• Published 15th Apr 2015
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Luna's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

How many Pokémon can Luna catch and will she become a Pokémon champion?

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Double Trouble

After Sunset had crushed Luna she had shut herself up for the rest of the day, she didn’t say anything or eat anything she just lay in her room. The next day she had got up early and walk down to the harbour to think but I didn’t work, she was just sitting there looking over ocean, looking at water Pokémon which played in the water. She let out a sad sighed wondering if she should quit, again. She was sitting up against one of the buildings with her legs up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them, her head was resting on her knees.

“Why so gloomy?” Luna didn’t answer or even look at the who spoke, she knew it was James. “Mind if I sit here?” She still didn’t answer him. “I take your silence as a yes.” He sat down beside her.

Then they just sat there in silence not saying anything, James look over to Luna so he could see her face and it was one he had seen before, she was think about quitting.

“You know, you can’t quit after you ha one bad battle, if I had done that I wouldn’t have been here right now.” It was joke, a bad joke but he was hoping that Luna would laugh a little, it didn’t work. He started to rub his forehead. “Look Luna, you can’t let what happened to Sunset affect you.”

She decided to speak. “Easy for you to say, you’re a former champion.”

That made James snort. “Oh please, that was more a curse than a blessing.”

Luna look over to him. “What do you mean?”

“Do you know why I lost my battle against Tobias?”

She wasn’t sure why he asked her that. “Because his Darkrai was too strong?”

“That was part of it, the other part was that I made a rookie mistake just like you did yesterday. I got too cocky while you let your anger get to you, didn’t I look a little different in my battle against Tobias.”

While traveling with James the last three months he have been kind to her and to others, except Sunset considering how she has been acting.

“I guess you were a little cocky.”

“That I was, I let my title go to my head and that’s why I lost, and that Tobias Darkrai was too strong for me and my Pokémon.” He then rubbed his face. “My point here is that we all makes rookie mistake all the time, even the best trainer out there does it, but we can’t let it get to us. If I decided to quit every time I did a mistake I wouldn’t be here right now comforting you.” That actually made Luna smile. “There’s that smile I like to see on you, it looks way better that your moody look.” Luna couldn’t help but laugh of that which made James smile. “Do you remember what I said to you after you lost against Brawly?”

Luna had to think for a minute. “Yeah, you said a trainer gets up, train and try again.”

“That’s right, are you going to stop your journey just because you lost to Sunset yesterday?” She was about to say something, but James held up a hand to stop her. “I know that she crushed you but remember you made a rookie mistake, all you can do is train and get stronger so you can show Sunset that you are better Pokémon trainer than her and believe me, you are a better trainer then she will ever be.”

Luna smiled of what he said. “Thanks James, I need that.”

He smiled back. “You are welcome.” He then gave her something, it was sandwiches. “Here, I thought you might be hungry considering you haven’t eaten since yesterday.”

“Thanks.” She took them and started to eat. Once she was almost finished she decided to ask James something. “What kind of Pokémon does the gym leader here use? You did mention that they were twins and it’s a double battle but not what kind of Pokémon they used.”

“Well, you already meet one of the Pokémon they use when we were in Volley Town and that’s Lunatone, the other is Solrock.”

Luna swallowed her food. “Are they good?”

James nodded. “Yes, when they can work together.” Luna tilted her head to the side in confusion. “Don’t be mad when I ask you this, have you ever argued with your sister when you were young?”

“Many times, I don’t remember how many times.” She took another sandwiches and started to eat. “Why do you ask?” She ask while swallowing her food.

“Well, Tate and Liza take sibling arguing to the next level. I don’t have any siblings myself, but I have seen those two and let me tell you, they know how to argue.”

“They are sibling?” Luna asked.

“Twins actually, Liza being the oldest.” Luna just nodded and eat her food. Once she was done she stood up. “Ready to train?” James asked her while getting up.

“As ready as I can be but first.” She took out two Pokéball’s and out came Marowak and Misdreavus, both Pokémon look at their trainer who had a sombre face. “Hey, you two, I just want to say I am sorry for what happened in the battle against Sunset, I let her words get to me and I acted like a child. I am really sorry.” Then she did something James or her Pokémon never expected, she bowed.

Marowak and Misdreavus wasn’t sure what to believe right now, they never expected their trainer to act like this. Sure, she wasn’t particularly nice with yesterday, but they weren’t mad at her or anything ells. They did the only thing they could, give her a hug. Marowak gave her leg a hug while Misdreavus just snuggled in her chest.

James couldn’t help but smile of what he saw. “It seems like they forgive you.”

Luna just hug them back. “It guess so.” She stood up. “Are you two ready for some more training?” Both Pokémon nodded their heads. “Good.” She then look at James. “I really hope you can help.”

James just smiled. “Of course, let’s get back to the Pokémon center and train there.” Luna nodded.

Once back at the center, Luna went back to the battle field while James took a call to Birch lad. When he step out he saw that Luna was already standing ready with Marowak and Misdreavus on the field, James walk over and stood on the other side.

“Alright Luna, here the two pokemon that the twins are using.” He threw two Pokeballs in the air and out came two Pokémon, one look like a moon and the other look like the sun.

Luna recognized one the Pokémon Lunatone but not the other, she took out her Pokédex and pointed it at the sun.

Solrock the meteorite Pokémon. Solrock is a is new species of Pokémon that is said to have fallen from space. It floats in air and moves silently. In battle, this Pokémon releases intensely bright light.

“So, are they related or something? Considering their data are almost alike.” She asked James while putting away her dex.

James just laugh a little. “Many believe that but no, they are not related. Are you ready?”

“As ready as I can be.”

“Then show me what you got.”

Luna smiled. “Both of you, use shadow ball.” Both of her Pokémon send away a black ball towards James Pokémon.

“Alright Lunatone and Solrock, use rock slide.” Both Pokémon eyes started to glow and then rocks came out from the ground, then they hurled them towards the attacks.

All four attacks collided, at first it looked like that were even. Marowak and Lunatone’s attack was evenly match but not Misdreavus, Solrock’s attack was to strong and it destroyed the shadow ball and Misdreavus was hit hard.

“Misdreavus.” Luna ran to her as the screech Pokémon feel to the ground, Luna managed to catch her. “Misdreavus, are you alright?” The Pokémon was conscious which made Luna relax, she then look over to James with anger. “What’s the big deal? I thought this was a practise battle.”

“it is a practise battle but it’s not my fault that Misdreavus is weak.” He told her while walking towards her, Lunatone and Solrock floated behind him.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She shout at him as she stood up with Misdreavus in her arms.

“My Pokémon should be at the same level as the gym leaders and as I just said, it’s not my fault that Misdreavus is weak.” Luna just look away in anger. “Look, I am not trying to be the bad guy here I’m just telling you the truth, if you can’t handle it then maybe you are not cut out to be a Pokémon trainer.” Luna didn’t want to admit it, but he was right. Right now, she had trouble accepting what he was saying, Misdreavus wasn’t strong enough. “The way I see it you have two option, keep training your Misdreavus or evolved her, the chose is yours.”

Luna look down at the screech Pokémon who was still unconscious, she had never forced her Pokémon to evolve against their will since what happened to Jolteon. “No, I won’t evolve Misdreavus this way.” She look at James with determination in her eyes. “We will train, and we will win my way.”

That made James smile. “I was hoping you would say that, and I am sorry about what I said before, I really didn’t mean to be the bad guy.”

“Don’t worry about, I think a part of me needed to hear it. As soon as Misdreavus is awake we are going to train.”

For the next two weeks Luna and her Pokémon trained against James Pokémon, at first it didn’t go so well for Luna but as more they trained the stronger they got and eventually they were ready.

Luna and James was standing outside Mossdeep gym and Luna was more than ready.

“Ready to do this?” James asked her.

“That I am.”

They were about to go inside. “You got to be kidding me.” Said a familiar voice behind them, both of them turned around and there was Artic Ace. “Why I am I always this late?” She said with frustration in his voice. “I really thought I was ahead you guys but no, here am I late again, why?”

“I don’t know, bad luck?” James answered her.

Ace rubbed his head. “I’m starting to believe that’s the reason.” He look at Luna. “I’m guessing you’re here to challenge the gym leaders.”

Luna nodded. “That’s right, I have been training these last two weeks and I am not going to lose.” She said with confident.

“Maybe I should have trained instead of coming straight here.” Ace hung his head. “Sometimes I wonder what’s wrong with me.” He look up. “Can I watch?” He asked Luna.

“Sure, I don’t mind.” Luna said as turned around to walk in, Ace pump his fist in joy.

Once they were inside, Luna and Ace was astound of what they saw. The battle field look like some kind of dessert while there was planet above them.

“Wow, what a cool gym. I can’t wait to battle here.” Ace said with amazed in his voice, Luna just nodded in agreement.

“Hello and welcome to Mossdeep gym.” Said a new voice. Walking towards them was an elderly woman, she had dark blue hair, she was wearing a white and green dress. “My name is Rachel and I am the judge here and I am also mother of Tate and Liza the gym leader.” She then saw James. “Nice to see you again James, how long has it been? Eight years?”

James shrugged his shoulders. “Give or take a few months.”

Rachel just smiled, she then saw Luna and Ace. “So, which one of you are going to challenge my children?” She asked them.

Luna raised her hand. “That would be me, I’m Luna Moon.”

“Nice to meet you Luna, Tate and Liza should arrived any moment if they could just stop fighting.”

James crossed his arms when he heard that. “What are they fighting over this time?” He asked Rachel.

“That same as always, which is the better Pokémon, Lunatone or Solrock.”

James just shook his head when heard that. “Still? Why can’t they just accept that both are equally good. I do.”

Rachel was about to say something when another door opened with a bang and in walk two new people. One was a girl with a blue dress with red stars on them, the other was a boy with green stars, Luna could only guess that they were the gym leaders, they were also arguing.

“I’m telling you that Lunatone is the best Pokémon.” Said the girl.

“No, the best pokemon is Sol rock.” Said the boy.

James couldn’t help but role his eyes. “I can’t believe those two.”

“Me neither.” Said Rachel as she walk towards her kids and slap them both on the head. “Would you two stop arguing, you have been this for almost nine years.”

Luna and Lumi was in shock when they heard that. “Nine years? That’s insane, I have never argued my sister that long.” Said Luna.

Ace look at Luna. “You have a sister? I didn’t know that.”

“You never ask.” Luna was right, he never asked.

Back with the twins.

“What’s the big deal mom, who did you do that?” The girl asked her mother while rubbing her head.

“I did it because I am sick of you two arguing over something stupid like which Pokémon is the best, can’t you two just accept that they are equally good and if you two don’t stop I’m going to ground you for the rest of your life.”

The twins eyes widen. “You can’t do that.” Said the boy.

“Oh yes I can, if you two don’t want that to happened I suggest you stop arguing right now.”

The twins look at each other, they knew that their mother threats was real, and she would do it. “Fine.” They said at the same time.

Rachel nodded with a smile. “Good, now get your butts over to the arena, you have a challenger.” The twins hung with their heads in defat as they walk over to the arena.

James pated Luna on the shoulder. “You’re up, me and Ace will watch on the stand.” Luna nodded her head and walk over to the battle field.

Once the twins and Luna was ready, Rachel stood on the middle. “This gym battle between gym leaders Tate/Liza of Mossdeep city and the challenger Luna Moon from… where are you from?” She didn’t know, she didn’t ask.

“I’m from Litteroot town.” That wasn’t the truth, but she couldn’t tell them that she was from a land where there was talking ponies.

Rachel nodded. “Luna moon from Litteroot town. Now, let me explain the rules; this is a double battle which means the gym leaders are using one Pokémon each while the opponent uses two Pokémon, you are not allowed to switch Pokémon and when both of the gym leaders Pokémon or the opponent are unable to battle then the match will be over. Once last thing, one can use the planets over the battled field.” That surprised Luna, she never thought that was allowed.

“You can use the planets overhead, cool.” Said Ace who was standing by the stand with James.

“Alright Luna, bring out your Pokémon.” Luna took out two Pokéball and threw them up in the air, out came Marowak and Misdreavus. When Rachel and the twins saw Marowak they were astound by it, they had never seen a different Marowak.

Even Ace was astound. “Where the heck did she get that Marowak?” Then he remember what happened at the school. “Wait a minute,” He look over to James. “is that the Marowak that Luna and Lumi meet at the school when we were interacted with the ghost Pokémon?” He asked the former champion.


Ace look back at the battle. “Cool.”

Back on the battle field they were still staring at Marowak and it was starting to annoy Luna, Marowak also. “Are we going to have a gym battle or not?” She asked Rachel.

Rachel blinked a few times. “Right.” She shook her head. “Would the gym leaders bring out their Pokémon.” The twins managed to get over the surprise that was Luna’s Marowak, they took out one Pokéball each and threw them up in the air, out came both meteorite Pokémon.

Ace took out his Pokédex to see the data and he was puzzled when he saw the data. “Wait a minute, both Pokémon are classify as meteorite Pokémon? That can’t be right.”

“Why not? Both Pokémon came from space.” James told him.

“I know that but it’s a little stupide to classify them as the meteorite Pokémon.” James couldn’t help but chuckle of what Ace said, he had a point.

While the boys was talking the battle had begun and Luna was up first. “Both of you use shadow ball on Lunatone and Solrock.” Both Pokémon send away a black ball towards their opponent.

Tate step forward. “I got this, use light screen.” Solrock flew forward and it’s eyes started to glow then a barrier appear in front of the Pokémon and both attack was cancelled.

Then it was Liza turns. “Lunatone use magic room.” Lunatone’s eyes started to glow and then it look like they were trap in a room.

Back with the boys, Ace was confused right now. “Magic room? I have never heard about that move before, have you James?” Ace asked him.

“Yeah, it’s move that boost attack and defence for the using Pokémon and since this a double battle, Solrock and Lunatone is getting a boost.”

“That’s not good.”

Luna on the other hand had no idea what the move was only it resembled the move trick room she saw in Slateport, she had to worry about it later. “Marowak use flame wheel on Lunatone and Misdreavus use psybeam on Solrock.” Marowak started to run and then he started to spin until he was surrounded by flames and Misdreavus shoot a beam from her mouth.

Tata/Liza. “Dodge the attack.” Both of their Pokémon managed to avoid the attack’s.

“Keep going Marowak.” The bone keeper Pokémon pounced of the floor and head towards Lunatone and the Pokémon had no time to dodge, Lunatone was hit in the back. At first it looked like the Pokémon was fine but then flames erupt around it, Luna couldn’t help but smile when she saw that.

Liza became worried when she saw it. “Shake it of Lunatone and use rock slide on Marowak.” Lunatone send away some rocks.

Tate. “Solrock, use rock slide on Misdreavus.” Solrock also send away some rocks.

“Deflect the attack with your bone Marowak and use psychic Misdreavus.” Once Marowak landed on the ground, he turned around and started to spin his flame bone to reflect that attack while Misdreavus used psychic to stop the attack on her. “Now, send the attack back Misdreavus.” The screech Pokémon did as she was told and Solrock was hit but its own attack.

Then all of sudden Liza hit her brother in the shoulder. “What are you doing, why did you use the same move as me? Dosen’t you Solrock have any other move?”

“What’s wrong with me using the same move? I didn’t know that her Misdreavus could use psychic.”

Ace wasn’t sure what he was seeing. “Are they fighting?

James just slap a hand on his face. “You got to be kidding me.” Rachel just shook her head in disappointment.

When Luna saw the twins started to argue she couldn’t help but remember the argument she had with her sister the day she left, if you can call it an argument. All she want her sister to notice her but no, all she cared about was that stupide portal. Her sister didn’t even bother to come and ask for help but that never happened.

“Would you two shut the hell up.” They did and look at Luna, every human and Pokémon did that. “You two are gym leaders for fuck sake so why don’t act like that, you two are also siblings and I understand that you have to fight once in a while, but ten years is just stupid. I came here to have a gym battle not to see you two arguing, so just stop this crap already and give me the battle I came her for or just give up and give me the gym badge.”

Rachel couldn’t help but smile of what Luna said, she is so sick of her children arguing all the time that she hope that Luna’s words could make them stop. She got her wish.

The twins look at each other in shame, they can’t that believe that they are acting like children in a middle of Pokémon battle.

“She is right brother we should stop arguing and focus on the battle.” Liza told him, he nodded in agreement. “Then let’s do this, Lunatone use confusion on Marowak.” Lunatone’s eyes started to glow and then Marowak was lifted into the air. “Send it flying up in the air.” Lunatone send the bone keeper Pokémon towards one of the planets in the ceiling and Luna could only watch as it happened.

Then it was Tate’s turn. “Solrock, use flamethrower.” While Luna was busy with Marowak, Misdreavus was hit by flames.

Luna couldn’t help but panic, they had the advance because they were two and she was alone, but she wasn’t going to let that scare her. “Use flame wheel Marowak.” He heard her and as he fell he started to spin and he was covert in flames, he started to head towards Lunatone.

Liza just smiled. “Not going to happened, use con…” Before he could finished that.

“Psybeam.” Lunatone was hit by Misdreavus attack, then Lunatone was hit by Marowak’s attack knocking the Pokémon out.

“Lunatone is unable to battle.” Said Rachel.

“Quickly Solrock, use shadow ball at Misdreavus.” Solrock send away a black ball and before Luna and Misdreavus could react, the attack hit and knocking the screech Pokémon out. Then it was two left.

“Misdreavus is unable to battle.” Said Rachel.

“Wow, I didn’t think they would go down that easily. I guess that magic room is working.” Aid Ace.

Liza called back his Pokémon. “Sorry bother, I guess it’s up to you know.”

Tate just smiled. “Don’t worry sis, I got this.”

While they were talking, Luna had called back Misdreavus.” Good work, now take a rest.” She put away the Pokéball and look at Marowak. “I have never been any good at double battle, this is what I prefer.” She then look at her opponent, Solrcok was a rock/fire type so Marowak’s fire attack wasn't that effective but he had other attacks. “Use shadow ball.” Marowak send away another black ball but it only hit the light screen. “Dame it, then use bonemerang and throw it with all your might.” Marowak threw the bone and is spun in the air towards Solrock, the attack shattered the light screen and Solrock didn’t have any time to dodge the attack as he was hit twice.

Solrock managed no to fall. “Shake the attack of and use rock slide.” Solrock’s eyes started to glow as the Pokémon send away stones towards Marowak.

“Dodge them.” Marowak jump backwards and to the side to avoid the stones but they keep coming and he couldn’t avoid them forever, Marowak was eventually hit and he flew backwards. “Marowak.” Luna said in a worried tone as Marowak landed on his back.

Tate was happy that the attack hit. “Use another rock slide.” Solrock ayes started to glow again but nothing happened. “What’s wrong with you Solrock? I said use rock slide.” Solrock tried to again but nothing happened.

“Your Solrock can’t use rock slide right now thanks to Marowak’s ability curse body.” Tate became a little worried when he heard that. “You ok Marowak?” She asked her Pokémon as he got up, he nodded but he was getting tired. ‘I have to end it soon or ells I’m going to lose.’ She thought to herself as she watch as Marowak was breathing heavily. “Don’t give up Marowak.” He wasn’t about to, he started to run towards Solrock as his bone started to glow. “What going on?” Luna asked in confusion.

Ace and James was just as confused. “What kind of attack is that?” Ace asked, James wanted to answer him, but he had no idea.

Tate didn’t know either. “I don’t know what your Marowak is doing but I am not letting him beat me, use shadow ball.” Solrock send away a shadow ball towards the running Marowak who just knock it away with his bone, that shocked everyone. “Keep using shadow ball.” Solrock send away many shadow ball but Marowak just knock them away.

When he was close enough he jump into the air to bring his bone down on Solrock’s head, Solrock didn’t have any time to move out of the way as Marowak hit the meteorite Pokémon so hard that it was out.

“Solrock is unable to battle Marowak is the winner, that means that the victory in this battle is Luna.” Rachel announced.

Tate called back Solrock. “You did good.” He look at his sister with a defeated look. “Sorry sis, I wasn’t strong enough.”

Liza put hand on his shoulder. “WE weren’t strong enough, we win together, and we lost together, that’s how it’s goes.” Then they look over to Luna who was currently hugging Marowak who was trying to escape her grasp. “Come on, there’s one more thing that we have to do.” Tate nodded in agreement as they walk towards Luna.

“We did it Marowak.” She said while hugging her Pokémon, Marowak didn’t mind a hug but she was squeezing him.

“Luna.” Liza’s voice made her dropped Marowak and he landed on hit but on the ground. “Here’s your proof that you beat us, the mind badge.” Liza held out her hand and there was her new badge.

“Thanks.” Luna took it and held it in front of her with pride.

After the battle, Luna and the boys went to the Pokémon center so Luna could heal Pokémon. they were sitting by a table, James and Ace was eating while Luna was looking at her dex trying to find out what kind of attack Marowak used.

She managed to find it. “Here we go, the attack Marowak used is called shadow bone, it says that Marowak attack’s with his bone which contains sprites.”

Ace stop eating when he heard that. “That’s just creepy.” Lua just shrugged her shoulders and started to eat her food.

“So Ace, which Pokémon are you going to use against the twins?” James asked him.

Ace slumber down on the table. “I don’t know, I have one dark type but I’m not sure of the other one.”

“You have a dark type? What kind of Pokémon?” Luna asked him.

Ace just gave her a sly smile. “Sorry but I’m not telling.” Luna just rolled her eyes of his answer and continued to eat her food.


Author's Note:

It's been a while and the reason is because my motivation has been a little low when it come to writing new chapter's and that's why the battle was a little bad, Luna got her new badge.

Also, this story is now over five years old.

Artic Ace belongs to MLPFan1.

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