• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Lunatone Phone Home

After beating Winona, Luna and James were on their way to Lilycove town. On their way they stop in a town called Volley Town.

The sun was setting in Hoenn and Luna was in the small forest just outside the town, she was training with her Poochyena and Misdreavus.

“Use fire fang Poochyena.” Fire appeared in Poochyena’s mouth as he started to run towards Misdreavus, as Poochyena was to attack Misdreavus doge the attack. “Good, use shadow ball.” Misdreavus then send out a black ball towards Poochyena and the attack impacted just in front of the bite Pokémon, creating a small explosion that send Poochyena flying backwards. He landed on his side.

Luna look in terror as he landed on the ground. “Poochyena.” She ran over to him. “Are you hurt?” She ask him while bending down, she could see some bruises on him. She look over to Misdreavus who was floating towards them with a worried look. “I told you to take it easy Misdreavus, did you listen to me at all?” That made Misdreavus sad, she hang her head in shame. “We will discuss this later.” She then went over to her bag and took out an oran berry, she then gave it to Poochyena. “Her eat this.” He did and he felt better. Poochyena got up and started to lick Luna face, that made her giggle. “I am glad you are feeling better.” She then stood up and stretched her body. “It’s getting late, let’s get back to the Pokémon center before it gets dark.” Both of her Pokémon agreed with that.

Luna went walk over to grab her bag, she strap it on her back and was about to walk back when she saw something in the night sky, it was meteor. “Look at that you two, a meteor.” Both Pokémon look up in the sky and saw a meteor falling from the sky, it was heading towards the outskirt of the town. “This I have to see, come on you two.” She started to run towards where the meteor was headlining, Poochyena and Misdreavus followed her.

“Ok, were did that meteor land?” After some walking, Luna and her Pokémon had trouble finding the crash site. “Did you two see where the meteor landed?” She asked Poochyena and Misdreavus, both shook their heads. “Great, the next time I am going to do this I will buy a flashlight.” She let out a sigh. “Let’s head back.”

They were about to go back when they heard something coming from the canyon, it sounded like someone was talking. “Hello? It any one there?” Luna ask no one in particular, she didn’t even know is she ask anyone considering it was too dark to see anything.

Then they saw something floating towards them. “Get ready you two.” Both Pokémon got ready to attack on Luna’s order. When they finally saw what was heading towards them, it look like a rock that was shaped like a moon. “Is that a Pokémon?” Luna took out her Pokédex to see.

Lunatone the meteorite Pokémon. Lunatone was discovered at a location where a meteoroid fell. As a result, some people theorize that this Pokémon came from space. However, no one has been able to prove this theory so far.

Luna just marvelled on the data. “A Pokémon from space, that so cool.” She look at Lunatone and saw the it was hurt. “Oh my, are you ok?” Lunatone answer was falling to the ground, Luna and her Pokémon ran over to her. “Lunatone is hurt and there’s no way I can carried it to the Pokémon center.” She look at screech Pokémon. “Misdreavus, use psychic to lift Lunatone, very carefully.” Misdreavus nodded her head, then her eyes started to glow and Lunatone was lifted up in the air. “Let’s get to the Pokémon canter.” All three headed towards the town.

When they were gone, two shadows step into the opening.

“Did you hear that?” Said a male voice.

“I sure did, Lunatone has return and this time it will not escape the PMC.” Said a female voice.

James sitting by a table reading the newspaper when the door to the center open and Luna step in, James look over the edge of the newspaper and almost got a shock when he saw what kind of Pokémon Misdreavus was carrying.

“Luna.” He place the paper on the table and walk over to her. “Where did you find that Lunatone?” He ask her.

“In the canyon just outside the town.” She told him.

“And let me guess, you saw a meteor before Lunatone showed up.”

Luna nodded. “Yes, how did you know?”

James pinched his nose. “You can say that I am having a déjà vu, if you are trying to get Lunatone healed her at the center, then forget it.”

That upset Luna. “How can you say that? Lunatone needs help, why can’t nurse Joy help Lunatone?”

“Because it need moon light.” Said a new voice, it was joy who had entered room. “Moon light is the only thing that can heal a Lunatone.”

Luna look at Lunatone who had it eyes closed, it look like it was hurting. ”Moon light, but we are surrounded by rock and we can’t see the moon here.” She look over to Joy. “Where can we see the moon around here?”

“Camerupt rock.” James told her. “There’s a place outside the town called Camerupt rock and it’s the only place where you can see the moon.”

Luna nodded. “Right, then I am heading there.” She look at her Pokémon. “Let’s go.” She walk out and they followed her.

“Luna, wait up. You don’t know where Camerupt rock is.” James let out a heavy sigh. “I better go after her.” I did that.

After catching up Luna, James leaded her towards where Camerupt rock was. While they were walking, Luna ask James why he said that he was experience a déjà vu. He told her that eight years ago he and some others encounter a Lunatone and a group called Pokémon Mystery Club, or PMC. They are group that capture Pokémon against their will that comes from space and study them, Luna was horrified when she heard that. to think that people would kidnap Pokémon to study them, they are almost as bad as hunters.

They finally arrived at an opening and there Luna could see two rocks that look like the back of a Camerupt, she was just glad she have seen one.

They were about clear the canyon when a giant purple robot appeared right in front of them blocking their path.

James. “You go to be kidding me, I thought you idiots had given up this crap.” He told the robot.

“Well, well. Isn’t the form Hoenn champion James, I thought you retired.” Said a male voice coming from the robot.

“Not anymore and if you two think you’re getting this Lunatone, then you are out of your mind.”

“We see about that, full speed ahead Mary.” Said the male voice.

“You got it.” Said a female voice who was Mary.

James look back at Luna. “Keep Lunatone safe, I handle those two.” Before Luna could say anything, James started to walk towards the robot.

Then Robot started move towards him, fast. “Come out Swampert and Lucario.” The two Pokémon came out from their Pokéballs. “Stop that robot.” Both Pokémon held up their palms and they managed to stop the robot dead in its track.

“What’s going on? Why aren’t we moving?” The male voice asked.

“It’s James Pokémon, they are stopping us.” Said Mary.

“Fire missiles towards them.”

Luna was shocked when she heard that, who in their right mind wanted to hurt Pokémon who couldn’t protect themselves. Then all of sudden Poochyena started to run towards them. “Poochyena, come back.” He didn’t listen, he wanted to protect Lunatone.

“It looks we have a hero, knock him away Mary.”

“With pleasure Ken.”

A giant arm was now head towards Poochyena, it knocked the bite Pokémon away. He landed not far from Luna. “Poochyena.” She ran to him and bend down to see if he was. “Are you ok?” She then look at the robot with anger. “How dare you attack a Pokémon like that?” She said with anger in her voice.

“You Poochyena was in the way, it’s a simple as that.” Said Ken. “Now, let’s get that Lunatone.” The giant arm went towards Misdreavus who was holding Lunatone.

“Misdreavus, move.” She want to but she was to afraid, then Poochyena managed to get up and then he jump up to intercept the arm. As he was in the air he started to glow and became bigger, when he stop glowing a Mightyena was there, tackling the arm. “What the…?” Luna couldn’t help but wonder what just happened.

When Mightyena tackled the arm, the robot lost it footing, then Swampert and Lucario managed to push it back. Mightyena then landed on the ground, he then jump into the air again and this time he attack with a shadow ball, the shadow ball hit the robot and damage it a little.

“Hey, don’t damage out machine.” Said Ken.

“Yeah, it’s cost a lot of money.” Said Mary.

James. “Who care about you stupide robot? Lucario use aura sphere and Swampert use hydro cannon.”

Luna. “Mightyena use shadow ball.”

All Pokémon attack and when the attacks hit the robot it explode sending Ken and Mary flying through the air and into the night.

“That’s something I have not missed.” James said while looking where Ken and Mary disappeared to, he then look over to Luna. “Let’s get Lunatone to the rocks.” Luna wasn’t to argue with that.

Misdreavus place Lunatone carefully down on the ground between the rocks as the moon started to rise, as the moon rise Lunatone started to glow and before they knew it, Lunatone was fine. The meteorite Pokémon started to float around with a happy face, Luna and James couldn’t help but smile of what they saw. Then they saw as Lunatone float up into the air towards the moon.

Luna couldn’t help but wave at the Pokémon. “Hey James, do you think Lunatone really came from space?” She ask him.

“Who knows, there’s a theory all Pokémon comes from space. All we know that it’s a mystery and that’s fine by me.” He told her while looking at the night sky.

Luna smiled. “You have pointe. Now.” She then crossed her arms and look at Mightyena with an angry look. “What do you have to say mister.” Mightyena look down in shame, he knew what this was about. “I understand that you wanted to protect Lunatone but that’s no excuse just running into danger like that, do you understand me?” Mightyena nodded. “Good, let’s back to town so I can think of a punishment.” They started to walk back to town leaving James with Misdreavus.

“This has been one weird night.” Misdreavus nodded in agreement, they followed Luna.

Author's Note:

Before you guys get angry at me, it was never my plan to let Luna catch a Lunatone, why? I had already had en idea which psychic Pokémon she would catch, which will come later.

This might be one of my weakest chapter, not my worst but one of them. I didn't have any better idea. Don't worry, the next one is better, I hope.

Also, the Pokémon Mystery Club is two characters anime show, they have appeared in two episodes. I couldn't find any picture of the robot, sorry.

Until next time.

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