• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Third Shift Inspections

As the final whistle blows for the day Rainbow Dash and her father walk through the front gates of the factory with the rest of the workers. As they walk up to the guards, Bo Hothoof looks to them.

“I’m heading home with my daughter for the night. Begin your rounds and call me with the results.”

They nod and salute as the pair leave the grounds. As they walk, Rainbow Dash turns to her father.

“Are you really okay with this, dad?”

Bo sighs. “Not really, no. The factory is my responsibility after all.”

“And you’ve always done your best to see to it things were done right there.”

“Yes. But I have to admit, I’m at my wit’s end here on what to do about this problem.”

“What have you tried?”

“Personally searching every nook and cranny of the plant. Three times.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “When did you have time to do THAT?!”

“At night.”


Bo shrugs. “It was the best course of action. After all, you know that any other time I have loads of work to do.”

“But did you do it alone?!”



“That way nopony would distract me from my task.”

Rainbow Dash narrows her eyes. “But that wasn’t the only reason, was it?!”

Bo chuckles. “You can see right through me, dear.”

“Darn right! Now say it!”

Bo nods. “Fine. It was so I didn’t have to risk anypony else’s safety on this.”

“And what about YOUR safety?!”

“Rainbow Dash…”

“Mom and I need you, dad!”

Bo chuckles. “A fully grown mare still needs her father, eh?”

“Darn right!”

“And I’d like to be able to be there for you. But those whom are missing also have families whom are anxiously awaiting news of their fates. Some of them have colts and fillies as well.”

Rainbow Dash grins slyly. “Well, they won’t have to wait for long.”

“Oh? Do you know something about this matter I don’t?”

“Yeah, I do.”

Bo stops walking and turns to his daughter. “Then you need to tell me right now.”

“Fine. The one who’s going to be investigating this matter is the absolute BEST stallion for the job!”

Bo rolls his eyes. “Simply being the Hero of Light doesn’t make somepony the ‘best’, Rainbow Dash.”

“I know, dad. But he’s really good at what he does. I’ve personally seen him in action more than once.”

“Have you now?”


“I’d like to hear more about it over supper then.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “Supper?”

“Of course. That and I’m sure your mother will be overjoyed to see you again.”

“It has been quite some time since I last visited, I guess.”


Rainbow Dash looks away nervously. “I’ve… been busy.”

“Too much to write or call?”

“Like you?”

“That’s not really a fair comparison.”

“It isn’t?! How?!”

Bo frowns. “I… I have a factory to run and workers whom are counting on me.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Sorry, dad. I’m honestly not trying to blame you for not having time. But you need to understand that I have my own job and responsibilities now too.”

Bo chuckles. “You’re right, of course. We both try too hard sometimes.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Two peas in a pod, like mom used to say when I was a foal.”

“Still does when you come up.”

“She’s not… mad, right?”

“About what?”

“Me leaving.”

“What?! Not at all! What makes you say that?!”

“I think we both know the answer to that, dad.”

Meanwhile, Arc enters his quarters aboard The Equinox and gives everyone assembled a thumbs up.

“We’re all set up for tonight.”

Ember grins. “What’s the plan?”

“Truth be told, I’m still working on that in my head.”

Sereb frowns. “That is not reassuring, Arc.”

Scootaloo groans. “Maybe we should do this another night? Give you time to figure out a more detailed plan, Big Brother.”

Arc sighs. “I would really like to do that, yes. However those missing ponies need to be found right away.”

Sereb grunts. “That may be, but…”

“Tonight’s the night. Trust me on this.”

Ember frowns. “Fine. But I want in.”

“I figured you would, so I’ve made you part of the plan already.”

“Does that involve me watching your back?”


Later that night, in the light of the full moon, a strange mist snakes its way through the skies of Cloudsdale. It creeps over the Rainbow Factory’s wall and under the large doors. Continuing through the facility, it comes to a smaller door. Making its way inside the gas congregates in the center. Arc and Scootaloo materialize in their now trademark black cloaks. Looking around and listening for a time, they eventually speak to one another telepathically.


Scootaloo shakes her head. “I don’t hear anypony.”


Turning, Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. Sereb steps out in his Cub Form with Rose. Closing the portal, Arc recalls his gauntlet and looks to the pair.


Sereb nods. “I am.”

Rose grins. “As am I.”

“Good. Any last minute questions?”

The pair shake their heads as Arc removes another magic cloak from his ring and gives it to Rose. She quickly puts it on and, turning to Sereb, kneels down before opening it to allow him inside. Picking the small wolf up she looks to Arc.


“Scootaloo and I will follow in our mist forms. You just use your scanners to find us something we can go on.”

Rose looks the pair up and down. “How long can you two stay in that form?”

Scootaloo grins. “Together, indefinitely.”

Arc shrugs. “While we haven’t done any endurance tests, I’m guessing at least an hour.”

Sereb growls. “We shall try to be quick then. But I must confess, I don’t really know why I’m here. After all, Rose’s sensors are far superior to my natural senses.”

Arc chuckles. “You may be able to smell something she can’t.”

“Right. Mother was never able to heighten my sense of smell beyond that of a normal human, after all.”

Scootaloo looks around. Remember, we have your backs.

Nodding, Arc picks up Scootaloo and the pair again turns to mist As Rose cloaks. Slipping back under the door, they wait for Rose and Sereb to leave together. A few moments later the door opens halfway before closing again. The light sounds of Rose’s feet on the tile floor barely break the deafening silence. As they walk through the facility, Rose looks all around as Sereb sniffs the air. Eventually they come to the warehouse. Racks upon racks line the walls and are arranged into aisles. As they reach the corner furthest from the door Sereb suddenly turns his head and growls. Looking down at him, Rose whispers.

“What is it?”

Sereb points a paw. “Scan that crate.”

Doing so, Rose shakes her head before responding.

“It’s just full of condiments, presumably for the cafeteria. The crate’s label here says so and my sensors confirm it.”

Sereb frowns. “Then why do I smell the scent of guards on it?”

“That is suspicious, yes. But hardly something criminal, save for if they’re helping themselves to…”

“We need to investigate further.”

“Very well. Shall I open the crate?”

Sereb nods “Please do.”

Rose reaches up and pushes open the top of the crate. Peeking inside they see roughly half of the contents are gone. Sereb frowns.

“The scent is strong within.”

“I will have to take your word on that. But what use are condiments to guards?”

“Unknown. Perhaps they are simply…”

The sound of hoofsteps approaching is heard. Quickly shoving the top back over the crate they step back between two boxes nearby and wait in silence. A few moments later a pair of guards approaches the crate they examined earlier. Reaching inside one stallion pulls out a box of ketchup packets and tosses it to his companion whom is frowning.

“Idiots didn’t put the lid back properly!”

His companion shrugs as he tosses out a box of relish packets. “So what?”

“We need to leave everything as close to its original condition as possible! You know that!”

So, talk to the others. You know I didn’t do this.”

“I will!”

Taking several more boxes, they replace the wooden lid and head for the door. Sereb frowns and motions with a paw for Rose to follow them. Doing so they are ‘led’ down numerous corridors toward the cafeteria. Entering, the pair see a number of other guards sitting at tables waiting impatiently.

“What took you two so long?!”

“Yeah! We’ve been waiting for what feels like forever!”

“Well SOMEPONY left the crate open… AGAIN!”

“No way! I’m sure it was closed after last night!”

“Then why did we find it…?!”

“Forget about it! Let’s get started!”

The others nod and stand. Heading for the door to the kitchen they enter closing the door behind them. Rose and Sereb wait for a time before Sereb looks up at Rose.

“I do not hear them.”

Rose frowns. “They’ve also vanished from my scanners.”

“How could that be possible?”

“Teleportation would normally be the most logical explanation. That is, if there were magical residue… which I don’t detect.”



Sereb looks to the door. “Hm… so we just have to… go in?”

“Yes. But only at extreme risk to our cover.”

Sereb sighs. “I don’t see us having any other choice here.”


Walking toward the door Rose reaches out to turn the knob. However a familiar voice rings out.



“Let us go in first.”

The mist slips effortlessly under the door. A minute later the door opens and Arc steps aside as he motions for Rose to enter. Doing so she looks around the room with Sereb.


“Indeed. However we clearly saw them come in here.”

Scootaloo looks up at Rose. “Did they Blink, or something?”

Rose shakes her head. “No. That I would have been able to detect if they did, as well as the latent magical energies.”

Arc turns to Sereb. “Can you smell anything?”

Sereb sniffs the air. “Yes, their scent still lingers in the air.”


Walking around with his nose to the ground, Sereb searches the room. Coming to a large walk-in freezer he stops and points.

“Their scent is here.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “So they went into that room?”

Arc frowns. “It’s a freezer.”

Rose puts a hand on the door’s cool surface. “Right. However that does not make sense, as it’s too cold in there for anyone to survive for long.”

Sereb growls. “We’ll have to enter ourselves and see what we find.”

Rose looks through the window and sighs. Opening the door, they are all hit with a blast of freezing cold air. She steps inside and looks around.

“Nothing but frozen food in here.”

Arc looks around. “Scanners?”

“Again, no magical energies detected.”

Scootaloo grits her teeth. “Then where could they have gone?”

Arc looks at a nearby stainless steel shelf and points.


“How can you be so sure, Big Brother?”

“There’re scratches on the floor, indicating that this shelf has been moved back and forth numerous times.”

Sereb grins. “We should find a way past it then.”

“Scootaloo and I will do that. You and Rose hold position here. Don’t let anyone in or out, got it?”

Rose tilts her head to one side, confused. “In or… out?”

“Of the secret passage.”

“But my scanners don’t show anything back there other than the wall.”

Sereb growls. “That may be. But I do feel a very slight draft coming from behind the shelf.”

Arc nods approvingly. “Didn’t notice that, but you’re right. In any case, you two stay here and hold this spot.”

They nod and step back as Arc turns to Scootaloo.


“Yeah. But how do we open this thing?”

“No time to figure that one out. Come on.”

Jumping back into his arms, Scootaloo turns to mist along with Arc. Exploiting the drafty spot they slither inside and find a dark corridor. Rematerializing, Arc sets Scootaloo down and looks around.

“A corridor inside a kitchen freezer made out of clouds.”

Scootaloo chuckles. “Pretty sure that’s not on the factory tour.”

“Let’s see where it leads.”

Walking slowly and carefully, they come to a curve with light coming out of it. Returning to their mist forms, Arc and Scootaloo enter the room and look around. They find the guards opening boxes of condiments and tossing them inside steel cages containing a number of malnourished mares and stallion. Scootaloo calls out to Arc telepathically.

“There they are!”

“That’s why Rainbow Dash’s dad couldn’t find anyone. He never would have thought to look in the freezer.”

“I kinda thought they’d been taken from the facility.”

“Still wondering what they’re doing.”

“Feeding them I would assume.”

“Not much of a meal though.”

Scootaloo chuckles. “How about we change that?”

“Yes. Let’s.”

“What’s the plan?”

“We need some answers, so we need to take prisoners.”

“Must we?”

“Uh… yes. Why?”

“They’re literally torturing these ponies! I say we take em OUT!”

“If they resist you’ll get your wish. With luck the survivors will surrender and allow us to take them into custody.”

“Shall we get started then, Big Brother?”

“By all means.”

Drifting over to the cage, Arc and Scootaloo rematerialize as one of the stallions tosses a hooffull of ketchup packets. Holding out a hand Arc catches them in midair with his magic and crushes them. The red liquid drops to the floor and splatters. No one makes a sound for several long moments. Eventually Arc speaks.

“All the prisoners had best put their heads down and close their eyes.”

Returning his attention to the guards in front of him, Arc continues.

“We can do this one of two ways. The easy way…”

Scootaloo grins wickedly as she pulls her father’s dagger from her belt. “Or MY way!”

Seeing the pair’s red eyes, the guards suddenly scream out angrily and charge forward as one. Scootaloo lunges at them slicing through their soft necks with relative ease. Two charge straight for Arc as he holds out his hands. Picking them up by their necks via a Telekinesis Spell, they continue to writhe and flail in an attempt to get to him. Shaking his head, he makes a sudden movement with his wrist. With an audible ‘pop’ the young man breaks their necks and tosses their bodies aside. Scootaloo makes short work of those around her leaving only two guards standing. They back toward the passage, spears at the ready, as Arc and Scootaloo approach them.

“I wouldn’t try running that way.”

Scootaloo nods wickedly. “Right. Our allies are waiting for you in the freezer.”

Turning to one another the guards wordlessly nod. As one, they simultaneously impale each other through the chest before falling to the ground… dead. Arc frowns.


Scootaloo gasps. “Those last two were nuts!”

Arc turns back to the other bodies. “Not like the others were much smarter.”

He walks quickly to the cage where the prisoners lie with their hooves over their ears and eyes squeezed shut.

“You’re safe now, everyone. Give me a few moments to call for reinforcements and we’ll get you out of there.”

Touching his earring, Arc calls out.

“Arc to Equinox.”

Lemon Hearts calls out. “Equinox here.”

“You there, Ember?”

“Yup. What’s up?”

“I want you and Hammer, along with all my forces, to surround the Rainbow Factory and detain any and all guards on duty on, in, or near the property.”

“Um… what?”

“They may be involved with this conspiracy. Any whom resist arrest can be taken down as necessary. Inform the troops that lethal force is authorized.”

Ember grins. “Fine. You okay down there?”

“We’re good, but hurry and carry this out.”

“Right. See you later.”

“Be careful. You still there, Lemon Hearts?”

“Yes sir.”

“Notify Redheart to prepare for a large number of patients. Then I want you to call the local hospital in my name and order them to send medical staff to The Equinox to assist Redheart.”

“I’ll take care of it, sir.”

“Very good. Arc out.”

He touches his earring, severing the connection as Scootaloo approaches him with a key.

“Found this on one of these guys.”

Arc gestures to the cage. “Get this thing open.”

Nodding, Scootaloo hurries to comply. Opening the cage door she steps inside and looks to those assembled.

“Attention everypony! Listen to us!”

“I’m Hero of Light Arc. Your captors are dead and you are now free. However I’d like all of you to come to my ship and be examined by my medical officer before leaving. This is not mandatory but highly encouraged.”

He opens a portal as Scootaloo points a hoof to it.

“Everypony head on through now.”

Slowly, the mares and stallions stand and walk toward the portal’s swirling energies. As the last pony passes Arc closes the portal behind them. Scootaloo turns and looks at the bodies lying around the room.

“What a mess.”

“More so than you realize.”

“Big Brother?”

“Check everyone here for a pulse.”

Splitting up, the pair examine each guard one at a time. Standing up from the last one Arc shakes his head.


Scootaloo pokes a guard with a spear in his chest. “These two really didn’t want to be taken alive.”

“Yes. Almost as if their only thought was to take what they knew to the grave.”

“But what could have been THAT important?!”

“No idea. But I think you’re missing something pretty important there.”

He plants a boot on the other guard with a spear in his chest and pushes hard. Rolling the body over, Scootaloo gasps.

“Green blood?!”

Arc nods. “Yup. Just like those creatures back in Vanhoover, the Crystal Empire, and now here in Cloudsdale. Changelings.”

“Are they EVERYWHERE?!”

“That may not be far from the truth.”

“But we can’t tell them apart from normal ponies!”

“I can.”


“Like this.”

Pulling his helmet from his ring, Arc puts it on Scootaloo. She turns to the bodies again and gasps.

“They’re… hideous!”

Arc nods. “Not exactly the stallions we’re used to seeing, that’s for sure.”

“How is this possible?!”

“Remember how Wiseman transferred my old armor’s enchantments?”


“It had True Sight on it. That let me see through illusions and apparently their own camouflage.”

“We need to report this to Princess Twilight right away!”

“Agreed. But first let’s make sure the ponies we rescued are going to be all right and send some real guards down here to investigate.”

“And clean up this mess.”

“That too.”

Scootaloo sighs as they head for the passage. “We should also tell Rainbow Dash’s dad about this.”

“Agreed. But one thing at a time.”

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