• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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REMASTERED - Chapter 11 - Beyond Full Recovery

Arc rushes back to the Vile Tribe’s hideout with the tendril in his hand. Gritting his teeth he muses to himself.

“I just hope I'm not too late!”

Returning, Arc enters the gates, drives up to Ember’s small house, and rushes inside. Upon entering he finds a failing Ember lying on the bed with Mythic Honor sitting by her side. As the elderly pony looks quickly over to Arc, a bit of hope returns to his face.

“She hasn’t got long! Have you got it?!”

Arc extends the tendril toward Mythic Honor. “Here!”

Mythic Honor takes it, squeezes its juices into a bowl of unknown liquids, and mixes it quickly as he turns his gaze toward Arc.

“Hold her head up for me!”

Arc does so while Mythic Honor pours the contents of the bowl down Ember’s throat. Seeing nothing happen Arc turns to him.

“What do we do now?!”

Mythic Honor steps back. “Just wait a bit!”

A few minutes later Ember’s eyes slowly open. She grimaces in pain as her vision returns and she focuses enough to be coherent.

“Ugh... my head. UGH… MY TONGUE!”

Arc looks down at her happily. “Ember! You’re alright!”

“Yes. I feel back to normal, thanks to you I think.”

Arc appears a bit wobbly. “Glad to… hear… it…”

He collapses as Ember gasps.


She throws herself out of bed as the elderly stallion joins her at Arc’s side.

“What’s wrong with him?!”

Mythic Honor looks Arc over quickly. “Let’s have a peek at him.”

After a quick examination, he steps back and smiles.

“It appears our friend Arc has been running on adrenaline alone for a bit too long! Don't worry! He's just asleep! I‘ll give him a full examination when he wakes up!”

Ember breathes a sigh of relief as she and Mythic Honor manage to lift Arc into her bed. “Thank goodness! Well, I guess someone had better take care of the wagon.”

Mythic Honor follows Ember toward the door. “Are you sure you’re up to it?!”

Ember nods as she walks out her front door. “Never felt better.”

Looking around, Mythic Honor frowns. “Um… I just noticed something! Where is Arc’s armor?!”

Ember stops just outside her threshold. “Uh... Mythic Honor? I think I can answer that question.”

The pair look out the door together to see a trail of mostly melted, torn, broken, singed and otherwise destroyed fragments of what is left of the armor leading away from the wagon. For a time Ember just stands there, mouth agape. Eventually she puts a hand to her forehead as she muses aloud.

“Arc... what did you go through to get this medicine?!”

Mythic Honor picks up a piece off the ground with his magic and studies it closely. “I’ve never seen anything like it!”

Ember makes her way over to the wagon. As she does so, she catches a glimpse of what’s in the back.

“Hey, Mythic Honor! What do you make of these scales?!”

He drops the armor fragment and walks over to the wagon. Hopping in he rolls around in the wagon’s cargo.

“I can only assume that these are Hydra Scales! They make the strongest armor possible out here! I can make some new armor for Arc with these, but I’ll need your help Ember!”

“Me?! I don’t know anything about making armor!”

“To work with Hydra Scales the magic forge must be very hot! Hotter than a sulfur pool hot! Your Dragon's Breath should suffice!”

Ember looks back toward her house as Mythic Honor continues.

“Don't worry about Arc! He just needs to sleep! We can get to work right now, if you’re feeling up to it!”

Ember looks back to Mythic Honor and smiles. “Yes! Let’s get started!”

Early the next morning Arc awakens feeling refreshed albeit a bit disoriented. He looks around his surroundings for a time before frowning and talking to himself.

“What happened? Isn't this... Ember's house? What am I doing in here…?”

Just then Arc feels a claw on his shoulder and notices a warm feeling on his back. He turns his head to see Ember looking over to him. She speaks in a soft voice.

“Good morning, Arc.”

Arc rolls over to face Ember. She meets his gaze with a smile.

“Ember?! Why am I here in your bed?!”

Ember looks over to him with a puzzled expression. “Don’t you remember what happened last night?”

“I’m almost afraid to ask, but please enlighten me.”

“Mythic Honor gave me the medicine you had acquired from the hydra. It only took a few minutes to work and I was feeling better than ever.”

“Oh… that’s good.”

Ember chuckles. “It was then that you, well... passed out.”

“That part I really don’t remember.”

“The day's activities must have been too much for you.”

Arc shrugs. “Probably right.”

“Mythic Honor said you needed a good night's sleep and you would be good as new. Unfortunately, you were a bit too... heavy for us to move very far. The best we could do was to heft you into my bed.”

“Sorry about that. Anything else though?”

Ember nods. “I went out to take care of the wagon and found a bunch of scales in the back. Together, Mythic Honor and I used them to forge a new suit of armor for you.”

Arc chuckles. “You did?”

Ember nods. “I can't wait to show it to you. It's quite the sight to behold. Anyways... we finished our work late last night and I came home to find you shivering.”

“Last night was quite cold, I remember that dimly.”

“Yes, it was. Anyways, I put the extra blanket on you that I keep for such nights, but... it didn't seem to help. So I took off my armor and climbed in behind you.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You did… what?”

“I... hope that was alright. The only issue was that I... felt strange while doing it. Feelings I've never had before.”

She looks mildly embarrassed as she blushes slightly and looks away. Arc sighs and smiles at her.

“I appreciate the thought Ember. Thank you for keeping me warm. But, about you... are you sure you're alright now?”

Ember props herself up on her elbow and smiles. “Never better. And you. How are you faring after your adventure yesterday?”

“Other than some extreme fatigue and being a bit sore from the battle, you mean. Fortunately my armor took most of the damage.”

Arc looks around before turning his gaze back to Ember.

“Say, where is it anyways?”

“What's left of it is on the junk heap.”

“Was it really that bad?”

Ember reaches over the side of the bed and picks up a charred piece of armor. “Yes Arc.”


She lies back down. “I’m just glad you came back safely.”

After a few minutes Arc looks out the window. “Um… we should probably get up now.”

Ember sighs. “I suppose so. Mythic Honor is waiting for you at Town Hall.”

They both stand up as Arc heads for the door.



Ember looks to Arc a bit nervously. “When you’re finished talking to Mythic Honor at the Town Hall would you meet me on the hill outside town to the south? It's near the gates of Tartarus. I... need to talk to you about something important.”

“Sure. See you there.”

Arc leaves Ember’s house and walks quickly to the Town Hall. Entering the now familiar building he looks around but sees no one.

“Mythic Honor, are you here?”

A mountain of books replies, “I am ALWAYS here!”

The elder unicorn steps out from the mound and walks over to Arc.

“Here for your new armor?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Ember says you worked on it all night.”

Mythic Honor grins as he leads Arc over to a specialized armor rack covered with a sheet. “Darn near! I gotta say, it's the greatest achievement of my life! Such fine material, those Hydra Scales!”

Mythic Honor pulls back the sheet to reveal his creation.

“Behold! I call it… Eidolon’s Ward!”

Arc’s jaw drops. “Exquisite!”

Eidolon's Ward, true to its name, is white as snow. It comes with a matching helmet. One can hardly see the seams between the scales. Arc also notices there is a large blue gem in the center of the chestplate and looks it over curiously. Mythic Honor nods approvingly.

“Nice, huh! Oh, the gem was the town's addition to the armor! We found it years ago but couldn't think of a good use for it until today! I had every unicorn in town help me put that healing enchantment on the sapphire!”

“Enchantment? So this is... magic armor?”

“Sure is! We originally thought to put a Protection Enchantment on it but as strong as this armor is already it seemed a bit... redundant! No matter what's thrown at you, this armor’s sapphire will do its best to keep you on your feet! Care to try it on?”

Arc grins. “I thought you'd never ask!”

Mythic Honor helps Arc put Eidolon’s Ward on for the first time. As the unicorn levitates the helmet on to Arc’s head the young man begins to move around to test the joints.

“As you can probably feel by now, the armor is lighter than mithril! The good news is that’s right! And it’s twice as strong! Oh! And the helmet is enchanted with a True-vision Enchantment!”


“It lets you see in the dark almost as well as you do in the light! It also allows you to see through invisibility spells and illusion magic of all kinds! Take a look in the mirror over yonder!”

Arc does so at once and is surprised to see his eyes glowing white through the helmet’s faceplate. He touches the front of his helmet to make sure it isn’t solid. Feeling his face he turns to Mythic Honor, confused.

“I can’t see my face past the glowing eyes.”

“Don't worry about it! No one else can either! I thought it would make you look more intimidating! A great, big…hulking ‘Warrior of Light’ as it were! Oh, that reminds me! This armor isn't fully enchanted yet! It could certainly hold a few more! We just weren't sure what you wanted!”

Arc walks around the room to get a feel for his new armor. “Thank you very much! I'll keep that in mind.”

“Oh, don't thank me! You provided the materials, and Ember provided the fire! Dragon's breath was the only thing hot enough to forge this armor!”

“That reminds me. She’s waiting for me on the hill to the south of town.”

Mythic Honor gasps. “...is she now?! Listen Arc! I think this may be part of her Dragon's Code!”

“Dragon's Code? Like rules for life, or something?”

Mythic Honor paces back and forth as he speaks. “Ehm... something like that! She wanted me to explain something to you before you left to see her! Here's the deal! As the daughter of the Dragon Lord, she has to challenge you to a duel, one-on-one to test your worthiness!”

“Worthiness? Worthy of what exactly?”

“I'm not sure! It's a Dragon thing, so of course I wouldn't really understand!”

Arc sighs. “Anything else she wanted you to pass on to me?”

“Just one last thing she wanted me to tell you! And these are her words, not mine. She said…‘don't hold back’. Not quite sure what she meant, but I'm quite sure I don't like where it's going!”

Arc sighs. “Thanks.”

“You're welcome! Well, best not keep Ember waiting! Good luck! Try not to die! Remember, she’s the most powerful warrior among us!”

Arc walks slowly toward the door. “Thanks for the pep talk. Now I'm worried.”

“Oh you'll do fine! Now git!”

As Arc leaves the Town Hall, he sees what appears to be every pony in the Vile Tribe heading to the southern wall. Presumably to spectate.

“Quite the turnout.”

Arc makes his way to the hill. Ember is already there and looking toward the horizon. She is clad in her signature armor and clutches her spear tightly. Grunting, she does not turn around as Arc approaches.

“Took you long enough!”

“Sorry. Mythic Honor had to explain how my new armor worked. That and he filled me in on a bit of what happens here. Mostly about a duel and... ‘don't hold back’. Ember, what is this all about?!”

Ember points a claw toward the Gates of Tartarus. “Look over there, Arc. Freedom is so close, and yet so far away.”

“I don’t understand…”

Ember turns to him in mid-sentence. “You saved my life Arc, and for that I am truly grateful. However, the Dragon's Code is quite clear on such matters. In the event the Dragon Lord, or future Dragon Lord's life is saved by another, they must challenge them to a duel to see if they are worthy.”

Arc frowns. “You mean… a battle to the death?!”

Ember shakes her head. “Don't worry as neither of us needs to die here. However there are a few other things I want to say before we begin.”

She takes a deep breath before continuing.

“When you were first brought to me for combat training, I never thought you’d make it. A day or so with me is typically enough to convince the other stallions around here to go back to their boring and rather safe jobs around the hideout.”

Ember turns to Arc and looks him over.

“But not you, Arc. You took whatever physical abuse I threw at you and learned from it. You took my words on combat and listened intently. And you even took my… insulting tone in stride.”

She is silent for a few moments before continuing.

“I would like to know why.”

Arc sighs. “When I was a little boy my father was in our nation’s military. He told me how soldiers are trained by a drill sergeant. They tear you down physically, mentally, and emotionally. Some guys quit as they just can’t take it.”

“In the case of the other stallions, all of them quit. But not you.”

“Right. You see, I knew that like the military trainers you weren’t doing what you were doing to be mean, hurt me, or whatnot. All you were trying to do was make me into a warrior.”

Ember nods approvingly. “And I did. You’ve come such a long way since the day I first laid eyes on you.”

She chuckles for a moment before continuing.

“This is a new feeling for me. Pride in someone else.”

Arc grins. “You made me what I am, Ember. You should be proud.”

“Well… for the past month a though has been rolling around in my head.”

“What’s that?”

“Who is the greatest warrior?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um… that would obviously be you, Ember.”

“Is it?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”


“Because you have years of experience, strength, tenacity, and also magic.”

Ember sighs as she looks to the horizon again. “I have much less experience than you know.”


“My father… didn’t really want me to learn how to fight.”

Arc frowns. “But I thought you were to become the next Dragon Lord. Isn’t combat readiness kinda important for the position?”

“It is, yes. However if you recall from our first encounter, I wasn’t supposed to participate in ‘The Gauntlet’, much less win. But when I did, it cemented my future as the Dragon Land’s future Dragon Lord.”

“So he sent you out to do what exactly?”

“Motivate me to learn how to deal with others partially. As his daughter, I didn’t have any friends in the Dragon Lands. Everyone there was too scared of my father to even so much as talk to me.”

“He sent you away to develop social skills?”

“That and how to fight.”

“I don’t understand. Why not teach you that himself?”

Ember shrugs. “Yeah, well… not everything he does makes sense to me either.”

Looking around, she sighs before continuing.

“All in all it was probably a good thing I was sent to Tartarus. Nowhere else in all of the world is there a place so rife with violence and battle as the wasteland here.”

Arc nods knowingly. “And you used it to teach yourself how to fight.”


“I thought you’d been fighting for years by how you handle yourself out there.”

Ember shakes her head. “Less than one year actually. Learning is expedited when you don’t just practice, but live it.”

Sighing, Ember looks back to Arc.

“You lived it too these past couple of months. I’m proud to have been your teacher, and prouder yet to call you my friend.”

“Same here which is why I don’t understand why we have to fight.”

Ember raises her Spear of Courage. “Because what must be… must be. Think of this as your final test.”

Arc sighs. “Ember…”

“If you hope to win against me though you had best fight with everything you've got! Come now! Face me and prove yourself worthy!”

Arc looks to her, a bit confused. “I still feel like I'm in the dark here about a great many...”

Without warning, Ember charges at Arc at a speed he was not aware she was capable of. Arc dodges her attack in the nick of time by throwing himself to one side.

“Holy crap!”

The blow intended for Arc hits a large boulder with such force it turns it reduces it to pebbles. Ember whirls around, spear at the ready.

“Come on Arc! Prove your worthiness to me!”

Arc takes up a defensive position. “Ember! I don’t want to hurt you!”

Ember cries out as she lunges at him again. “I don't want to hurt you either Arc, but what must be, must be!”

Arc blocks her attack with his spear and the two trade blows for a few moments. Ember grins as she knocks Arc off balance.

“An opening!”

Ember uses her spear more like a baseball bat and slams Arc through several rocky outcroppings nearby. The powerful demons who daily plot new escape attempts nearby are knocked out of the way by the force of Arc flying through the air. Silence ensues. Ember just stands there looking rather sad even though she has won.

“ I guess… you weren’t the one, Arc.”

Ember turns to walk back to town as the demons peer out from behind the perceived safety of their rocks. Arc suddenly bursts through the rocks below.”


Ember whirls around to see Arc standing there pointing his spear at her.

“The hydra tried that one on me before! It didn't work then, and it won't work now!”

Ember smiles as she readies her own weapon.” So, you have some fight left in you yet!”

Arc and Ember charge headlong at each other, spears leveled. At the last possible moment Arc slides on his back, grabs the end of Ember's spear and pulls down hard, forcing the tip into the ground. Ember’s own momentum launches her into the air only to crash to the ground. She groans as she stands up, dumbfounded.

“What kind of attack was that?!”

Arc chuckles as he returns to a battle ready position. “It's a human idea! Using your opponent's own strength against them! Care to see it again?!”

Ember points her spear at him in challenge. “You just try it!”

The pair charge headlong at each other yet again. This time Ember is ready for Arc's attack and raises her spear at the last second to avoid him grabbing it again. Instead Arc jumps up and over Ember, using his own momentum he grabs the end of Ember's spear and throws her in the opposite direction. Ember gets up slowly and looks around, clearly confused.

“What… just happened?!”

“Another human tactic! Make them think they know what you are going to do next! Then... do something different!”

Enraged, Ember raises the Spear of Courage over her head. Arc watches her nervously.

“Uh oh... I know that trick. I USED that trick!”

Arc slams his spear into the ground and assumes a defensive position. The air is positively crackling with magical energy as Ember drives it into the ground. The rocky outcroppings around them vanish in an instant, along with much of the hill. Silence ensues after the blast as nothing moves. A few moments later the dust begins to clear with Ember still standing, but leaning heavily on her spear for support as she breathes heavily.

“It’s… over…”

A voice from somewhere in front of her rings out. “You’re right. It is over.”

As the dust continues to clear, Arc can be seen where he was before the attack, unmoved. Ember stares at him, wide-eyed.


“Give up yet?”

Ember wordlessly charges Arc yet again. This time though it's more of a slow jog. Arc effortlessly pushes her spear aside and knocks Ember onto her back, kicks her spear out of her claws, puts his boot on her chest-plate and aims his own spear at her face.

“How about now?”

Ember nods. “I… I am beaten. I surrender.”

Arc smiles at her as he helps her up. “Good! I’m really glad that’s over! It is over, isn’t it?”

“Yes... my Dragon's Code is fulfilled, and I deem you worthy.”

“Worthy? Worthy of what?!”

Ember kneels before Arc and holds her spear parallel to the ground in front of him.

“Normally when a dragon's life is saved by another, a life debt is created. However, the Dragon Lord cannot enter into such an agreement due to their place in the dragon hierarchy. It wouldn't do to have the Dragon Lord acting as a servant to another.”

“I guess that makes sense. But... where does that leave us here?”

“Instead, the Dragon Lord must challenge their debtor and ascertain their worthiness, which you have just proven.”

“Um, great... I'm worthy. Of what I am still not sure.”

She looks up at Arc happily. “You are worthy of accepting my spear and... taking me as your mate.”

Arc stares at her wide-eyed. “So... what your saying is... I'm... I'm the new Dragon Lord?!”

“Yes. But only if you take me as your mate.”

“But... shouldn't the Dragon Lord be... you know... a dragon?”

Ember looks up at Arc and smiles. “The Dragon Code does not specify that the Dragon Lord HAS to be a dragon. They must simply be the strongest and most cunning. And that is most certainly you.”

Arc shakes his head in an effort to take everything in. “Ember… I… I like you, and all. Quite a bit actually. But... I can’t take you as... my mate! Or become the Dragon Lord for that matter!”

She looks confused. “Why not?”

Arc looks over at the Gates of Tartarus nearby. “Because I have friends out there that need me in Equestria. WHEN they come here to save me, I have to return to Ponyville. There are still many things I have yet to do. That... and a human’s life is... quite short. At least by dragon's standards. For example, how old is your father?”

“About 30,000 years old.”

Arc nods. “I see. And how much longer do you suppose he has to live?”

Ember shrugs. “Probably another 20,000 years or so. After all, he is still in good health.”

Arc looks her in the eye soberly. “Ember. Humans very seldom live over a hundred years.”

Ember is silent for a time as she processes what Arc has told her.

“I... I... don't know what to do then. I’m too young to be officially married and won't be for several hundred years. But... the Dragon’s Code says...”

Arc walks over to her and kneels down. He puts his hands on her shoulders as she looks up at him.

“I can't marry you Ember, but... I can always use another friend.”

“Um... can I take that as a... long engagement?”

Arc sighs. “Yes, but only to satisfy your Code of the Dragon, and only if you understand I can't actually marry you.”

They stand up together as Ember embraces Arc. She presses her face against his chest plate and closes her eyes.

“Thank you Arc. You've made me the happiest dragon in all existence!”

Arc sighs. “...what have I done...”

The demons nearby peek out of their hiding places. Several of the larger ones charge at them as they turn to the others nearby.

“Quickly! While she is still weakened from battle!”

“Yes! We shall have that vile lizard’s head on a pike!”

Ember turns to defend herself, but finds she can barely stand. Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. As he hands Ember his weapon.

“Hold my spear. I got this.”

Arc lunges at the first demon and punches it in the face. The force of the blow is such that the demon's body hitting the demon behind him is enough to incapacitate both of them. The third demon runs past both his fallen comrades and Arc. He is mere inches from sinking his claws into Ember when he is stopped dead in his tracks by Arc's rough hold on his tail. Arc then slams the demon into the ground several times by his tail after which he throws the demon at the first two making a pile. Arc looks around at the demons cowering before them.

“Anyone else want some?! HUH?! COME ON!”

One of the fallen demons regains consciousness and addresses Arc.

“Who... or what... are you that you wield such incredible power?!”

Arc looks down at him as he removes his helmet. “I am Arc. A human from Earth. Listen to my words, demon, and let every creature who lives in Tartarus know this. The Vile Tribe is under MY protection! Anyone or anything who attacks the town or any of its inhabitants WILL know my wrath! Now go!”

The demon lumbers away. “Y…y…yes sir!”

Ember walks over to Arc and puts her arms around his midsection. “That was very well expressed! After that demon spreads the word you’ll have everything that lives down here shaking in fear!”

She smiles up at him wickedly before continuing.

“If you wanted to, we could probably organize a coup and overthrow King Malevolence. Then you’d be able to rule all of Tartarus!”

Arc shakes his head. “No thanks. I don't want to rule over anyone.”

Ember appears confused. “But… but why not?!”

Arc turns back toward the Vile Tribe hideout as he motions for Ember to follow him.

“I just want to live in peace... with my friends.”

“Then what is our next move?”

“If that demon does as I’ve told him, we’ll have some peace here now.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Do you really think that will work.”

Arc crosses his spear with Ember’s and puts his helmet back on.

“If it doesn’t, we’ll fight to MAKE it work! After all, we don’t have any other choice.”

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