• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - A Fateful Speech

Arc peers through the window of his quarters at the masses gathered in front of the stage outside. He frowns.

“That’s got to be all of Canterlot.”

Kibitz nods as he clears his throat. “More than that actually, sire.”

Arc turns to him. “How can there be more than the entire city’s population out there?”

“The station reports all trains arriving today to be at or near full capacity, sire.”

Arc sighs. “So folks are literally coming from all over?”


“Well… I guess that’s encouraging.”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand your meaning, sire.”

“If they’re so dedicated as to make a special trip out here I can only assume they think that much higher of me. Or at the very least trust what I have to say is of the utmost importance.”

Kibitz nods as he pulls out his pocket watch. “Sire, it is now exactly twenty minutes until your speech. But I don’t understand why exactly you were so insistent that I inform you of that fact when the time came.”

“I… just need to do something very important before I go out there.”

“Very well, sire. Your coach is ready and waiting on your balcony. Whatever it is you intend to do until then, please be judicious with your time.”

“I will.”

Kibitz bows and turns to leave the room. Arc smiles and walks to the center of the room as he calls forth his gauntlet.

“Let’s get started.”

Opening a portal, Arc waits patiently. A few moments later Dinky runs through it and leaps into her father’s arms. Derpy walks toward him and smiles as the portal closes.

“Hi dad!”

“Hey, sweetheart. Miss me?”


Derpy approaches. “Are you okay, Arc?”

“Um… that’s complicated.”

“Nice outfit, dad! Special attire for your speech?!”

Derpy smiles. “We heard the announcement that you’re supposed to be addressing the nation tonight, Arc.”

“Is it about Princess Celestia being back, dad?”

“That’s part of it, yes. But there’s more.”

Derpy tilts her head to one side. “Oh?”

“Luna and Cadance are going to be staying by Princess Celestia’s side while she’s… recovering.”

Dinky looks her father up and down. “So… you’re going to be the Lord Regent again, dad?”

“Yes, sweetheart. I’m really sorry about this.”

Derpy appears confused. “About what?”

“That I can’t retire just yet. I know you were looking forward to it, Dinky.”

Dinky bows her head. “Aw…”

“Your father still has a responsibility to Equestria, sweetie.”

“Couldn’t somepony else do that?”

“I suppose Shining Armor or Sunburst could, yes. But Luna asked me to because I already have experience as the Lord Regent, as well as diplomatic ties to most of the surrounding nations.”

“That does make sense, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “I just wanted to bring you two here to tell you personally. You deserve to know before this becomes public knowledge.”

“Thanks, dad.”

Arc kneels down in front of the filly. “I’m really sorry about this, Dinky.”

“Me too, dad. I was really looking forward to spending more time with you.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin, thoughtfully “Well… we could still do that.”

“How, dad?”

“Yes, Arc. We already know that your job is certainly more than a full-time one.”

“It’s summer vacation for you, Dinky. If it’s okay with your mother, would you like to spend some of it here at the castle?”

Dink’s eyes light up happily. “You mean it?!”

Arc grins. “Sure. After all, I was looking forward to spending more time with you too.”

“Can I, mom?!”

“Of course, sweetie.”


“Thanks, Derpy. Now then, I have to head out and make my speech. Would you two like a ride there?”

Derpy shakes her head. “That’s okay, Arc. I’ll fly there with Dinky on my back.”

“Okay. I’ll see you two back here afterwards.”

“Good luck.”

“See you soon, dad!”

Dinky jumps on her mother’s back as they head out the balcony door together. With a wave of her little hoof the pair are airborne. Arc turns and looks at the waiting coach.

“Well… time for me to go too, I suppose.”

Heading for the stallions he quickly boards the chariot and sits down.

“Let’s go.”

Taking flight, the chariot lifts off. A few minutes later they arrive at the base of a large podium near the town square. They land in front of Shining Armor and Trixie. Cameras flash as reporters shout questions at Arc. Guards hold them back as Shining Armor and Trixie escort him to the podium.



Slowly they make their way forward. Arc ascends the steps and makes his way across the stage to the sound of innumerable hooves clopping together. Reaching the podium Arc turns and waves to the assembled ponies for a few moments before clearing his throat and starting.

“Good evening, everyone. Thank you for coming out to see me on this beautiful sundown. I’m told quite a few of you came here especially to be present for my announcement.”

A number of ponies clop their hooves together as Arc continues.

“As many citizens of Canterlot saw the other day, my airship The Equinox flew out of a large portal nearby and was forced to make a crash landing in the hanger. Fortunately no one was hurt. At least not by the crash.”

Those assembled breathe a sigh of relief.

“But I’m sure all of you are wondering where my ship and I had been that required such an extreme method of returning. Well… the truth of the matter is… my ship was the victim of a violent attack by a foreign nation.”

Uncertain murmurs ring out from the crowd as Arc pauses for a few moments to allow them to speak amongst themselves.

“At that time, I was on a secret mission of the utmost importance. And that mission was… the safe rescue and return of Princess Celestia to Equestria.”

Everyone gasps.

“As I’m sure all of you know, Princess Celestia has been away this past year on a diplomatic mission in a faraway land. However there has been a… complication in her mission.”

The ponies whisper amongst themselves for a time as Arc uses the opportunity to take a drink of water.

“As there had been no contact with her, or even any warning that she was leaving, Lead Sage Sunburst was forced to scry for her location. And find her he did!”

All assembled cheer happily.

“My team and I scouted the area, formed a plan, gathered supplies, and when the time was right… attacked the facility where our missing princess was being held. It was certainly an uphill battle with quite a few casualties. However, I’m pleased to report, no fatalities.”

All assembled breathe a collective sigh of relief.

“Right now Princess Celestia is resting safely in the castle. At last, our missing princess is home!”

The assembles ponies cheer loud and long. Arc makes no attempt to interrupt their revelry for quite some time.

“However… there is more to the story. While Princess Celestia was in enemy custody, she was treated very poorly. Her body showed signs of quite a high degree of abuse over an extended period of time. However she is alive and resting safely. Sadly, we can’t say any more than that right now regarding her condition. Princess Luna and Princess Cadance are currently by her side constantly, which is why there haven’t been audiences these past few days. In the interim, I’ll be taking the throne again until this new crisis is over.”

He turns to the reporters whom are looking expectantly at him.

“I’ll take some questions now.”

“Sir! Does this mean you’re the Lord Regent again?!”

Arc nods. “Temporarily, yes. As I said, I’ll be officially ruling the nation for a time while the two princesses work together to bring Princess Celestia back to health.”

“Sir, can you give us any more details on Princess Celestia’s condition?!”

“Very little at the moment. Doctor Whooves assures me she is stable and resting comfortably. As for how long a recovery she has ahead of her, that has yet to be determined.”

“What is known about those whom did this to Princess Celestia?!”

“They’re very organized with a lot of resources. Hopefully when she regains consciousness the princess herself can tell us more about what was done to her.”

“Are there any plans to retaliate against these individuals?!”

“At this point in time, no. We really need the full story before we dive headfirst into what could evolve into a war.”

“Will Princess Luna be releasing a statement?!”

“Not anytime soon, no. She and Princess Cadance are far too busy right now. After all, they willingly gave up their crowns and positions to me earlier today. Should that change I will notify the public immediately.”

“How long do you think you’ll be Lord Regent this time?!”

“That’s impossible to say right. As long as Princess Celestia is in need of her sister and niece’s constant care, I will be on the throne.”

“When will audiences recommence?!”

“Tomorrow morning at the normal time. Same as the last time I was Lord Regent.”

“Do you expect the surrounding nations to try and take advantage of the situation?!”

“No, I don’t. Things went very well during a recent peace summit we held. If anything, the ties between our nation and the others are stronger now than they’ve ever been.”

“Is there any danger that those whom held Princess Celestia captive might attempt to recapture her?!”

“Possible, but unlikely. Our defenses are strong, and the princess is heavily guarded.”

“But they were able to take down an Equestrian warship! What defense would we have against such a force?!”

“In the unlikely event they do come en masse, I will request aid from Equestria’s allies across the sea in the Dragon Lands. I’ve already been in touch with their ambassador and Dragon Lord Torch’s daughter. She’s stated her interest in forming a treaty similar to the one we now enjoy with the Griffon Kingdom.”

Another reporter begins to speak, but Arc holds up a hand for silence.

“Now then, before we close I’d like to take this opportunity to reassure everyone that peace and stability will be maintained. We all just need to carry on with our lives as best we can. After all, Princess Celestia wouldn’t want us to do anything less. Please do not worry about retaliation from our enemies, as there are many forces at work even now to counter any threat that may come. Rest assured that we are quite safe here. And through it all, my forces and I along with the military, will continue to watch over this land. If there is an update to Princess Celestia’s condition I’ll let everyone know. Thank you all for coming, and have a safe trip home.”

Arc waves and leaves the podium as the assembled ponies clop their hooves nervously. He returns to Shining Armor and Trixie whom walk him back to the chariot.

“We’ll see to it the equipment is properly returned to the castle, sire.”

“Thanks. Um… how do you think I did?”

“Trixie thinks you did just fine. Better than she herself would have, admittedly.”

Shining Armor nods. “Right. But only time will tell on that matter.”

“I suppose so. I’ll see you two tomorrow at breakfast.”

They nod as the chariot lifts off. Meanwhile, a familiar white-coated unicorn with interesting glasses looks over approvingly from the sound booth. Vinyl Scratch nods approvingly.

“Nice job, sir. You found Princess Celestia and brough her home. While she has a long recovery ahead of her, the fact she’s back at all speaks volumes to your abilities. They’ll serve you and Equestria well in the future.”

The chariot returns Arc to the balcony. Derpy and Dinky clop their hooves together happily as he lands.

“That was a very nice speech, Arc.”

“Yeah dad! It was short, but more to the point than I thought you’d be.”

“Yes, well… truthfully I didn’t really have anything more to say. At this moment we really don’t know what happened to the princess this past year, or where we’re going from here.”

“So what’s the next step, Arc?”

“Just keep things together until Princess Celestia can fill in some of the blanks.”

“Then you’re going after the bad humans, dad?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, someone else can do that. Remember, I’m done after this.”

Dinky smiles nervously. “Th-thanks, dad.”

There is a knock at the door as it opens. Ember walks inside wearing her ceremonial armor. Spotting them on the balcony she walks over.

“Good job out there, Arc.”

“Thanks. But where were you?”

Ember points a thumb behind her. “In my room. I watched everything from the balcony. How did you not see me?!”

“Sorry. I was mostly focused on the crowd in front of me.”

Derpy smiles at him. “Shouldn’t you get some rest now, Arc? Tomorrow begins your second real reign, after all.”

“I suppose you’re right. That and I am pretty tired.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You still planning to get up before the sun’s up?”

“Kinda have to now. Remember, I’m the one doing the raising until further notice.”

Derpy giggles. “And the lowering too, right?”


“Well then, dad. I think you forgot something.”

“Oh, right.”

Turning, Arc lowers his hands and pushes the sun below the horizon. Taking a deep breath he concentrates and raises his palms. The moon slowly begins to rise as Dinky nods approvingly.

“Great job, dad!”

Arc turns and tousles her mane. “Thanks, sweetheart. But I’m heading to bed now. Do you and your mother want to spend the night?”

“Can we, mom?!”

“You can, Dinky. But I should probably get back to the orphanage.”

“Aw! But it won’t be the same without you here too!”

Derpy pats Dinky’s head. “Well, you and your father need to spend more time together.”

“Thanks, Derpy. But I’d like it if you stayed as well.”


Ember chuckles. “Come on now. You can’t turn down a request from the Lord Regent, now can you?”

“I suppose not.”

Ember turns to Arc as Derpy and Dinky head for the bed. “I guess I’ll see you in the morning, my lord.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Please don’t call me that.”

Ember bows stoically. “Yes, your grace.”

“Okay, enough of that little miss funny dragon.”

Ember laughs. “Sure thing, Arc. See you in the morning.”

She turns and leaves the room as Arc walks over to the bed. Dinky jumps on it happily.

“Slumber party!”

“Kinda. During a real slumber party, I don’t think there’s a lot of sleeping going on.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that, dad. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and I did pretty well at ours a while back.”

“I suppose you did. There wasn’t hardly a peep from what I could hear.”

Derpy turns to him. “They were talking in there.”

“For a little bit, yeah.”

Arc sits down on the bed next to his daughter. “What about, sweetheart?”

“Mostly what it was like to have a real dad. Remember, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle don’t have one.”

Derpy smiles at her. “Well, I hope you were able to explain it to them, sweetie. But we should lie down now.”

Arc nods. “Right. Morning comes early.”

They lie down together as Arc pulls the covers over them. Derpy and Dinky snuggle up to Arc as he puts his arms around them.



“I… I’m sorry.”

“What for?”

“That conversation my friends and I had… that was where they got the idea for you to marry their sisters.”

Derpy looks to Dinky. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, mom. After that, they talked about it almost every day at school.”

Arc pats Dinky’s back. “It’s fine, sweetheart. After all, they’re just like anyone else in their position. All they want in their lives are stability and loving parents.”

“That’s true. Such a thing is all I ever wanted before you were born, Dinky.”

“What about now, mom?”

“I only have one additional wish. And that’s me wanting you to grow up strong and happy, sweetie.”

“Thanks, mom. Hey! I just had an idea!”

Arc chuckles. “What is it, Dinky?”

“Maybe dad could adopt you too!”

Derpy appears confused. “But my birth certificate has both a mother and a…”

“Well, not legally adopt. But just between us.”

Arc smiles at her. “If you really wanted to, I’d be fine with me.”

“Thank you, but that’s not really necessary.”

“Why not, mom?”

Derpy giggles. “Because your father already did that when he decided to be there for me and sign your birth certificate. You see, it was a package deal back then. When he helped you, it made me happy.”

“I’m glad you’re okay with that, Derpy.”

Derpy buries her face in Arc’s side and smiles as she blushes slightly. “More than words can say, Arc.”

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