• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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REMASTERED - Chapter 8 - Downtrodden

A few hours later Ember awakens. Sitting up she rubs her eyes and stretches before turning to roll off the bed. However as she does so the chain reaches its limit and catches her. Gasping, she flops over to next to Arc again. Looking to him, she sees the chain wrapped around his wrist a couple times. Frowning, she hits his arm.

“Wake up!”

The sudden surprise causes Arc to bolt upright, taking the chain along with it. Seeing this, Ember grabs the chain and gives it a solid tug, pulling Arc onto the bed next to her. He sits up, clearly dazed.

“Ember? What…?”

“First off, you almost choked me with that thing! Second, it’s Erika, genius!”

Arc grunts as he sits up. “Ugh… sorry about that.”

Ember shakes her head as she points to the chain in his hand. “Why the heck did you wrap it like that?!”

“I was worried you would pull it out of my hand while we slept.”

“So what?!”

“Well, you made it clear the other day that you didn’t want to be in this thing any longer than you had to. So I made sure I didn’t let go and stop the timer.”

“I…! Oh… um… thanks, I think.”

Arc sighs as he stands. “You’re welcome. Care to give me a hand here though?”

“Yes sir.”

Ember stands and helps Arc push the couch back where it was previously. Turning back to him she sighs.

“Um… before we go I have, uh… something that I need to do first.”

“What is it?

Ember gestures to the toilet in the corner. “Morning tradition, sir.”

Arc blushes slightly. “Ah! Um… do you want me to wait in the hall?”

“A cloaked character just standing around in the corridor makes for a suspicious sighs. You’d best just stay here.”

Arc nods. “Alright. But I am letting go of your chain while you do that though.”

Ember appears relieved. “Thanks.”

Sitting down on the bed, Arc looks the other direction while Ember takes care of business. A few moments later she stands and flushes. Walking over to Arc she holds out the leash to him.

“Ready to go?”

Arc shakes his head. “One last thing.”


“Now I have to go.”

Ember chuckles as she sits down on the bed and looks away. “Of course you do.”

A few minutes later they leave the room and head down several flights of stairs. Returning to the front desk they find the same demon from last night still on duty. Arc tosses the key onto the desk as the demon ‘smiles’ at him.

“I do hope you two had a pleasant night.”

Arc nods as he and Ember walk away. “Yes, it was very… memorable.”

“Do keep us in mind for all your future nocturnal needs.”

The demon watches them leave together, grinning wickedly.

“I still can’t believe it. No one goes all night. Well, all night and still walking, that is. That guy must be some kind of legend! And his gal must be something as well.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember hit the street together. The magical daylight illuminates the streets better than the previous night. Ember takes his and presses her body against him. Arc gasps.


Ember giggles. “No need to be nervous… dear. Remember, I don’t like the big crowds.”

“Oh… right.”

Arc looks around before putting an arm around Ember’s shoulders. Leaning down he whispers to her.

“Just follow my lead.”

Ember nods and the pair begin walking. Returning to the alley from the other night, they walk down it together. As they turn a corner however, two shady looking demons roughly Arc’s size step out of the shadows and approach them. They grin as they look the pair over.

“Aw… now ain't that sweet.”

“Two bed buddies taking a morning walk together after a night of passion.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah. And we don’t really have time to chat about it.”

Arc nods. “We’ll just be on our way.”

One of the thugs holds up a claw. “Now wait just a minute there fella. You didn’t let us finish.”


“Yeah. You see I was about to say that this here is our territory and that you ain't paid the toll yet.”

Ember frowns. “Toll?”

“It’s ten grompeties.”


“Everyone needs to pay their fair share of the toll to see to it that safety is maintained.”

Arc sighs. “I’d love to be able to pay my ‘fair share’ and all, but we’re just heading over to a shop nearby. Give us a bit of time and we’ll be out of your territory.”

“No money, chum?”

“Something like that. We spent it all to get a room last night.”

One of the thugs looks to Ember’s legs. “We could each take a turn with her.”

“Yeah, that sounds fair.”

Arc frowns. “Not a chance.”

The thug chuckles. “What? You actually in love with this hot little thing?”

“And what if I am?”

“Then you’re delusional to think someone as hot as her would stay on your little leash for long, pal!”

Ember frowns. “Leash?”

Arc sighs. “Uh oh. They said it.”


“You shouldn’t have done that.”


“Now you’re in for it.”


Ember charges forward angrily. Arc lets go of her lea… uh… her chain and takes a few steps back as the young dragon begins pummeling the pair. Knocking them over, she continues punching them over and over again. Eventually Arc grabs her wrist as she prepares to hit them again.

“Erika, it’s time to stop.”

“I… but…!”

She frowns and nods before continuing.

“Yes sir.”

Arc helps her up as she gives him back the chain. Picking up their bags, Arc leads her away from the pair. They head down the alley in search of the little shop. A few minutes later Ember points a claw.

“There it is.”

Arc grins. “You remember your part of the code?”

Ember sighs. “Unfortunately, yes.”

“Then let’s get this over with.”

Entering the dimly lit shop the pair walk over to a rather young female demon sitting behind the counter. She looks up nervously as they approach, looks around quickly, and says something rather strange.

“It appears I have something stuck in my teeth.”

Arc looks down at the demon’s arm before speaking. “It must be the roast beetle from last night’s meal.”

Ember sighs. “Early in the year for beetle though, is it not?”

The proprietor nods as she continues. “I like to play hopscotch on the weekends.”

Arc holds back a laugh. “When I was young I had a pet rabbit. I miss him.”

Not a word is said for several moments. Eventually, Arc nudges Ember. She gasps and reaches into her bag. Pulling out a jar, she sets it on the counter and steps back. The demon grabs it, twists off the lid, takes a deep sniff, and pulls a strange looking black sphere out of the jar and tosses it into her mouth. Chewing, she swallows and leans back contentedly as she points a red claw toward the door. A soft click rings out as it locks. She smiles broadly before trying to speak again.

“Now THAT hits the spot!”

Arc turns to Ember and frowns. “What was in there?”

“You don’t want to know.”

The demon grins. “Pickled beetle giblets.”

Arc groans. “When will I learn to keep it to myself.”

Ember turns to the demon and sets her bag on the counter. “We have what you asked for.”

Smiling, the demon opens the bag and looks its contents over carefully before looking to Arc.

“I assume you have the other items.”

Arc nods as he sets his sack down on the counter. “Yeah. All right here.”

Going through the second sack, the proprietor carefully itemizes everything as she pulls it from the bag and sets it on the counter in a row. Nodding, she walks into the back room. Returning with a sack of her own, she sets it on the counter and looks to Arc.

“Here you are. Please hurry and get this stuff out of here though.”

Ember shakes her head. “Not quite yet.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Maybe. You checked our bags, so we’re checking yours.”

“That really isn’t necessary. I personally checked to be sure everything was in there twice already.”

Arc frowns. “Then you have nothing to worry about.”

Ember nods as she looks to Arc. “Let go of me for a bit and watch her. I’ll check her bag.”

Nodding, Arc hops the counter along with Ember.

“Make sure she keeps her claws where you can see em.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

The demoness gasps and backs hurriedly against a waist high basket in the corner. Not taking his eyes off of her, Arc waits patiently as Ember pulls the items out one by one and looks them over. Stepping back from her work, Ember pushes gently past Arc and grabs the demoness by the throat angrily.

“Where’s the mithril?!”

“I… I…!”

“Spit it out!”

The demoness bows her head. “I don’t have it.”

Arc frowns. “So you were hoping we’d just take your word for it!”

She nods but says nothing. Ember pulls a knife from inside her robe and holds it in the demoness’ face. Arc frowns.

“What are you…?”

“Getting our stuff! All of it!”

She turns back to the now shaking demoness and grits her teeth.

“I really don’t have any! It’s really scarce right now!”

Ember grits her teeth. “Then why did you tell our mutual friend that you had it?!”

“Because I… I just…”

Arc puts a hand on Ember’s shoulder. “Let it go.”

“WHAT?! But she…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Look, I’ll just take something out of our bags in the back and we’ll be even, okay?”

Ember groans. “Fine. But be quick about it.”

Stepping into the back room Arc quickly spots their bags. Reaching into his, he pulls out a vial and shrugs.

“Doesn’t really matter what I take, I suppose.”

Returning to the front, Arc holds up the venom sack.

“This one.”

Looking past Ember, the demoness’ eyes grow wide as she spies what Arc is holding.

“No! Not that! Anything but that!”

Ember frowns. “You want this thing THAT badly?!

“YES! Take everything else if you have to, but leave me that!”

Arc looks at the sack in his palm, confused. “What’s so special about venom? You planning something?”

The demoness squeezes her eyes shut. “I… I just need it! Please take everything else and go! All I want is that!”

Ember frowns as she turns to Arc. “Let’s tie her up and store her in the back room. Then we can see what there is to find.”

Arc shrugs. “Why don’t we just get out of here? I mean, we got what we came for. Mostly, I suppose.”

Ember looks back at the demoness. “Yeah. But she’s lying about something. Of that I’m certain.”

“So what?”

“I don’t like being fooled! It’ll keep me up at night if I don’t…!”

The store handle jiggles slightly. A few moments later there is a pounding at the door as an angry voice rings out.

“Open up!”

The demoness gasps as she looks to the door.

“Oh no! They’re early!”

Ember frowns. “Who?!”

“My boss! Hide in the back, quick!”

“Why? We don’t answer to them.”

“What I’m doing here is off the books! Please hide or they’ll kill us all!”

Arc grabs Ember’s chain and pulls her toward the back room. “Let’s go.”

Ember seethes as she complies.

“Yes… sir.”

The demoness closes the curtain to the back and hurries around the counter to unlock the door. It swings open violently knocking the demoness to the floor. As she struggles to stand a large pig-like demon struts inside and glares at her.

“Why aren’t you open, Esther?!”

“Forgive me, sir! I just… had a few things to take care of before the day began!”

The pig looks over the counter at the items lined up for counting.

“Quite a bit of an order you have here.”

“Y-yes. A very… influential customer requested them.”

He laughs. “Influential! HA! Why would anyone of importance come HERE of all places?!”

“I… don’t ask those sort of questions.”

“Fine, whatever. Just hand over this week’s payment.”

“B-but it isn’t due for three more days!”

“I’m trying to get ahead of the game here! Have a big weekend planned and need to make sure everything’s turned in before I enjoy myself. So let’s not waste any more of my time.”

“Sir, I… um…”

“You WHAT?!”

“Don’t have your payment just yet.”

The pig narrows his eyes. “Oh?”

Nervously, the demoness gestures to the items on the counter. “I haven’t been paid for these yet. But I assure you that I…”

“Who said you could take payment on credit?!”

“They’re… very insistent on doing it their way. I deliver the goods and am paid a day or so later.”

Gritting his teeth, the pig glares at her. “You running a charity here?!”

“No, sir. But if I could just have a bit more time, I’d be able to…”

Walking over to the counter, the pig wordlessly picks up a clawful of vials. Smashing them against the floor, he looks to the demoness toothily.

“You know what happens if you don’t have the money when I come calling.”

“What?! No, please! I need this order to make enough to…!”

Hearing enough, Arc turns to Ember and whispers.

“Let me handle this.”


“Just watch and don’t say a word.”

Arc steps out from behind the curtain and clomps over to the counter. He looks the pig over silently for a few moments before speaking.

“Calm down there. Wouldn’t want you to do something… irreversible.”

Frowning, the pig turns to Esther. “New hire?”

“I… I…”

Arc frowns. “No, I don’t work here. However I’m not too happy about my items being smashed.”

The demoness nods. “This order… is for him.”

“Who do you serve?”

Arc chuckles. “Someone FAR outside your grasp, peon. Now then I suggest you leave before I grow angry.”

The pig seethes, leans across the counter to grab Arc’s robe and reaches into his cloak, presumably for a weapon. Seeing this, Ember runs through the curtain and decks the pig squarely in the jaw. He staggers back and falls to the floor. Regaining his bearing, he stands and pulls a knife.”

“Who dares…?!”

Gasping, the pig stops talking as he catches a glimpse under Ember’s hood. He stammers for a few moments before finally being able to say something.


Ember opens her mouth to speak. However nothing comes out. Arc turns to him and frowns.

“Yes, her royal highness requested to pick up today’s delivery… personally.”

“She… she did? But why would…?”

Arc frowns. “You dare question your betters, maggot?!”

“F-forgive me, sir! I really had no idea…!”

Arc points at the broken goods. “Do you have any idea what you’ve just done?!”

“N-no sir.”

“Exactly, dumb muscle! You don’t know! Now then, how are you going to make up for this?!”

“I… I don’t really… know.”

“The princess must be compensated for this inconvenience!”

Nodding fearfully, the pig reaches into his cloak and pulls out a massive bag of demon currency. He holds it out to Arc and steps back nervously.

“Is… is that enough.”

“Barely. Now then, leave us. And do not mention this to ANYONE!”

“Yes sir! Right away!”

The pig hurries out the door as Arc turns to Ember.

“Great job, Erica!”

Ember glares at him silently for a few moments before Arc gasps and nods.


Leaning forward, he whispers to her.

“You can speak again.”

Ember grins. “That did go well, yes.”

Esther cautiously approaches them. “Are… are you…?”

“Never mind who she is.”

Ember nods. “Right. We still haven’t finalized our deal.”

Arc picks up the venom gland and looks to the demoness.

“Tell me… why is this so important?”

“I… need it to make something very important for... someone.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Oh really. Who?”

Esther sighs and walks behind the counter. Heading for the basket she stood in front of earlier she reaches toward it and lifts the top. Reaching inside she pulls out a bundle and turns to Arc. He reaches forward and pulls back the cloth. Inside he spies a very young demon child.

“My baby was born with a bacterial infection. While getting progressively worse, I could not find medicine with which to treat him. That is… until today.”

Arc appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“That gland will allow me to make a potent antibiotic to save my child. Please help yourself to anything in the shop, your original goods, or even do what you want with… me. But I only ask that you give me that poison gland in return and allow me to mix it into a medicine first.”

Nodding, Arc holds out the gland. “Very well. Make the medicine and give it to your child.”

Ember opens her mouth to protest, but Arc silences her with a quick glance and a shake of the head.

Esther reaches forward cautiously. As her claws are about to touch the gland however, she draws back a few inches and looks to Arc.

“What… is the catch?”

“The what?”

“I’m assuming this isn’t free.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Just take it. After all, any price to save your child should be seen as a bargain.”

Nodding, Esther takes the prize and hurries over to the counter. Pulling out a small prepared vial, she pokes a hole in the gland and allows some of the poison to drip into the contents before putting a claw over the top and shaking it. Pouring out a small amount she tastes it momentarily before sighing and shaking her head.

“I was afraid of that.”

Arc frowns. “What’s the problem?”

“The rest of the ingredients aren’t enough to emulsify with the venom. I need something else to make it work. But it’s the rarest ingredient known to demonkind.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

“Dragon’s blood.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. That would not only emulsify this treatment but also make it more effective.”

Arc turns to Ember but says nothing. A long moment passes between them before she sighs and lower her hood.

“I can help with that.”

Esther looks her over. “You… you’re not the princess. I mean, you look similar to her, but… who are you.”

“I’m a dragon. You want some of my blood?”

“Yes! Yes, of course!”

“Then hold out your vial… before I change my mind.”

Taking her knife, Ember slices her claw. A small amount of blood flows from it as the demoness holds the vial under the stream. Shaking it again, she tastes the new concoction and smiles. Walking over to counter, she pours a small amount onto her claw before carefully putting it in their mouth. The infant sucks on the claw as they sleep. Repeating the process several times, Esther eventually picks her child up and walks over to Ember.

“Thank you, miss.”

Ember looks away. “Don’t mention it.”

“But I really…!”

“Ever again!”

Arc sighs. “Sorry about that. She’s just a bit stressed.”

Ember groans. “Well, now that we’re done here, can we please go home?!”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose so.”

Esther looks to Ember. “Miss?”

“What is it now?!”

“Dragon’s blood is quite rare. And do you know why?”

“Can’t say as I do.”

“Because there’s only one dragon that lived down here. Dragon Lord Torch’s daughter, Ember.”

The pair stand there silently for a time looking at one another. Eventually Ember sighs and looks her in the eye.

“You going to tell on me?”

Esther shakes her head. “No. After what you did for my child, I… I just couldn’t. But… um… I would still like to repay you for your help.”


“I’ve heard that your leader, Mythic Honor, is quite an alchemist.”

“What about it?”

“I’m sure you know that demon’s blood would be quite helpful to him.”

Ember nods. “He’s told me that before, yes.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You looking to give us some of yours?”

“Kinda. You see the fresher the blood is the more powerful it is. If you’d like, I’d be willing to accompany you back to your hideout under cover of darkness to serve as a source of blood for you and the tribe.”

Ember points to the infant. “What about her?”

“She’s come too, of course. Her blood would be available for your use as well. We’d even be willing to become your slaves to achieve this end.”

Arc frowns. “You’d be willing to give up your freedom… just like THAT?!”

“Yes, I would. All I ask for in return is to be protected, fed, and moderately housed.”

Ember grins. “Sounds good to me.”

Arc shakes his head. “No.”

Ember looks to him confused. “We could use her blood to enhance potions, weapons, and even armor! That and she’s just GIVING herself to us!”

Esther nods fervently. “Yes, we are. I understand that we are not exactly trusted by your tribe. So I’d be willing to live in a cage if need be.”

Arc sighs. “Is life really that bad here?”

“It is, yes. At least for me.”

Ember nods toward the door. “Owe a lot of money?”

“That I do. But because of the interest I can’t get ahead. I may be penniless with you, but at least with you we stand a chance.”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’d be in danger from the citizens there.”

Esther nods sadly. She looks to her child and back to Arc several times. Eventually she sighs and walks over to him.

“If not me… then would you please take just her?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You… want us to take your daughter away from you? Forever?”

“Yes. She’s small, doesn’t eat much, and could be safely hidden away for a while in your base. I only ask one thing in return. And that is… that she never be told of me.”

Arc gasps. “What?!”

“When she gets older and asks just say that I’m dead. It’s… for the best. Should she stay here she’ll just be saddled with my debts when I’m gone.”

Arc puts a finger to his chin. “What if you didn’t have any debts?”

“Then I might be able to make ends meet. It won’t be much, but we’ll get by.”

Arc takes the bag of demon money and sets it on the counter. “How about this? Would this pay your debt off?”

“Y-yes it would! But… how can you afford to do all of this for me?!”

“Well, it’s not like we’re coming back here anytime soon.”

Esther nods as Arc sets the bag on the table. She smiles and looks to the pair.

“I can’t thank you two enough. This will give us both a chance at a future.”

Ember sighs. “Don’t mention it.”

Arc chuckles. “Before we go, can I hold your daughter, Esther?”

“Yes, of course!”

She hands him the small bundle. Arc takes her gingerly and gently strokes her forehead before turning to Esther.

“She’s… just so light.”

“I just had her three days ago.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “And you’re already back to work?”

“Yes, well… food costs money. I have to keep working.”

Arc smiles down at the child as she opens her eyes and looks up at him. “What’s her name?”

“She doesn’t actually have one yet. Might I name her after you though, sir?”

Arc chuckles. “My name’s Arc. Not exactly a girl’s name though.”

Esther turns to Ember. “Then I think I’ll name her after you, ma’am.”

“Me? But wouldn’t that be kinda like asking for trouble from the king?”

“Well… how about ‘Rebme’?”

Ember frowns. “What?”

“It’s Ember spelled backwards. While not a traditional demon name, no one will say or think anything of it though.”

“Fine with me.”

Arc nods. “Yes well… we should be going. Ember?”

Ember nods. “Right.”

Looking down, Arc smiles at the baby and gives her a small kiss on the forehead before handing her back to Esther. He and Ember pick up the sacks with the remaining goods and head out the door together. Esther holds her daughter close as she watches them leave.

“Take care, you two.”

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