• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Prelude to Calamity

Arc and Sereb rush toward Ponyville Town Hall!

“What do you think we will be facing, Arc?”

“No clue! Ponyville is usually pretty peaceful! I hate rushing into this blindly!”

“We shall have to be ready for anything!”


Arc and Sereb approach the outskirts of Ponyville.

“Sereb, stop!”

Sereb screeches to a stop!

“What is...”

Arc interrupts him! “Shhh! Listen! Do you hear that?!”

Sereb pricks up his ears. “I hear nothing.”

“Exactly! At this time of day there should still be ponies walking the streets! Laughing... and playing! Heading home for the evening meal!”

Arc looks in the direction of the Town Hall.

“Onward! Hurry!”

Arc and Sereb head to the Town Hall. Mayor Mare is waiting for them on the front steps!

He jumps off Sereb and rushes over to the Mayor. He respectfully removes his helmet to speak with her!

“Mayor Mare! I came as quickly as I could! What's wrong?! Where is everyone?!”

“Thank you for coming, Hero of Light. This is indeed a matter that requires your immediate attention!”

Sereb raises his head and sniffs the air! A sly smile stretches across his face.

The mayor turns to the Town Hall. “Come! We can talk about it in my office!”

“Very well.”

Arc climbs the steps and moves toward the doors. Sereb and Mayor Mare follow him closely with sly smiles on their faces, ultimately blocking any possibility of retreat! Mayor Mare reaches into her saddlebag and silently pulls out something long and thin! Arc enters the darkened Town Hall.

“It's kinda dark in here mayor. Think you could hit the lights?”

She nods slowly. “Certainly! Just give me one moment...”

Arc waits patiently in the darkness surrounding him. The mayor slowly walks over to the light switch, behind Arc. She sits down on her haunches and readies the item in her hoof. Slowly she reaches toward the switch and turns it on!

The citizens of Ponyville fill the Town Hall to bursting, blowing Party Horns and setting off Party Poppers yelling!


Pinkie sets off her Party Cannon! “GOTCHA!!!”

Arc is quite taken aback! “What the...?!”

What appears to be the entire town of Ponyville has gathered in the Town Hall under a large banner that reads ‘Happy Anniversary’! Arc's squad, Flash Sentry, Ember, the Mane 6, Derpy, Dinky, Sassy Saddles, the Hammers, Coco Pommel, the orphans and more ponies than can be named all stand before Arc smiling and clapping their hooves excitedly!

“Wait, what... is all this?”

Twilight smiles, walking forward with Derpy and Dinky! “Today marks the one-year anniversary of when I brought you to Equestria, silly! Or have you forgotten?!”

Arc returns his armor to his ring. “What?! Has it been a whole year already?!”

Derpy laughs! “According to Twilight, it has!”

Dinky excitedly jumps up and down! “Did we surprise you dad?! Did we?!”

Arc kneels down to hug his daughter! “You sure did! I didn't have a clue!”

Ember joins him. “What's with the armor Arc? This is a party!”

“I thought the town was in danger or something! That's how Raven made it sound anyways. By the way... is she coming?”

Flash Sentry nods! “She'll be along any minute now. It was her job to see to it you were redirected here when you returned.”

Raven and Cerulean Skies walk in the door together.

Max points a hoof to the door. “There they are now!”

Raven trots over to him! “Happy anniversary, commander! Please forgive my deception.”

“It's okay! This was all in good fun!”

Cerulean Skies looks around at the large group before her. “Oh my! You sure have quite a few friends, sir!”

Arc nods. “Thank you. They're the best!”

He looks around.”

“Where's Auriel?”

Ember points a claw out one of the front windows. “She's outside chatting with Sereb. I guess the two of them are worried they might spoil the celebration.

Twilight takes Arc by the hand and leads him to the stage

“I think this calls for a few words from our Guest of Honor!”

The citizens of Ponyville cheer and stomp their hooves. The chant for a speech!

Arc laughs! “Well, okay! Don't worry. I'll try to keep it short.”

Everyone is silent as Arc takes to the podium.

“First, I just want to thank those who made this celebration a reality! Wow... one whole year has gone by in the blink of an eye! It feels like only yesterday that I was stepping through Twilight's mirror with nothing but the clothes on my back and a confused look on my face!”

Twilight nods with a sheepish grin on her face! “Again... sorry!”

“And again Twilight... thank you for bringing me here! I love my new life in Equestria! The ponies... the towns... the food!”

Ember facepalms. “Should've seen that one coming!”

Arc continues. “But most of all, I love the experiences I’ve had in this new land! I've met so many interesting ponies and have been able to help many of them! However, there is still much work to be done! And I look forward to it!

He pauses and looks around the room at everyone assembled.

“I still remember being able to clear the streets when I took a walk. I'm happy to see that all of you were eventually able to look past my outward appearance and accept me into your... our community!”

All assembled clap their hooves together!

“Now... I'm hoping all of you can do me a favor! I have recently made a couple of... different looking friends. I'm sure all of you have seen them walking the streets of town, and have quickly fled into your homes.”

The assembled ponies whisper nervously to each other!

“Now, now. I don't blame you for being afraid! But, like me, they're here to stay. To help bridge the gap between you and them, I think proper introductions are in order.”

Arc moves to step down from the stage.

“I'm going to bring them in now, and I would appreciate it if everyone would give them the benefit of the doubt. No running away in fear now. Okay?”

The citizens of Ponyville nervously nod their heads.

“Good! Now, I'll go outside and talk to them. Then the three of us will walk up to the stage together so I can introduce them.”

Mayor Mare walks toward the stage, nervously. “Arc, are you sure this is a good idea?”

Arc nods. “I am. They're my friends, and I want them to feel as welcome here as they are at Light's Hope.”

“Very well. All of us will do our best!”

The assembled ponies nervously nod their heads as Arc walks out the front door. Arc quickly walks over to Auriel and Sereb.

“Are you two trying to get to know each other?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. We've already learned that we both make those around us nervous.”

“Indeed. The two of us are quite... out of place among the ponies of this land.”

Arc nods. “The two of you are right about that! But I actually came out here to try and fix that.”

Auriel looks at him, confused. “Huh? How?”

“The entire party is waiting for the two of you to come inside and introduce yourselves.”

Auriel steps back fearfully! “WHAT?! But... the whole town must be in there!”

Sereb nods. “I would hate to cause a stampede of frightened equines. Would it not be better for us to remain out here?”

Auriel nods and speaks quickly. “Yes, I agree with Sereb! Please Arc! You go inside and enjoy the party with your friends!”

Arc walks forward and putts a hand on Auriel's shoulder. “But Auriel... you're my friend too! This celebration... you're a part of what made it possible! Both of you are! Now please... give them a chance, and I'm sure they’ll find you as charming as I do.”

Auriel looks down at her feet. “Well I would but... I'm afraid I might not be able to speak!”

Sereb turns to the frightened demon. “Arc and I will speak for you then, my friend!”

“Right! You don't have to speak if you don't want to! Just let everyone see that you mean them no harm, okay?”

Auriel says nothing, but looks as if she is too frightened to move! Arc removes his cape and extends it to Auriel.

“Would it make you feel better if you could hide under this again?”

Auriel accepts the cape and covers herself in it. “Y-yes. It would. Thank you.”

“Good! Are you ready Sereb?”

“I am.”

“How about you Auriel?”

“I'm trying to. But I can't seem to get my feet to move! The thought of being completely surrounded by ponies terrifies me!”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“What if we rode inside on Sereb? You would be higher up, and I would be right there with you.”

“T-thank you! I would like that.”

Sereb allows Arc to mount him, Auriel climbs up and sits down behind him.

“Now just put your arms around me and hold on as tight as you want. Everything will be fine, okay?”

Auriel says nothing but does as she is told.

“Are you ready back there?”

Auriel nods with uncertainty and squeezes Arc tighter.

“Take us up to the stage Sereb... slowly and carefully. Auriel, when we get there I'm going to get off and stand next to Sereb. Do you want to stay on his back?”

Auriel nods vigorously but silently!

“Okay. I know you two can do this. Take us in, Sereb.”

“Very well.”

Arc uses his magic to open the doors. Sereb walks in bearing his two friends on his back. The ponies give them a wide berth as they slowly make their way to the stage. Arc dismounts Sereb slowly and turns to the group of visibly shaken ponies as Auriel does her best to flatten herself against Sereb's back and cling to him!

“Everyone, I would like to introduce all of you to my large friend here. His name is Sereb, and he has pledged himself to my service. The two of us will be protecting Equestria together from now on.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

All the party-goers take a big step back as they hear Sereb speak for the first time.

“He is a member of a small tribe the lives in the Dragon Lands. They are rather... reclusive, as ponykind has treated them rather poorly in the past.”

“Do not fear, my little ponies. I do not hold the sins of your forefathers against you.”

The citizenry appears somewhat soothed at Sereb's calm demeanor. Arc turns to Auriel and puts a hand on her back.

“Auriel? It's time to meet everyone. Can I help you down?”

Auriel doesn't raise her head. Instead she buries it further in Sereb's back. Arc quietly pats her back gently.

“It's going to be okay Auriel. Let me help you down, and I’ll introduce you. You don't have to say anything or even look up if you don't want to. Okay?”

Auriel slowly nods her head. Arc leans in to pick her up. She puts both of her arms around him and holds on for dear life as Arc carefully lifts her off of Sereb and sets her down next to him! She does not look up. Instead she pulls the makeshift cowl lower over her face.

“My other friend here is, as you can see, very... um... timid, I guess. Her name is Auriel. I met her on my most recent foray into Tartarus. After she helped me foil the latest escape plan of the demons, the Demon King ordered her to kill me. I had used up almost all of my strength to destroy a weapon that would have allowed the demons to escape Tartarus!”

The ponies whisper to each other in frightened tones!

“At the time I was unable to defend myself, and would have fallen quite easily to even the most basic of attacks. However, as you can see, she chose to disobey the king, and instead dragged me through the Gates of Tartarus and back to safety.”

Fluttershy steps forward, nervously. “Um... excuse me Arc. But are you saying that your friend is a... demon?”

“Yes, Fluttershy.”

Upon hearing this, almost all the townsponies immediately move back several paces! Rainbow Dash and Applejack rush up to the stage!

“Woah, woah, woah! Let me get this straight Arc! You let a DEMON out of Tartarus?!”

Applejack looks to Arc, angrily! “Why the hay would you do something like that?!”

Twilight rushes forward! “Everypony, please! She's really quite charming! I know you all would agree with me if you just took the time to get to know her!”

Rainbow Dash hovers nearby, frowning! “No way Twilight! Demons are bad news! Don't you remember all the trouble they gave us when we rescued Arc from Tartarus?!”

Pinkie nods! “Yeah! Demons are meanies!”

“Well, let me put it this way. Had she been evil, she would have allowed the Malice Cannon to destroy the Gates of Tartarus, watched as the demons invaded Equestria and killed everyone and would have killed me when she had such an easy opportunity to do so!”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Well... okay. I still don't like her being here though! Shouldn't you, oh I don't know... take her home, or something?”

Auriel replies softly. “I... I can't...”

Rainbow Dash flies quickly up to Auriel! “Speak up! You can't what?!”

Auriel falls to her knees, covering her face with her hands and beginning to cry.

“I can't go home!!!”

Arc kneels down to put both hands on Auriel's shoulders. “She's telling the truth! On an earlier occasion she did ask me to take her back to Tartarus!”

Applejack frowns! “Well then, why didn't you?!”

“I did! The Demon King met us at the gates and told Auriel she was banished from Tartarus for helping destroy their new weapon and for giving me the Bloodstone! It was the evil rock that powered the weapon!”

Auriel continues to cry! “It's true! My father told me I couldn't come home unless I brought the Bloodstone with me! But I can't do that! I gave it to Arc, and he gave it to the princesses to lock away!”

Arc turns to Rainbow Dash. “She was forced to leave behind everything and everyone she ever knew to save this land from annihilation! The princesses have both met her and are extending amnesty to her for her past heroics! She may look like just another demon to all of you, but to me... all I see is, a friend. I'm sure the Element of Loyalty should be able to understand that.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Fine. But don't think that I'm not going to be watching her!”

Arc nods. “Good. Then maybe you'll learn to see what I have all along.”

Derpy and Dinky walk up onto the stage and stand with Auriel.

Dinky puts a small hoof on Auriel's shoulder as she looks out at the assembly. “She's really very nice! Her and I worked together at Cherry Hill Ranch recently! We played dress up and cooked food together with my dad! It was a lot of fun! I hope everypony will learn to like her as much as we do!”

Derpy walks up behind Auriel and puts a hoof on her other shoulder. “I admit, the thought of a demon walking among us was a bit unsettling at first. But I trust that Arc wouldn't have brought her here if she was going to cause trouble! I trust his judgment, and I also trust her!”

Twilight joins them on stage. “Admittedly I haven't known her for very long. But from what I've seen, she is very kind and caring. I... I remember the last time I didn't listen to Arc, I ended up making the biggest mistake of my life!”

Arc puts a hand on Twilight's shoulder.

“Auriel, you are welcome in my library anytime.”

“Th- thank you.”

Ember flies up on stage. “I'm with Auriel too! She saved Arc's life, and for that I will always be grateful!”

Arc's squad along with Sassy Saddles comes up to the stage led by Flash Sentry. He salutes! “The commander has always done what is right as long as we have borne witness! We too stand with his decision!”

Arc's squad nods in agreement.

“I have been working with Auriel for the past couple days, trying to make her some clothes that would make her more comfortable here. In that time, she never once made me feel uncomfortable or tried to hurt me! In fact, the whole reason for her wanting a new look was to make all of YOU feel more comfortable being around HER!”

Raven walks up on the stage to stand with Flash Sentry. “I'll give her a chance as well! The commander listened to me when no one else would, so I'll trust him on this too! Besides, she did help us plan this party!”

Coco Pommel walks up to Auriel and stands in front of her. “Miss? Look at me.”

Auriel slowly looks up. Coco Pommel puts a hoof on her cheek and stares into her eyes for a long moment before turning to face those assembled.

“She doesn't have the look of a monster in her eyes.”

Rainbow Dash looks to Auriel, huffily! “Well, what else could she be?!”

Coco Pommel looks again into Auriel's eyes. “I see a scared young lady, who despite her physical appearance, is much more afraid of us than we are of her! Miss, you were very brave to come up here like this and face us. Please know that I too was once just like you due to a lifetime of stress and fear. If you ever need a place to stay, I would welcome you down at the orphanage.

The orphans all take to the stage. They surround Auriel and nuzzle her affectionately! Pipsqueak looks at her and smiles.

“For a demon, I think you're really pretty!”

Aquamarine nods! “If Miss Pommel and Dinky trust her, then so do the rest of us! Right everypony?!”


Arc turns to Auriel as he looks at those on stage. “Look around Auriel. All these ponies have accepted you even though you're a demon. Are you still afraid?”

“A little.”

Sereb nods. “Fear not miss. I too am a newcomer to this land. Us misfits need to stick together.”

Arc looks out to all assembled! “I know how all of you feel about the demons. But I'm asking you to please give Auriel and Sereb the same chance you gave me when I came to Ponyville.”

Steel Hammer nods! “My family and I will gladly do as you ask, Arc!

Mr. Cake raises a hoof! “As will mine!”

Applejack sighs. “Well I suppose the Apple family can give her a chance! We did so for you Arc, and look at you now! Equestria's greatest defender and all!”

The rest of the townsponies murmur amongst themselves. They appear to agree with Applejack.

“So, can I count on all of you to give them a chance?”

All assembled nod their heads.

Arc smiles! “Thanks everyone. I really appreciate this!”

Applejack comes forward with a mug of Apple Cider for Arc! “How about making a toast Arc? Don't worry, it's nonalcoholic!”

Arc takes the mug from Applejack and turns back toward the assembled ponies. Raising it and smiling he gives the toast!

“To Equestria's future!”

All assembled do the same! “TO EQUESTRIA!!!”

They take a drink as Pinkie storms the stage with her Party Cannon!

“Let's get this party started!”

Upbeat music begins to play as Arc steps off the stage to mingle. Sereb falls in step behind Auriel and Arc.

Rainbow Dash flies up to him. “Cool toast Arc! I... I'm sorry about what I said earlier, miss.”

Auriel looks down, sheepishly. “I… um… don’t blame you. After what was done…”

She fumbles to find the right words. Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll show everyone you’re different, Auriel! Sereb, why don’t you and Auriel have something to eat? It may help clear your head!

The pair nod and slowly make their way to the refreshments.

Applejack nods. “In any case, dandy speech Arc! Short, sweet, and to the point! I like it!”

Arc kneels down to hug Dinky as she runs up to him! “Just like Dinky!”

She laughs! “Aw, come on dad! I'm growing!”

Arc laughs as he hugs her tightly! “Oh no you don't! You stay small and cute forever now, you hear!”

Derpy laughs as she joins them. “Nopony stays young forever Arc!”

Flash Sentry nods. “In any case, the boys and I sure liked your speech sir!”

“Thanks! I wish I had time to come up with something a bit more... memorable.”

Rarity smiles at him. “You did just fine darling! Everypony loved it!”

Ember laughs! “Yeah! I was kinda worried you would ramble on until midnight!”

“So was I! Thankfully Applejack stopped me!”

“Aw shucks! It was nothing!”

Raven and Cerulean Skies walk over.

“Good to see you loosen up and have fun, commander!”

Cerulean Skies smiles! “I'm sure your job isn't much fun sir.”

Arc shrugs. “It's not too bad... usually. I mean... I could do without all the fighting! But I really enjoying helping others!”

Cerulean Skies nods. “Well from what I've seen you seem to exercise extreme restraint! I get the feeling you could have easily killed those Elite Guards earlier today had you wanted to!”

“I suppose so. But what would that have accomplished? I mean... I want those who would bring about harm to others to fear me!”

Max nods! “As well they should!”

“However, I don't want a reputation of just going from one place to another killing everything in sight! The ponies of this land should feel secure with me around.”

Hugh smiles! “That is a very refreshing attitude, sir!”

“Thank you. Would you all excuse me for a moment? The food is calling to me!”

Flash Sentry laughs! “Think nothing of it, commander! This is your party! Have some cupcakes and enjoy it!”

“I'll be right back.”

Arc walks over to the refreshments table to sate his cupcake addiction.

Xenos sighs. “I wish Tempest was here to listen to the commander talk! She could stand to learn a thing or two about doing the right thing!”

Cerulean Skies looks over to Xenos. “Excuse me, but did I hear you mention Tempest?”

“Yes ma'am. Why do you ask?”

“Do you know where she is? I'd really like to find her if I can.”

Xenos shakes his head. “To the best of my knowledge, nopony has seen or heard anything from her since her battle with the commander.”

“W-What battle?!”

Max looks over to the troubles mare. “Haven't you heard? Tempest was, more or less, defeated at the hands of the Hero of Light.”

Hugh nods with evident pride! “It was quite the spectacle!”

Cerulean Skies eyes grow wide! “But why?! How did it come to...? WHAT HAPPENED?!”

Viktor shrugs. “We didn't really have that much time to watch, as we were too busy trying to get the citizens of Vanhoover to safety!”

Flash Sentry steps up. “After a thorough investigation by the commander, he found out that Matron Tempest was just another villain that needed to be dealt with!”

Max nods. “I was there. He gave her every chance to surrender peacefully! She refused and he was forced to take her down!”

Cerulean Skies appears visibly flustered! “What?! But... no... NO! You're lying! YOU'RE ALL LYING!!!”

She runs out of the Town Hall crying! Viktor looks after her, confused.

“What's the matter with her?”

Hugh shrugs. “No idea.”

Max puts a hoof to his chin, thinking. “Maybe she was a friend of Tempest?”

Xenos scowls! “Well, she would do better to stay away from mares like Tempest, that's for sure!”

Flash Sentry nods his head. “Huh? I somehow feel like we missed something here.”

Arc returns to the group with a plate of cupcakes. “What was that all yelling about?!

Flash Sentry looks over to Arc. “A mare overheard us talking about Tempest and started asking questions. Then she flipped out and stormed out the door!”

“Who was it?”

Hugh shrugs. “I've never seen her around before, sir.”

Arc nervously looks to his squad. “Uh... she didn't have a sky-blue coat and a white mane, did she?”

Xenos nods. “Actually yeah! You know that crazy mare sir?”

Arc's pupils shrink and the plate of cupcakes in his hand drops noisily to the floor!

“Oh no! That was Tempest's sister, Cerulean Skies!”

Flash Sentry’s eyes grow wide at this revelation! “What?! But didn't you tell her what happened at the New Beginnings Orphanage sir?!”

Arc shakes his head! “I never got around to it! The two of us were too busy storming the Baltimare Courthouse to talk!”

“What do we do now sir?!”

Arc sighs. “Well, I'm the one she's going to be mad at. I'm going after her... alone. Hopefully she hasn't gone far.”

He quickly heads out the front door. Arc finds Cerulean Skies lying on the steps sadly and sits down next to her.

“I'm sorry you had to hear about your sister like that. I should have talked with you earlier today.”

Cerulean Skies looks over to Arc, tears in her eyes. “Is it... true? Did... did you really... kill my sister?!”

Arc looks up at the star filled sky. “No. She's still alive out there somewhere.”

“Please tell me! Why?! Why were the two of you fighting in the first place?! I heard something inside about some kind of investigation!”

He nods. “Of course. You deserve to know the whole story.”

Arc relates the entire story of how he infiltrated New Beginnings Orphanage to investigate the rumors of foal abuse at the hooves of their caretaker Matron Tempest.

Cerulean Skies looks down at the floor. “I admit, my sister and I have been rather... distant ever since she went to the Military Academy. But I find it very hard to believe she could have done such terrible things! And to foals, no less!”

“Can you tell me about her past?”

“She and I were inseparable when we were little. I can still remember running and playing as fillies! One day, the two of us went off into the forest to play, as was our custom. As usual, we spent the day playing games and generally goofing off.”

Arc smiles. “It sounds like quite the life you two had together.”

Cerulean Skies nods sadly. “Yes. I still dream about it some nights. However, that fateful day was the end of our childhood.”

“What do you mean?”

“As the sun began to set, we made our way back to our little village. What we found there though was anything but joyful! To our surprise, everypony was... gone.”

Arc furrows his brow. “Gone? But how?!”

“I... don't know! The two of us returned to a completely empty village! We went to every house but couldn't find anypony anywhere! I remember being so scared! My sister took me back to our house and made me supper. Afterwards we went straight to bed, hoping everything was just a bad dream!

“I understand. You just wanted to close your eyes and make it all disappear, huh?”

“Right. But when we awoke the next morning, the village was just as it was when we went to bed! Nopony was anywhere to be found! We spent the whole day on our front porch looking up and down the street, hoping everypony would come home! That our parents would...”

Cerulean Skies starts to cry again.

Arc puts a hand on her back. “It's okay. I know this must be hard for you to talk about.”

Eventually Cerulean Skies composes herself enough to continue. “The sun began to set. We ate supper again... alone, and went to bed. The next morning when I awoke, Tempest was already up. She was packing our saddlebags with what she believed we might need.”

Cerulean Skies has a faraway look in her eyes as she remembers that morning's conversation with her sister so long ago…

The filly groggily raises her head as the early morning light shines through the windows. “Sister? What are you doing?”

A filly Tempest is busy putting items in her saddlebags. “Everypony is gone and they're not coming back. We need to leave this place!”

Cerulean Skies jumps out of bed! “What?! NO! Mom and dad will come back for us eventually!”

Tempest shakes her head. "We can't take that chance! Winter will be here before you know it, and we don't have enough supplies to make it through alone! I'm sorry, but we need to go!”

“But how will mom and dad find us when they get back?!”

“Don't worry. On the off-chance they do return I'll leave a note behind letting them know where we went.”

Cerulean Skies looks to her sister, confused! “Where ARE we going?”

Tempest pulls her father's map off the wall and lays it on the table. “We can head south to Vanhoover. I'm not really sure what we’re to do once we get there, but the fact of the matter is we can't stay here!"

Cerulean Skies starts to cry! “Tempest! I'm scared!”

Tempest walks over to Cerulean Skies and hugs her. “Now don't you worry. I'll take care of you! I promise! Now there's some breakfast on the table. Hurry up and eat it while I write a quick note and finish packing.”

Cerulean Skies does so as her sister hurriedly pens a note and puts it on the kitchen table.

“There! Now mom and dad will know where we went!”

Tempest hurries around the small house picking up things and putting them in the saddlebags in the middle of the floor as Cerulean Skies quickly eats her breakfast.

“I'm finished, sis! What now?”

Tempest calls to her from the next room. “Do the dishes really quick! We don't want our parents coming home to that now!”

Cerulean Skies washes her breakfast dishes and puts them in the dish rack to dry as Tempest comes into the room and puts on her saddlebags.

“Come here Cerulean Skies.”

She trots over. “Coming!”

Tempest carefully lifts the small saddlebags onto Cerulean Skies back and the pair head for the front door.

“Well, here goes.”

Tempest opens the door and the pair step out into the chill of the early morning air. She closes the front door and locks it before turning to her little sister.

“Cerulean Skies, I need you to do something important for me.”

“What is it?”

Tempest holds the house key out to Cerulean Skies. “I want you to hold onto this key for me. Can I count on you to keep it safe?”

Cerulean Skies nods happily! “Sure! I can do that!”

The little filly takes the key and happily puts it in her saddle bags. She is pleased to be trusted with such a responsibility!

“Good girl! Now we need to hurry on! If we make good time, we should be in Vanhoover before nightfall.”

Tempest leads the way out of town. Cerulean Skies looks back to take one last look at their old home.

“Good-bye house. I hope we can come home and live in you again soon. Take care...”

Cerulean Skies opens her eyes and looks back at Arc sadly.

“We... never returned home.”

“I'm sorry to hear that. And your parents?”

Cerulean Skies shakes her head sadly. “They, along with the rest of the villagers were never heard from again.”

What do you think happened to them?

“That question has haunted me for YEARS! Nothing about it makes any sense!”

“Was there any sign of struggle? Or some kind of animal attack?”

“None. The village was exactly as we had left it that fateful morning. It's as if everypony was somehow teleported somewhere in the blink of an eye! I've done my best to research magic that can do such things but have yet to find anything. Even Tempest couldn’t find anything out about it!”

Arc nods. “Can I at least assume the two of you reached Vanhoover safely?”

“Yes. We arrived late that night. Tired and hungry, we made our way to the market stalls and... and stole some food. I'm not proud of it, but we hadn't eaten since that morning!”

“It's okay. Given the circumstances I don't think anyone would blame the two of you. Did you at least have some family who could take you in?”

Cerulean Skies sighs and shakes her head. “No. There was nopony who wanted anything to do with us! I can't really blame them though, as we quickly became street urchins!”

“Where did you live?”

“Under the Vanhoover Inn. Tempest found a way to get into the crawlspace under the building. We stayed warm in the winter by huddling under the fireplace and doing our best to only go out at night.”

“That was rather clever of her. What about food? Did you have to steal it?"

Cerulean Skies looks away, embarrassed. “Well, yes and no. At night we would venture out and… quietly raid the trash cans behind the inn. It really wouldn't have been so bad if the town drunks didn't sometimes go back there to pee.”

“Sounds like the two of you had it rough back then. How long did this go on?!”

“Well, we had been living in Vanhoover for a few of years by that point. I was a young mare myself by then and we were both old enough to work. However, by that time we had such a bad reputation that nopony would even talk to us."

“I can kinda understand that. How did Tempest get the idea to join the military though?”

“One day there was a young officer passing through on some kind of tour. Tempest had the idea to try and pickpocket him. We did need the money, and he looked like he was doing well for himself.”

“Can I assume things didn't quite go as planned?”

Cerulean Skies forces a small smile. “That's an understatement. We didn't know it at the time, but he was being escorted by a couple of Elite Guards. Tempest never even got close to him before she was apprehended. She fought them tooth and hoof to avoid being caught, but she was no match for them. The guards held her down as the officer approached and looked her over. He admired her tenacity and offered to take her to Canterlot to train for the military."

Arc nods. “A legitimate job at last, huh?”

“Kinda. She didn't want to go, as that would mean leaving me behind! However, the officer offered her quite a few bits on the spot as a ‘signing bonus’. It was enough to buy a small house with a bit left over for me to buy food! She still didn't want to go, but I convinced her it was for the best! We embraced and she left town with the officer.”

Cerulean Skies pauses and looks down at the ground

“That was the last time I saw my sister face to face. I mean, she did write frequently and sent me part of her earnings regularly! But I would have given anything to have my sister with me again!”

Arc nods. “When was the last time she contacted you?”

She sighs. “The last letter I received from her years ago was shortly after she graduated from the Military Academy. It was a short letter in which she informed me that she had finished her training at the top of her class and had met somepony who had caught her eye, so to speak.”


“It was the same officer who had come to Vanhoover. The newly appointed Captain of the Royal Guard, Captain Decimus.”

Arc mutters under his breath. “Decimus again?! Is that guy everywhere?!”

Cerulean Skies looks to him. “What was that?”

“It was nothing. Just thinking to myself.”

She continues. “I was still an outcast to the citizens of Vanhoover. Even though I hadn't stolen anything in quite some time, they still treated me as a criminal! I wrote a letter telling Tempest that I was moving to another town and would let her know where I ended up.”

“So you just up and left?”

Cerulean Skies sighs. “Not... exactly. I went to the mayor's office to put my house up for sale. He offered to buy it on the spot, on the condition that I left town that night!”

“Wow! He must have REALLY wanted you out of his town!”

She smiles. “To tell you the truth, it was kinda nice to be able to leave so quickly. There was nothing and nopony there I was leaving behind other than painful memories! I went home, packed my saddlebags with a few things, walked to the Train Station, bought a ticket for an east-bound train, and rode it to the end of the line which was Baltimare.”

“What was your reasoning behind that? I mean... why Baltimare?”

“I wanted to put as much distance between myself and the land that took my childhood from me! Baltimare is about as far from Vanhoover as you can get without taking a boat to Trottingham!”

Arc nods, understanding. “And you could make a fresh start and live an honest life.”

“Exactly! I found my job at the courthouse easily enough and was able to afford the house you found me in! The job didn't pay much, but I didn't really need much to survive on, living alone and all. I wrote to Tempest to let her know that I had made a new home for myself in Baltimare and even had a real job!”

“Didn't she write back?”

Cerulean Skies shakes her head sadly. “She never did. I tried writing her many times, begging her to let me know she was okay! The final letter I sent to her simply said that I hoped she was doing well and that she was welcome to come visit me anytime.”

She sighs heavily before continuing.

“Things were okay for me. My daily routine firmly established and a bit of money in the bank for a rainy day. Then, slowly but surely, the economy started to decline. I was fortunate to have a government job that was for the most part recession proof! My neighbors however weren't so fortunate.”

“Let me guess... the bad economy caused a lot of unemployment?”

She nods. “Yes. None of them had jobs that were particularly... skill heavy. When things got bad, they quickly found themselves out of work and hungry. Then… one night…"

Cerulean Skies pauses as tears form in the corners of her eyes again.

“…one night I woke up to a slight tapping sound outside my house and whispers! Thinking somepony was trying to break into my house, I silently creeped to my kitchen and grabbed a knife from the drawer. Going out the back door, I slowly made my way to the side of the house. But when I jumped out to face the intruders, I was met with a truly horrifying sight!”

Tears fall from Cerulean Skies eyes, and she takes several minutes to compose herself before continuing.

“I… I found… I found three of the neighbor’s foals digging through my garbage can!”

Arc shakes his head in disbelief! “WHAT?!”

“It’s true! One of them was in the garbage digging through it and handing bits of food out to the others! They all ran away at the sight of a knife wielding mare! All except one, that is…”

“Too scared to move?”

She sighs. “No. You see, there wasn’t too much garbage in the can, and the side were slick. They heard their friends run away but couldn’t get out! I heard them in there banging around, trying to climb out!”

“Did you help them?”

Cerulean Skies nods and turns away. “Yes. I… I went over and… and peeked inside. There was a little filly in there looking up at me, clearly terrified! She… she immediately peed herself and… and then fell to her chest and curled up into a ball!”

“She must have been really scared!”

“I… I’ll never forget that sight! A dirty, hungry filly curled up in a garbage can lying in her own urine!”

Cerulean Skies wipes her eyes, trying to wipe away the horrific memories of what she saw that night.

“That little one… reminded me of Tempest and I back then. I couldn't watch foals go hungry, so I started making supper every night for whomever showed up. By the end, I was cooking meager soup for almost the entire street! I'm no chef, but Tempest taught me how to stretch food when I was young, so I suppose you could say I was eminently qualified for the job!”

Arc smiles! “You've got a really big heart, Cerulean Skies. I'm sure Tempest would be proud of you. At least, the old Tempest you know would be. The current version... maybe not so much.”

“I do wish I could talk to her again! Let her know how I feel! I mean... I do still miss her and would love to invite her into my home so I could take care of her the same way she took care of me back then!”

“Well, she did promise to... uh... come see me again one day. I'll pass the invitation on to her when next we meet.”

Cerulean Skies looks to Arc. “Really?! Thank you so much!”

A familiar voice rings out from the darkness ahead of them.

“Heh, heh, heh. You're becoming quite the hero now aren't you, Arc.”

A figure in a black cloak slowly walks toward the pair, chuckling. Arc stands up warily!

“Who... are you?”

The pony continues to chuckle as they look at the pair. “Awww... you've forgotten me already now?”

Cerulean Skies stands. “Look! I don't know who you are, but you're really starting to creep me out!”

The figure before them ignores Cerulean Skies. “Arc, I told you I would we would meet again. Now here I am to make good on the promise I made to you back then.”

The figure lowers its hood and allows its face to be seen in the moonlight. Arc narrows his eyes, angrily!

“Hello… Tempest…”

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