• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Unexpected Situations

A week later Luna walks into the Audience Chamber and looks to the guards.

“Everypony leave.”

The Royal Guards look to Celestia. She nods and descends the steps from the throne as they leave the chamber.

“Is something wrong, Luna?”

Luna glares at her. “Yes, something is wrong! You have yet to address the public regarding the Hero of Light’s death!”

Celestia frowns. “He was nothing more than a usurping traitor!”

“Oh really?! And how would you know that?!”

“Because he attempted to take down Captain Decimus right in front of me! And that was after he admitted to taking the throne!”

“Decimus is a liar and a traitor! He tried to kill both myself AND Cadance not that long ago!”

Celestia steps around her sister as she speaks. “Luna, you’re tired. Please take the remainder of the day to rest. I’ll see to it your duties are covered by myself and the support staff.”

Luna sighs as Celestia leaves the Audience Chamber.

“Sister… you’ve always been the perceptive one. How can you not see that which is right in front of you?”

Meanwhile, Celestia walks down a corridor flanked by two Royal Guards. A voice rings out behind her.


Celestia turns to see Decimus walking towards her. Smiling, she motions for the guards to leave them.

“Hello, old friend.”

“How are you feeling today, your highness?”

“Stronger by the day. But it seems much has happened since I was here last.”

“Yes, your highness. As you have no doubt found by now, the human was able to worm his way very deeply into Equestrian society.”

Celestia looks over her shoulder at the Audience Chamber doors. “Very deeply indeed.”

“Is something troubling you, princess?”

Celestia sighs. “It’s Luna. I believe the human’s hold on her mind still lingers.”

“Should we make arrangements to… purge her mind of the usurper, princess?”

Celestia shakes her head. “Not at this time, no. Due to the severity of that process, it is a resolution to be used only after ALL others have been exhausted.”

“Very well, your highness. I shall order my guards to see to it she does not do anything drastic though.”

“That is acceptable, yes. Carry on with your plan, captain.”

“Tell me, Princess Celestia. Were you able to learn all you wanted to?”

Celestia appears confused. “Learned?”

“I’m told you’ve asked for quite a few records of the past year or so.”

“Yes, I wanted to know just how far the former Hero of Light had gone.”


Celestia shudders. “Much too far! The fact that he wasn’t ousted after two coups gives weight to my earlier assumption that he was a master manipulator.”

Decimus nods. “ Yes, your highness. But with time our land will heal itself of his corruption.

“That it will.”

“In any case, I was just coming to see you regarding a Lady Ashe of the Griffon Kingdom. She was only recently found in the castle dungeons.”

Celestia gasps. “What?! How did she…?!”

“When I learned she was there I immediately made provisions for her release. She’s resting comfortably now in our most luxurious suite.”

“Good. But how did she end up there?”

“The records indicate the human ordered her taken into custody after her airship entered Equestrian airspace due to mechanical issues.”

“Monstrous! Was she harmed?!”

“Not that I could see, princess. But I’m sure she’d respond well to a visit from you personally.”

“I’ll see to it immediately. Please take me to her at once.”

“Right this way.”

Decimus escorts Celestia down the corridor. Soon they come to a large set of double doors flanked by several Royal Guards. They straighten up as the pair approach.

“She’s right in here, your highness. Shall I announce you?”

“Thank you. Go ahead.”

Knocking, Decimus enters the room. He returns a few moments later and holds the door open.

“Princess Celestia, meet Lord Gestal’s daughter, Lady Ashe.”

“Hello, Lady Ashe. I must apologize for the abominable treatment you’ve suffered at the hands of my predecessor. Rest assured it will never happen again.”

Ashe smiles and bows respectfully. “Thank you, Princess Celestia. But might we speak privately?”

“Yes, of course.”

She nods to Decimus. He turns and leaves the room. As soon as he is out of earshot however he chuckles and mutters to himself.

“This is almost too easy.”

Meanwhile, Celestia motions to a pair of very posh couches.

“Might we sit down?”

“Of course, your highness.”

They sit across from each other as Ashe begins to speak.

“Thank you for coming, Princess Celestia. I know you’re a very busy mare.”

“I’m never too busy to entertain a foreign diplomat whom has been shamefully treated since entering out lands.”

“All is forgiven, your highness. What transpired was nothing short of a grand mistake by the Hero of Light.”

“Thank you for understanding. But might I ask you something?”

“Yes, of course.”

“I have been notified that our two nations have signed a peace treaty.”

Ashe nods. “That is true. It was ratified by King Guto and dutifully signed by Equestria’s Princess Luna.”

“Might I inquire whom was responsible for writing it?”

“The Council of Lords along with Princess Luna and Princess Cadance corresponded for quite some time to iron out the details.”

“Good. And is the Griffon Kingdom satisfied with it?”

“Very much so. If I may say so, they were all very impressed with the Hero of Light’s actions back then.”

Celestia looks confused. “What… did he do?”

“A rebel faction had taken the Council of Lords and numerous nobles hostage. He killed the rebels decisively and freed them.”

“I see. Was that before or after the treaty was signed?”


Celestia winces slightly as Ashe continues.

“But the council took their deaths as necessary to safeguard their safety.”

“I’m very glad they saw it that way. We don’t want any bad blood between Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Indeed. However, there was another reason for my visit, your highness.”


“As per our nation’s treaty, the Griffon Kingdom is allowed one full-time ambassador.”

“I see. Will Lord Goldstone be taking the position himself?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, your highness. He cannot be away from the Griffon Kingdom for extended periods of time. In fact, I asked to speak to you as I’d like to volunteer for the job.”

“I see. Tell me, what qualifications do you bring to serve as ambassador?”

“To be honest, none, your highness.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “None?”

“Yes, Princess Celestia. You see, I’ve spent my entire life in Griffonstone observing the turmoil there. The suffering of our citizens was plain for all to see. However, when you nation’s Hero of Light came, he told us of the great land of Equestria across the sea. How everyone had the right to petition their leaders. How the citizens were allowed to think and speak as they saw fit. And how food and a comfortable living was available to more than just the aristocracy.”

She gazes out the window before continuing.

“I wished to see that for myself. And I did! Lord Arc and Princess Cadance took me through the city of Canterlot in addition to showing me your nation’s fine orphanage just outside a small town called Ponyville.”


“Yes, your highness. It’s a wondrous facility where your orphans, as well as ours, are housed, fed, taught, and cared for.”

“I see you care very much for the next generation.”

“I do, princess. However, that is not the reason I’m asking for this position.”


“My true desire is to learn all I can from your society and take that knowledge back to the Griffon Kingdom. Perhaps one day the griffons will know the same freedoms as your subjects do.”

“I too wish for that, Lady Ashe. Please do your best in your new position as ambassador.”

“Thank you very much! I promise I’ll do all that I can!”

Celestia smiles. “Yes, I trust that you will.”

Later that evening, Arc sits in his cage as usual. Snowflake approaches with his supper.

“I was able to get you some apples from a tree in the forest today.”

“Thank you.”

“So how are your wounds doing?”

“Healing slowly. But at least now I have enough energy to actually move around.”

“That’s good. My dad said he has almost enough to pay your bill.”

“Um, thanks… I think.”

Snowflake sighs. “Admittedly it’s not going to be much of an improvement. You’ll just be trading this cage for our barn.”

“Yeah, well… it’s not like there’s anywhere else for me to go, right?”

“Not really. We’ve survived here for centuries by sticking together and watching each other’s backs. Everyone has to do their part to keep the village safe from the Crimsons.”

“Which I have still yet to see.”

“I mentioned that to my mom. She thinks they’re scared of you.”

“Not sure how. I’m not really very intimidating. At least I don’t think so.”

“I think you’re pretty scary. As do most of the other villagers. But that’s probably because you’re so much taller than we are.”

“I see.”

“Sorry. Just being honest. Oh! My dad wanted me to check your wounds when I dropped off the food. Especially the big one.”


Pulling off his makeshift shirt, he turns to Snowflake. She takes a step back as he does so.

“Sorry. Am I scaring you?”

“A little, yes.”

“What if I do this?”

Arc sits down on the ground. Snowflake steps toward the bars again.

“That makes you look a little smaller. Okay… I’m coming in.”

She squeezes through the bars and cautiously makes her way over to Arc. Reaching him she looks over his back and arms.

“I don’t see anything too bad back here. Well, other than one spot near the center.”

“That’s the place I can’t reach to put salve on.”

“Want me to do it for you?”

“Sure. If you don’t mind.”

“Would you lie down please?”

Arc does so as Snowflake reaches for the jar of salve. Opening it, she dips a hoof inside and presses it to Arc’s back. He winces in pain.


“It’s okay. But it’s mostly because your hooves are shaking so much.”

“They… they are?”

Looking down, Snowflake notices her entire body is trembling. She hurriedly finishes and steps back.

“All done.”

Arc sits up and groans.

“That stuff burns like fire.”

“I know. But it really works.”

“What’s in it?”

“A blend of herbs that are magically infused before and during the production process. Sorry, but I don’t know any more than that. My mom says she’ll teach me how to make it when I get a bit older. But how’s that big wound feel?”

Arc points to a rather ugly red and purple spot on his belly. “Coming along. It hurts more than the other wounds though.”

“I would imagine it would. My dad said the doctor had to do surgery on that one.”

“Wonder what happened to me.”

“He said it had the appearance of a spear wound. Maybe you were in some kind of skirmish nearby?”

“No clue. But I can’t help wonder something.”

“What’s that?”

“Was I really a victim?”


“Think about it. You said yourself this wound appears to be from a spear. Was I defending myself, or was whomever I was fighting defending themselves?”

“I… I don’t know. But you don’t seem like a bad animal to me.”


“Well, I need to get home now and do my chores. But I’ll come back and stand watch with you if I can sneak out.”

“Okay. Just be careful.”

Snowflake nods and walks away with her cart. True to her word she returns shortly after sunset. Lying down on the ground just outside the bars she looks around before turning her attention back to Arc.

“It took my parents a bit longer to… uh… go to sleep tonight.”

“Thanks for coming back. It’s really boring doing this job without you.”

“Well, um… I just… you know…”

She paws at the ground for a few moments. Arc does his best to change the subject.

“So… what kind of things do you do when you’re not here with me?”

“Help my mom out with the store mostly. Sometimes my dad takes me foraging with him.”

“Sounds like a good time.”

“It’s really not. He’s always so critical of me. Every little mistake is a lecture waiting to happen.”

“He has really high expectations?”

Snowflake sighs. “More like impossibly high. I just feel like no matter what I do it’s not good enough for him.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Why? It’s not your fault.”

“No it isn’t. But honestly I’m a bit envious of you.”

“You are?”



“For starters, you don’t have to stay locked in a cage all the time.”

“That will be ending soon though.”

“And you have a family that takes care of you.”

“Kinda, I guess.”

Arc puts a hand on the bars. “I’m all alone in this place. No family, no friends, and no memories of whether or not I ever had those things.”

“You had to come from somewhere though.”

“I guess so. But where that is I couldn’t say.”

“As long as we’re being honest, I’m kinda jealous of you.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Of a hurt beast whom can’t even remember where he came from?”

Snowflake nods. “Yeah. But you’re bigger and stronger looking than anypony else here. That and you have everything you need brought to you as you sit safely in your cage. Nopony yells at your, or tries to tell you what to do, or…”

“Or looks my way without shuddering.”

“I’ve noticed that, yes. But ponies do the same to me.”


“It’s the cloak.”

“Probably. Why do you wear that thing anyways?”

“I… have a really embarrassing… it’s… look, I was born prematurely and have serious birth defects. They’re really nasty to look at and the townsponies used to turn away whenever I was around and whisper about me.

“So you cover everything up, huh?”

“My mom made this for me. It’s really helped me a lot.”

“How so?”

“Well, now everypony just whispers about me. They don’t turn away like they used to though.”

“Not sure if that’s an improvement or not. But if you’re happy…”

Snowflake suddenly raises her head and looks all around.

“Did you hear that?!”

“No. Um… what was it?”

“I think… it might have been the Crimsons! Stay sharp!”

They sit there silently for several minutes. Arc looks all around as Snowflake listens intently. Hearing a rustling in the leaves Arc look up to see something flying through the air silently straight for Snowflake. Moving like lightning he reaches through the bars and punches the creature right between the eyes. It falls to the ground some distance away and does not rise. Snowflake rushes through the bars and hides behind Arc before peeking around him.

“What is that thing?!”

Snowflake gasps. “A Crimson!”

“What do I do?”

“Start yelling!”

“Good idea.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc proceeds to bellow at the top of his lungs as Snowflake turns to hide in the hay pile.


Half the town hurries outside with torches and sticks. Rushing toward the cage they spot the unconscious creature on the ground. Shadow rushes past everyone and cautiously approaches his prey with a rope. Quickly hogtieing the beast he motions for several stallions to step forward.

“Chain this thing up in my shop’s basement until we can figure out what to do with it.”

The stallions nod and drag the semi-conscious beast away. Shadow steps toward the cage, grinning.

“I knew you’d be of use to us. This is the first time we’ve ever been able to capture one of those things! How’d you do it?!”

“I just… hit it in the face.”

Shadow looks surprised. “That’s it?”


“Well, in any case, they’ll be a little something extra in your breakfast bowl come morning. I might even…”

The sound of hoofsteps running toward then can be heard. A very pale yellow unicorn mare hurries toward Shadow, screaming.

“Shadow! Snowflake’s missing!”

“Are you sure?!”

“Yes! She wasn’t in her bed!”

“Did you check the barn, Sunrise?!”

“I did! She’s really gone!”

“Don’t worry, dear. I’ll find her.”

Sighing, Snowflake hops out of the haystack.

“I’m right here, mom.”

Stepping through the bars, she lowers her head and approaches her parents. Shadow appears angry.

“What are you DOING out here?!”

“I was just… getting some air, dad.”

“You know you’re not allowed outside after dark!”

Sunrise shudders. “Yes, dear. A Crimson could have grabbed you up and dragged you away.”

Snowflake points at Arc. “I know, mom. But he saved me!”

Arc nods. “That thing was going right for her when I hit it.”

Shadow points a hoof angrily. “Get home right now! We’ll talk about this in the morning!”

Snowflake sighs. “Yes dad.”

She turns back to Arc sadly.

“I’ll take care of the mess tomorrow.”

Snowflake walks past the townsponies. They grumble as she leaves. Sunrise turns to Arc, happily as Shadow turns to those gathered.

“Everypony back to bed. Show’s over.”

Sunrise looks to Arc. “Thank you for saving my little Snowflake. She means the world to me.”

“Come on, Sunrise. Let’s get home and have ourselves a little… celebration.”

Sunrise frowns. “Fine. I guess this is quite the occasion, after all.”

They walk away together as the rest of the townsponies return to their homes. Arc walks across the cage and looks all around as he mutters to himself.

“What the heck was that thing?! Now I wish I’d gotten a better look at it before they dragged it off.”

He looks down at his hand, confused.

“Huh… somehow I thought that would hurt more. I hit it in the face, so there couldn’t have been that much give. It just doesn’t make any sense.”

Sighing, Arc paces for several minutes as he considers the events of that evening. Sighing, he turns back to his haystack.

“Well, nothing more I can do tonight other than keep watch, I suppose.”

Sitting down in the middle of the haystack, Arc frowns and immediately stands back up.

“That’s what Snowflake meant when she said she’d ‘take care of it tomorrow’. She must’ve been so scared that she peed herself.”

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