• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 9 - Awakenings

As they approach the ship, Spitfire runs up to meet them!

“Sir, your orders?!”

“Order the troops to board the Lunar Destiny. We're leaving.”

Spitfire nods! “Yes sir.”

The lieutenant turns to the soldiers.

“Pack it in! We're going home!”

The troops salute and begin to board the ship as Spitfire turns back to Arc.

“Can I assume your mission was successful, sir?”


Ember nods. “War averted!”

Sereb smiles. “No lives lost either.”

“Wins all around! Now I'd love to stand here and celebrate, but I need to get back to the Crystal Empire!”

“Anxious to get back to Cherry?”

Arc smiles and nods. “Yeah. I can wait a few more minutes if you want to run back and invite your yak friend over to Canterlot for dinner though.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest and rolls her eyes! “Ha, ha!”

Arc grins! “I'm sorry Ember! It is nice to see someone taking an interest in you though.”

“That kind of interest I could do without.”

Sereb nods. “Whatever you say... pretty birdie.”

Arc and Sereb enjoy a good laugh as Ember throws up her claws and rolls her eyes.

“I give up on you two!”

As they enter the ship Arc turns to Spitfire.

"Lieutenant, let Tight Ship know that I want to get back to the Crystal Empire as soon as possible. Then radio General Virtuous Lance and inform him that we're on our way back."

“Yes sir!”

The lieutenant heads to the Bridge as Arc, Ember and Sereb head for his quarters. As the trio enters Ember turns to Arc.

“Do you need a rest after all that?

Arc shakes his head. “Nah, I think I'm good. But I do need to make a couple phone calls.”

Sereb nods. “Checking up on Cherry Jubilee?”

“No, I'll see her soon enough. I actually need to call her sister, Ruby. It just occurred to me that no one contacted her!”

Ember’s eyes grow wide! “That's right! She must be worried SICK!”

“That and I need to call Light's Hope and talk to the therapist there! Why don't you two get something to eat?”

Ember nods nervously! “S-sure Arc. Come on Sereb!”

“Second breakfast sounds good right now.”

The pair leave the room and head toward the Mess Hall as Ember turns to Sereb.

“A good thing he's calling his therapist! This mess with Cherry has really gotten to him!”

Sereb nods. “Understandable. He almost lost the love of his life.”

Ember shudders! “For all we know, he may yet!”

“I hope not. She seems like a fine young mare.”

“Agreed. THAT might just drive him over the edge!”

Meanwhile... Arc picks up the telephone. The communication’s officer picks up.

“Yes, Lord Regent?”

“I… I need to speak with the front desk at Light's Hope. It's a military base on the outskirts of Ponyville.”

“Yes sir!”

A few moments later Arc is connected. Raven picks up her phone.

“Light's Hope. Raven speaking.”

“Raven? It's Arc.”

“Hello sir! How is Canterlot?!”

“It's been... busy lately. I'm actually flying back from the Yakyakistan at the moment. But enough about that. Are you alone?”

Raven looks around. “I am.”

“How are the therapy sessions going?”

“Okay, I guess. Emerald Dream says this will take quite a while to overcome!”

Arc nods. “I understand. A terrible ordeal such as you experienced doesn't just resolve itself overnight! I've never gone through what you did, but I've known my fair share of heartache!”


“I'll tell you about it some other time, face to face.”

“Thank you, but you don't have to do that sir!”

“I know. But for me at least, it helps to talk about it with those I care about.”

Raven nods! “Kinda like Flash Sentry and I?”

“Exactly! I hope he's able to be of help to you.”

“Oh, very much so! He's been even more supportive ever since he learned about... my thoughts of suicide.”

Raven is silent for a moment

“Sir? I have something to confess.”

“I'm listening.”

“Flash Sentry has been very worried about me ever since the three of us had our last conversation.”

Arc nods. “Considering the subject matter, I would be concerned if he WASN'T!”

“Yes sir, I agree! Now, please don't be angry with us but... he had the idea that I shouldn't be alone at night.”

“For good reason, I suppose. Do you disagree with that?”

Raven shakes her head. “No sir. I... I've been so... lonely I guess would be the word.”

She seems to be weighing her next words carefully. Blushing, she continues.

“So we've been... sleeping together.”

Arc shakes his head. “I'm sorry, what?”

“My apologies, sir! We really should have talked to you before we started spending every night together in your quarters!”

“My quarters?!”

Raven nods. “I originally suggested my room! He was okay with the idea! But that first night, he just looked so uncomfortable sleeping on the floor!”

“Just to clarify, he's just there to keep an eye on you, right?”

Raven blushes deeply! “Oh, yes sir! I'm sorry! I should have said that from the beginning! Flash Sentry told me your room has two single beds in it for you and Ember, so it just seemed the logical choice! We'll stop if it bothers you to have others in your private room!”

“No, no! It's okay, really! The two of you are welcome there as long as I'm gone! Just don't let any of the other guards see you leave in the morning! I wouldn't want them thinking they can have overnight guests in the base!”

“Don't worry about it sir. We're always very careful about that! He leaves your quarters first to make sure nopony is around. Then he opens the door for me!”

“How do you feel about this sleeping arrangement?”

Raven sighs happily! “I have to be honest with you sir. The first night felt a little... strange. I couldn't seem to fall asleep with somepony else in the room, much less a stallion! I've never done anything like that before!”

“What did you do?”

“I just lay there looking over at him. He looked so peaceful lying there. But I knew that if anypony came for me, he would be on them in a second! I know nopony is after me, but in my dreams... you know.”

Arc nods and smiles! “Yes. Did his being there help?”

“It does, yes! More than words can say! But it got me thinking about something else! What if I'm just using Flash Sentry as a coping mechanism?! Maybe I don't really love him! Maybe I just latched onto him for emotional support! Sir, I don't know anything about love! How do I know if my feelings for him are genuine?!”

“Calm down Raven! You'll drive yourself crazy double guessing your feelings. Now, I can't see into your heart so I really don't know how to advise you on this matter. You should talk to Emerald Dream about this. It's doubtful that you're the first mare to have this problem!”

Raven nervously continues! “I know I should sir. Really, I do! It's just... what if she tells me my feelings aren't real?! What if she says we shouldn't see each other anymore?! What if...”

“Raven, listen to yourself! You're getting all worked up at the thought of losing Flash Sentry! Doesn't that in itself tell you something?!”

“I... I suppose it does sir. Thank you.”

“You're welcome. Now don't be hiding these things from Emerald Dream. She can't help you properly if she doesn't know there's a problem.”

“Yes sir. I'll talk with her about this during our next meeting later today.”

Arc nods. “Good. Well not to cut this short, but I need to be going. Lots to do! Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

Raven shakes her head. “I understand sir. Thank you for calling to check up on me. You're so good with these things! I think I told you everything that's been on my mind lately!”

“Glad to hear things are getting better for you. Take care of yourself. And talk to Emerald Dream and Flash Sentry if something is wrong. They can help you!”

“I will sir! I promise!”

“Good. We'll talk again soon. Goodbye!”

Arc hangs up the phone and rubs his eyes.

“I guess I can't put this off any longer.”

He picks up the phone again. The communications officer comes on the line.

“What can I do for you sir?”

“I... need to be connected to Cherry Hill Ranch in Dodge Junction.”

“Yes sir!”

After a brief silence the connection is made. After a few rings she picks up the phone.

“Cherry Hill Ranch! Ruby Jubilee speaking!”

“Ruby? It's Arc.”

Ruby smiles happily! “Arc! How are things?! Are you and Cherry having fun?”

“Um... not exactly.”

“Oh dear! Did the two of you have a fight or something?!”

He shakes his head! “No, nothing like that. Why don't I start at the beginning?”

Arc recalls the story of how he contacted Crystal Poisoning, his recovery and how the Crystal Empire had been attacked!

“Sounds like you've been busy! I'm glad Cherry was able to be there for you when you needed her!”

“Y-yeah. I actually thought that was going to be the last time I saw her face!”

“Is she around?! I'd love to say hello!”

“No, she's not with me. At the moment I'm flying back to the Crystal Empire. We just finished negotiating peace with Yakyakistan.”

Ruby smiles! “I knew you could do it! That's one less enemy Equestria has to worry about!”

Arc sighs. “I guess so.”

“Arc? Is something wrong? You haven't told me why you called yet.”

“I... um... need to tell you something. Are you sitting down?”

“Just a second!”

Ruby sits down in the chair next to the phone, excitedly! “I am now! Go ahead!”

Arc takes a deep breath before continuing.

“... I asked Cherry to... marry me.”

Ruby jumps out of her chair and squeals into the phone as she trots in place!

“Arc that's wonderful news! I know the two of you will be very happy together! When's the wedding?!”

“I told her I would resign as Hero of Light when all three princesses again sit on their thrones. Only then would our marriage be possible.”

“I'm certainly glad to hear that Arc! She’d worry herself to death!”

Ruby 's last word echoes in Arc's head.

“Arc? Are you still there?”

“Um... yeah! Sorry! Listen Ruby. Can you sit down again please? There's something else I have to tell you.”

She does so, happily! “Okay, go ahead! But I can't imagine what could possibly be bigger news than that!”

“During the attack on the Crystal Empire, Cherry and Derpy went out to help the citizens evacuate. Some guards were escorting a traitor back to the castle. They passed her and Derpy on their way. The... the scumbag decided to use them to create a diversion! He knocked over an overloaded cart in order to escape, pinning Cherry underneath! Derpy flew to get help and she was rushed to the hospital!

“That's terrible! Is she okay?!”

Arc shakes his head. “She took quite a blow to the head and was in a coma when I left earlier this morning. Other than that, she escaped with only bumps and bruises.”

“Dear, oh dear! I wish I could come up there, but there would be no one to watch the ranch! Cherry would be furious if I did that!”

“I'm flying back to the hospital now to check on her.”

“Did the doctor say anything else?”

Arc nods sadly. “Yes. He warned us that there's a chance she... she might not be the same when she wakes up. There's no way to know for sure though!”

“Don't worry Arc! Cherry's a strong mare! I'm sure she'll be just fine! But... if she... you know...”

Arc smiles! “I love your sister very much, Ruby. I'll stay and keep my promise to marry her even if she's... different!”

“Thank you Arc! I knew my sister's trust in your character wasn't misplaced! Please call me the minute you find out ANYTHING about Cherry's condition! I don't care how early or late it is!”

“I will, Ruby!”

“Thank you, Arc!”



“I... I'm sorry this happened. When I get my hands on General Wind Runner, I will PERSONALLY tear his heart out!”

Ruby chuckles! “Call me if you need a hoof with that! Well, I'll let you get back to work now Arc. Thank you for telling me!”

“You're welcome Ruby. Goodbye.”

Arc hangs up the phone and sighs.

“I'm... sorry Ruby. I am so... so sorry!”

Within the hour the Lunar Destiny touches down in the Crystal Empire. Spitfire, Arc, Ember and Sereb disembark.

“Sir! Your orders?”

Arc turns to Spitfire. “Let's head to the Throne Room and rendezvous with the general.”

They quickly make their way to the Throne Room where General Virtuous Lance is pacing the floor. Arc hurries over to him!

“Mission accomplished, general!”

“Good! Any casualties sir?!”

“None, I'm happy to say!”

Ember chuckles. “You’re not going to believe this general, but apparently the whole thing was one big misunderstanding!”

Spitfire nods! “Yes sir! With General Wind Rider at the center!”

Virtuous Lance looks confused. “What do you mean?”

Sereb frowns. “Apparently he told Prince Rutherford that if he wanted to vacation in Equestria he would have to conquer it first.”

“Why would he do something like THAT?!”

Arc sighs. “General, I know this may sound crazy, but I think he may have been INTENTIONALLY trying to start a war!”

Ember looks skeptical. “For what purpose?!”

Sereb looks to Arc. “Out of boredom?”

Arc shrugs. “I haven't the foggiest idea the ‘whys’ behind it. In any case, we found him being held prisoner by the yaks. Prince Rutherford said he had come to try and surrender the Crystal Empire!”

Sereb nods. “The prince also said this wasn't the first time.”

Ember seethes! “This wasn't a temporary lapse in judgment! He's wanted to hand over leadership to the yaks for quite some time now!”

Virtuous Lance sadly nods. “I hate to suggest this sir, but the only logical conclusion to all of this is that my old friend is somehow involved with something larger than himself.”

“What makes you think that, general?”

"Think about it. He wasn't trying to take power for himself. Quite the opposite actually. If the yaks had attacked in full force it's very unlikely that we could have repelled them with the city's standing forces.”

Ember frowns! “It would look like you weren't capable of leading Equestria, Arc!”

Spitfire nods! “If this shadow group had some way of repelling the invaders, they wouldn't look like an invading force. They would be lauded as HEROES!”

Virtuous Lance turns to Spitfire! “Indeed! They could have used the Crystal Empire as a base of operations for slowly but surely taking more territory!”

“Yes, general! We might not have noticed until it was too late!”

Ember turns back to Arc. “I guess the real question is who's pulling the strings behind this?!”

Virtuous Lance nods angrily! “Stealth, subterfuge, manipulation, betrayal... this has all the markings of the Nightborn!”

Arc frowns. “I've heard of them. They attacked my base a while back! But what would they hope to accomplish in a yak rule?”

“Nothing other than destabilization. They could have swooped in, killed the invaders and taken control of the city! Clever plan!”

Ember smiles! “Ha! Too bad for them it didn't work!”

Spitfire looks worried! “How can we know for sure, general?!”

“The only way would be for them to show their cards. Attack us directly!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Is there a way for us to go to them? Talk this out?”

The general sighs. “Well, it is common knowledge that they operate out of what they call ‘the citadel’. I suppose if somepony knew where exactly is was, we could go talk to them. But it would be certain death to them when the Nightborn found out their plans were known!”

Arc nods. “I understand. Don't worry. I won't risk any of our forces’ lives on such an errand!”

Spitfire nods! “That's good to hear sir!

“Besides, we don’t really have any proof that they had anything to do with this, right?

Virtuous Lance sighs. “No. I suppose we don’t.”

Sereb ponders this for a moment. “For all we know it could be part of General Wind Rider’s plan to misdirect us.”

Arc shrugs. “I guess we’ll find out when I get to the Citadel. General, start a search for…

Ember walks over to Arc, angrily! “Oh no you're not! As your bodyguard I insist on coming with you!”

Sereb nods.” I too would like the honor of bearing you to your destination, Arc.”

“Didn't you two hear the general?! This is going to be dangerous!”

Ember brandishes her claws! “Yeah! For THEM!”

Sereb looks over his shoulder at his armor. “One must test this armor in actual battle at some point.”

Arc soberly nods. “Thanks, you two. I couldn't ask for better friends!”

Ember smiles. “We should probably do this soon Arc! Wouldn't want to give them time to come up with another plan.”

“Right. But I can't do anything until I'm sure Cherry will be all right.”

Virtuous Lance looks to Arc and sighs. “Sir, I'm not trying to be snide, but isn't the fate of this land is more important than a single life!”

Spitfire nods. “I agree. As callous as that sounds, the general is right.”

“I understand what you two are saying, but she's more than just a single life... she's my whole world!”

Virtuous Lance nods. “Sir, if you would like, I would be willing to lead a mission to attempt to locate the Nightborn Citadel.”

Arc shakes his head. “No general. I need you to stay here. With Wind Rider A.W.O.L. I would like you to take over his duties protecting the Crystal Empire.”

“Yes sir.”

Spitfire comes to attention as she turns to Arc. “Lord Arc? May I stay with the general?”

Arc nods. “I wouldn't think of splitting you two up! You keep protecting him as you always have, lieutenant.”

“Yes sir, I will!

He turns to leave the Throne Room. “Organize the Crystal Defenders and send back to Canterlot any soldiers whom aren't needed aboard the transports. The fate of the Crystal Empire rests with you now, general.”

“Yes sir!”

Arc, Ember and Sereb leave the Throne Room. He returns his excess armor to his ring.

“Let's head back to the hospital now. Hopefully they'll be able to give us some good news on Cherry's condition!”

Meanwhile back at the hospital, Doctor Horse enters the room with a chart. He turns to Derpy and Dinky.

“Just here for her mid-morning checkup…”

There is a low moan from the bed.

“Doctor! I think she's coming around!”

Dinky puts her small hooves on the side of the bed. “Miss Cherry? Can you hear us?”

Cherry slowly opens her eyes and looks around the room with a dazed look on her face.

“Where... where am I?”

Doctor Horse walks over to her bedside. “Crystal Hospital. You had quite the accident! Tell me, what do you remember about it?”

Cherry thinks for a moment. “I... I don't remember much. It all happened so fast! There was a cart... and a stallion... then everything gets a little fuzzy."

"You took quite a blow to the head, ma’am. The fact you remember that much about the accident is extraordinary."

Derpy looks to her, nervously. “Cherry? Do you remember who I am?”

Cherry nods weakly. “Y-yes. I remember you, Derpy. You came to my ranch some time ago with Dinky here.”

She attempts to sit up, but winces in pain.

“Everything seems to be sore.”

Doctor Horse nods. “Fortunately, you escaped with only minor bumps and bruises. Your head injury and memory were our primary concern!

Cherry smiles! “No worries there. I think I remember everything.”

“Any gaps in your memory, miss?”

She thinks for a moment. “Other than some of the accident, no.”

The doctor writes a few notes on his clipboard. “Don't worry miss. That much is normal. Well then, I need to ask you a few questions to verify your mental state. Are you feeling up to it?”


“Where do you live?”

“In Dodge Junction on my ranch.”

Doctor Horse nods. “What's the name of your ranch?”

“Cherry Hill Ranch. I run it with my sister Ruby!”

“Who was the stallion that did this to you?”

Cherry puts a hoof to her head. “I... I don't know! Should I?!”

Derpy turns to the doctor. “I'm pretty sure they've never met before, doctor.”

“Very good then!”

Dinky looks to her nervously. “Miss Cherry? Do you remember... me?”

Cherry smiles and pats the young filly on the head! “Of course, Dinky! I could never forget somepony as cute as you! I remember when you were a little baby. And how came to visit me! You had somehow grown up with something called Chrono Magic.”

Dinky hugs Cherry, excitedly! “Miss Cherry, you DO remember! We were told you might be different when you woke up!”

Cherry giggles and nods! “Well I certainly feel the same! Albeit a bit more painful than I remember.”

Doctor Horse smiles! “Well, it looks like your head is no worse for wear, miss. Now you should probably take it easy for a few days to let the rest of your body heal.”

Derpy laughs happily! “This is wonderful Cherry! Arc will be so happy to hear you're okay!”

Cherry smiles! “I do have one question though, Derpy!”

“Sure! What is it?”

“Who's Arc?”

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