• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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After Luna and James had visit professor Birch lab and James had visit his mother, they were headed towards Fortree City, so Luna could get her six’s badge. But first, they decide to stop in Oldale town to try and go on their first date.

They were sitting by a table at the local café, after ordering their food and drink, they were just sitting there, in silence. None of them knew what to say to each other, they just stared at each other awkwardly.

“This is stupid, why is so difficult to have a conversation? We have done in the past.” Said James while crossing his arms.

Luna looked around. “Maybe this is the problem.”

James gave her a confused look. “What do you mean?”

“Well, when we have talk before we did it while we were on the road, now we are sitting by a table trying to figure out what to say to each other. Perhaps that’s the problem.”

James thought for a moment. “That doesn’t sounds too stupide, but hey. We are talking now, so let’s keep talking. There’s one thing I have been wondering about your world; have you and your sister moved…” He pointed up at the sun. “…all the time?”

Luna shook her head. “No, before Discord the sun and moon moved by themselves.”

“Discord? Who the hell is that? “You have never mention him before.”

Luna rube her forehead. “Discord, the spirit of disharmony. He arrived in Equestria like five hundred years before what happened to me, he ruined everything there. Before him the sun and moon moved on their own, the weather didn’t need help by pegasus to disappear, the season move on their own. Then he ruined it all, it was simpler time back then.”

James had listen and was in shock. “Wow, this Discord sounds like a big asshole.”

Luna snorted. “That’s one way to put it, but here’s the worst part. I wanted Discord to be punished for what he did but no, my sister placed him in our garden like the statue he was.” Luna crossed her arms in frustration. “We were meant to rule together? Yeah right. She right and I’m wrong, that how it works.”

James felt bad now. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up bad memory’s.”

Luna waved it off. “Don’t worry about it, I have left that part of my life behind me. Let me ask you a question, where’s your dad? I have meet your mother, what about your father?”

James mood dropped from happy to sad. “He died when I was young.”

When Luna heard that she felt bad for asking. “Sorry, I didn’t know.”

James just shrugged it off. “Don’t worry about it, like you said, you didn’t know.” Then silence arrived again.

Luna sighed. ‘I could use a distraction right about now.’ She got it.

Walking towards them was a young boy with brown shorts, white t-shirt and a blue cap. He stopped not far from them. “Hey lady, do you remember me?”

Luna looked at the boy. “Aren’t you the boy I battle the last time I was here?”

“That’s right, my name is Jack and I want a rematch. I have gotten a lost stronger then last time.” He reached for something in his pocket, he pulled out his badge case and showed it to Luna, there was two there, stone badge and the knuckle badge. “See, I have two badges already.” He told her with pride in his voice.

“That’s great and all.” Luna wasn’t the one to brag, she took out her own badge case and showed it to Jack.

Jack’s jaw almost fell of when he saw Luna’s badge. “Now way, you have five badges.” When Jack saw that he became very unsure, did he really want to challenge someone that had so many badges? One hand he could lose to a more experience trainer, but one the other hand, if he battled the right way he could beat her. He tried to keep his cool. “It doesn’t matter how many badges you have, I will still beat you. So? Are you up for it?”

Luna couldn’t help but smile to Jack’s confidence. “Alright Jack, will battle you.”

That made Jack smile. “Great, let’s head to the park.” Jack run towards the park, Luna got up and walked after him.

James just sat there, he had watch the hole thing. “Well, that happened. I’m kind of glad that kid came and interrupted this awkward date.” He called the waiter, took out his wallet and paid the waiter. He then got up and followed Luna and Jack to the park.

Once he arrived at the park he could see that Luna and Jack had already taking up position, Luna watch as James took up position as judge. “You took your time.” He didn’t answer her.

“Alright, let’s get this battle between Luna and Jack started. Each trainer can use…” Then he remembered something, they hadn’t decide how many Pokémon they should use. “How many Pokémon do you two want to use?”

Luna was about to answer but Jack beat her two it. “I want to use three, is that okay with you Luna?” She just gave him a nod.

James didn’t say anything, he just rolled with it. “Okay then, each trainer can use three Pokémon, the trainers can switch Pokémon at any time, the battle while be over when the trainers Pokémon is unable to battle. If both are ready.” They took out a Pokéball. ”Then begin.”

Jack was up first. “Come out Pikachu.” He threw the Pokéball and out came something that looked like yellow rat, Luna took out her Pokédex.

Pikachu the Mouse Pokémon. This Pokémon has electricity storing on it cheeks. These appear to become electrically charge during the night while Pikachu sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up.

She looked closer at the data. ‘It’s an electricity.” She knew which one she was going to use. “Come out Gible.” Out came the shark Pokémon ready for battle.

Jack had never seen a Gible before, so he took out his own Pokédex. “Let’s see here.” He smiled when he saw that data. ‘This is going to easy.’ He thought while putting away the Pokédex. “Pikachu, use thunder shock.”

James and Luna were surprised when they heard that, Luna might not be from this world but even she thought that move was wasted. James slap a hand on his face, he couldn’t believe that the kid had gotten two badges.

Pikachu jump up in air and electricity came out from its body and was head towards Gible.

“Gible, just stand there.” Jack wasn’t sure if he heard right, Gible did as Luna said.

The attack hit and Gible was unfaceted, Gible then started to look around, wondering what happened.

Jack on the other hand was speechless, he managed to get out words. “What just happened? Why didn’t the attack do anything?” While he talk, Pikachu had landed on the ground.

“Check the data on you Pokédex.” Jack did as James said, he pressed a few button on it, when he found the data he was looking for his eyes widen. “Oh man, Gible also is a ground type? How did I miss that?” James and Luna couldn’t help but stare at the kid. “Oh will, I’m still going to win.” He put away his Pokédex. “Let’s use quick attack.” Pikachu started to run towards Gible.

“Counter it with dragon pulse.” Energy started to gather in Gible, but he didn’t managed to attack, Pikachu tackled him.

Gible slide backwards a little. “Shake it off Gible, use dig.” Gible dig a hole and disappeared.

When Jack saw that, he became nervous. “Oho man, I hate this move.” And before he could react, he saw Pikachu flew up in the air and then he saw Gible come out from the ground. “Use dragon pulse.” This time he managed to gather the energy and he send away a ball of energy towards Pikachu, the attack hit, and Pikachu landed on the ground with stars in its eyes.

“Pikachu is unable to battle, that means that Gible is the winner.” James Announced.

While Jack called back Pikachu, James couldn’t help but question his skills. ‘Something tells me that he just caught Pikachu.’ He also didn’t understand why Jack chose a Pokémon that he just caught and used it against Luna’s Gible.

Jack took out a new one. “Come out Mudkip.” Out came a Pokémon that looked like a smaller version of Swampert, she checked the data.

Mudkip the Mud Fish Pokémon. The fin on Mudkip’s head acts as highly sensitive radar. Using this fin to sense movements of water and air, this Pokémon can determine what is taking place around it without using its eyes.

Luna couldn’t help but smile. ‘I guess that James’s Swampert started as a Mudkip.’ While James couldn’t help felling nostalgic.

“Use water gun Mudkip.” Water came out from its mouth.

“Counter it with dragon breath.” Blue energy came out from Gible mouth.

St first it looked like that attacks was equally strong, but then Mudkip water gun started to push Gible’s attack back. Then Mudkip shocked everyone there, Mudkip managed to push Gible’s attack and Gible was hit. He didn’t took so much damaged, but it still hurts.

“Use tackle Mudkip.” Mudkip tackle Gible, the dragon Pokémon as out.

“Gible is unable to battle, that means that Mudkip is the winner.” James Announced.
Jack started to jump up and down. “Alright, way to go Mudkip.” Mudkip also started to jump up and down, then all of sudden he started to glow and then he started to grow. When he was finished glowing a bigger version of Mudkip was standing there, Luna and Jack took out their Pokédex.

Marshtomp the Mud Fish Pokémon and the evolved form of Mudkip. Marshtomp is much faster at traveling through mud then it is at swimming. This Pokémon’s hindquarters exhibit obvious development, giving it the ability to walk on just its hind legs.

Jack was super happy that his Mudkip evolved, Luna called back Gible and got ready a new Pokéball, James felt nostalgic again.

The boys were brought back to reality. “Let’s go Grovyle.”

When Jack saw Grovyle, he became concerned. ‘That’s not good.” He called back Marshtomp and got ready a new Pokémon. “Come out Linoone.” Out came a Pokémon Luna hadn’t seen before, so she did as usual, she checked the data.

Linoone the Rush Pokémonand the evolved form of Zigzagoon. Linoone always runs full speed and only in straight lines. If facing an obstacle, it makes a right angle turn to evade it. This Pokémon is very challenged by gently curving roads.

After seeing that data she decided to stay with Grovyle. “Alright Linoone, use headbutt.” Linoone started to run towards Grovyle.

“Jump Grovyle.” He did that, he jumped a couple feet in the air and Jack was amazed how high Grovyle jump. “Use bullet seed.” Grovyle opened its mouth and seeds came out from it and headed towards Linoone, Linoone was hit repeatedly. “Noe, use leaf blade.” The leaf on Grovyle arms started to glow until they became as blades, he then headed towards Linoone who was still dizzy after the last attack, that attack hit and Linoone flew back. Linoone landed on the ground unconscious.

“Linoone is unable to battle, that means that Grovyle is the winner.” James Announced.

Jack called back Linoone and decided to look at his option, he had one Pokémon left and that was Marshtomp, Luna had Grovyle out and a Pokémon that hadn’t even battle yet, the odds was against hm. He saw only one solution.

“I forfeit.” That shocked all of them, even Grovyle was shocked of his choice.

“Are you sure kid? You can still win this.” James asked Jack.

“Yeah, I’m sure. The only Pokémon I have left is Marshtomp and Luna has out Grovyle and she has a Pokémon that hasn’t battle.” He let out a heavy sighed. “As much as is hurt to say it, I don’t stand a chance. I forfeit.”

James didn’t want him to forfeit but he respected his choice. “If you say so, do to forfeit from Jack, it means that Luna was the winner.”

Luna was happy that she won but the victory didn’t feel right, she didn’t want to win like this. At the same time, she respected Jack’s choice.

Jack walked over to Luna and held out a hand. “Good battle Luna, I learned a lot.”

She haply grabbed his hand. “Thanks for the battle.” They shook hands.

After the battle, James and Luna was walking back to the Pokémon center. “Man, what a day. First, we have a bad date and then jack forfeit a battle. And here I thought I had seen it all. Right Luna?” He didn’t get any answer, so he looked over to her. She was walking with her head hung low. “Luna, are you okay?” He asked her with concern in his voice.

She let out a heavy sighed. “No, I’m not. I know that I should fell happy that I won but I don’t, Jack just gave up.” She then looked at James. “Didn’t you tell Ace once that the battle isn’t over until is over?”

“That I did.”

“Then why did Jack just quiet like that?”

James but an arm around her shoulder. “Look Luna, I could just say that a victory is a victory, but then I would lying. In my option, there’s two kinds of victory: a good one and a bad one. The good one is when you managed to win by beating all of your opponent Pokémon, the bad one is what happened to you. You might not like the outcome, but you also have to respect Jack’s decision give up like that.”

She sighed again. “I guess, the victory still fell bitter.”

“Some of them do, try and focus on your battle with Winona.”

“I’ll try.” She knew that James was right, and she did fell a little better. “Thanks James.” She gave him a kiss in the check and the made him blush.

Author's Note:

This story isn’t dead, but I need to take a break from it. It’s going to be on hiatus for a while and I don’t know when the story will be back, I hope at all of you can be patient.

Also, I’m going to delet Petalbrug Woods chapter soon. I’m going to write more to the chapter, that means the old one is going to be delete. I hope that you all will like the new one.

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