• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 6,618 Views, 609 Comments

Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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An Electric Problem

It’s been three days since Luna and James hade their awkward date and the battle with Jack, nothing had happened since that day. They hadn’t had any new date since then. Luna had try to focus on her battle with Winona, she was currently having a battle with another girl and her Taillow, Luna was using her Rufflet.

“Use peck Taillow.” The girls Taillow beak started to glow.

“Doge the attack Rufflet and then use aerial ace.” Rufflet flew up to avoid the attack, he then took a loop and hit Taillow so hard that the tiny swallow Pokémon past out.

“Taillow is unable to battle, that means that Luna is the winner.” James announced.

The girl called back her Taillow and walked over to Luna, she held out a hand and Luna gladly shook it. “Thanks for the battle Luna, even that I lost I learned a lot.” The girls said with a little smile on her face.

“Your welcome.” Luna replied with a smile.

They said goodbye to each other and went their separate ways, the girl went back to Oldale town while Luna James headed towards Fortree City.

Rufflet, who was resting on Luna’s head, had a sad look on his face, he had that ever since the battle ended. Luna had seen that. “What’s wrong Rufflet?” She asked the Pokémon, Rufflet didn’t answer, he just sighed.

“I think he’s saw because he didn’t evolved from the battle.” James answered for Rufflet.

Luna looked up at the eaglet Pokémon who had sad face, she then lifted him off her head and made so they were face to face. “It doesn’t matter to me if you evolve or not, I like you the way are.” She said with a smile on her face, Rufflet didn’t fell any better and Luna saw that. “But don’t worry, something tells me that you will evolve one day.” That made him fell a little better, he gave her a little smile. Luna place him back on her head.

After a walking some more, they arrived at a clearing in the forest, they had expected so see a lot of Pokémon, but there were none. “It’s too quiet in this forest.” Luna was about to ask how he knew that when a Pokémon appeared over the tree lines, for her the Pokémon look like giant rock with four arms and a big X on it’s face. It looked very angry. “It’s a Metagross.” Said James.

Luna took out her Pokédex.

Metagross the iron leg Pokémon and the evolved form of Metang. Metagross has four brains in total. Combined, the four brains can breeze through difficult calculations father than a supercomputer. This Pokémon can float in the air by tucking in its four legs.

Luna wonder was a supercomputer was but before she could asked, Metagross headed straight towards them. When Luna saw that she frozen in fear, then she felt someone tackle her to the ground. As she fell to the ground, Metagross missed her by a few inches. She looked over to her side and saw that it was James who had tackle her. “We need to run, now.” She wasn’t about to argued with that.

The both got up and started to run towards the trees, once they reached the trees, Luna looked over her shoulder and saw that Metagross was coming towards them. “It’s following us.” While they were running, Rufflet was trying to hold on for dear life.

James also looked over his shoulder, Metagross was coming closer. “We are not going to out run it, turn left.” When they did, Metagross barley missed them. “Don’t stop.” They kept on running.

After thirty minutes of running, they finally managed to lose Metagross. They were resting under some trees, Luna was lying in the grass, trying to regain control of her breath. James was looking for the Pokémon, making sure that it didn’t attack again. Rufflet was watching as his trainer trying to catch her breath.

“What… was… that…?” Luna asked between breaths.

“It was a Metagross and it was pissed off.” James answered.

“I already know that it was, why was it so angry?”

“Probably something disturbing its brain, I am guessing an electric Pokémon.”

Luna looked up at him with confusing on her face. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t you have computers where you are from?”

“No, we don’t have computers in Equestria. I know that Twilight has something in her basement, but that’s it.” She told him with annoyance in her voice.

James just smirked. “Easy, I was just joking.” He looked for the Metagross, he didn’t see it. “I think we lost it, for now.” He walked over to where Luna was lying and sat down. “You okay?” He asked her.

“Yeah.” She sat up. “It’s been a while since I had to run like that.” She grabbed her bag, opened it and took out a bottle of water and drank off it.

“I hope that you are up for more running, if that Metagross shows up again.”

“You didn’t answer me question, why is Metagross angry?”

James thought for a moment. “Alright, I’m no expert but I will try. An Metagross brain works like computer, when a computer get exposed to electricity it can crash, like died.” That last part made Luna’s eyes to widen.

“Are you sating that that Metagross can died.”

James shocked his head. “Don’t worry, it wont died but if don’t do something, Metagross is going to be constant pain and attack people who goes through here.”

“How do we find the Pokémon that is causing this? It’s a big forest.” Luna asked James.

“Don’t worry about that.” He stood up and took out a Pokéball, threw it and out came Lucario. “Lucario, I want you to use your aura to search the area for Magnemite and Magneton.” Lucario nodded and went down on knee, he then place his hand on the grass and then he started to glow.

Luna just watch Lucario. “What’s Lucario doing?” She asked James.

“Lucario is using his aura to look for Magnemite and Magneton in the area.”

“How long can he see with this aura?”

James put a hand to his check.” I’m not sure, I would say around fifty feet.” Luna was impressed by that, that’s for sure. Then Lucario stopped glowing and got up. “Did you find them?” James asked the aura Pokémon, Lucario made a grunt noise and nodded. “Good, lead the way.” Lucario started to walk and James followed. Luna got up, picked up Rufflet and she put him back on her head, and then she followed James and Lucario.

After some walking the came to a crater, in the crater a bunch of Pokémon so they decided to hide behind some trees. Luna recognized two of the three Pokémon there. Magnemite was the one Sunset had beaten her with and the other one was a Magneton, the last one she didn’t recognized at all, it looked like an evolved form of Magneton, she took out her Pokédex to confirm it.

Magnezone the magnet area Pokémon and the evolved form of Magneton. Sometimes the magnetism emitted by Magnezone is too strong, making them attract each other so they cannot move. It evolved from exposure magnetic field. Three units generate magnetism.

“Well, now I know why Metagross is acting like it does.”

Luna looked to James with confusion. “What do you mean?” She had no idea what was going on.

“As I said before, Metagross brain is like a supercomputer and when a computer get exposed to electricity it can crash.” Luna just looked at him confusion, she had no idea what he was talking about and he saw that. “The electricity that Magnemite, Magneton and Magnezone is sending out is messing with Metagross brain.”

Now that she understand. “Why didn’t you just say that?” James almost rolled his eyes but considering where Luna was from, he didn’t. “Do you have a plan to stop this?” She asked him.

He gave her a nod. “Yeah, follow me.” James started to walk towards where they came from and Luna followed him. After some walking they stopped. “Okay here’s the plan. We need to get rid of those Pokémon and that means we have to fight them, do you have any of you ground Pokémon with you?” He asked her.

“Yes, I have Gible and Onix with me.” She answered.

“That’s great and I’m guessing that you have Jolteon with you?” She nodded. “Good. Here he plan, I’m going to try and get the Magnemite and Magneton to follow me, while they do that I want you to chase away that Magnezone.”

“What are you going to do with those Pokémon that is going to follow you?” She asked with some concern.

“Don’t worry, I’m going to defeat them. I can handle some Magnemite and Magneton, you just worried about that Magnezone.”

Luna could hear the confident in his voice, but she wasn’t sure if it would work. “I don’t know James.” She told him while rubbing his arm.

James grabbed both her shoulders. “Listen to me Luna, you have grown a lot these six weeks, you are not a beginner trainer anymore, I know that you drive away that Magnezone.”

Those words boosted her confidence. “Alright, I will try.”

That’s all he want to hear. “Good, by the way, do you have your Jolteon with you?”

“Of course, I always travel with Jolteon.”

James smiled. “Great, bring him out with Gible and Onix.”

Luna wasn’t sure why he wanted her to bring out Jolteon, but she didn’t question it, she took out three Pokéball’s and out came three Pokémon. When James saw how tall Onix was, he started to panic. “Tell your Onix to crouch down.” Luna did as he said. “Good, let me borrow your Pokédex.” Luna was just confused. “I just want to check something.” She just shrugged it off and gave it him. James opened it and started to push some buttons. “Let’s see here.” It didn’t take long before he found what he was looking for. “As I though, your Jolteon has the ability volt absorb.”

Luna wasn’t sure what that meant. “Is that good?” She asked James.

“Yes, that’s mean that Jolteon can absorbe electricity.” He gave the Pokédex back to Luna. “Okay, let’s do this. I will try and lure away the Magnemite and Magneton while you deal with Magnezone.”
Then Rufflet jumped down from Luna’s head and started to wave his wings. “I think that Rufflet want’s to help.” Said Luna while looking down on him.

“That’s a bad idea, considering that he is flying type.” Luna agreed as she returned him to his Pokéball. James then took out two Pokéball’s and out came Arcanine and Swampert, he gave Luna a nod and went to work.

Luna watch as he and his Pokémon walk back to the crater, once there he got ready. “Alright Arcanine, use flamethrower on the Magnemite and Magneton.” Flames came out from it’s mouth and he managed to hit some of the Magnemite, the rest look at the intruder. “Sorry, I was aiming for your leader.” That made Magnezone very angry, it made some noise, then the Magnemite and Magneton flew towards James and his Pokémon. “Time to run.” He jump on Arcanine. “Let’s move.” Arcanine started to run, while Lucario and Swampert followed and so did the Pokémon that was chasing him.

Luna watch as James led lead away two of the Pokémon, when they were out of sighed she look to the crater, the only one left was Magnezone. She took a deep breath. “Okay Luna, you can do this.” She told herself. She looked at her Pokémon. “Come on, let’s see if we can drive away that Magnezone.” She walked towards the crater and they followed her.

Once there they saw Magnezone, it was just hovering there. “Gible, use dragon pulse.” Gible open it mouth and send away a blue ball towards Magnezone, the attack hit. Magnezone turned towards the intruder, it became furious. Luna could see it on it face. Magnezone charge towards them, then it body started to charge electricity, it then shoot it towards them. “Jolteon.” The lightning Pokémon jump in front of its trainer to absorb the attack, Jolteon took the attack head on and absorb the attack. “Quickly Onix, use slam on Magnezone.” The rock snake Pokémon went into action and slammed it’s giant tail into Magnezone, the magnet Pokémon crashed into the ground with a bang. “Nice work Onix.” Luna praised the giant Pokémon.

Their joyment didn’t last long, out of the cloud of dust came Magnezone and it was pissed off. It charge again and this time it energy started to form in front of it face, then it unleashed the energy in a beam towards Onix, the giant Pokémon had no time to move away from the attack, he was hit and hit the ground hard.

“Onix.” Luna yelled in a panic voice, she then look at Magnezone with anger. “You are going to regret that.” She then look down to Gible. “Gible, I’m going to throw you and then use rock smash.” Before Gible could respond, Luna picked him up and threw him towards Magnezone.

“Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiible.” He screamed as he flew towards Magnezone.

“Now Gible.” Gible’s hand started to glow and he managed to hit Magnezone right between the eyes. “Nice work Gible.” He was very happy that his trainer threw him, but he was happy that it work, unfortunately it didn’t last long. Magnezone recovered very fast, energy started to gather energy in front off it again. “Oh no, get out of the way Gible.” It was no use, Gible had no way to go. He was hit by the same attach as Onix. Luna could only watch as Gible was hit by the attack and flew through the air, he hit a tree hard, then he landed on the ground, unconscious.

Luna looked at Magnezone. “You pay for that, use shadow ball Jolteon.” The lightning Pokémon send away a dark ball towards Magnezone, the attack hit but didn’t look like it took any damage at all. Luna’s eyes widen when she saw that. ‘Why isn’t it working?’ She then remember the information in her Pokédex. ‘I forgot, it’s a steel type and an electric type.’ She was brought out of her thought by a noise. Magnezone was heading straight towards her, Luna froze with fear, she could not move her body at all. Then everything went into slow motion as Jolteon jump in front it’s trainer to take the blow. Luna just watch as Magnezone tackled Jolteon, Jolteon landed in front of her, he didn’t move.

Luna didn’t know what to do, the Magnezone was just to strong for her Pokémon. She looked around, Onix was still lying on the ground in pain, Gible was unconscious and Jolteon was in bad shape. Luna just collapsed on the ground, she had no other Pokémon with an advantage against Magnezone. She then heard that it started to make some noise again, she looked at Magnezone and saw that it was charging electricity, probably for an attack. Luna couldn’t move, she was frozen.

Meanwhile James had managed to get rid of the Magnemite and Magneton and was now heading back to Luna. “Man, that was easy.” He had no trouble chasing away them away, his Pokémon agreed with him on that part. “Wonder if Luna has managed to get rid of Magnezone.” He was getting his answer soon than he would like.

He and his Pokémon saw the crater, but when he saw what was about to happened, his face became pale. “Oh no.” He saw that Magnezone was about to attack Luna and that she was just sitting on the ground, she wasn’t moving. “Quickly Arcanine, use extreme speed on Magnezone.” Arcanine started to run, run vary fast but James wasn’t sure if he could reach them in time.

Luna just look down on the ground, she couldn’t watch. She closed her eyes waiting for the end. “Good bye James, I love you.” She waited but she didn’t feel anything, instead she heard a roar.

That made Magnezone and Arcanine to stop their attack. Luna opened her eyes and looked where the roar came from and what she saw was a Pokémon that kind a look familiar. The Pokémon was standing on a hill not far from her.

It was yellow with black mark on it’s body, it’s had fangs in its mouth and white cross on it’s mouth, it had something that look like a purple cloud on its back. The Pokémon roar again and this time thunder appeared. Then it started to run towards Magnezone, The magnet area Pokémon didn’t care who this new Pokémon was, it was an intruder and that’s all.

Magnezone charge towards the intruder while building up electricity, the new Pokémon did the same. Then they meet in the middle creating a wind that made the dust blow away, Luna had to raise arm to shield her eyes, so did James. It looked like they were equally match but then the yellow Pokémon started to push Magnezone back, then Magnezone was pushed back a little, then the yellow Pokémon fangs started to create electricity, then it bite Magnezone and that created an explosion s hard that it create black smoke that covert most of the crater.

James and his Pokémon couldn’t see anything thanks to the smoke, so they had to wait. When it cleared they saw that Magnezone was lying on the ground, unconscious. James didn’t care about the other Pokémon, he ran as fast as he could to Luna to see if she was okay.

Author's Note:

Is this a cliffhanger? I’m not sure.

If you guys want to know what happens, then you have to wait until the next chapter. Also, I think this is one off my weakest chapters I have writen.

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