looked over to Luna who was with Grovyle, who was smiling. ‘It’s not fun to lose but when seeing things like that, it makes losing right.’ She walked over to Luna and held out a hand. “Congratulations on the victory Luna.” Aura said with a smile.

Luna haply took her hand. “Thanks Aura.”

Then James and May came over, may was the first to say something. “That was amazing battle, you both gave it your all.”

James, “Couldn’t agree more.”

Norman. “That settle it, Luna you are first up tomorrow. I’m looking forward to our battle.”

After thanking Norman for using his gym for the battle, the three trainers were walking towards the Pokémon center.

“I’m sorry for the way I behaved Luna, I was just wanted to challenge Norman so bad that I forgot myself.” Aura told the former pony.

Luna just gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about it Aura, I know the feeling.” Aura smiled back at her.

James who was walking behind them with his arm behind his head, just watch as they talk. About girl stuff, he knew better than interrupt girls when they talk about that stuff. Then all of sudden Luna’s stomach made some noise, she was hungry.

She stopped and hold both hand over her stomach. “I guess the battle made me hungry without realizing it.”

Aura started to laugh. “I guess so.” Then her stomach stared also to make a noise.

James couldn’t help but rolled his eyes of what just happened. “Come on, I treat you girls to a real meal.” With that he stared walk to a restaurant, the girls gave each other a confusing look. Then they just shrugged their shoulders and walk after him.

When Aura saw the prices of the food in the restaurant James a choice, she almost got a heart attack. “James, we can’t eat here. These prices are insane.” She said while looking at the menu.

James just waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it Aura, order whatever you want. I’ll take care of the bill.” He told her.

“But, still. I know that you were a former champion but these prices…”

While Aura and James was ‘arguing’ about the prices, Luna had also seen them, and she didn’t think they were that high. Truth be told, she didn’t know much about how much thing cost in this world. She never cared about that stuff, she was to busy with Pokémon and other stuff. She looked up from the menu and saw the Aura and James was still arguing, she just shook her head.

She then noticed something in the corner of her eye, what she saw was a lot of humans coming towards them and they did not look happy. “James.” She put a hand on his shoulder and stared to shake him a little.

“What is it Luna?” He turned to her and notice that she was looking at something, so he decided to see what. What he saw made him groan in frustration. “Damn, I was hoping to avoid this. You two just sit here, I’ll take care of this.” He got up and stood between the girls and all the people that was coming toward them.

Them crowd stopped not far from James, then one off them walked towards him. It was a man that was a little older than James. “Step aside boy, we are here to challenge does two.” He pointed at Aura and Luna.

James just shook his head in disappointment. “This crap again, when are you people going to learn? You can’t just go and challenge ever trainer that is going to battle Norman, it’s not your decision who can challenge him or not.” He told the crowd.

A man stepped closer. “I said step aside, there’s no rule that says that we can’t challenge them.”

“You are right, there’s no rule but…” He looked over the crowd. “You people have been warned before and I have no trouble calling the Pokémon association and make sure that this town loses its gym.”

The man stepped closer to James. “You wouldn’t dear.”

“Oh no, you people always challenge the trainers that is going to challenge Norman, that include me, you challenge me ten years ago and I lost. Do you know what you told me? That I wasn’t wordy enough to challenge Norman, I was ten years old. You don’t say that to a ten year old boy, I almost quit thanks to you all.” That got most of the people in the crowd to looked down in shame. “You have to stop, you are not in charge in who get to challenge Norman, he is.”

Those words got the people to looked at each other, they didn’t like to admit it, but James was right. They didn’t say a word as went back to they daily life. When they were gone James could finally breath, he was glad that work. He went back to the table where Aura and Luna was sitting, they had watch the hole thing

James sat down and grabbed the menu, the girls looked at each other with worried faces. Luna decide to speak.

“James?” He looked up from the menu. “Are you okay?”

He cocked and eye brown. “Yes, I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I?”

“Well, considering what just happened with those people.”

He went back to the menu. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

The girls decide not to pressure him anymore. After they had eaten they went back to the Pokémon center. When they arrived, a certain girl with red/yellow walkout from the center. She smiled when she saw Luna.

“Well, well. Isn’t Luna, I see that you are late as usual.” Sunset said in a mocking tone.

“Sunset, I heard that you already have you fifth badge.” Luna answered with venom in her voice, which Sunset ignored.

“Of course I have, I’m a much better trainer than you ever will be. If you will excuse me, I’m off to Fortree City to get my six badge.”

Sunset just walked past them and bumping into Aura on the way, ignoring the glares she got from James and the girls. When she was gone Aura decide to say something.

“Who was that girl?”

That was Sunset Shimmer and she is from Lavaridge, you can say that she is Luna’s rival number one.”

Aura looked over to Luna who was shaking with anger, she could see that Sunset had an effect on Luna. They decide to head inside and relax before Luna’s battle with Norman.

Author's Note:

What’s up guys, I though I would give you a early christmas gift, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Aura Ellison belongs to Lord Nopony.

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